AHEÀLTH BUILDER Look ahead a few years. Will the littie kiddie be as rosy and similing then ?1 Christie's Bread is the food of fodds to give your child sinew and staraina, robuast health and resistance and besides it'syour best food. Christie's Bread for rugged health. and muscle., contains every element needed It's food for brain, for hone It's a sure health builder., Chri'stie's.Bakery The Cash & Carry Bakery Moine 97 Bowmanville, McCLARY FURNACES MAKE WARM FRIENDS WE REPAIR ALL MAKES 0F FURNACES Ail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Greenaway & Eiliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmianville EXTRA SPECIAL ELECqTRJC WASHER TIME SAVER Regular $135.00 for $100.00 This is an opportumity which thrifty people camnot afford to miss. ELECTRIC VACUUM-CLEANERS We are also offering special inducements in El- ectric Vacuum Cleaners which it will pay you to investigate THIS WEEK. Mason & DaIe's Hardware The Store with the B ig Hardware Stock. Bowmanville IPhone 145 "eFax Flax!- We arà now prepared to make contracts with the farmers for the coming Season's Acreage of Flax, As we will only be able to take a lîmited amount this year, we would advise those intending to contract to see us early. We have for sale a quantity of Fl-ax Seed which is an excellent food for Cattie and Horses. Farmers know the value of this food and should mot delay in securing some. DUR HA M F L AXrCO0. Office mext door west of Registry Office Bowmanville Cotton PRoot Compoun& cef, "' el able ,'eguiat'ng ~nrcn.Sold in three de- gesntren.gth-N5o.1$; W No. 2, $3, o ,$5prbx 'L Sold by ail drsggista, or sent 4Vt drpdon receipt of price.3 rea pr amphlet. Address. THE COOKC MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. ,(Firurly Windor.) 'q nhe Great Inglish Preparattan. ,~Tones and invigorates the whole eros system. mnakes new lod in old Veins. Used for Nere'ous Debikty, Mental a. rinWry Dpondency Losx of Eneçgv, Palpitation o the Heart, 74ailing Memory. Price$2 pu bx,1i for $5.0 SoId by ail dnzggists, or mailed in plair. F kg. on receipt of priçç., New pamphlit moited Iree.TIIE WÇD MEDICINE co..ToIRONTO,ONT,. Osage,Sak Mus. Wm. Kelly passed away at age of '75 years' 14 days before tbey were to bave celebrated tbeir golden wedding. Monday, Januauy l7tb., after a few days' illness, this beloved and honor- ed mother in Israel fell quietly asleep, fittingly consummnating a career rich in achîevement and fuagraut with many beautiful vittues. Mrs. Kelly was bora in Orono, Ont- ario, on April l7th., 1845. The Jew- ells weue fromn Cornwall, England, and were faithful membeus of the Methodist cbuuch. Miss Jewell en- toued the teacbing profession and for~ six yeaus with g-reat ability, taught ber first and only school in Clarke Township, Durham County. Eaunest in cbuucb work, foundress of the Sun- day school and I.O.G.T. lodge, she made, many valued contributions te the community life. On February 2nd., 1871, sbe became Mus. Win. Kelly and with him'in 1914, moved to Osage, soon making ber influence feît. The first three Metbodist, minis- tous made tbeir home with bier; every progressive enterpuise ,bad hieu active support until- in 1916 severe ilîness rendered bier an invalid. Victor in many battles, for ber the "last post" bas sounded and abe bas gone te re- ceivo ber fadeless crown. Left behind to cberisb f ond and gracious memories are bier busband, to wbom al bearts go out in deepest sympatby; bier two sons, Leslie J. Kelly of Osage, scbool trustee, sec'y- treas. of, achool board andI village council, etc.; Prof. J. Wilfrid Kelly, B.A., Science master of Kingston Col- legiate; hieu sister, Mrs. D. F. Walsh, Orono; and bier eldest brother, Rev. John A. Jewell, B.A., Superannuated minsiter, 177 Davenport Rd., Toronto. Mr. William Jewell, a well-known Bowmanville merchant in the 90's, was aiso a brother. At the funeral service a large coucourse gatbered. Floral tuibutes were veuy rich andI numerous, including a vory beautiful "«pilow" from W. L4. andI Ralph Kelly, anchor .from Mr. andI Mus. J, W. Kelly, wreaths from Mr. and Mrs. Mamil, Regina, Mu. andI Mus. J. W. Cooper, the Misses Black, Mu. and Mus. C. Michoîl, the Ladies' Aid, towu. council, the scbool board, teacheus, etc. Rev., S. B. East conducted the services, paying a beautiful tribute to decensed, based on Rev. 14-13. --The- casket was conveyed to its last rest-I ing place in Osage cemetery. "Servant of God, well doue ! Thy glorîous warfarels past; The battle's fougbt, the race is won, And thon art crowxied at hast." There is baud work on the f am- s0 there is in the shop. Elmor Lick, Oshawa, says enough Stark andI Bon Davis apple trocs are ýnow planted. ave OUR TIRE REPAIRING BUSINESS TO THE WEST END-0F THE ýTATESMAN BLOCK Opposite Hotel Bowman Jamieson Bros. Phone 193 Bowmam-ville Tire Repair Experts mý BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 