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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1921, p. 4

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I BOWMANVILLE,FEB. i7th., 1921. CANADIAN CLUB. ' ARE WE DOWNHEARTED? NO!1 Bwmanville, will hold' its regular IsWhtth oclHokyit ày meeting in the Parish Hall on Mon- day evening, Feb. 21,st. Ail mem- Mter one of the best seasons Of bers are requested to corne at' 7.30 hockey Bowmianville has ever enjoyed the Junior teamn met its first defeat in as important business is to be dane. ten games when Aura Lee's big husk- At 8 o'clock, Miss A. E. MeKowan ra les won a hard earned victory at the wili give an address on "Bolshevism Cr Toronto Arena Saturday afternoon by in Russia and Siberia". Gentlemen a score of 9-1. are cordially invited ta atend. For the benefit of, the dozen or b more citizens who did flot accompany ez the boys to the city here's what t ook HOMELAND 0F DURHAM. place:_____ The first period opened with a Favorite Sel 1ection as Sung by Toron- IY dizzy pace with end to end rushes to Durham Oid Boys. which were finished abruptiy by the ____ defence. Both teams back checked in good style. Green and white boys Tune-"Tenting To-night on the were holding their own well, especial- Old Camp Ground". th ly Piper, who was more than a pest We are thinking to-night of the old Ti to the opposing team. After Pearce Horneland, th had stopped several hard shots Apple- Join in a song of cheer, gath took the puck down te aide In a heartfelt song for our early and scored on a knee-high drive. Mc- homes, Murtry attacked well and with Avery And the friends we loved s0 dear. th and Piper caused the city guys mast S worry. Tirne and again Bowman- chorus ville broke up well-meant rushes by ehecking back like whiriwinds. Dew- Hlappy are our hearts as we're stand- ard got the second goal by drawing ing to-night, ci out the defence leavig a clear shot. Clasping each a friendly hand, A nice piece of combination by Dens- Longingly we turn with feelings of a more and Phillips made it three for delight t Aura Lee when the period ended. To Durham clour old Homeland. Densem opened the next period by Singing to-night, singinig to-night, making a rush which the burly de- Singing of the old Homeland. fence stoppeci, Bowmanville played th well and had some good chances but We are dreaming to-night 'of the r were forced to shoot at long range old Homeland, Y whieh was easy picking for Moore, Full of our childish joys; c who is some goalie. McMurtry and 0f the days at ichool, and the garnes th -Avery pulled off a play which looked wve played good for a goal but Moore deflected With the rnerry girls and boys. the shot with hus foot. Another rush W r tflt-ngtfrteodec with Densem. Avery and Crossey was WeHomgaeul -n e frth also turned aside. Applegath scored a Wodland nd-e_ , nehsi long shot which caught Pearce napp- A dlad h fed ndbl in ad ad i to efret he inter- Andthe rippling treams, and the th val. Kelly drew the visitors only . sweet wild flowers, a penalty for chopping. Avenue Road How they live in niemory still Icc boys were setting a terrific pace but Io__________________ the faster they went the dloser the ni visitors checked. 2 icktsfor tÉia gane. In the final round Bowmanville bornbarded Moore with shots wbicb the defence tried ta stop by falling in front of the goal as well as tripping which brought theni two penalties. Densem took the puck frai bebind his own goal passed tbe entire team and sbat a bard one whicb Moore stop- ped but Crossey converted the re- bound into a neat goal for Bowman- vilie's only counter. For the. next 10 minutes Reg. Joues' crew made Aura Lee lads hustie in every depart- mient though they couldn't get a goal. After this the city teani piled up four goals befome the game ended. Notes on the TTip Ai l cty papers gave the gaie and players a good write-up. Many former residents of Bowrnan- ville now living in Toronto were at the