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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1921, p. 4

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A large bar on the faim of the Levi VanCapf arm, near Dariington, Station, was destroyed by fire on1 Monday evening between 6 and 7' o'clock. Mr. Edward Thompson whe now owns the farmn, nor his hired man had been neaiq the buildings, since 3 p. m., so the cause of fire is unknown. Some implements, grain, hay, etc.,,were burned. -m MILK ANNO UNCEMENT I am prepared to take a number of new custoniers for milk. I have cows purebred and tested for T. B. Milk tests 4.5. It is pure, rich-milk. I will cater to one cow's mlk for infants or invalids, Drop me'a post card for trial botties cf milk or creani 14 PINT TICKETS FOR $1.00 A., L.. CANFJELD' HIGH STREET BOWMANVILLE Apple Growers-' Meeting The Annual 1 Meeting of the Northumberland' and Durham, Apple, Growers' Association will be held in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, February 28th. Morning sessionopens at 10 a. m.,afternoon session 1.30 p. m. SPEAKERS Prof.. H. H. Whetýel, New York State College of Agriculture; Prof. A. Leitch, Farm Survey De- partment, O. A. C., Guelph; Prof. L. Ceasar, O. A. C., Guelph, Ont; Dr. A. Farncombe, Newcast- le, Ont; Jos. Coulson, Newcastle, Ont., and others. See programs for further details. C. R.Lovekin, President. H.Sirett., Secretary. Read Ths List Biefore Shopping. Lard, 3 lb. pail .............................. ........65c Lard, 5 lb. pail. ...............$1.10 Lard, 10 lb. pail.*'*******1 ******** ...............$2.20 Easifirst, 3 lb. pail......................... .....60c Pork and Beans 8 catis for........... $100 Pork and Beans 12 cans for ...............$1.00 Aylmer Corn, Peas or Tomatoes,.......6 for $1.00 Breakfast Bacon, by piece ..... **"***.......... 50e Pickled Picnic Hams, lb ......................28e Scalded . Cream Fresh Daily IT ALWAYS PAYS TO DEAL WITH G. A. "Edmond.stone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. ,j>hone 21 Bowmanville., Try Knowles For Groceries This list gives you a slight dea of how we keep prices down: i Pure Maple Syrup, qt .....................85e Raisins, ail kinds, lb ................. .27c and 32e Easiflrst, per lb ...........................23e Lard in bulk, lb. 1 ............ 4...............27e 20 lb. pails Lard ............ ........a.. $4.95 Corn Starch,- 2 pkgs. for...... ........... 25e Silver Gloss St.arch,,pk-ge.... .......... 14e Castile Soap, large bar .. ................... 28e Baby's Own Soap, 3 cakes .................. 28e Rolled Back Bacon by piece, about 21/2 lbs.65e OTHER GOODS EQUALLY AS CHEAP MILES KNOWLES Grocer Phone,36 Bowmanville Wben the Grand Trunk Railway Systemi is incorporated in the Cana-; dien National Railwvays, the niileage I" of Governmrent-owmned' railways in Canada wiIl be 22,875 miles; com- prising more than fifty per cent of the raihway mileage in Canada. 1 Ujnder instructions from the Admin- istratrix of estate of Thomas Hoar, de- ceased, who died near Port Dariineton Harbor, 1 wili off er for sale at the Bow- man House in Bowmanvilie on Wednes- day, March l6th., 1921, at 2 P. m., the following lands: PARCEL 1: Lots 1, 2, 2, 4 and 5, the east 92.4 feet of lot il, the south 37.125 feet of lot 6, and the east 92.4 feet of the south 37.125 feet of ot 12, al la block "D" fronting on First Street, as shewn on the plan of Bowmanvilie, the whoie conaining about 1.5 acres. Th!is parcel as a whoje le a rectangle approximateiy 4.11 chaîne fronting on First Street, by 4.01 chains deep, but there are two streets through same as to which the Admin- istratrix gives only sUcb rights as she bas. PARCEL 2: Lot 10 in block "4' front- ing on Queen-et., as ehewa on eaid plan, containing about une-quarter of an acre. Parcel one le said te have on same a frame dwelling 14x19 feet, with addition 9x19 feet; a barn and cowshed 11x22 feet, and a chicken bouse and hog bouse.