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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1921, p. 6

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Into a&q Crockery Teapot Put a, teaspo'onful o! the genuine for everyTWO cups. Pour on !res1y BOILING water and let it stand for five minutes. THE£ RIESULT wMllb. tue niost perfect f1&voured tea you ever tauted. 7 4 $50 to $59OOO A YEÀR FOR LIFE à AD GA1 OMMRENT AI4NUITY MMS f -No better ita investinent available '-Ne batter secsrity ebteinabl -Canmot bc aioed or evied upo for asy esus -WHI behareplaced if lest, suies eor destroyed -Net afféeticd by trade depresdos -Free frein Dominion Income Tax -Ne medical examination requi'.cd Anyone ovar the age ot 5 years residenÏor. deaiciled la Con"a -nY purchase. Any two persens mny purchase joitly. Ennployers may purchase for thecmployee-.chel boards for their teachers-coagregations for their minieters. Appl to Four potmaster; or write, postage frce, t0 3. T. Bý-7teo, Super. Étendent of Annuitice, Otkawa. fer ncw booeet and other informatin desSrd. mate nez and age lest brthday. It's Made Right Cod-iver ohl is as deicate as butter, iti must be made right to ameure palatability. SCOTT'S *EMULSIONe is decidedly palatabl and easy to take. t contains purest me-' dicinal -cod- liver oil that is made right from the start. Scott & Bowrie. Toronto. Ont. (Tablets or Granue*) I-oBINDIGESTI ON ToLokYoung is a valuable asset'to women in business, social and private life. Nothing hèelps somuch as a good digestion. Poor elirnination causes ~one to look sicklyT and stimula'-te theý live r, pro- mote elirnination.ý This helps purify the blood, improve the complex.. ion, bringthe roses back to the cheeks. To look anid feel yourig-Beech- arn's Pis So!d Everywhere in Canada. In boxes, 25r-, 50e. Loe'get Sale of an Medicine in the WoricL RELIE VES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES. imply Rub it Back cfth Ears and Insert in Nostrils. Proef of sue- cesas will ha given by tihe druggist. MADE IN CA4NADA ARTHUIR SALES M, SalesAgnts, TOrate 0. . Lsard. Is., 5111., 70 511i Ave., M. Y. City F,9r sala ia Bovinville by JURIY & LOVELL -tt j î I The Double Track Route -between The Double Track Route between Montreaki Toronto Unexcelled dining car servie. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on the principal day train. Fulli information from any 'Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. B. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phono 78Bowmanville ABLE TO DO0 After Long Suiffring Mrs. Peasey Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ont.-" I sufered wlth irregular menstruation, was wcak and rua down, could flot eat and had headaches. The worst symptoms were draggin g do-en pains, so bad 1 sometimeës thought 1 woul go Crazy and 1 smnotheig1 a Sini this condition for two or three noct seem towor 1 Itried al kinda of niedicines and had been treated by physicians but received no benefit. 1 found one of your bookiets and feit inclined to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I received the best resuits from it and now I keep house and go out to work and arn like a new woman. I have recomrnended rourd Vegetable Compound to rny riends and if these facts will help Soule poor womnaa Use themn as you pease."-Mrs. J. F. PEAsEY, 387 King St., Toronto, Ontario. if you are one of these womiea do not sufer for four or five years as Mrs.. Peasey Idid, but profit by her experience and be restored to heaitti. j (Patented> ALL BLIfS FILLE!> COnSErS are de- rigned ligr eonorinity wth the science of iaOic'. 'ie iftup" a ratented Inveqtlon wth 1 1 ela Jsti inside beii. cenjy sur, o'l e abdomen, andi s very beneil or Je ter an afin iIon invoIi pneaal onai jr Ici ion. Most efctr in te- l'~afre phrsii'al ailmenie trom wlolcl 1 la nWlLýIC U sufer. Write us NOW. for useful bns 0en L ,J a'tn rdsel-measurement. FIe up.n lefluolît. BEL LORSI'rO BOWMANVILLE, FER. 24th., 1921. ORONO From The News Editor W. L. Smith has sold his f arm south of Orono to Prof. Sisson,ý Toronto. Mrs. W. F.