In 1892 We flrst oUfered the public our 'E Milions SLow uISt to their utmnost satis-actioft NHER VOUS, IRRITABLE, AILINO e'WOMEN Mis. DflttfenTel How She Was Restored Teo ooIth Altel Suffering for More Than A Year. AehrTriumph for Lydia E. Pinkhsm'a Vegetable Compound Dimondlale, Mie.-I had Sinflammation and« adispiace. ment and weakes and it had been neglected ao long that it Caus ed gra pain, n this affected my mind and nerves se that 1 was very :kk, irritable. 1 had severe pains every month, so that [ was often obliged ta lie in bed for two days at a time. I suf- fered for more than aya before my friends saidWy don't you try Lydia E. 'Pink- bam's Vegetable Compound?' iSo 1 purchased one bottle after another until 1 had À taken ten botties, then Lydia E. Pinkham's SanativeBWash. I ieceived so much benefit' fromn this treatment that 1 arn now able to do my own work."--Mrs.W. D. BRITTEN, R. No. 2, Dimondale, Mich. Aiother Ikigan Woman says: 1I was bothered for a ion g tine with female troubles and was so nervousI felt aimot afraid at times. 1 also had a ~ pain in my right side and was certainly in a hall way. Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Cemoud bas relieved me of these nerveus feelings and pains and 1 arn muclý betrin every way. I don't know just how many bottles 1 have taken, but 1 took it for nearly a year and it has done me a world of good. "-Ers. JESSIII SUANGER, R. No. 8, Box 51, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Good healtb is a woman's greatest asset. Wfth àt she may be the Isia -tionU-of-her-husband,-a-happy-rnother, and the-life-ofthe-home.WIthaUC-t @ibe suffers agonies hre-,household duties are a burden, an,9 ber f amuly le made miserable by her condition. h itanywondr tat heseworea ere ervus nd iritbleafter sufer- lng o lng romsue deangd coditons Suh almets ct irectly upon Oieneresandit as eensai tht alare prcetag ofneroua prostra- freinmorn derngemet afthe ernal orgrise Jf wrne wb ar inthisconitin wuldonlyproit y te eperience 0f athersand ake Lydla E. Pnkam asegetable ornpound at once, much suf- fering and unhappiness wouid be averted, as everyone knaws a nervous, irri- tble, ailing motheër mako the borne unhappy and ber condition irritates both lhusbaadand ebjîdren. Lydia E., Pinkham's Pnivate Text-Bouk upon ",Aliments ]Pecii- liar to 'Winen" wiiie be sent to you free upon request. Wrîte to The Lydia E. Pinkham Me dieine (Co., Lyn, IIassachunetta. This book containa valuable information. Whenyou let us supply yowrbuild 'g nheds you <et a grauideai more thmnjust, se many feet of lumber-bundies of shingle- 0 ~Pewnds of nos-or Panels of Beaver Boarý6», You get the bene&i of our bui.ldiing atérial knowlds mil sp«oeIu §ae h S , Umt belpe ySo pthte results you want, at the rWgh prioa. Service firet in planning the wrk-miore servies inseecthig proper rmat.- ua--pdy service In tdelg the gQods. Tou Psr for the maorials. The service bca foit.sIffi the larger volume of business tbicue sp.r-aaetisfid ciûtomner f .A' Wilp" Yeu to t f beoneof tho= servie s McCleiIan & Company, Lïmited Office Phone 15 Residence..228 and 274. KIug Street East' 111 BOWMANVILLE,FEB. l7th.,1 1921. W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Society la, now Free of DYebt. The adjourned meeting of West Durham Agricultural Society held on Jan. 29th., was well attended. Annual statement of the Secretary -Treasurer certified by auditors was prêsented and on motion, adopted. Vote of thanks w as accorded Sen- ator Beith for'his kindness in giving free use of hie barns