game. Between perioda it was 1k. an 0M1 Boys' Re-union. The thanka of the -Club are due W. A. Hewitt, Sec'y. O.H.A., for secur- ing 15, tickets for Granite-Varsity gaie. Scalpera were asking $15 for Mayor T. L. Chnrch was arnong- the apectators and before the gaie h. bonored the Bowmanville quart- ers with a caîl and was introduced ta the players by Gea. W. James. SNo apologies are necessary for the game figbt made by the. Bowmanville teai as they made a better ahowing than the score would indicate. Handi- capped in weigbt and not faîlliar with big artificial ice surface was too mucb for theni. Great praise was given the boys by the management camîittee for the way tbey conducted theniselvea an and off'the ice. Dr. Devitt bas baud- led a good many teama lu bis day and he banda it ta these lads for their gentlemanly behavior. There is one thing the, O. H. A. might explain: Why is Mr. Brown, coachi of Aura Le. teani, permitted ta referee junior games in wbich bis teain must meet the winners later ? W. understood Mr. Brown boasta of doing this ta get a line on the tawn teama. Bowmanvîlle bas no kick, but is sncb tactica playing the gaie. faim ? STOP!1 DONVT BUY GR OCERIES Until you have had an opportunity of compar- ing our prices. Our regular prices meet favorabiy with others: Pure Maple S yrup, qt ...............................85c Raisins, ail kinds, lb ..........................32c Easiflrst, per lb ..................................1.....23e Lard in buik, lb .................................... 27c 20 lb. pails Lard ................................*$4.95 Corn Stareli, 2 pkgs. for ...........................25e Silver Gloss Starch, pkge. ..............* *»"****14e Castile Soap,,. large bar ................**"***'**28e Baby's Own Soap, 3 cakes .................38c OTHER GOODS EQUALLY AS CHEAP MILES KNOWLES Grocer Phone 36 Bowmanville 1 Prices Drop Again Pork and Beans 8 cans for ...............$1.00 Pork and Beans 12 cans for .............. $100 Aylmer Corn, Peas or Tomatoes,.......6 for $1'400 Breakfast Bacon,' by piece ....................50e Pickled Pîcrnc Hams, lb ...........................28é Lard, 1 lb. prints,... ..,......................... 27e 3 lb., Paîls Lard ...«........................80e 10 lb. Pails Lard,.........................2.......$2.40 20,lb. Pails Lard .................................$4.95 Easifirst, 1 lb. print...**"'................"*'»***23e 3 lb. pail'Easifirst .. **«* ...................... *..... 65e 10 lb. pail Easifirst ....................l.....$2.-15 IT ALWAYS PAYS TO DEAL WITH G. A. Ed mondistone One door east of F. F. Morris C0. Phone 21 Bowmanville OBSERVATIONS and OPINIONS Follo'wing the line of least resist- ance la what makes rivers and men crooked. In spite of laws and leviez, the bootleggers rernain untaxed, unhind- ered, and unhung. The only way to find succeas quick- ly without workiýng for it, in ta look it up in the dictîonary. The people who try to build up their own, town by buying goode in [oronto Will neyer makie a sueceu of the building trade. It m.ay be alright to preach back to, the land doctrine, but if everybody ah ould go back to the land who would nake autos for the farmers? When we look into the long avsenue of the future and see the good there is for each one of us to do, w. realize after aIl what a beautiful thing Ît is to work and live and b. happy. If you cannot or will flot do any- bing to aid in the government or mianagemnent of the town's affairs, 'ou may at leat keep out of the way of men who are more publi'c-spirited than youraelf. "Ease begets sloth", writes a noted economift, who continues: "Hard tim- es beget energy and intelligent exer- tion." Prosperity begets eaae. It is, theref ore, flot worth while to 'worry about "bard tinies." If they should orne tbey beget energy and inelli- look at it. Neceasity is as rnuch the gent exertion!1 Not a bad way ta riother of invention today as she was when the pre-human elirnbed down out of the