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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1921, p. 2

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STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES TO EUROPE--Canadian Pffie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Aak for information. Phonie 53, Bowmanville. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE -VETERINARY .9URGEON. Day or Nght Calis Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesmnan Block, Bowmanville. Phone 24 MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL "Lest W. Forget" DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- ments, Tablets, Markers, etc., ini Granite and Marbie, Bowrnanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BARISTRSOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. - Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvilllo. Phono 351. W. F. WARD, là. A. BAIIRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY Mortgagd Loans Arrangod. Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Bleak- ley Block, Bowmanvillo. MEDICAL B. J. 1HÂZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy.. uiian and Surgeon at M. Carmel Hospital, Pittsbijrg, Ks. Office and Residenco, Wellington, Streat, Bow- iianville. Phono 108. 36 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., Qraduate of Trinity Modical Col lego, Toronto, formierly of Enniskillon. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former rosidenco on Church-st., Bow. menville. Phone 259. 44-t DOR. V. H. STOREY Graduate Toronto University, yoari and haf resid eut physician and sur-1 geon Toronto General Hospital (six iaonths/ Burnside Maternity) two *nd haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- mranville. Phone 143w. 10.lyr.* DENTAL DR- G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeon8 of Ont-. ârio. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phono 40. Houso phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- ~manville. Office hours 9 a. mi. to 6 i.m.daily excopt 'Sunday., Phonie aHousýe phone 90b. *FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Moni't complote equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly atten ded to. Bowmanville phones I1O and 34. Branch at Orono. AUCTIONEER THEO. M. SLEMON Having secured a licensie as auction- ~erI arn prepared to take a limtited 'number of sales. For terme apply 9A Ennisidîllen P. O., or phono 197-r8. 32-tf UNK DEA LERS IPOULTRY andi JUNK-A. Dilliclc, Duke, st., just opposite Canning ~ffactory, pays highest cash prices for all kinds of poultry and junk. Phone ',29 or cail at his residence. 5-tff. WANTED:-ýAny Hay, Grain, or Wool, Poultry, or Junk. Caîl 289 la ýthe mnornings before 8 a.m. or after 6- p.m. Jos. Rosenvald, Bowmanville. 32-tf CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OS HAWA. Our wlnter term commences January 3. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewrltlng, Complete Commercial andi Complete stenographie courses. King Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phone 917. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 'THE E. A. JAMES CO., LIMITED, 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, Canada, E.- M. Proctor, B.A., Se., Manager, Bridges, Pavements, W aterworks, Sewerage Systeins, Incineratars, Schobs, Public Halls, Hlonslngs, Fac- tories, Arbitrations, Litigation. Our fees :-Usuaiiy paid out cf the money we save our clients. FITS Stînson's home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty yoars' success. Thousands of testimoniale. No case should bc consid- ered hopeless. Free booklet. Wm. Stin- sou Remedy Co., o! Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. MERCHANTS CASUALTV COMPANY. ,epecialists ln Heaîth and Acccaent Insurance. 'PoIIcIes liberal and unrestricted. Over $1,000,000 pald In lossoe. -Exceptional opportunities for local agents 904 Royal Biank Bldg. Toronto, Ont BE AN EXPERT ,n Autos, and Tractais. wc ant 200 more mon îmmedate ta IIu positions in early Sprlng, at $12 ta3 $200 monithly, operatlng gas tractor dtlgmotor trucks and cars, sellir tractoirs, cars and farm po'Fwer machiner or ais auto tracter mechanica in city au country garages. Only few weeks requli ed learn these trades at day or evenin classes atHemphiil Goverument Char ered Mafçtor Scheals in every large cil ,f Canada. Start now and you will1 roady for Spring rush. Sead for ct Iage. Hophill Mter Schoeis, li -King-st., West, Toronto, Ont., Regin -'askaton, Edmonton, Cagary and Vai ee-uver. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 24th., 1921. COM MUNITY SINGING Thomas McG.AA., 1v inFarmers' THE EDITOR TALKS Magazine. Human beings are gregariaus. The We have drawn front the good> dictum that it is not good for man ta articles in The Farmers' Magazine cf, ho alane is net confined ta things con- P'ebruary 17 a splendid one an Coin- nubial. Man by nature is a mixer. munity Singing written by Mr. Thomn- Folks will flock-notbing draws like a as McGillicuddy cf Toronto. Some crowd. Lot it ho knawn that "They',- cf aur tcwn readors *iIl repiember re ail geing te ho there," and tbey that seme five or six years'ago Mr. will try ta bo there to 500 tbem ail. McGillicuddy was the speaker at the, people will fellow the crewd. Metbodist Suuday Schaol anuiversâry The seul and spîrit iust ho consid- ini thistcwn and recited that popular rdawelsthboy Wais peem "A Diamond'la the Rough" eraled ashell as tby.pi at ms Hia, very practical addiresses taeithe ailodtho cammuuifatysi ri" mua Young people on that occasion were phopt~leadthin atoeruralscinin xi'uch appreciated as this article re- pepttretioherl the rurectons. prdcdi auonanother pageAtrcinafealjmo pet produed lupartthan mere traction; aitogether good wlll ho. Duriug . the Chautaiiqfa baulage, coupled with good felloahip it ign a mesl popular quickly lends ta social perfection. *The as t cnno fal t bcwheeve prp-new day 'bas arrived for mare club- as t canuotef il aDontwher ee c-able conditions in rural neighbort- this article. No danger of having teehods mucb siuging. As a result of many years cf ex- perlence wltb Y.M.C.A.'s mon and boys' clubs, and mnilitary camps, I We bave rend Mr. W. A. Dryden's have corne ta the conclusion that btter appeariug lu another column people enjoy mare than any other three turnes and henrtily cor-nmend music that in wblch tbey take part bis views teOaur £armer rendors. Con- puhliciy. A cammunity slng-seng, fia siderîug the two main' subjeclts- mattor ýwbore inidulgeod in, always sots keeping the hired man the year round as a social tonic. It la assolvent cf and raising more live stock on the creed, caste snd ultra dignity. It fnrrn-we expect te hear the ordin- catches ail present if thoy only catch ary 100 acre farrn man say that Mr. the tune. It takes the craak-eut cf Dryden's ndvice is net practicahie. the throat, the furrows from the wor- Wiil the average 100 acres support ried brow, the bard linos from moutbs enough live stock the year round te that bave heen grawing grim, and 1 enable a farinmer ta keep a bired man the crowsfeet from the, corner cf the 1 nil the year? The average farm bas' eyes. It meits the icy manner. It 1 net the preductivity cf Mr. Dryden's. knccks the starch eut cf* evon the se- Uls 400 acre farmstead la far above cnlled superier people. To- sing ta- the average in quality cf sailiaud for gether is ta get together. over 60 years that. we have known I b ave seen hard-beaded business the farms they have beeu weil stocked and prafessianal mon, who bave been and cultivateul like well-kept gardons. iooked upon wlth,9awe or fear by their We are like a neighbar said recently empioyees.. turn np at banquets or about J. J.* Morrisan of U. F. 0. faine, club gatherings in the city and drap we "do our farming chieflywith aur ail their dignity and "front" as they meuth" but wbile we believe, Mr. joyonsly bellowed Some popular ditty, Dryden's theory la- ail rigbt for the or salemuly j oined lu somne sentiment- large farm-200 acres or largerý-we ai camp sang, and dolng it as if the bave yet ta ho conviuced that, the fate cof nations depended upan their average 1,00 acre fnrm can profitabiy being beard. And, wlth a littie coax- give f ull empicymient ta two mon the ing, n farmer can outchant any city year round. cbap, because of tbe btter cbest and _____lnng deveiopment., Music bas always bad a lesding By a singular coincidence The place ia rural eutertainment. The Globe and this farniiy journal had old-fsshioned singing school gave a editorials on Thomas A. Edïson's generatian or two a! agriculturalists views concerning Young mon becem- an ear fer molody, and reflected it- ing, interested in seme subject aud soif in the volume of congregational se became entbusiastic before hoe is iiinging that ebtalned forty' years sixtoon and theref are become a high agq, Today in church assembliee type. cf man. Wo rend Edlisou's that heartiness and volume is very opinion in The New York World cf much wanting.11 a recent date and concurred in it. So Community singing wili do muchta did the Globe editoriai, but starts revive the -robustiaus and net boss up another train of thought when pieaslng vocalism of the good alid the* idea is advanced that "the great days. the people who can slng 'with majarity ofc olren beave achool ho- vin "4Keep the Homes Fires Burning'" fore sixteen, sud tbere is hope for wil ho able to put feeling