* Rolph, 'Standard, Hotel, f el down staîrs and has been laid up the past few weeks. Mr. .J._ J. Fowler rented the Peters' f arm, 100 acres, south west of Hampton. The family will move te' their new home early in April. He bolds a five year lease ' Many mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves ' Worm Exterminator, because it bas relieved the little ones of suf ering and made them healthy. Whether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yield to Hol-. loway's Corn Remover. Mr. G. W. Cowan bought from Mr. Arthur Manning, the frame residence on Centre st. Price $1500. This property was lknown as the E. Davey home. Piper farm, lot 16, con. 7, Clarke bas changed bands, Mr. Herbert Crav- en, Toronto, becoming owner, and will place his nephew, Percy Lamden, re- turned soldier, on it, but will make bis residenca there during the sumnmer. Requisite on the Farm.-Every farmer and stock-maiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thomae_ Eclectrie Qîl on hand, net only as a ready remedy for ilis in the family, but bacause it is a hoise and cattie madicine of great potency. As a substitute for o-weet oil for horses and cattle affect- ed by colic it far surpasses anything that caiY be administered. Services of Rev. A. K. Edmison, B. A., are appmeciated by-his congrega- tiens. The Quartemly Board at its meeting voiced the sentiment of the people by extending him a hearty and unanimous invitation to remain fo r a second tçrmm Dust Causes Asthma. Even a little speck too small to see will lead to agonies which no words can de-. scribe. The walls of the breathing tubes contract and it seems as if the very 1f e must pass. Prom this con- dition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings the user, te rest and health. It relieves the passages and normal breathing is established again. Robert Mergan farm, lot3O., con.7, Clarke, 100 acres, was puchased by Edward and Richard Hepworth, me- turiied- soldiers, former having semv- ed with Scotch Guards in the late war. Richard served with United States Army from Texaýs. Tbey take pos- session April lst. This was the John- ston Bradley Farin. Miller's Worm Powdars act mildly a-id without injury te the child,, and their can be no doubt of their deadly effect upon wornis. They have been in successfuluse for a long time and are recognized asa leading prepara- tien for the purpose. Tbey have preved their power in numberless cas- as and have given relief to many chil- drea, who, but for the good offices of this compound, w uld have continued weak and enfeebled. lNeil Smit's old bomestead farm, lot 3, con. 6, Darlington, bas been bought by a Quebec man, Mr. W. H. May,'Rîviera de Loup, of British des- cent and an Enigineer. A fine or- chard on this farin, produced over 600 Sinca Mr. May sacured bis option on the place Mr. Patterson, tbe agent wbo negotiated the sales, bas had to turna IaY twO other anxious buyers. An Oui that Is Famnous. Though Canada was net tha birthplace cf Dr. Thomas, Eclectric Oil, it isi the home of that, famous compound. From here its good name wasspread to Central and South America, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is far afield eaough to attest its excellence, for in alI these countries it is on sale and in demand. POOR'LITTLE FELLOW. Poor little fellow, your case is sad, You must go te seheol when you'd Ilke te play, And youiwant te be eld like your dot- igdad, Who niay corne and go in hua own sweet way, And yeu seldora hava t'.avelled on railroad'trains,' And neyver alone ma y o~u vander far., You long te be donte with your grew- Ing pains And getoff there wheme the big mca are. Peor little fellow, youm if e is'bard, Theme ara se many thinga that you iuAy net de; Se many pathways te you are barred, And se many ules that are made for yeu; Oh, you see men cerne and you see them go, Old and battemed and worn and grey, And te win the treom you think1 they know Tou would fling ail yenr youth away. Peer little fellow, time was