- Conditions: The propertJes will be of-, fered for sale subject te a reserved bld, and as to lot 2 in parcel 1, and aise as to parce 2, the purchaser is to accept the pessessery titie which the said Ad- ministratrîx bas. The Administratrix le net to be beund to produce any ab- abstract of title or any titie deede or copies of same not ila ber possession, and the purchaser le to search the titie at bis owa expense. Further and parti- cular conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. Terme: The purchaser is at the tm of sale te pay dewn 25 per cent ef the purchase price te the veador of her seliciter, and sign an agreement te cern- piete the purchase. THEO. M. SLEMON, D. P. SIMPSON, utner Soicitor for the .Adninistratrix. Dated! February 22nd., 19,21. We guarantee complete sat- isfacton in every particular. 2Oth Century Brand The clothes with a national reputation for style and sat- isfaction. Easter cornes early thus year why not place '~' $11.50 your order now. $7,95 W. H. Gibson 2hipped four car- load of apples overseas iecently., Mi. IR. M. Mitchell, this town, and Mr. J. J. Gilfillani Orono, are reported by the Ëoard cf Examineis in Optom- etîy. in the Province of Ontario as havinïg passed the examinatiens and FINE ENNISKILLEN CONCERT Miss Gertrude Stevens and Tw, Other City Artists Give High Clasa Program. The concert- given in Enniskiller 3last Friday night under auspices oi the "Gleaners, a Senior Girls' Class was a deçided and gratifying suc. cess-thle best affair of its charactei staged in this village for a long, lonfi timie. The artiste were a trio of first-clasi Seormers fronm Toronto: Misý ur5d, elocutionist and monologist Miss Gertrude Stevens, soprano solo» ist; and Mr. Frank~ M. Sheriock baritone soloist. Miss Hurd's selections in caricaturiE deliglited the audience immensely, eiiciting vigorous appiause and en- cores upon every appearance. AI- s0, the singing.of Miss Stevens, wh< is an Enniskiilen girl, and Mr. Sher- iock, was aiso very greatly enjoyed by AUl 'The attention given, and the applause called forth, being the ver- ject of the Audience upon their per- formances. The duets by these two singers, with Miss. Hurd at the 'piano, found such response in the musical cOYnsciousness of the listeners1 that appiause could, only be silenced by their returning to the platforni. Miss Hurd and 'Mr. Sheriock demonstrated their clever ability at the piano as welI as in reading and singing. Their musical numbers were a decided at- traction. Everyone voted the concert one of the best of its -class they had at- tended in many years. We were es- pecialiy pleased in the fine class of selections chosen by elocutioniet and Abners. These were of the accept- ae character that could be apprecia- ted by an average audience-not too classical, and yet not toc siiiy, Too many public entertainers lean too much toward the ludicrous. "The Gleaners" miust be sincerely congratulated upon their good judg- muent in- engaging such excellent ,talent, for the prograin was both en- joyable and educative. HAMPTOU, Mr. R. Avery visited his brother, Mr. J. Avery at Wellington ... . Miss He1en Johns visited hier Tor- onto .... Mis. R. Metcalfe, Base Line, visited hier parents, Mr. and, Mrs. A.mbrose Trenouth ... . Miss Lottie Hloin, Peterboro, recently visited at home ... . Miss Miidred Cole, Bow- nianville, resumed lier duty as. teach- er Monday. -_ Miss L. Trenouth is visiting relatives at Maple Grove.. -,Miss Gertrude Stevens, Toronto, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mis. Enoch Stevens .... Mr. Ellis, Fenelon F'alls' at-Mr. A. E. Billett's ... . Mr. Chas. Hastings visited in Toronto .... Mdrs. John Ranton, Mrs. W. Rajiton and Mis,, Margaret, Toronto, withi the for'ýneîs daughter, Mrs, W. J. Virtue .... Mr. and Mis. Wmn. Frayne and Nfrs. Beliway have returned from a Pleasant visit with relatives in St. Mary's.. ..Miss Beatrice Coiwiii with friends in Oshawa. -.