into "Lead few of tbem if tbey reco ive no0 ment- Kindly Llght,"y and those who yod-ý ai stimulus befare they go out inte ferously bld you "Pack up yeur troub- the warld. -If the teachor or parent les in yaur aid kit bag" are likely to can implant mental curiosity_ in the ho mast as hearty la exhoring- you ta child, or if ho finds bis own bent-lf, "Count yonr Biesslnga," or ta in Edison's words, ho "can be inter- "Brighten the Cerner Whore You ested in sorne subject and become en-. Are." tbusiasti"-tble fortunate youtbh iel cmwuîy--igigimle whte sa enlee ctual sagatî, rgeneral participation. Everyhody whter obvs caien rsbould have at least a wback at the lat."choruses. A capable leader with The Glebe c9rrectly places great bctb taste and gumptian can bring respansibiity on parents sud teach- hearty sud genuine melody ont of ers, but 'unfertuaately thousanda cf any rural gathering. Simple meth- chldren are braught inta this worid ods and a knowlodge cf hunan nature hy parents who are unworthy ex- are ai tbat are needed. Ho wili amples befere thern, and are ignor- first try eut the juniors, sud children aut cf the btter idoals ta set beforo will nover refuse ,ta sing. Thon the their children, bence cannot "implant girls wil ho heard by themsolves, mental curioslty" of a wboiesarne foliowed hy the boys. Now we are character lu their off spring. Sa lu geting aiong. The noxt thlng we thîs unfertuuate condition in the gttiug along. The next thiug we homne the respensibility f ails on the kuaw the leader bas the women carol- teacher for kindling the mental cur- ling alaug ail bY themselves; sud iesity nocessary ta stnrt beys or girls thon, weuider cf wauders, hoe cails frein sncbbernes on the rend ta a upon "mon only" te siug, aud they useful and practical callng in life. get at it likethe geed sports that Assuming that this favorable impres- they are, se as te show the wemen sion is made by the teacher The Globe folk aud the kiddies that music is thon adds regarding a boy so heiped: something, that is in the seul of ail, "There will be a principle of, growth aud that driving a teaim lu the field is sud development lu bis brain. Once a capital aid toward develaping a rich ho bas that lho will ho bis, own lu- nndmegatpbouic baritone. structar if ho bas no scbooliug sod- Thon lt us hàve comuaity singing vantages. Ho wili have fouud the sud pieuty cf it; but lot it he omie- trail cf knowledge and wiil follow it thing more than a more sing-saug. throughout bis life. How ta kludble Auytbing decent will do te bogin the early spark is the whole secret with, the simpier the btter, ns a sort sud problem o! education. cf limberiug up exorcise. But lot This country-every country-is somethiug mare ambitions ho at- ful cf Young meu and wornen who tempted uow and thon, sncb as glees, have no desire for soif-improvemeut,, anthems, cantatas, or perbaps 'ora- no pleasure in a gaod book, fia inter- torios, with big soloiats from the cit- est in any braucb cf study, ne sonse les as stars, but with ail bauds drilied cf the wonders cf the warld arouud foar the choruses. Saine tino au thon. They have ceased ta grow ho- easy and cdean demie opera migbt ho yond the mental statureof childhood. put on, but with no intention of Deocracy nust de btter than this crowdlug eut the more solid music; if it is te jnstify itseif." for it, is weil te remember the force and justuesa cf that very practical observation cf the eider Pliny (11h lv. cap. xi. 24,) "The lemon, as weli NEED FOR HEALTH REFORM. as the sugar, ia ueeded te make the _________punch." ,, childreu are bora with the possession, 25 of good honth; the prablemn is te e, conserve that precieus heritage. Iu 119 backwiard civilizatians a, slow and ,d continued waste a! that priceless gift r- of nature begins from the tino the îg baby is weaned;, and"scarcely any t- [t attompt la made ta arrest the wast- be age. It ought not te be se lu Can- ba- ada. In Peel County medical inspec- 63 tien lu acheols 77 eut o! every 100 ,j acholars had decayed teeth 1 Lack o5 f care sud tee inuch candy. Prom Seotandr's lowly bard? For ho was great beod cempare And' trne wiii te the werid declare The fulînesa o! reward. For like. a pure and fragrant rose That scatters sweetness where' it ges, Such was the lave o! Burns. His sangs shah nover fade away, Their lovelilness shall no'er decay, Time yields hlm rich returus. -F. TALLING, Vancouver, B. C. Notice To C ontractors Pursuant te the requirements of the Canada H-ighways Act, separate sealofi tenders, iai ked "Tender for Contract No. ...»