trees and began rustling for food on the plains. The Orillia Packet is always looked upan as the essence of exactness "but iwandered intq the wrong pew when isaid: "Mayor Allan, of Bowman- ville, is spoken of as a most versatile man., On Sunday he preached in Lwo south Normanby churches, on f onday he slffciated at thé Council meeting, and during the rest of the week be taught school." Bowrnan- ville's Chief Magistrate ia H. L. Quinn and he happens to, be Just as versatile a nman as Mayor Allan of norne other place. Have you met the SUCCEÈSS farilJ ? Stick by, and y ou shall be introdueed. London Opinion tells about it: The father of -Succes!ç Work. The mother of Suiccess is Ambition. The oldeat son la Common Sense. Some of the other boys are: Per- everance, Honesty, Thoroness, Fore- sight, Enthusiasm, Co-operation. The oldest daughter is Character. Some of the sisters are: Cheerful- nesa, Loyalty, Courtesy, Gare, Econ- omy, Sincerity, Harmony. The baby is Opportunity. Get acquainted with the, "old man" and you will be able ta get along pretty well with ail the rest of the. family. ot fo ul it il vi in t. in vÇý fa in al se si ni c1 ai Pl fg In the. aid days, when the. Roman rulers had nothing else ta worry about, they did somethlng ta thical endar. Febmnary, it appears, wasaa victîm. Originally this perfectly good month had 30 days lu leap year and 29 lu ather yeams. February is frai the Latin, rneaning 1"ta purify." It was the custoni of the. Romans ta celebrate the festival of purification lu Febmuary. Junlus Cosar narned July in bis own honor,-he saw ta it there were 31 days lu it. , Then along carne Augustus, and a rnonth was named for hbu, also. But 4ugust had only 80 days. Sa Augustus look- ed araund and picked on February, wbicb bad no one particuiamly ta defend it. H. juat took a day off February and added it ta bis own pet montb. That'a whyý Febmuamy or-~ dinarily bas but 28 days, -and why Auguat bas 31, lu keeping witb the dignity of its imperlous naniesake. Speaking of the kitchen marathon did you know that statistics show that the average bousewife walka 2 miles a day while preparing meula for hiem faîuly ? Twa miles over the. stave-sink-pantry-table route ! 5h. walks 14 miles a week, 728 miles a year. Add ta that the. miles she trav- es 1,:7eeping, dusting, answering door bela he telephone, and'tii. other few thousand of iiouseiiold duties and an, estirnates tiiat ah. crasses tiie contin- ent each year withont crossing hier thmeshold. The answer la, of course, step-saving. Non-nsed rooms, kit- chens too large, or poorly armanged, wlll have ta go. Tii. efficient house- wife will cut ont unnecessary steps. This will nat be done so much ta avoid walking two, or even five miles a day, for health experts insist that five miles a day spellîs-bealtii. mhe hike, tho, abould be outdooms, not in tiie kitchen. That'a tii, new idea; fewer steps indoors; more outside. BAND AT 'RINK TUESDAYS THURSDAYS and TAYLOR'S RINK BOWIMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES.. The hockey teani were in Oshawa an Friday nlight, playing the return garne with the Higli School tearn of that town. Score 9-11 in favor of the home team. Principal W. J. Ireland, B. A., of Whitby E{igh School, accompanied by a contingent of students was preseat on Wednesday for the debate: "e solvedl that the cost of high living and nÊot the high coat of living la what makea the cost of living so high". Miss Annis and Melvin Kenny represented Whitby High School and upheld the negative in a manner that was creditable ta them selves and t.heir school. Hawever, Miss Edythe Clemens and Percival Muirhead for the affirmative convin- cýed the judges "Ithat the coat af living is high because of bigh living". The judges were Rev. Captain John Gar- butt, B. A., Oshawa, Rev. E. Turking- ton, B. A., Whitby, nad Rev. S. C. Moare, B. A., B. D., Bowmanville. The final debate will be in Oshawa. In the third lecture of the series "Nineteenth