Generous Renducti*ons In Groceries Our announcement last week that we had taken over the grocery business of Cawker & ilooper and the special reductions in price of groceries brought forth a rush to our store f ar beyond our expectations, and we take this opportunity of thanking the citizens of town and country for their patronage. It will be our desire and aim to give, you the best, possible values at ail times combined with a, service un- excelled. MORE GROCERY BARGAINS Some special lines offered last week were entirely eleaned out, but here 'e some more just as good values: Pure Aylmer Raspberry Jam, 4 lb tin...............$1.10 Pure Aylmer StrawberryJam, 4 lb tin............ $1...1 New Bulk Dates, very choice, lb ........................... Seedless Raisins, large p kg ...............................30c Seeded Raisins, large pkg ....... ........................ 30c Pure- Maple Syrup, qt...................................... 75c Good cooking Rice, 3 lbs................................... 25c' Pi nk Salmon, 1 lb tin ................................. . .19e Home-Made Shortening, lb ...............................15C Easifirst, per lb ............................................. 22c Pure Lard, per lb...1......................................... 25c NOTE TO THE FARMERS NOW that we have the grocery business we will re- quire at least twice as much f arm produce and will pay attractive cash prices for any quantity of choice butter, fresh eggs and good poultry. C. M. CAWKER & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE r~f Evening Shoes In Pleasing Variety For the afternoon tee, the social evening, or the f ormal dance, pretty dress shce add immeasux ably te the costume., Our stock embraces the newest and the most attractive styles in these lines of f ootwear and our prices are reas onable. We invite your inspection. Remember ail oui shees are marked down te present day values. Phone 12 F. R. Foley Ou The Sunnyside Bowmanville. Lighting the Pathway of iluman Life, LJFE'S shadows'lengtben. Twilight is at hand and man's senses falter. Nature, calling for help, must be beeded, or happiness is threat- ened. Particularly true is this of the sense of sight, most important of ail to burnan comfort. When eyes grow dim, optical science must corne to their rescUe. Supplernentary lenses, expertly ground of glass and skiilfully applied,,must re-enfokce those provided by Nature,. Again, to eyes proven f aulty at the morning or midday of if e, this co-operation of optics is even more vital. Many a ýdefective child has been placed on an equal footing with his school fellows by-a right application of glasses, bas been given the opportunities and, pleasurable sensations which hf e owes him, Many a workmnan bas been, transformed from inefficient to efficient. The immediate- responsibility for this service rests with the Scientiflcally trained and well edu- cated Optometrist. The conscientious care and expert service given by our Registered, Optome- trist, Mr. R. M. Mitchell, have built for himi and are steadily increasing, a-splendid practise of thI wor- tby profession. A White and Sanitary Optical Rooni well equip- ped with the most modern instruments and con- stant study and research enable Mr. Mitchell to render to bis clients Optical Assistance appreciat- ed throughout the entire comimunity. Meke An Appointmnt TO-DAY. R. M. M" itchell & COO Druggists and Optometrists Bowmanvîlle III B'OWMANVILLE,FEB. 17th., 1921. Mis. T. Jarvis is visiting ber sister, ________________________Mrs. F. H. Bounsal. Mr. Geo. Sherin, Toronto, visited LOCAL AND OTHERWIISE his mother on Sunday. Miss Gladys Dunn, Toronto, lias Mr. Chas. W. Grant, Toronto, is, been visiting friends here., visiting at Mr. T. C. Jewell's. >ý Mr. John Elliott, B. A., spent the Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, Oshawa, week-end with his family in London. spent Sunday at Mr. W. B. Pinch's. Oshawa billiard licenses are $50. Mrs. H. M. Farrow, Toronto, is f or one and $25 for every additional visiting her brother Mr. B. C. Fenneli, table. Miss Carrne Lathrop has been visi- Major W. C. King, P. M., spent ting friends in Coîborne and Castie- the week-end with his daughters in ton., Toronto. 