to Royal*Cana- dian Dragoons as well as supplyingi hay and s*aw without expense to the Society. Question of further building was lef t with Executive Committee to re- port at February m%îeting of Direct- ors. Names given as entrants for com- bined field crop, and jthreshed grain competition are: R. J. Gi, D. J. Gib- son, I. R. Bragg, A. L. Pascoe, J. F. Osborne, R. E. Osborne, A. W. Annis, L. ýT. Pascoe, Alan Campbell, John Baker,ý S. Edgar Werry, Jas. Leask & SnThos. Jackson, S. C. Alun, Thos. Baker, E. F. Weatherilt, C. Penfound, R. R. Stevens, President was in- structed to order seed for 15 compet- itors. Society is also entering another field crop competition choosing Ensil- age corn. The entrants are: Alan Campbell, R. J. Gui, D. J. Gibson,. R. R. Stevens, G. F. Annis, A. Allun, J'. Baker, Blake Courtice, C. Pen- found, R. E. Osborne, J. D. Stevens, T. Power, IL Foley. At a meeting of the directors J. S. Moorcraît was appointed -Secret- hry and John Lyle Treasurer, for 1921. Directors meeting will be held Fni- day, Feb. 25th., at.2 p.m. W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Chef receipts for 1920 included: Balance from 1919 $ 740.99 Legisiative Grant 1920 459.00 Municipal Grants, 1920, 272.53 Membership-Fees, 1920 60.00 Membership Fees in advance 119.00 Donations, Cash 418.50 Gate receipts, rent stalle, etc.,145,7.02 Concert, Grand Stand, etc., 540.20 Legislative Grant, Crop Comp. 50.00 1'iscellaneous Receipts (Rebate Exp. Dragoons, etc., $199.96) 493.25 Total $4,610.491 Expenditures Prizes, 1920 $1343.451 Pnizes sundry _48.00 Delegates' Expensos Con- vention, etc. 35.85 Services af Judges. 32.00 Pnizes Standing Field Crop Camp. ~50.00 Paid Fair Daygattractions 727.41 Lighting, fixing grounds, etc. 348-94 New Buildings, insurance, etc 374.15 Paîd Interest 45.00 -Secretar-3#-Treasuv-r,--alaZy- 171; O-- Manager 50.00 Working expenses: Station- ery $11.75, Advertising $267.40, postage and telephoning $36.05, at- tending gates, etc., $19.50 334.70 Total $3564.50 Balance au baud e1'045.99 Assets Cash on hand $1045,99 Money Invested 450,00 Value of Fair Grounds, land 2100.00 Value af Main Building 1900.00, Value of Sheop Peus 500.00 Value af Poultry House 800.00 Value af Grand Stand 1900.00 Total Assets $8,095.99 Liabiliený Note 'aud Interest $945.00, Membersbip fees retained 119.00 Accounts unpaid 90.00 $1154.0 LETTERS 0F CONDOLENCE. Bowmanville, Jan. 27th. 91 Relatives of Late Hugh Greenlees. a Dear Friends:-On behaîf ot Wes t West D urham Agricultural Society, we, the undersigned were 'by reolu- tian of said Society at'the annual meeting held on Janudry 2lst., 1921,1 iustructed ta extend ta yau theiri sincere aud hearty sympathy in the lass recently sustained by his rela- tives and a largo circle af fionde ini the death af the late Hugh Greenleesî wbo was a respectod an~d prominerit membor aI the West Duirbam Agni- cultural Society for a great maný years. Yaurs sincerely, John Baker, Eresl4ent, R. J. Gil,. John Lyle, Dinectons., Bowmanville, Jan. 27th., 1921. Mms. William E. Jewell, Bowmanviile. -Dear Madan-On behalf of West, Durham Agricultural Societyý, we, the undersigned, by a reslutian aI the said-, Society, passed at its Anniutl Meeting held ou January 21 last, were instructod ta extend ta yau the sinenre and beartfelt syinpathy of the Society in the losn you and others1 have sustained by the death of a be- loved, devoted and higbly respccted busband and father.11 While the loss ta you is irrepar- able 'ho wiIl be greatly'missed by this Society and a largo circle of ÉIonde, yet 'vo hlmbly baw ta the ~will of an all-wise Prov7idence and earnestly pray that the comot u salace which Hoe alone car iema bc abundantly bestowed upon youý and yaur family in this yaur timeof sorrow and affliction, With deepest sympathyr, we are,i yaurs sinicereîy, John Bakrer, Preai'. dent, Robt. J. GUI, John Lyle, Di- ASTHMA RAZ-MAH me Emeking-oSraio- just SwaIIaw a Capsule RAZ-MAH 1, Guaranteed te restore normal brenthlng, stop mucu fat'herin.tàin the brochial tube., give tbït-fog'mIia.gdiug. 