Century Literature", Dr. Horning rnaintained his reputaion as a literary critiè, and as an interpreter of great writers. ýHe began withi ta discussion of the novels of Char-ý lotte Bronte, recarnrnendýing ae Eyre and Shirley as twaofo her h)est 0 f George Eliot's books, Adamn Bede, The Miil on the Fiosa, Sulas Marner, Roniola and Middlemarch were con- sidered worthy of careful, reading. George Eliot was declared ta be on. of England's greatest novelista. Charles Kingsley was a reformer and bis attitude of mind was shown in Hypatia and Westward Ho., whule iu Water Babies be produced a delight- fuI children's story. Robert Louis Stevenson was said ta be one of the greateat of the. writers of bis day. He wrote witb boyisb love in boyisb stories althougb he was usually ini, poor bealtb. Rudyard Kipling, the great lm- perialist, bas written xnuch but his early books are bis best, sucb as Kimn, Widow of Windsor, The Jungle Book, Puck of Pook's Hill.1 Some of the.Writers made famous by one, great book are-Charles Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth; Mrs, Glaspeli, Cranford; Blackmore, Lamna Doone. The subject for Feb. 25th., will be "Twenty or thirty of the worth-while writers of the present day."1 Stinson's homne treatment for epllepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No case should be consld- ,ered hopeless. Free bookiet. Win. Stin- son Remedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yongre iStreet, Toronto, Ontario. MERCHANTS CASUALTY COMPANY. Spectaliats ln Meaith and Acciaent Insurance. Polieles liberal and unrestrlcted. ,Over $1,000,000 paid In fosse. Exceptional opportunities for local agente. 904 Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto, Ont. 6-50 BE AN EXPERT In Autos and Tractars. We want 200 mors e ni mnedlately to MlI positions ln early Spr1ng, at $126 te ý$200 monthly, operatlng gas tractoru, drivýing motor trucks and cars, selllng tractors, cars and farm power machinery, or as auto tractor mechanics ln city and country garages. Only few weeks requir- ed learn these trades at day or evening classes at 1emphill Government Chart. ered Mater Schools ln every large city. of Canada. Start now and you will be ready for Spring rush. Send for cata- logue. IHemphill Motor Scheele, 163 King-st., West, Toranto, Ont., Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary and Van- couver. 65 Not Too Early It looks like an early Spring so start to plan now for that 'flow er garden which gives you so mueh pleasure and joy during months. the summer ,We not only 'seil plants, flowers, shrubs, etc., but we, are always pleased to advise' you on subjeets pertaining to horticulture. WE HAVE FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS S. J. JACKMAN & SONS_ Phone 80 EDUCATIONAL MEETING . Darlington Educational Aàocia- tion will meet in Hampton Hall, on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd., at 8 p. m., tai discuse township achool boards. F. J. GROAT, R. J. McKESSOCK, Preaident. Secretary. CLERK AND TREASURER. Applications wili be received up to Monday, Feb. 21, 1921, for' combined positions of Clerk and Treasurer of the rnunicipality of the Town of Bow- manville. Appiy stating references and experiencle ta ma1.yor H. L. Quinn, 7-1 Bowmanville. CARETAKER 0F CEMETERY. Applications will be received up ta Monday, February 21, 1921-, for posi- tion of Caretaker of Bowmanville Cemetery. Apply stating refer- ences and experience ta William Merritt, Chairman of Cenietery Coni- niittee, BawrnanvIlle. AUCTLON'$ALE 0F WATCHES AND ALARM CLOCKS There will be sold Yry L. A. W. Tale, Esq., Auctioneer, at the Office of 1m. G. V. Gould, B arrister, Bow- manville, on Thursday, February 24, at 2 p. mi., a number of second-hand watches and alarm dlocks, the proper- ty of the Estate of lat. T. N. Rick- ard. These wiil be sold without re- serve, ternis cash. Inspection be- fore sale rnay be made at the Office of M. G. V. Gould.' Dated at Bowmanville tuis i4th day of February, 1921. 