11 Mis. Thos. Tod hns been visiting Mrs. J. F. Goyne, Oshawa., spent her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Wright, the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hamilton. E. Williams. Miss Olga1 Tod, Toronto, recently J. E. Schiller formnerly governor of visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitby Gaol, died in Toronto On Thos. Tod. February 9th. Mr. and Mýrs. Kenneth Purdy and Fred Kushner, foreigner, Oshawa, son, Port Hope, visited at Mr. Geo. must stand trial on a charge of mur- e. Purdy's. dering bis wif e.1> Mrs. Ellen Morrison, Egbert, Ont., 1Every ladies' cloth coat must be is visitihg her son, Mr. W. J. Mor- cleared-prices cut in haîf. Coucli, rison, B. A., Jolinston, & Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. C. J., Rundle are Mayor Harper of Whîtby, lias been guests of Mr., and' Mrs. Lewis Hare forced to take a f ew days rest owing of Toronto. to a broken tendon in bis Ieft Ieg. Miss Jennie Merchant of Ontario 'Harry Jose and Erie Pearce, New- Ladies' College,. Whitby, spent Sun- castie, are attending the two weeku' day at home. short course at Toronto University. Mr. and Mrs,A. W. Pickard spent - People wonder how I am able to the week-end with ber brother, Mr. seil goods at sucli low pricea. Read S. J. Beacock, Toronto. my advt. A. E. Jennings, Hampton. Rink Rats defeated Jackman's Pets .Mis. E. W. Rundie and daughters of Metbodist Sunday Scbool Monday Doris and Wilma, Oshawa, spent the night at Taylor's Rink by 6-1. week-end witb ber parents,,Mr. and MisDE.Amuilbokws Mis J.T .rag. in town this week visiting Mis. Wm. Rev. W. E. Milîson, Toronto, W"'illnd te ldfins assist Rev. J. S. 1. WMison, Cobour~g, Bokadohrodfins with evangeîistic services last two In the future Mrs., Fred R. Foley weeks in Mardi. will receive on the first Thursday Mi. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley and isedo h hr ody son George, Orono, have îeturned Mis. Wm. Trewin was called to from a pleasant visit with Rev. R. A. Toronto on Monday owing to tbe Delve, Smithfield. death of lier brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Hay lias reaclied a record price i lfl Tatsledd ail ounlTe Cobourg district, selling for $80 a htslnifalyjuaTe ton at the farmers' bains, and from Newmarket Era, publîshed by Mr. L. $32 to $35 on the market. G. Jackson, lias entered upon its six- Mrs. W. Smithi and daughteu of ty-seventh year. Toronto, and Mrs. Cecil Cole have Rev. S. C. Moore addresses the been visiting their cousin, Mrs. C. A. YOung People's Bible Class at King- Smith, Carlisle Ave., for the week. st., Methodist Church, Oshawa, this Boys' Conference will meet in Co- (Thursday) evening. bourg next year. Over 500 metl They say I can't stày in business in Trenton recently from Oshiawa to and seli at these low prices. Well, Napanee and more are expected next you buy at my store and see. A. E. year. Jennings, Hampton. >Mr. R. H. James, a former excel- Women's Institute will meet at lent Mayor of Oshawa, lias been ap- Mis. R. Dumas' on Friday, Feb. 25- pointed assessor and tax-collector Valentine, program. Reserve the giving aIl his time, salary $1800 per date and be present. annum. Mrs. W. W. Horsey, Oshawa, is The regular meeting of the Wom- here helping to wait on herfather, en's Canadian Club wîll be held in Mr. Richard Allen who is very low the Parish Hall on Monday, Feb. 21,'at time of going to press. at 8 p.m.