- -Miss Aloha Hlorn, Peterboro, visited at Mr. Chas. Florn's. ,-.-Mr. Wm,. Doidge is im- pîoving after his recent bad fal.... Our Church Thankoffering services wiii be held on Sunday, March 6th. Particulars next week .... Valentine Concert on Feb. 14th., given by un- narried people of Epworth League wvas truly a good one, programn con- sistin-g of weli-îendered vocal solos, vocal and instrumental duets, a maie chorus and a play entitled "A case of Suspension" wh.ich proved very in- teîesting and provided barreis of fun. Ail perforniing their roll ex- ceedingly weil. A dainty Valentine Lunch was served and a social hour spent. Proceeds $.00..... .League seirvice Friday evening, Feb. i ith., M'rs. S. W. Ruse was presented with a .eatheî bound4lchair as a token of ap- Preciation of hier valuable services in Senior and Junior Leagues., Miss MI. J. Katerson read a nicely worded address and Misses Ruth Johns and Mildred Souch, at the proper tume, made the presentation. Mis. Ruse made a fitting reply thanking the Leaguers for their kindness in 50 nicely remembering lie.... .At last inonthly meeting of W. M. S., Mrs. Ruse was also pîesented with a "Lif e Nfember Pin". She wiii be much missed here as she was a very wiliing worker in ail departinents of church woîk. Mr. and Mrs. Ruse have taken up residence in Oshawa. Our bes wishes go with them to'their new home. MEN'S OVkRALLS AND SMOCKS Such makes as Pea- body's, Great Mogul, Union-MViade, ail sizes, Values to $4.00 To Clear $2.85 MEN'S ODD PANTS Carss MackinawTweed- Mixtures, ,Cottonades, etc., sizes 34 to 46 To Clear Third Less COMFORTERS REDUCED $4.75 $5,00 $9.00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear $2.95 $3.19 $3.59 $3,95 $5.5 SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS MR. WESLEY G. REED. (bontinued froin page 1) Former Bowmanville Citizen Pies of President-Principai F. J. Groat, Cancer of Stosnach. Hampton. Vic-Prsidnt---m. A Jonstn, Three weeks ago Mr. Wesley G. îfBowmanville. A ontn eed came to Canada fîom Chicago 3 Secretary-Treasurer.-Mrs. C. A. and after a short visit in Toronto ~ ight, Bowinanvilie. entered the Hospital for treatment. - uperintendents: Feeling some, better after two r Chiidrens Dept.-Mrs. W. H. A&.r- weeks he and his sister Mrs, John 9gue, Tyrone. Lewià of Montreal took rooms at the Young People's Dept.-Gils--Miss Goodyear Hotel where he died very 5E. M. Werry, Tyronie.'1 suddeniy early on Friday morning. 5Boys-Elgin Taylor, Eldad. His ailment was cancer of the Adulil Dept.-Major R. j. Gilg, stomnach. The funerai services were, -Bowmanville. held in the Methodist Chuîch on; Homne Dept.-Miss Florence Monday atlil a. mi. a goodiy number Werry, Bethesda, of citizens gathered to pay their at se Teacher Training-Rev. J. 0. Tot- t]ibute of respect to his memory., ton, Hampton. Rev. S. C. Moore B. A., B. D., past- 1- Missionary--Miss Aura Osbopme, or, officiated, the service being; [- Ebenezer. .1 simple and impressive. Mr. David, 0 Temperance .R. J. McKessock, El- Nýicholson, oîganist, played approp-1 dad. riate selections and familiar hynins1 5r The îetiring Presid'ent after duly were sung. Those present weîe per-; eexpressing thanks for the honor of mnitted to look on the face they knew, the past year introduced the newîy seo weil in his youthful âlays when >elected President. the famiiy resided here. He was the Theconenton ong "Xfyeuliyoungest son of Richard and Ann' Theconenton ong "jfyouIlHoskin Reed, and the Reed BiQck bring the one next to you, etè" which now owned by the Levi Morris was heartiiy during the ses- Estate was weeM.R edcri siens, was again enjoyed after which. ed on a shoe store. 