that I Leoked eut on the world tbroughi the scîf-same eyes,1 And the years seemed long,-and 1i wondemed wby11 I couldn't be old and grown and wise; Then I used te dreain of te days te be1 ,And the jeys I'd dam and the1 thiaga I'd do,i When ltae years had fashioned a mani of me-1i No I'd give thain ail te ha, just like -you. Poor litîle fellow, den't sigit for age, For the'years are swift and their cames are greal; Bitter lte baIlles Ibat men mtust wage As g'.own-uips lean when il's al tee late; Oh, seen, tee seen, aal you coma te sec Wben the work cf the world shal ba yours te do, Why, tbere's neyer a man but would gladly be A peer littie fcllow once more ,ike yeu. ----------- 1 ------------------- -1 ýffl severlty et runing wiîî, ef course, b, recommend ih as a blend purifier. -I vary with the variety.-E. F. Palmer 1 '00w ih has no equal as 1 used it for my DiretorVinlan Horicuturl ~ boy. My ineighhors and frîends were pannment Station. surprised withthe îesults.; in tact, 1 do inot thinik he would be alive to-day had O fi n ,C e sn e Pointeraste'. Live Stock tlaso keep it on hand for coughs, as il Cattie should have water in1 abund- (ifile s so frorn other coaigh medicines; ,nstead of sîpsetting the stornach, as ance, easy of access, and always pura mosI cough syrups do, it is good for the K N and fresh. storach. I only -wish I had çnowa Sand, 1oan or herse manure sheaj< about Dr. Pierce's medicines sooner.'»- - n,. ...., erla~,- -- nE8.Ps~EUnvWcen ________________________ sou uinueeunun es s titan good cdean straw, eand oU Va, hiave your reward. ,--L -ea ther' PRUfIKGEXPRiMNTSRMLWAY TIME TABLEb FOR j ~~~Grand Trunk Railway. Ch n n J Three Different Treatment, at, Geing East. Goig West r m Coe L thaVieIndSttin. Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m. HamA the inelnd tatiil. Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m.*, Local 10.02 a.m.* Wnter Pruunlng, summer prant1ng Pass'ngr 3.14 p.m.* Local 1.56 plm and No Prunlng-Light AURUS' Local 6.54 p.m.* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.* Local 7.14 p.m.* Pass'ngr 8.16p.m.* . Prunlng 111, on the WI1O1Oth Mail 9.58 p.m. Most Deafrabla. *Daily except Sunday. 1 Flagged. (Con tributed by Ontari o Depaztanteat~ Canadian Pacli Railway. Agriculture. Toronto.) GigEe on et O N expariment consistlng of a Express 10.20 a.m. Express 5.50 a.m. O A comparative test ef three dit- Express 2.37 p.m.*Local 8.20 «a.m.l ltt was started at Yinelafld in *Daily except Sunday. 1914. The threc treatinantB Woe C. B. Kent, Town- Agent. (a> wiater or dormant pranIfl, <b Canadian NÀ%tional Railway. Thefe two srticles are mnade froin chrome summer prunlagf, and (c) ne pruun West Bound East Bound isather, the srle4tcstggutt leather known. ing. The orchard under test coel 8SS.- 0 Oa. p 08.34P. M. hy vil not ha-rle with siweat or wate'.. They ad oft about fiftea diffamaent 'rartettfl *Dailyexcept Sunday. hw ate te l àand yern My howye of apples. Although it la tee earV clii ou Le aeLecrtion cd halters and haraces._ 1 te look forcoaclusive resuitS "e-. on the ultimate yielda Ot the M MASON & DALE, Bowmanvil varlous systains of pruniflg, rot 'WO WM. JAMIESON, Newcastle have indications et what these resulta wlll ba. Also we1 have data WhO W. W. HORN, Hampton positlvaly shows the adyantaffl Cd llght prunling for the y0ung orchaa4. Bayond this eur results de net 90__ as th e orchard le stili young. The expariment, as originallY oui- lined, specified the fellowlng for 084b kind ef prualng: Wlnter Pruning.-Trees te b. *f aiei*o saveraly eut back, thinned eut luaebt Match or April, 'the objeet being to ~ II~ foma framiework pleasi1ng tu the Lju'ýdN SluI i i )V aye and which. at the saine Urne would ultimately b. capable of M.Emet lrPlc calrin a maximum load ef fruit. Office'., 338 King St., Kingston, i.e., to be pruaad aecordlng te the O(nt.,wmites: thon corpmonly accepted method for youne trees until bearing age. "For thmee years I suffemed Fruit bearing was not te be takea from nervousness and sleep- We've made It hot for a lot of înto conslderation for at iaast see lessness. 