24th., 1921. LOCAL AND OTUTRg)WISE Rev. Capt. J. W. Magwood, Toron- to, writing to a friend here says, "I have often thought of my very pleas- ant visit to Bowmanville and have been pleased to learn from timne to time that'your church work is going on so splendidly." Congratulations to the f ollowing pupils of Miss Lepha N. Dozncaste? on passing their Theory examination& at T0ronto Coniservatory of Music; Junior Counterpoint Honors-Velma $ta les, (Tyrone. )Junior Harmony -HF10or Mabel Couch; Pass- Velm~a Staples. Junior Hàistry- Pass--Velma Staples. Primary Rud- imen)ts-Fîrst-Class Honors-Mabel Couch. Here is an old story, but a good one. A young feliow once went to an older mann to ask help in getting away from bhis village home to the city, and as lie explained his reasons for requestiug the loan, ho said, rath- er apthetically:-"You know how it in YoUrsellý. There's no opportunity here." T which bis senior replied, "Son, you don't need a railway ticket, half so much as a pair of spectacles." Balance of our fur, now being cleared at wbolesale prices. Couch, Johuston & Cry,-dermaix. Mr. Thomas Davie arrived in Orono this week fromý the West, ac com pan y- ing the rernains of his wife from Youngstowri, Alta. The body which has since lain in the grave at Kam- loops, B.C., cemetery, since 1912, was exhumed and niow lies as she de- sîred in the family plot at Bowmnan- ville. Mr. Davie has a fine large farm at Youngstown, Alta., the fam- ily horne, holding of hlimaîf and sons amountingto over 1100 acres, Capt. Ted MacNachtan, Cobourg, son of Col. N. F. MaeNacbtan, C.V.O,, bas been appointed to comm-and of 14th Field Battery, of wbjchbhis fatb- er was for many years'tbe popular, O.C. He will have rank of Major. Capt., MacNachtan had a fine over-_ seas record where be won his captain- cy witb the ..A. Hle is still in the Military Hlospital at Kingston recov- ering from the gunshot wound in bis arm. His appointment is a fitting as well as a deserved one. Women's Instituté will meet at Mrs. R. Dumas' on Friday, Feb. 25- Valentine program. Reserve the date and be present. In istening to St.Paul's choir at the jubilee weè thougbt what a lot of good material for a fine choral club. There were, one or two £rom botb choirs in town assisting, but we -do flot inean St. Paul's alone, we iean ahl singera in town., For the size of the town we have a splendid number of good, vocalist, as witneýs what was produced in Mikado and Pinaforo entertailuments. Those were a credit to any town or city in the marner in Wbicbtbey were put on. We cer- tainly shold haveý a good choral so- ciety in Bowmanville, and it is actual- ly a necessity to bave and foster sucb a club by our citizens.-Cor. Orono News. FORMER ORONO LADY DIES Sussanna 'Grace Jewell, wif e of Mr. Wm. Kelly, passes away at 1 PLANTING NUT TREES A good deal of advice is going the rounds of Canadian newspapers about planting nut-bearing trees along road.- sides in pueference te trocs Jike elms and mnaples whicb do not beau rnuts. The advice is good in principle but in detail it is to be received with caution. Canada bias as fine native trees as any countuy in the world. Hler groat trees are pines, spuuces, flua, cedara, larches, maples, birches, elmns, etc., and in these,' no other country equals bier. In different parts of Canada, walnuts, butternuts, cbestnuts, beceh- es, and hickories thrive, aiso oalcs, black cherries,, basswood, etc. Wbat those who are about to, plant a few roadside or lawn trees should do ifs té find out wbat kind of trees are native, to their dist ricts and make a selection from these. This isnot te say thatenterprising cdtizens sbould not experiment with desirable trees which are not native to their districts, because in, this way advances are made. Our Canadian foresters know more about trée-growing in Canada than any persjpn outside. The Doxri- inion Forestry Branch bas issued Bial- letinNo. 69., "Care of the Woodlot" whicb may be had free upon applica- tion to the Direttor of Foreatry, Ot- tawa. THIS TALK 15 TO YOU. What is Good Cltizensip?7 The srëngth of a nation does not consist ln riches, but in personal vir- tues. The duty of every Christian man and'woman is to make the world -this means your home and com1- munity--a saf or and better place in which to live-to assist every good cause and to remove every stumibling- block to rigbt livig. To refuse or neglect to do this kind act is to fail in your duiy. No person could bc called a9 good citizen, who does any- thing that is contrary to the best in- terest of tbe people or place in wbicb bie or she lives, as very good citizen recognizes the ights of bis neigb- bor. No man bas a rigbt to commit auy act of wron.g-doing so long as ho bas any friends to blush for blim. Al true 'citizonship begins in neigbbr- love aud interest and is based on Religion. Wbeu a man recoguizos bis duty and relation to God, hoe cannot fail to recognîze bis duty and relation- sbip to.bis brother man. Man's chief eud isto glorify God and enjoy bim f orever. The safety and happiness of this Dominion depends on your loyaty to God and the rigbt. Daniel Webster rightly said: "Wbat ever makos a man a, good Christian makes bim a good citizen." SHOP STUFF FOR FARMERS. Cutiets From Farmer's Advocate. Bauisb the scuub bull at any cost. Use the bramas to save the brawn. Use cultural methods in orchards. Feed breeding, ewes a few loats and roots., 1Buy only tbe best seed for plant- ing. Read report of livestock breeders' annual meeting. 