- Miss MçKowan will give A very enjoyable Valentine Dance an'address "Bo lslievism." was held at the Bungalow, Monday Mi. A. E. Cliristian lias been ap- niglit when a number were also pointed Solicitor for the town, of present from out of town. Whitby succeeding Col. Farewrell wlio Henry Reid, aged 24 years was resigns àfter serving the town for 45 sent to gaol at Cobourg to serve six years in a like capacity. months by Police Magistrate Horsey Constable Andrews of Toronto lias on a charge of bouse breaking, ut been appointed Special. Provincial the borne of Mr. T. C. Bragg, King- Officer for tlie united counties of Nor- ston Rond, East. tliumberland and Durliam, and bas Whule Rev. S. W., Dean was telling assumed bis new duties at Cobourg. Sunday morning o f the beauties of The Victoria Hereford Breeders' the gospel for making this world riglit Association sale lield at Lindsay re- and bright, a pretty yellow b.utterfly cently realized $5,265. Mr. T. S. was flitting in the sunlight of a south Mountjoy, Haydon, purchased Lady window of the Methodist church. Red Deer £rom Mr. W. M. Tliurston A Masquerade Dance will be held of Dunsford for $100. in' the Bungalow on Tuesday, Feb. Mi. Levi Skinner, Tyrone, attended 22nd.- Prizes will be given for the the Sheep Breeders' Association an- best masked;' lady and gentleman. nual meeting in Toronto and reports Tliose not in costume not allowed the outlook in the sheep industuy véry on the floor until after 9.30 p. m. promising. Americans still want Admission 50c encli. War tax extra. Canadian sheep. Refresliments extra. Everyýbody Southi Osliawa post office is closed welcome. for keeps, says the P. O. Dept. Can't Messrs. Wm. Trewin and S. J. keep, up two post offices in a town Jackman weîe -delegates last week to witli postal delivery. Aien't oui the fifteenth Aunual Convention of western neiglibors rather peculiaily the Ontario Horticultural Association bard to satisf y? held' at Hart House, University Oshawa Council bas petitioned Grounds, Toronto, and report the Government to cor4truct the propos- largest, attendance in the As- ed provincial highway from Whitby sociation's history. to Brooklin, Manchiester, Port Peiry, Ms .Soei eefo h Seagrave to Lindsay and not to Stats, ona.vStneitl er mother Mis. Blacwatr an Sudeîlnd. . .John Allin,-who somemonths ago Mi. W. A. Dryden, Bro oklin, 15 met with an accident, fîactuîing lier again Piesident of Canadian Sheep thigli. Despite the fact that Mis. Breeders' Association. He spoke of Allia is over 85 years of age she lias importance of slieep on Canadlan1 reasonably good health except for her faims. Englisl farmers couldn't injury.-Whitby Gazette. carry on witliout some sheep. Mi. John Hîslop, Whitby,' is in We congratulate two former Bow- Oshawa Hospital, wheîe lie under- manville students-Miss Helen Gar- went an operation wheîeby bis riglit butt, daugliter of.Rev. John Garbutt hand was am ,putated above the wiist, of Oshawa, on winuhiig second hon- owing to a dîseased bone. He is ors in the keen oratoical contest of progressing favorably. He iS Young- the Liteîaîy Society of Oshawa Higli er brother of Mr. William H School, ber subject being "The Best Bowmanville. HisOP' Vacation", and tlie leader of school GenralJoh Huhes Ornobasorchestra, Mi. Percy Mercer, whîcli sold a bisoeidneHouM.ghs . ow anmade its debut lu public the same anld illshouly mve to VanTouverwà eveaing, furnishiag music for the oc- B.nC. wheeh ill y m ake bisVaomver, cason The jides on orntcIy were Ï;eidîig -ly -M-1ss-S 1 emion, - the is ole ob ygreat war-. Miss E. Painton and duet by Mu@. Pickard and Miss Painton. The SINGINO AND VOICE PRO DUCTION. deeply devotional character cf each cf these, accentuated by the sympa-, MR8. J. B. NEAL.E,A.K.C., B. A., <Mena) thetie renderlng cf oach, touched in Pupil, .fSIr Chai-,.,,SantI.y, thevworId', maîed egee he lur feligsgréatest Earton, and Madame Amy cf the audience. The accomnpani- a Iimited number cf pupls at her studio. ments were executed in a pleaulng "Bernevai" Bowmànvlle. Telephone 185 S8tudents prepaued for ail examinatlona mnanner by Miss, e an andMu mife the Toonto Conservatory of Munie. Marlon Pickard. 