...,.,Will ho received by the under- signed until 12 o'ciock noon on Tuesday, MarihSth., 1921, for the construction of concrete structures and grading on the PrvnilHighway as foliows:- Contfraict No. 17 -- Township of Clarke Contract No. 174- Townships of Hope and Hamilton C'ontract No. 175- Townships of Hope,, flamiten, Mena- ghan and Cavan Contracet No. 176- Townships ofMonaghan and Cavan Contract No. 177- Township of Monaghau N. Contract No. 385 Townshiips of Darlingtea and B. Whitby. Plans and specifications inay ho seen on and after Tuesday, February 15th., 1921, at the office of the, undersigued, and at the offices of C. F H. Nelson, R'esident En- gineer, Port Hope, and D. W. Bews, Rosi- .dent Engineor, PortHoe A rmarlced choque for$0, or a Guar- anty Company's bld bondl must accoin- pany each tenider. A bond o! ton per cent o! the amoeunt o! the contract will be required when the centract is signed. The lowest or any tender net necessar- ily accepted. Departinent e! Public Hlighways e! Ontario, Toronto, Februa-y 1 th., 1921 8-1 DepuW. fiA. SMcLe an, 8.1 Depty MînI ter af Hlghways. 1 In all branches. First Class Companies -Prompt Service Feel Free to Consuit me at any time about Insurance in whiCh, you may be interested N. E ED Ph1 Insurance Agency Office We dingtou Street ke 162 Bowmanvilbe I I - l' PUBLIC SPEAKINC -BV- FRAj9NK HOME KIRKPATRICK (CoPYrig-hted) INTERESTING AN AUDIENCE. A speaker must interest his audi- ence to ho effective. What is the moat efficient way to arouse the interest of a listener?, One man tells another about bis automobile. We will assume that the listener has the vaguest knowr- ledge of the parts of a car. The owner discusses them with great fluency. The recipient of ail this information is bored. His interest is not roused. Ho doos not understand the meanings of tho termis used. They are un- known to hüm. They are outside bis exporienco. I tell a friend that a mutual ac- quaintance is affiicted with' vertige. He turns a blank look upon me. Ho does not understand. True, the novelty of the termi may excite bis, curiosjty, but ho is net lntelligently interesteci. Wýhy? Because I arn unintelligible., The word "vertige" is unknown to him. But. when 1 tell xny friend that a mutual acquainance is troubled with dizziness, ho understands me. Ho is intelligently lnterested. Why? Be- cause I arn intelligible. The word "dizzine 'ss" is within bis experience. It is known ta hlm.' We counsel cbildren: All is net igold that glitters". Our caution' mak-es no imnpression. It is toe ab- stract. They do not comprehiend its import. Tbey are niot lnterosted. But when wo relate to childron the story, "King Midas and the Golden JTouch", we refer ta concrete ideas within their experienco.' We bave become intelligible, Their interest bas been securod. The great orator, Edmund Burke, in his famous oration at the trial of lWarren Hastings, aroused the intense interest of his hearers by reference ta ideas and iaes witbin'tbeir vivid experielhco. iHo did nlot ref or ta the invasion of the Carnatic as a "sceno of woe", and beave it at that. That would have stimiulated olly a vague iterest. Instead hle saîd-I will quota briefly: "Thon ensued a, sceno of woe, the like of wbich no oye bnd seen, na beart concelved, and of which noa tongue can- adequately tell. A storm. of universal fire blasted every field, consumed every house, destroyed every temple. The miser- able inhabitants, flying from their flnming villages, in part wore slnught- ered. Others, witbout regard to sex, ta age, ta respect of rank, or sncred- ness of function-fathers tarn from chîldren, husbands'fromn wives, en- veloped in a wbirlwind of cavalry, and amlid the goadlng spears af drivers and the trampling of pur- suing borses4-1wero swept into cap- tivity in an unkncwn. and hostie laud". Thus, Burke by a vivid ap- peal ta the iimagination of his listen- ers led them ta recroate the scenes of desolation and won ont of their ex- peripnce,- and arouse their'-intense indignation toward Hastings and bis policies in-I-dia.-- - - The conclusion of tbe matter is, that n speaker, la order ta secure the interest of bis listeners, must present ideas adjustod ta tbeir expérience. Wbat constitutes. the experienice cf an individual? Al that hoe retains from what hoe bas seen, heard, rend, doue and foît. The public speaker must discrim- mnate i~n the matter of the expériences cf a givon audience. It would ho idle ta address a city audience in lthe termis cf rural expérience. It lwould ho equally futile ta speak teaa country audience in the ternis of urban expérience. The speaker must seek te bring bis ideas. and language within the vivid experience cf those who canstitute bis audience if hoe would interest them. A oint committee cf Metbadist and reshyterian churches met in Pet- erboro recently te arrange a scbeme cf ce-eperation between -the churches cf