7Mr. W-. J. Morrison, B. A., Prin- The paîl-bearers were Messrs. Will-1 3cipal of Bownianville High School, iam Cann, John Percy, John Lyle, 1gave a very excellent and timely ad- and S. W. Mason. 3dress te the boys and their fathers, Immediate rltvspeetwr eointing out and proving by the very his sisters Mis. John Lewis, Mqntreal, est authorities the evils of the cigar- Mrs. Sylvester and Dr. Geo. P. Syl- ette, drink and gambiing habits. vester, Toronto. An eider brother Mr.! 1 The speaker said if we are to devel- Richard Reed iîves in Califorina. op men we must start with, the'boy, Among residents noticed were Mr. for to make good men we must have John Me Murtry, Mis. John Reid, 1a good foundation. Of~ the thiee Mr. and Mis. Levi Tole, Mis, W. L specific evils mentioned, the fist was 1es i n i.W .Cuh the suiest one to undermine a boy's Mrs. E. Beilman, Mi. and Mrs. R. T. constitution. He strongly uîged ý Stephens, Mis. M.-A. McLean, Mis,' that the home, the teachers in Public'H. B. and Miss Foster, Miss Margaret Schooi and Sunday Schooi use their Climije, Mis. R. Coliacott, Mi. and united powers te prevent the evils Mi, C. M. Cawker, Miss Percy, Edit- and save this dîeadful waste of'o .A ae n tes young manhood. o .A ae n tes Regarding gambling he declared it a gaine to get something for nothing DOIDGE SUR-FIT-NIT HOSIERY. and wili neyer be evercome se longJ 'asý Christian People sanctioned it. He What About Those Socks You Iatend- pointed eut instances where people ded to Knit? engaged in what Éôme would caîl fun ___ or sport, which was in essence and Ed. Doidge will knit them for ycu, effect gambling and sheuld be se or refoot the old tops at reasonable designated. prices. Woîk done with pure al 1Miss Alice Werry, Bethesda, sang wool Scotch Fingering Yain and veiy sweetly and effectively a solo Saxony, or froni patrons own yarn if "Tell Us" te the tune of Humoresque, desired. Cail and see me at "The The closing addîess of the evening Maples", Salem, or drop me a line and a goed one was given by Rev. Mi. and prices will be quoted, and. ai- Fletcher on the subject "Stop that rangements made for collecting work. Bleeding". His addiess deait with E. J. DOIDGE, the important phase of the S. S. woîk 7-2* R. R. 6, Bowmanville. wheîe about 75 per cent cf the yeung, people drop eut neyer or seldem ever te retuin te the schooi. Soie people seem te -think this, is inevitable. It isn't God's fault and it'isn't the boy's fauit, for it is just as natural for a boy te be religlous as for a girl. The speaker asked why doô boys leain te smoke and swear? The answei was IIO E 83 M c. "Because Men do". The saie an-rH N sweî applies te Sunday School and, Church and the oniy hope for solving this pîoblem and preventing this re- grettable exodus is for the aduits te set worthy examples themselves be- foie young folk. Boys need streng, îugged Christian men as leaders and haO urMv ieLns I teachers if they aie te unfoid and de- velop strong Christian lives. Mi. Fletcher illustrated his contention byvr the action of Shorthorn and Holstein' brees ngiinag ebetrethods values That Cai animais attending conventions and institutes and reading live stock lierature but when it came te tiieïr Men's, Heavy Ribbed boys their knowledge was meagre and often very vague. He appealed te pure wool sox, $1.25 the men to îedeem the boyhood of Canada for God's Kingdom. Put as quality, To Clear 89c Pr much grey matter into your S. S. as into youî business. Have a Sun- day Schooi that appeais te the boys and girls. To the teachers he gave a MEN'S FUR COATS veiy pointed illustration, as te their need of not only being willing te give eu eGotquld time, etc., but of being veiy sure cf Geu eGotqitd knewing the way. ingex lettoW a A resolution prepesed by Rev. J. 0. nnneclln owa Totton was heartiiy endorsed by the one black, one brown, audience thanking Rev. Mi. Fletcher fuli sizes, $65.00 value and ail others who contributed in any way te the splen'aid 'program. Rev. To Clear $39-00O W. T. Wickett closed the convent- ion with the Benediction.