BOWMANvILLE, FER. 24th., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Lola 1. Souch spent the week- ýnd in Toronto. Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent inday at home. Miss Cara Robbins,. Toronto, is .Llidayng at home. ,Miss Edith E. Allin is visitilýg friends in Toronto. Mrs. Emma E. Witheridge is visit- Ig relatives in Oshawa.- Benefit hockey garne here Friday ight will ho a fast one. Mrs. John Lambert, Toronto, has been visitinig old friends here. Miss Mari orie Colo, PEkterboro Normal, spent the week-end at home. Mr. Andrew Pollard recently visit- ed bis brother, Mr. Geo. Pollard, Tor- otot. ,Mrs. W. H. -Williamns, Toronto, is isiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louise Paterson.1. 1 Mr. Albert Lott, Oshawa, is visit- ng with bis daughter, Mrs%. Wiliam J. Found. Mrs. R. R. MeNichol, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 7. Dustan. Mrs. T. A. Dustan and son Tom, jave returned froin a pleasant visît i Toronto.-1 1 Mr. James Bennett bas retu.rned froin two weeks' visit with relatives in Goderich. Mrs. A., P. Mitchell, Newtonville, has been guest of ber cousin,.Mrs. A. P. Ditcbburn. Mis. A. Pennington was week-end guest of ber sister, Mrs. J. n., WiX. liams, Osbawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Markbam, Tor- onto, were week-end, visitors at Mr. Miles Y, aIwles'. Miss a. Walters, Forest, was re- cent guest of ber cousin, Miss Beatrico Dovitt. Last hockey gaine of season will )e Moose (Toronto) at Bowmanville, thisFriday, benefit of, Hospital. Mrs. Geo. B. Bail, Toronto, was in town visiting.,ber father, Mr. W. F. Allen, Beech Ave., who is very Mi. Mr. W. F. Kerr, Crown Attorney,1 'Jobourg, was electod to the council )f the Ontario Bar Association at oronto. Mr. and Mis. Moîborne BickeIl, )sbawa, and son Nelson, spent the veek-end with ber parents, Mr. and Mvrs. Wm. Hobbs. Messrs. Win. Nichols and Wrn. W-nowles were in Toronto Wednesday in business and attendod St. Patrick -Ottawa hockey gaine. Col. Charles R. McCullough, fatheri of Canadian Club rnoveMeint, was on- ,ertained at Governinent House at a1 lunchoon whilo in Halifax rocently. Messrs. H. C. H-igginbotham, Cob- ourg, and Kendall L. Doîl, Toronto,i weîe guests of Mi. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Liberty Place, over Sunday. _,2)r. Horning's lecture on Friday uight in the Assernbly Hall will ho ,n "Sorne of thie -woîth-while wvritersI >f the -prtsent Day"'. Public are in-' rited. Pttnonetet i Mrs. Fred L. atnoetraid a nuniber-fîiends very pleasantly at ber homo on George-st., on Monday evoniing ia honor of ber guest, Mis. F. W. Scollen, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wrry and MissAudrey Werry, Mr. T. B. Pen- found, Oshawa, and Mrs. A. L. Pas- coe, Solîna, wero guosts of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James on Sunday. Bowmianville Wornon's Institute will mýet on Friday aftoînoon at the homeo of Mrs.,R. Durnas, Ontario-st. I All rnerbeîs and friends corne and 4njoy tho valentino pîogram. Mrs. Jonathan Awde andl stop1 ~augter, Miss Ina Awde ha vo ro- turned homo to Seneca, NortbhDa-' I'ota, after spending several weeks in ïenewiag old fîiendsbips in this dis- tric£. Miss Carrie 1. Painton wbo for, over five yeais bas been a faithfuli and efficient momber of The States-, man Staff, bas accepted a position in! *The Chronile-Gazette Office, Wit-' by. The bost wishes of oditors and* %taff f ollow her. Mr. R. M. Mitchell, local optome- trist, not being satisfied wth an ex- empt certificate issued by the On- ,tario Board of Examiners in Optomo- try, went to Toronto, theo fist weok li Febiuauy and wuote the first ex- 'amination set by the Board and bas, received word this week that ho bas been successful. This