1-tf BIRTHS PARKER-In Bowmanviile, Fýeb. llth., to Mr. anti Mrs.. Lionel A. Parker, a son. REI D-In Eowmanville Hospital, Jan. 30th., to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reidi, Tor- onto, a daughter. WIGHT-At Bowmanville Hospital, on Feb. llth., to Mr. andi Mrs. Fred J. Wight, Darlington, a daughter-Dorothy Louise. S HEA RE R-Ta Bowmanville Hospital, Feb. l2th., to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Shearer, Toronto, a daugbter, (still born). MARRIAGES M cTILTON-HOSKINS-In Oshawa on Feb. ltb., by Rev. C. R. de Pencier, Chrlotte MeTilton, fourth tiaughter of Mr.ý anti Mrs. Hugb MeTilton, Belfast, Irelanti, and Mr. Alex. Hoskins. Keatial, Ont. NEALS-ARNOT-At Bethany, Feb. 12, by Rev. J. S. MeMullen, Cannifton, as- sisteti by>Rev. J. B. Beckel, Jessie M., oaly daughter ofy )Mrs. Letitia 'Arnot, Lindsay, anti Carence HL, second'son of Mr. anti Mrs. James Neals, Lifford, DEATHS ARMSTRONG-In Oshawa, Feb. llth., Frank 1 Armstrong. BURGESS-In Oshawa, Feb. i2th., Jos- eph Thomas Burgess. PO LLARD-la Dalington, Feb. llth., William E. Pollard, ageti 73 years. RICHARDSON-At Pickering, Feb. 10, Joshua N. Richardison, in his 87th year. HOLMAN-At Prince Abert, Feb. il, James Gershom Holman, In his 71st year. Interret inl Baptist Burying Grounti, East Whitby. H EN RY-At Colorado Springs, Colo., Feb. 15, Glenn A. Henry, beloveti husbaad of Maiy Muaro. Interment at Oshawa on Saturday. KINSMAN-la Oshawa Hospital, Feb. 14th., Mianie Kennedy, beloveti wif e of T. G. Kinsman, Kinigston Roati, Darliing- ton, ageti 40 years. DUMBLE-At 90 P'ark Roati, Torento, Feb. 10, Sarah Geoigina, widow of the late John Henry Dumble of Cobourg, ln ber 87th year. Born at Bath, Eng- landi. GLOVER-On Moatiay, Feb. 141h., at bis late resideace, 19 Borden-st., Toronto, Wm. Glover, ia bis 701h year, beloveti bushanti of Henietta Robinson, sister of Mrs. William Trewin, Bowmaaville. IN MEMORIAM. la loving memory of Cordelia E. Burn- bam, who passed away February 17th., 1920, of paeumeaia, ai Toronto. "She was; a truc wif e, a loving mother anti a faithful frienti". Satily misseti by ber only tiaugbter, Mary B. Jeffery. Ia loviag memory of Wellington Wil- son, beloveti busbapti of Florence Ethel Walmskey Wilson, wbo tiieti Feb. 18tb., 1920, at 543 Keele-st., Toronto, ageti 34 years. This day brings back to memory A loveti one laid to rest,' And those wbo think of hlm to-day, Are those wbo lovet iri best. Those bis loviaig voice is silent, Anti bistrue beart ceased bo beat, We miss bis well-kinown. footstep, Anti the smile we usedti 1 greet. FARM FOREMAN WAN.TED We wish to bine a foreman to start work on March 1sf. Must be marrip'1, willing te boardi a man, experienceti witb sbeep anti general farming, capable of taking charge of aI outsitie work. Please state age. Apply to R. Ray McLaugh. lin, "Elmcroft Stock Farm, R. R. 1, Oshawa. 7-1 HELP WANTED WANTED POSITI ON-A practicai far- mer, marrieti man, no, famiiy, woulti live by tbe yean with a gooti farmen, dwelling anti other pnivileges supplieti. Apply by letter to Box 22, Eowmanville, Ont.' 5-tf WANTED-By refineti mititle-ageti bousekeeper, a position la a family wîtb- out chiltiren, Won't go to tbe country. Have the best of refereaces. Apply box 58,. Orono. 5-3w ARTICLES FOR SALÉ JERSEY CREAMV FOR SALE-Williamý Merritt, King-st., East. Phone 110. 8-tf. FOR SALE-Seeti Oats, price Sic per hushel.> L. T. Pascoe, Hampton, R. R. 1, phone 167 r 4 7-1 F0OR SA LE-Rosewooti Piano. Table 7 ft. x 31/2fI., likenew. Appy to Thos. Tabb, Elgin-st., North, Bowmanville. i-If FOR SALE-A limiteti quantlty of mangoltis and, Iurnips. Also 160-\egg incubalor anti banti vacuum cleaner. Ap- ply to M. J. Elliett, Concession-st., EB., Bowmaaville, phone 95-12. 7-2* FOR SALE-Bred-to-Lay Wbite Wyan- dottes,, Kifler & Martin Sîrain, heavy laying strain, cockerets at $3.00 te $5.00 eacb.. Eggs $1.50 for 15. Fred Neads, Nelson-st., Bowmanville, -box 343. 