8seep, coutln glitu&Trl free at our agenc es orwi Temletns,142 Kiag W., Toroutiý Local Agents Jury & Lovell's Drug Store. with perfect safety by young and, aid. Everybody needs something at times ta help the digestive organs. Everybodywill find benefit lu Beecham's Pis. 7hey aid the digestivýe orgars. SSold everywliere in Canada. la boxes, 25c., Sc. ~Sýr.-est Sale of0Any Medicine in the Wo id 'THE ,LýIFTUP" <Patented> AIS filAS PFISIED CORSETS are ds- sigrsd in conforimity with the sciene cf Tuýe jLiftup"_ a patented Invention wltlo nco sip elastie ide boit. gently sut,- yirts ts abdomen. tnti is very beu'efielal for use after an ororation involing an 1lanu inei.ion. Most effective In Te- li inet f'ose physical aliments from whliah f'd.ns ivonien aurer. il Write us NOW. for usoful hints en l tting a nd self-measurement. Fre ~uaonreues. RESI ASSURED!la I)(où cannot wellI afford to experi-I mhent, nor should Iyou!1 When your physician teils you *to take I SCOTT'7s EMULSÉIONI yumay rest assuredI * O that hisc1ecision is Sthe resuit of confi- dence, buit upon experielc.. Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont. I ALSO M AKERS 0F- (Tbl4sor astP E -OR DIEST1N I A 1 ,.re yonreqdingthewe kIyCiiainýetteie, telli,,gstorics ci sufférn s , kia -d as and how cure waG effecte,!. Nere, is par.. cfa letter f o. Mrs. Henry Elir- vey. Black Lakte.Que. Write ber ilyou desirc. -Plen years of eczema an the face. rceated unavaiiingiy by doctors. A sample aione cf D. D. D. cured me, etc." The proaf of the pudding is in the eating. Whera prescription for skia disease bas letters of, cure and endorsement from neariy every ýity and town 'in the Dominion, 8urely it is enougb ta convince the most skeptical. ReZief from Stlhing tôrme.t Ï3 imrffate Just try coie bottle cf D. D. D. today on our gositjveý guarantee. 31.00 a boutle. Týy D. D D. ~ovaptoa. IHloLMonfùr Shin Diseame JURY & LOVELL DRUGG--T-& --BOWMAN VIL-LE F--1ERY1 MONTH TakLe ZUTOO Tablets and are free of the Griping Pain and Sick Headaches. Read what Mrs. Wright says 11 received your sample of Zutoo Tab- lets, and took them for severe pain (monthly) and headache. At the end ed 30 minutes,I was entirely free of and experienced no more throughout the, priad.Isuffera greatideal atthese times an feel grateful that I have arexnedy whicb affords quick relief. Eveiry wamaa lu the land shouid know, about Zutoo Tablets and what they willdo." Mrs.ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Que. T A KE Z U T O O The Young other Youth, wihealt mialtrna ferenthres. Tecr fafri r oten h wansscudb thet aufrnd-ndt r akona lescence aslon.erypQes naeigbrs-avehd eeca experiencwh r ir' F. vritrescritic'n, which pdparesil, m1 thposectix'tiothr. nd 1 veofte tei an eJu N. Y, -fr, a HoaM.ILTONs(, vtend" Iwap advise b~ya raticl ure t tkeDr prçes FaitePrscitin s oi uring son a begratful For erace, be cahe it kpt meiii erect e nd tiad rcial ufiasfig h 'Prierri:ipion'f slot onlybefiefsth mother,Ibut I arn posit'ive the child is beueflted, too. I wou1dinot hesitate