gives Mr. i Mitchell a tandard certificate by ex-. amination. ion of bei 92 yeaîs on Tuesday, Feb. 22. A dinner party was given li ber honor at her bomne, Lake Shore Faimn, wbich was attended bv ail the rnembers of ber family who live near- by. Mrs. Knight is keeping quite well, physically srn5rt and tboroly enjoyed the gathering. Many con- gratulations were roceived on this happy occesionfroin friends far and noar. A Money Saver for Boys and Girls. Growing Girls' Sizes 21/2 to 6 60 pair Kid and Caîf. Just the thing fou school and the world. Regular $5.00 to $6.00 $3.90 ,Misses' Sizes il to 2 75 pair Strong Serviceable Shoos for School or Sunday Wear. Rogu- lai $3.50 to $5.00 $290 Boys' Sizes 1 to 5 50 pair Sturdy Shoos for best and eveîy day use. Regular $3.50 to $5.00 for $2,90 Youths' Sizes il to 131/2 30 pair $3.00 to $3.75 $2.45 I I GRAND CONCERT AT TYRONE Clean and Cheery Drama Given Be-ý h1ind Electric Footlights. Wn One Concert held in the Sons' Hall on Saturday eveningý will ho re- rne7bered with pleasure by hs who were so fortunate as to be pro- sent. The' artistic staging was made fragrant with fiowers and bright with the electric lighting systein made possible through the scýientific ingenu- ity of, Mr. Harold Clernens. The play was most acceptable-a dlean, cheery draina put on by capable act- ors, including in the cast of charac-; ters; Messrs. Russel Wright, Har- old Clemens, Clarence Woodley, Mis- ses Maud Hodgson, Mary Brightwell and Hazel Werry, assisted by Miss Evelyn Brent and Mr. Will S. Staples in song. Other features were a drill by twelve young ladies in Grocian costume accornpanied by the, or- chestra was prettily performed; piano duets by Misses Florence and Mary Gardiner and Misses Mary Bright- well and Beatrice Bigelow, which were nicely rendered. Suitable ad- dresses were given by the chairman,S. S : Supt., 'Mr. A. W. Annis, and Rev S. Supt., Mr. A. W. Annis, and Rev. W. T. Wickett ahl of them being rnuch appreciatod by the audience. At the close Miss Florence Gardiner pro- sented Miss Bessie Mullin with a pret- ty bouquet of daffodils as a slight appreciation for ber untiring efforts in, training the lads and lasses for the draina and drill. Where all did so splendidly it would hoý an act of suporerogation to individualizo or mako invidions distinctionby spocia- izing i n porso nal commendation of any individual contributor or partici- pator. AN-NUAL MEETING 0F CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE. The annual meeting of Bowxnan- ville Chaniber of Commerce will ho hold in the Councîi Room, on Mon- day, Feb. 28th., at 8p. mn., for the purpose of electing officers for the en- suing year and to make final arrange- ments' for the banquet on Friday, March rd. A full attondance la ur- gently requested. G. L. HAL, C. H. MASON, President. Socretary. HOME-MADE BREAD Ha4ve you tried Mack's Homo Bak- ing? Juat like mother used to make. We will appreciate your order and 1 arn sure you wilI, our goods as we use nothing but the best such as youi would in your own home. All orders given prompt and caro- fuI attention. M. MEWHINEY,, Cor. Concession & Elgin-sts. Bow- manville. 18-1w $10 to $50 A WEEK At homo in Your Spare Tirne. lI- rease your income at home in your spare turne. You can earn $10 to $50 each week. No canvassing or soliciting. Wo teach you bow and supply you steady work.- Write to- day for f ull particulars, National Show Card Scbool, Ltd., Rooni 42, 44, Adelaido St., W., Toronto, Can- ada. 8-1 Sale Start s Feb. 24th BIRTHS NOBLETT-Ixi BowmaaVil1l0, Feb. lfith.. to Mr. anid Mrs. Jas. G. Noblett, a daughi- ter-. DARCH-In Bowma,,nville Hospital on Feb). 