'î M. G. V. GOULD, Solicitor foýr Noell 'Gl, Administrator of the Estjate of Thornas N. Rickard. 7-1 deceased NEW GARAGE AND SHOW ROOMS MOFFAT MOTOR SALES LIMITED, OSHAWA. Tue opening of thia fine garag, in Tii. Oldsmobile Eigiit' has already Osba4 la of mare than passing gained considerable fuvor and there interest ta the. residents of Duniam in every prospect that the. demand for Cannty as Mr. Win. J. Chala, Man- the. new Four wiil be very heavy. vers Rond, Bowianvilleý the live-. Wex understand that the. Oldamobile ýwire automobile' saleaman, bas been factomy la now showing increaded uppointed local ýepresen1ýativg for activity, particulariy lu regard-ta the. the. Moffat Motor Sales Limited. productionof the. new four cylinder In an eliborate write-up of tua damr, and that deliveries are alreudy fine new garage we clip tuis para- thirty days bebind production. The, agrapii: The Moffat Motor Sales, Sanison line, whicii includes Tmuekas, Limited, la one of the. town's newer Tractors and Farmn Implements, ha motor coîpanles, having been estab- also a great future before it, as Osh- lisbed Iu November, 1919. The. awa la situated ln the. heurt of one tbree enterprising afficers of the. Coi- of the. beat farming districts in the, pany are Mr. A. Mofi'at, General Province. The Moffat Sales, Ltd., Manager, in charge of sales; Mr. R. have certainly displuyed unbounded Corbett, lu charge of Service and faitb in the auto industry and Osh- Repaira and Mm. Ewart McLaughinaatoivs i h qaiyofbid Secretary-Treasnrer. They have the w aiva nth ult fbid sales agency of two prominent com îng and equlpient that they bave put punies lu the Automobile industry. up at this particular tume. PHONE 83 McMurtry & Co., PHONE 83' We have finished Jnventory and find we have hundreds of short ends of piece goods-odd. Suits for men-odd pieces of under- wear-Ladies' Waists, Shoes, RibbOns, Dress Goods, Silks, Furs, Etc., Etc. We are going to place ail odd lots on sale at about hafprice so it will pay you to corne early as many limes will be sold out and cannot be replaeed at the price. ODD SILK HOSIERY Colors, Black, Sand, Pearl Grey, Royal Blue, $1.50 quality for 95c pr ODD RIBBONS Silk or 'Sal'tin, 6, inch, suitable for hair bows etc., value to 85c for 59c yd ODD WAISTS Taffeta Silký, Voiles, Repps, etc., values 'to $4.50 for $1.39 ODD SWEATERS Men's, Women's and children 's, big range to choose from, your choice at THIRD LESS Bowmanvillel1 ODD COMFORTERS Goodyear Athletic -Asso 'n5 Dan ce Wing foot Hall on FRIDA'Y EVýENING, FEB. l8th. GOOID ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome Admission 35o~ each, $4.50 value for $3.29 $5,00 value for,$3,69 $6.50 value for $4.69 ODD OVERCOATS Men's and Boys'. 32 only, ail good styles and qualities,1 take your choice at, exactly 12Price New S.amples For 2Oth Century Brand Fine Tailored Garments for men Have Arrived Get first choice of these fine' fabries-the,.best we have shown for several seasons. Nvew Styles Reducl'd.Prices We guarantee completesat-I isfaeton in every particular. 2Oth Century Brand, The clothes with a national reputati on for style and sat- isf action. ODD UNDERSHIRTS Black or Royal Blue Moira, sÉlendid value at $1,00 for 59C ODD FURS Grey Lamb, Coney, Mink Marmot, Astra- chan, Hudson Seal, etc., your choice at "/ Price WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S ODD RAINCOATS 28 only, Tweed effects Parametta, etc., good styles, ail sizes in the lot Your choice Third Les& ODD SUITS For men and boys,, materials, serges and tweed mixtures, etc., values to $16.50 to clear at 1$9.50 ODD PANTS For Men and'Boys, big range to choose froin, aIl sizes in the lot, your' choice at 'Third Leus ODD UNDERWEAR Such makers as Stan- field's, Penmans, Mon- bro, Eureka-fleece lined, wool and'union mixture, your choice at exactlM ..Xhird Ls PhMne McMURTY & CO phle83 Bowmanville

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