11 Overbaul imiplemonts and ouder necessary parts. Give liens a fair chance aud tboy'l] be revenue puoduceus. Golden rule of economy-Most value for least money. Wasb calves with castîle soap and warm water occasionalhy. Using curry comb and brush on live stock is not eneugy wasted.* 1 Encourage1 co-operation in every practical way on the farm. Listen flot to the man wbo cautions over production~ on the farm. A f ew dollars spent for best farm journalsis a wiso investment. Keep the dairy berd working-idle cows consume valuable fodder. Keop enough live stock to con~sume farmn crops and keep soil ricb. Hay îs bigb but if you've1 noue to seli wbat's the benefit to you? Sit down and plan farm wok-it pay liberal wages for the timie. West Peterboro election ripples indicate a terrible stoum ahead. What effect will this winteu's var-. able weatber bave on .1921 crops? Spring will soon arrive; bave you prepared for it lu your leisure bours. Seems a big waste of time in Provincial Legishature by long speech- es. Those wbo benefit most fromn an or- ganîz:ation sbould contribute in pro- portion. A pig is the cleanest of faum. ani- mals but a scrubbingy witb soapi and VOCAL S.LIECTION9 216240 fBroadway Rose 'Charles Harrison, ýRose, Lewis James <She Cives Them Ail the Ha! Ha! Ha! Billy Jones 216237< Oh Cee! Say Geel Yous Ought to See My Gee Cee From the Fiji Isle Billy Jones 2123 Feather Your Nest Lewis James 2129Margie Lewis James 212lMy Bonnie Lassie Charles Hart and Chorus 161Vhy Don't Yon? Charles Harrison 216232< Rigoletto-Womnan is Ficke Hughes Macklin For Vou Alone (Tenor) Hughes Maclrji 2l6238< CaseqY at the JDeýntist (Monologue) Russel Hunting .Caey Takes thz Census (Monologue) R. Hunrting ,262 Nelson' Gone A'Sailing joseph Phillips 2129The SeÏ Makes a Ma n a Man joseph Phillips IMM= What causes cancer? No one knows so there are mtany thegories. Over 100,000 persons died on this continent in 1920 of cancer. Rheumatjiam Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules gu"brought good Iwalth to hal-amilfoAM W411 known for fiftwxn years, Pre- arigbed b> doctoru, sold by drug- $w, 1340 a b>ox. Ask eur agenits or write for a free trial package., Templetoris, 14 2 King W., Toront, Local Agents, Jury & Lovell'a Drug Store. PEIONF, 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE You Buy Your, LARDi SHORTENING or CANNED GOODS, Get our attractive prices for highest quality goods in these Unmes. Wilbert J. Dudley llorsey Bl3ock Phone 225 House 272 Bowmanville DiANCE NUMBERS ,<Broadwsy Rose-Waltz Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orch. 216235 Margie-Fox Trot and One-Step, Wa! lorf -Astoria Dance Orchestra <A Youg Man ' F ;,--Fox Trot 2162361 YonWan' %I ldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra, IRussian Rag -One-St ep WaIdorf-Astoria Dance Orch. 216242fose of My Heart-Fox Trot Harry Thomas Trio iGrieving for Yon Fox Trot Harry Thomas Trio 2,3('eHula Blues-Fox Trot 'Van Eps Quartet "The Weddng flues-Fox Trot Diamond Trio 2,634W lli y L Love Yos-Foz Trot 'Henri't Orchestra 123 Jst Snasp Yeusr Finge.rs at Gare and Love 1 Fower-Foxrrt _ The iVelodly e f Feather Yonr Nest-Fox Trot 216233 Wald, rf-Astoria D)ance Orchestra <Marimba-Fox Trot Waldýorf-Astoria Dance Orch. AUl on 10-loch double sîded $1.001 Any "isgMaLster's Voi'ce" dealer Will gladly play any se-lection you wish to hear BERLINER GRÀM-O-PHONE CO., LLMIITED, MONTTREÂL iL "s Ask to hear these new selections on Selling Groceries That is our business and to sell properly we must buy riglit. We, buy right and can therefore sell at lowest market prices. We want it distinct- ly understood that our prices compare f avorably with some reduced prices. Try us with your next grocery order -and be convinced that we deliver the goods at lowest possible prices. H"fARRY The Royal Bank of Canada Ihe Bank fol1tows a iheral policy ID extending Credits to Fai ers. If you are, going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch- of the Royal Bank early about your reqiirements. This la an Invitation to eall at the Royal Basnk thle next time you are in town. CAPITAL & RESERVES $38,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $90,000,000 BOWMARVILLE BRANON R. F. Aitchison MANAGIER Ili