3, te Mr. and Mrs. Edwa7ýrdl Darch, Darlixigton, a son-ldwarel $rexto.. MARRIAGES MeGILL-JOHNS-At the .Parsonagej Blackstock, Feb. 16, by Rev. R. G. Car- ruthers, B. A., Herbert McGill of Janiet- ville, and Louise Johns; only datughiter of the late Richard and( Mrs. Johas, Nestlet- on, DEATHS RE ED-Iýn Bowmaýnville, Feb. iSth.,; Wesley G. Reed. SEE-Ia Toronto;, Feb. 12, Robert See, formerly of Newcastle. MANDERSON--At Myrtle, Feb. 13thi, Thomas Manderson, agedJ 84 years. RODDICK-In 1Hamilton Towniship, on Feb. 17, Robert Reddick, aged 93 years. STALKER-In Oxhoxý, Sask., Peb. 4, Axigue 8talker, Ini Ms TGth-year, forme(rly of Orono. ALLEWs-In ormxvll, onTuesday, February 22nd., Richard Allein, aged 86 years, 2 moxih. O' BEI RNE-la Stratford, Feb. . l8th., William Mark, O'Beirne, editor Stratford Beacon, aged 67 years. CLARK-At the residence of bis son- ln-law, Mr. C. H. Kxiight, Mariposa, Feb. 17, Smith Clark, ia his 9Otb year. McLAUGHLIN-Ixi Darlixigtoxi, Feb. 17, Eva Crookshaaks, beloved wif e Mr. Byron J. McLaughlin, Eaniskillen, aged 39 years. SYMONS-At Whitby, February 9th., Charles John (Sonny) Symons, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Symoas, aged 12 years aad 9 months. PENFOUND-At bis renîdeace, ]lgin- st., Oshawa, Feb. 23, John Penfound, sged 77 years. Funeral Friday aftornoon te Bowmanviile Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM. Uines te my dariing, baby Prederick' Geo. Pound, who was bora Oct. 4th., 1 1920, and died October 9th., 1920. He came to us lni our sorrow Straight from the. courts above, Like a gleam of Heavea's suxshine- Sweet messenger of God's love. Five 'Short sweet days ho lingered- And Oh! we loved hlm so! Wbat it meant to us to love him, Only our achiag hearts caxi know. O, for a touch of the clinging fingers Just to hold hlm once more lI my arme! But he is safe I the good Shepherd's keeping, And from this world's sin and alarms. Mother and Brothers, HELP WANTED COMPANION WANTED-For middle- aged womian, and to do light house work la family of three. Apply Charles Cora- Ish, Albert-st., Oshawa, or Lyall'Cordexi, Webster's Store, Bwavle 8-tf WANTED POSITION-A practical far-1 mer. marriod maxi, no family, would live by the year with a good farmer, dweliing1 and other prîvileges supplied. Apply byl letter to Box 22, Bowmanvillo, Ont. 5-tf1 h a IN MEMIORIAMi In lovlng memnory of Anaj Chris,ýtian Trick, who passed away on Feb. 26, 1919. The mionth of February again, is bore, For us the saddest of ali the yoar, The day of rememberance la sad to recail, Butt down la our hearts, Motlier was loved by us ail. Daughter Lilîle MeReynoîds. In loving memory of NeIIîe Elaine Bur- gess, who died February 24th., 1920. 0f t, our1 hearts are sad and lonoly And Our tears la sorrow flow, For the lovîng bright youag fiower, Whom God called a year ago. This date stili briags sad nmemories, 0f the dear one laid to rest,, For only those who miss ber mnost, Are those wbo loved bier best. Sadîy missed by her Father, Mother and Brother. In loving memory- of our littie grand- son, Newtoal M. Bickeil, who was taken hiome, to H-eav,,en, Feb. 20, 1920.' Go to tby rest fair clxild, Go to thy dreamnless bed, Gentle and meek and mild, With blessings on tby head. Freshi roses in thy band, Buis on thy p Iillow laid, Haste fromt this blighting land, Where fiowers so quickly fade. Grandma, Grandpa, Horace, Maurice. ia lovIng momory of Williami Thomas Jobinq, beloved son of the late William anfi Elizabeth Johns, who died Fe'b. 20, Be near tbemi, Lord, who mourx in grief and sadness, Instill thy consolations lin their heartà; Now that their loved one lives. midst joy and gladaess, No sorrowv there, thy saving grace li- part. Iato t.heir trouïbed minds ho thou their 1'en till tbey meet agaixi, saf e oxi the other side. xI over loving memory of our baby Newton Melbourne