7-2 HOU-SE FOR RENT-Two stc'rey brick bouse on Horsey st. Possession about Mardi lSth. Apply te Hl. B. Creeper, Bowmanville, Ont. 6-tf. PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM FOR SALÊ-70 acres more or less, lot -31, con. 1, Darlington. Gooti buildings., For particulans apply te Blake Oke, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 52-tf. GOOD BRICK HOUSE-In Bowman- ville, contalnlng 7 roome, electrie llghte, with 8/, acne of landi, mone on less, stable, go,,ti weil, andi fruit trees. Âpply to W. 1-. Halfacre. Bowmanville, R. R. 6, Phone 195-12. 5-tf. AUTO LIC ENSES SOLD 'IN BOWMANVILLE. I wisli te inferm auto owners that 1 have been appointed representative for the sale, cf gevernment auto licenses for Bowmanville and vicia,- ity for 1921. Neo need for sending eut cf town fer your licenses ncw. W. J. BAGNELL, Phone 152 Bowmanvulle. A CHEERY PLACE The weary 'world's a cbeery place For these wltli heuts te win it, TbankGed, there's net a human face 'But lias somne laughter la it. The seul that cornes with henest mirth, Thougli healti and fortune vary, Brings back the cbildhood cf tlw earth And keeps it seund and meury. A busy bonny, kindly place Is this old world cf ours For those who work and love apace And filîs their hands with flowers. To kind and just and grateful, hearts The preseat grace is given, Te flnd a heaven in themnelves r And for others make a heaven. IThe Shop That Leads WeII Knlownf Fact People have given up to, habit of "looking around" for goods which they know we carry in stock. T4e3ý now corne DIRECT TO THUR- STON'S for they have found by past experience that we serve them best. OUR BUSINESS IS FURS AND HABERDASHERY. G. N. THURSTON Bowmanville;s Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur ýShop. Tbe Old Relicible Grocer With the various changes in present market conditions the welf are -of our customers is upper- most in our mnd. Our long experience in the grocery business, places us in a position to buy to advantage and seil at the lowest possible prices. WE SELL HOME-MADE BREAD AND BUNS MADE RIGHT IN. BOWMANVILLE3 ARCHIE TAIT PHOINE 65. Prompt Deliveny. Buwmaaville. Clearance Sale, 15 DAYS ONLY 15 DAYS WHITE SATIN QUILTS Reg. Reg. Reg. $3.00 ...... sale puice $2.15 $350 ....... sale puce $2,50 $4.95 ...... sale price $3.60 BEST QUALITY FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Reg. $3.50 ...... sale price $1,98 Reg. $4.00 ...... sale puice $2,98 Reg. $5,00 ...... sale puice $3.90 LADIES' KNITTED UNDER- WEAR, SHIRTS AA~D DRAWERS Reg. 75c eacli .... .sale price 49c Reg. $1,*00 and $1,25, sale price75c 25 per cent, off ail other qualities WHIITE WEAR Niglit Gowns, Underskirts, Drawers Camisoles, Corset Covers, Co mbla- ations, etc., your choice cf auy gar- ment 25 per cent. off regular price. WOOL KNITTED GOODS FLANNELETTES A splendid asertment: Reg. 40c......... sale price 2fit Reg. 45e......... sale puice 30e Reg. 50c......... sale puice 35c Reg. 55e......... sale puice 40e Reg. 60c......... sale price 45e Reg. 65c, ..,..... sale puice 50e Reg. 75e......... sale price 60e LADIES' TAILORED SKIRTS' Gabardine, Serge, Silk Poplins,. etc., aIl new and correct style,ý ONE THIRD OFF REG. PRICE. LADIES' WAISTS Silk, Crepe-de-Chene, Georgette and Voiles, a very nice assortment still left te eh oose from ONE THIRD OFF REG. PRICES Dress Goode, Kimona Cloths, Eider.- Sweater Coats, Scaîfs, Caps, Glov- 1down-s, and Coatingealal on sale at es, Mitts, Chldren's Pullovers, etc. AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE Staple and Fancy Gooda of every description are beinà off ered at a liberal reducion off regulau puicea. ONE THIRD OFF REG. PRICE LADIES' CO-ATS AND SUITS Ycur choice cf aay germent in stock at exactly 3PRICE S. W., Mason & Son Opposite the Standard Bank, Bowmanville Phone 106