ta recoommend this 'Prescription' ta every expectant mother.1-MRS. O. SPIKx, 46 Hems Street, N. I Il DARLINGTON BOY'S CHEER-0 Lost a Leg But SÛRl Siags a Merryï Song. We always welcome a letton from Mr. S. H. Short of Vineland, North Carolina, U. S. A,. becauso of theý cheerful toue in which ho writos.1 His liver must continue active andý bis digestive organs must functioný like those of a young man choppingi cardwood or splitting rails as he, and1 the oditor used to do away baqk in the 60's in North Darlington. "Mr. Short is a brother of Mr. W. D. Short,, Bowmanvillo. Hero is a part -of his1 lotter Vineland, N. C., Feb. 7, 1921. Friead James :-You, will find on-] closed ý2.50 for The Steatestuan -f orj 1921. Some people thiuk thoy are' ruined if they lose fL leg. You Iwill be glad ta know that I amn doing bot- ter and making more money than whon I had My bath legs. I arn working at shoe repairing and on the side doing somo buying and selling of city property. I average five dol- lans a day shoe repairing alone. Unless worms be expelled from the system, no child can be healthy. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is an excellent inedicine ta destroy worms. Phone 97 Biowmanville We've made it hot "for a lot of folks who were looking for satisfactory coal and if you will place a ton'ofour coal in your home we would be pleased to warm it up a bit for you. Our prices are right and We give a full weight ton. Jùhn A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts. Bowmanville Office Phonoe1là Resideaces 228 and 274 Creaia Wated Priées of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Goo)d Cream. We Want Yours If We fail to eall on you -we would a ppreciate aphlone cal or Write US,ý Orono Creatnery "Co.,, ORlONO SEEDLING Tî,IME We are' open to, buy a limited quantity of SEED GRAIN of the following varieties: BARLEY-O. A.. C. No. 21 and Two Rowed OATS-any good grade SPRING RYE WHEAT-,Marquis, Prince Imperial, Goose We have also for sale choice No. 1 Govern- ment Standard and home grown RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, TIMOTHY, and are prepared to supply other varieties if needed. Stili have a good supply of Coal, Wood, Lum- ber and Building Material. Quality right and prices reasonable. Caîl and see us. McCleUlan & Company Limited Bowmanville King §treet East ANY derangement of, the heart's action ie alarming. Urequently pains about the heart arecaused by the forma- tion of gas arising from indi- gestion. R elief from this dondition is obtained by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PlUs. Chronic indigestion, resuits from sluggish liver action, con- stipation of the bowels and inactive kidneys. Becauso Dr. Chaso's Iidney7L!ver Pills arouse titese organs ta activity they afford lasting relief for indigos- tIon and overcome the many annïoy- ng symptorns. --------------- Sàtaff of Life For Every MealI Do you know why bread bas been ealled the Staff of Life? It's because bread is the one food that contains alI the oIe- monts necessary ta rugged growtb. It's the one food that you can safely subsist upon without any- thing else, and by it grow healthien and happier.- Who knows but that tho children wbo sit arouud yaur family table are destined to, become world citizeins? History says that its greatest men and women had bread au thein pninciple article af food. Your chil dren will h ave a botter chance for worîd lame if you serve CHRISTIE'S BREAD. It's a real builder of brain and brawn. Chri*stie'sBakery Thie (Casfi & Carry Bakery Kr 1