Centracl Ontario where such scheînes could ho effected, Arrange- monts were instituted for consolida- tien cf churches at Pickering, Green- wccd,' Brougham, Epsom, Greenbank, Sunderland and Wesley. Othor fields under discussion, Orono, New- castle, and Newtonville, were net dis- turbed for the present, posltpening discussion cf these iu view cf pros- pect cf Organic Union. TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2800 will purchase 7 room frame bouse on Church stet. ter, *ewer, electric llght and furnace. $3000 will purchase 2 story brick bouse on Concession street, water, newer, electrie ilght,,furnace, garage and every convenience. $3500 will, purchase 8 roomed brick. bouse, and office attached on Tem- perance street. $5000 will purchase 90 acre farrn 4% miles from Bowinianvllle, weli fenoed, good buildings, about $1000 worth of standing timber, possession at once. $5000 WlLL. BUY-23 acres, 1 mile from town, 9 roomed brick residence, fine out buildings. Possession given withln 30 daye, McLaughlin Farm, cQnsisting of 150 acres, joins village of Tyrone wfîth three stores, Blacksmith shiop, schojol4, church and grist miii ail withln haif a mnile- of farm. The soil is a rich dlay ioam, there la over three miles of tule drains. The land le level but roiling, well fenced, about & acres of hardwood bush, and one acre of good Good farmn bouse and barns wlth stone stabling under- neath. Over twenty-four hundred bush- els of grain threshed on it thie year. The first tenant on tbis farm mnade enough money ln five years to purchase a farm for hlmself. This lsaone of the best bargains in the County and must be sold to, wind up Estate. $20,000 wili purchase the Somers farmn, jcontaiuing 150 acres, just autsl1de the col:- 1poration of thie Town of Bowmanville, on county road, on whlch are erected an 8-roomed brick bouse, commodiaus out- buildings, stone stabling for 40 head of cattie; the souis a rich dlay loam., wel fenced and watered; th-is Is considered one of the' best, farms in the- __ounty-. Terms to suit the purchaser. If sald by March let., possession will be given April lst., 1921. $4,700 will purchase 101 acres, on con. 4, Darlington, 60 acres clear, 30 acres bush, 3 acres orchard, good buildings, runniug, créel, two wells, bank barn, stable, drîving shied, chick- on bouse, 7-roomed house, with good cellar. 3 miles from station. L A. W. TOLE, REAL eSTATE, AGENT 85-tf Bownill1e 'Phono 41, INSURANCE AGENCY I place all classes of in- surance, including Fire, Lif e, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass,' Guarantee Bonds, Automobile (fire, theft, property damage, injuries to the public, col- lision). Asic me for quo- tations bef(Ore insuring elsewhere. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell .Mr. Wîlber,,t J. Hloar 1 Insùrance Agents Phone 18ç Bowmanville Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disoase wxithout Medicine or Knif e. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause of Appondicitis, Deafness,, Asthma, Rheumatlam, Lumbago,. Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Fernale Disoasos, Stomach 'and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro- practie. Examination Freo at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simca. St. N. Oshawa Phone 224, G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER- NORWOOD-ONT le Having socu-red a License for ý1iowmanville District I will be pleasod to conduct your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 5- Oshawa AProminent Place Give bread. a more prominent place on the famidly table, and you will be surprised how well it will repaý--you in rugged health. TODUS WHOLESOME BREAD The Best Economical Food Torday-delivered fresh daily to your door. THOr» M AS ,TOt "D Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Il M PAR-TICULIR, You' cann'ot be too particulagr about the insurance you choose. The 40 com- panies we reppresent will stand -the acid test of investigation. Firp Losses deaIt' with very liberally adpaùf up with as little, delay a8 possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE W1TH- J, J. MASON C& SON Phone Real Estàte and Insurance Brokers 50l Bowmaanville HAVE YOUR *WATCH OR OTHER JEWELRY REPAIRED PROMPTLY BY HAVING IT DONE, BY Elliot Bros. I WALL PAPERS We have reeiîved this weektwo large shiprnents of Canadian Wall Papers, bought to seli at reason- able prices. They consist of the very' finest quality and coloring ever brought to town, 'in, all tones, also chintzand, fabric effects in every shade, suitable for 'Bed- rooms, Sitting Rooms, Halls, etc. Corne and see them. W, . Allen "BIG, 20" 1BOWMANVILL.E Jewelçrs .Jp aum 1

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