________________ Mr. Angus MacKay, Indian Head, Sask., who has been here attending the funeral of bis sister, Miss Eliza MacKay of Whitby, who died at the Ross Hospital, Lindsay, on February 115, spent Sunday with his cousins, the ,Murtry& Co. PHONE 83 lothing & Furnishing Section ýnnotBe Passed',Bïy, Unheeded., New S amples, FoQr 2Oth Century Brand F'ine Tailored Garments for men Have Arrived s-et first choice of these fineý fâbris-the .best we have shown for several seasons. Wvew Stlyles BOYS' UNION SUITS Union mixture, mediumn weight, sizes 26 to 32, $2.50 value, to'clear $1 .95 suit 75c Sox, heavy ribbed uion, To Clear 63c pr 85e Sox, To Clear 69c pr Men's Heavy Fle-ece lined Shirts and Draw- err, Penman's Make, not all-siz'es, $1.50 qual- ity, To Clear 95c Each SHIRTS 10 doz only, materials -Flannel, Sateen, Ging- harn, Charnbray, Flan- nelette, etc., ail sizes, good -value at regular price, your 'choice to clear 1/4Les Men's Heavy Ribbed Union Mixture, Shirts and Draývers, Penman's .Make, double breast and back, $1,50 quality To Clear 79c Each) McMUTRY& CO Phone 83Bomnil We AimTo Please. Since taking over the grocery business we are put- ting forth every effort to give our growing list of custom- ers a service neyer before attempted in Bowmanville. This will include best variety of, groceries obtainable, prompt, efficient and coixteous counter and delivery service, and values that will compel you to deal at ti store if you are at ail thrifty. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Rolled Oats, 5 lbs.......................................... 25c Rol led Oats, by bag ......................................$e*75 Best Grade Rice, 3 lbs ...................................-..30c New Prunes, large and meaty, 2 lbs ...............25C New Dates, very choice, 2 lbs ..............................25C Pink Salmon, large tin........................................ 19C Pink Salmon, 1/,.3.for.... ............... Black Tea, Special, per lb ...................................0c Easifirst, per lb ............................................... 2U EXTRA SPECIAL Watch our window for extra specials in ORANGES and LARD for Friday'and Saturday. BUTCHER DEPT. >Our usual supply of good beef is always on hand at right prices. C. M. 1CAÀW'KEÊ.R & SON Reduc'dPrices MNilWR SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. MRS. J. S. NEALE,A.K.C., B. A., <N(ons> Pupil of Sir Chiarles Santley, the world's greatest Baritone, and Madame Amy Sherwln, the eminent vocalist, willI tale a limited nuruber of pupils at her studio, "'Berneval" Bowmanville. Teleplione 165 Students prepareci for ail exami nation, of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. 1-tf Laundry Prices Drop% Starting MardhIlst w e beg to announce following drop in prices: 10 Shirt, dress ............lOc Shirt, stiff front .........12c Shirt, working ............. 8c Coilars ...................... 2c Cuifs, pair ................... 4c Underwegr.................. 6c Socks .......... ..... 4c Combinations ...........12c Table Cloths ......8c- to 15c ýsheets ..........I..5c to 8cl GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED, C..D. WASH DAYS-Monday, Wednesday- and Friday OId Reliable Lauindry Just West Royal' Theatre, Bowmanville. BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVI i

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