Bickell, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bickell, who died Peb. 20, 1920. God bas taken home our baby, Pis ced our bud among is flowers, Taken home the one hoe gave us, 1To a, botter world than ours. Though short on earth was bis littie Still J wiil not repine, Since Jesus ia is bosom wears, The flower that once waa mine, Father, Mother and Nelson. In loviag memory of Franklin J. Pound, who died Feb. 28th., 1920 at Field, B. C. Deeply mourned. I One year bas passed since "Idaddy" loft us To joîn the white robed throag, And lxi aIl the bright forever, To sîng the glad, new soag. Our loss la great, the shock severe, We had no tbought, that doath was near And only thoso who have lost can toel, The pain of parting witbout farewefl. 'In our hearts are grief and sorrow, Hidden deep from the world's cold stare, And we'ro longing for the mnoraîng, Wbea wo'll meet again up there. WIfe and Boys. IjThe S'ýhop Ti'-hat Leads Well' Knlown Fact POSITIONS WANTEO Experîjencedt married maxi esires posi- tion on farm, with bouse and other privil- eges. State wages. Apply to H. N. Drawer B, Bowmanviile. 8-tf HONEY FOR SALE SmaU quantity of good quality dark hon!ey att 2be Per lb. Also llghtUhney at 28c per lb. R. J. SMITH, Enniskillen, phone 211-24 8-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE JERSEY CREAM FOR SALE-WIliam Merritt_ King-et., East. Phone 110. 3-tf. FOR SALE-6 Yorkshire Brood Sows. AppIy to H. M. Foster, R. R. 5 towman- ville, phone 205-r4. 8-tf FOR SALE-Rosewood .Piano .Table 7ft. x 11, ft., like xiew. Appy to Thos. Tabb, Elgin-st., North, flowmanville. 5-tf FOR SALE-A lîmited cuantiy of mangolds and turnips. Also one 60-egg incubator and hand vacuum cleaner. Ap- ply to M. J. Elliott, Concession-st., E., Bowmianville, phone 95-12. 11 7-2* FOR SALE-B red-to-Lay White Wyan- dottes, Killer & Martin Strala, heavy iaying strain, cekerels at $300 to $500 each. Eggs $150 for 15. Fred Neads, Nelsox-st., Bowmanville, box 3413. 7-2 FOR SALE-Double Seated McLaugh- lin Buggy, upholstered la leather, I good repair. Also smail quaatity of mangels for sale. Appy to W. C. Stevens, Nur seryCorner, Bowmnanville. Phone 246. 8-2w* FOR SALE-A Heavy Farm Horse right every way, about 1200 pounds, 5 year old, also 8 Yorkhire Pigs 6 weeks old. ýAýppy to Trheron -Miountjoy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Phone 320-r2-3 8-1w CATTLE FOR SALE-i cow rising 4 years, reaewiag March; 1 cow, 1 years, rexiewiag April; 1 cow, 8 years, renewing April; i farrow cow, 8 years, still milk- ing; 2 heifers, rexiewing i March and April; 2 heifers, rising 2 years old; 3 heifer calves. These are all good Ayr- shire Shorthorn grades., J. J. Aberaethy, Bowmanville, R. R. 2, phone 188ý r i-3. 8-2w* PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Sevea roomed brick bouse, electric lights, hard and sofit water, hexi house, tool bouse, fruit treesand a good garden. Good bargain. House la -A-i condition. E. R. Freeman, box 220, Bowmanville. S-tf GOOD BRICK HOUSE-Irp Bowman- ville, contalnixig 7 rooma, eleotrt ' lIghts,1 with SÀ acre0f land ' more or 1e* stable, good -well,, and fruit tres. 1ppy to W. H. Halfacre, Bowmanvle R .6 Phon, 195-12. 60-t!. HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse of 61 rooms, comnpietebath,, bot water boiler and basin in kitchen, fire place, -electrie lightsý, furnace, veraxida, and aice lot 66x 135. This is on a fine residental street and a genuine ba rgala. Price $3250. Apply M. G. Belîman, Offie Ring-st., Bowmanville, 8-tf AUTO LICENSES SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE. I wish to inform auto owners that I have been appointed representative for the sale of governient auto licenses for Bowmanville and vicin- ity for 1921. No need for sending out of town for your licenses now. W. J. BAGNELL, P"hone 152 Bownxanville. 20r% YEARS It hardly seema possible that 20 years have passed since we openod our little Shoe Parlor down by Couch, Johuston & Cryderinan's. We knew little about the shoo gaine in those days but tho public was kind to us., We established the principles of "Quality First", "Fair Profits", and "One Price to AIl", and these princip- les have guided our career throughout In four years we had outgrown our sinaîl quarters, and when the Post Office reinoved into its present fine building we moved into the promises it vacated. We were coinfortable and happy thoro eight yoars, when theï building vIns sold to Mr. Mitchell who fitted it up for a first class Drug Store, and we purchased the building we have now occupied eight yoars. We have now reached our 20tÙ Anniversary, and following oui An. nual custom we will celebrate it witl Special Sa. 4i-_b yra botter than ever ùefore. In view of the oxceedirg, bigl prices theso last 3 or 4 yoars, thest big reductions will coine as a blessing to rnany buyers. We extend our heartiest thanku for past favoîs and trust the sainE cordial relations may continue in thE years to corne. Fred R. Foley, EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IS INTERESTED IN SAVING REAL MONEY. NO ONE LIKES THE IDEA 0F PAYING EXTREME PRICES FOR FOOT- WEAR. THEY HAVE BEEN HIGU WE ADMIT BUT HERE IS A RARE CHANCE TO ECONOMIZE. COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. Sale Ends March 5th. Thne Biggest'Cuts Are On Our Very Best High Priced Shoes. LADIES SAVE ON THESE Here are some of the finest shoes mnade in Canada. Not all sizes in every line, but all sizes in . Black and Brown fine' Kid ~~UIlI'~1I and Caif, Louis 4,nd Cuban ~,a rJA~ heels. RegularJ Price $12.50, $13.00,,$14.00 for $9.90 Regular Price $10.00, $10.50, $1O.0 for $7.90 100 Pro Broken sizes selling lines Brown, many heels. Regular Prices $8.00, $8.50, $9.00 Regular Prices $7.00 and $7.50 2 Specials Black and Brown, from our best in Black and with rubber for $6,90 for $5.90 for $4.90 HERE IS THE BIG SURPRISE P We have on our shelves about 2 200 pair, mostly small sizes, but excellent wearing stock. Regardless of their worth clearing at $1.90 MEN, ,MEN SAVE NOW The shoes ii this sale are from Canada's best shoemakers-Regals, Beresfords, Ames-Holden, 120 Pro Snappy styles for young men, recede toes, rubber heels, in- visible eyelets, in Black and Brown. Regular Price $11.'00, $12.00, $13.00 for $8.90 Regular Price $9.0O 950, $11.00 for '$7.90 Extra Special Brown Caîf f or $4.90 Medium shape, good sensible shoes, neyer out of fashion. Regular Price $9.00, $9.50, $10,00 Regular. Price'$8,00, $8.50, $9.00 One Line Extra Special f or $7.90 f or $6.90 for $4.90 OUR NEW SPRING3 SHOES ARE HERE 1-AWAITING-SHELF SPACE Ou érsfor this F-,redi R . Foi0 e ', Our aim to serve with honest Sale are strictîy Cash. values the whoîe year round On the Sunny Side Bowmanvîle j FOLEY'S 2th NIVERSA Y. Largest Sale ValIues Ever Offered THE BIG ON CE-A-YEAR OPPORTUNITY. People have given up to habit of "looking around" for goods which they know we carry in stock. The34 now corne DIRECT TO THUR- STON'S for thiey halVe found by past experience that we serve them best., OUR BUSINESS IS FURS AND HABERDASHERY. G. N. THUIRSO Bowmaniviill«s Up-to-date ll1aberdasher y and Fur Shop. Tbe Id Relia-ýble Gro4%cer Withthe-varjous chang 'es in present mnarket conditions the welfare of our customers is upper- miost in our mind, Our long experience in the grocery business places us in a position to buy to advantage and seil at the lbwest possible prices. WE SELL HOME-MADE BREAD AND BUNS MADE RIGHT IN BOWMANVILLE. AiROHIE TAIT PHIONE 65. Prompt Dehivery. Bowmanville. ýý-q 1 -1 mm