1 believe my con ,di- >umars. nn.--Tetr .u to was brought about by' lookin for satisfactory col and: der this treatinant to e Wevlt thlnned overwork. I had frequent out lnaÂugust whea grotwth is coal headaches, neuralgic pains and a ton of Our coal in your home we w Ing and the maturing et wood cm- twitching of nerves and mences. Terminal gro'wths te haeout back oaly sufficiant te keap the uee muscles. I had indi estion, to warm it up a bit for you. Our within bound-s whlch usauy involvea was short of breath and easily only tlpp-lng baek th(- main branches. tired. I commenced a treat- The original objecta et this type oit me nt of Dr. Chase's Nerve and we give a full weight ton. pruning were to promcka aearly bear- ilg, admit as much sunlight as Food, and seven boxes of this possible and at the sainetime net medicine relleved me of ail rny saorifico the natural shape ot the symptoms. 1 arn now feeling J h A.H o g t tree any -more thian necessary. o ll A 1 rp t No Pruning.-Trees laft te ake one hundred per cent. better natural growth with the exceptions than I was, and have to thank Queen and Division Sts., of the removal et broken or other Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for wlse lajured limbe. tego elh1a o n Pollowing is a summary et reeulta: .h go hy> hI rnnw1n (1) The hea.vy dormant pruned JOying." tracs have made muehless grewth Dr. Chase's Nerre Food, 50 cents a box, as lndleated by the diamater ot the 6 for $2.75, ail denlers, or Edmanson, tirunk and sprea.d ef branches tha Bae& o. Ltd., Toronto. Other- the unpruned or summar pmuned trees. ltMoreolver, the sumlmer p'.uned and unpruned treas have S I G T M would lessen their abîlity te malLe nov growth. Their real gain over thc heavlly pruned trees ia, there- fore, greatar than the actual incas- WILL SOON Bi uremeants would indicate.__________________ (2) The dorm ant pruned trees ______ have bean mucti later ia comlng irito Ige.ii' bearlag, produclng la 1915 enly A 8 We are open to buy a limi three ot fruit for the whole - block, as against 127.7 pounda tormE DG ANo tefloigv the summer pruned block, and 209.4 SEEDGRAI1of1he fllown£jv pounds for the uapruned block. Mr». E. H1ayes, é-, ZHameltonfei Wlth the season et 1919' and those going South to f(md reIicf, ,,4ey BARLEY O0. A. C. No. 21 a iaterveaing between 1915 and 1919, CUtOrd by a local remedy. the ratio has been practically th "To have so.ffered with wee'ping eczemna of OATS-any good grade the hands, so l iadth at iy ands were helplios saine. Haavlly dormant pruncd -to have tried and tried remedies, wjthout re- tracs have ba'.ely started te bear as fief-to have givea up wîîrk and corne South SRN Y yet, whtle the summer pruned and forhbelp-to have eencuredconpletelyoi halPRNGRY unpruad tres hve inrease ~aebottie ofDil D D. -This is -the subet'inci' oPrnc unpune teeshav icresedinMrs. Hayes' letter, 22 SuneetSt,, HamProinceîît productiveness each season. Cases can be sentyou ilomyour own rtcinity. W E T M rus (3) The- summer pruned tracs Write for (anadian testiîùroolaLs, or secure a (probably equivalent in affect te bottle of D D. D. today, Wkg uifer itckinmà orsl coc tormemt aaother momet' If .yen 't get _We have also o aecoc lilbX dormant pruning) have made relief on the first boule, Nte %wi lref Irldwithout considerably more growth titan lte question. s.oo a boUle. 'iry . . Soap, 100. ment Standard and home grown heal pruned trees and have prac- _1ýýs- tÂcally held thair ewn w1th the un- A-LSIKE, TIMOTHY, and are pre pruned trees except la the >case of the Graenlng variety where the uapruned t oiofà î'ieas other varieties if neecled. tracs have out-distanced the aumamer JURY là LOVELL' pruned tracs. DRUGGISTS BOWMAN VILLE a dspl fC (4) Unpruned trees have made Still have god upl9o9 more growth than elther ot the otherbe an Bulig atra two systemau, titough ve'little morebe an BuligM trl. Q than the suimmer pruned trees. Theypreseao bl.Cian se i are alse econtinuing te outyiald lte rcseao bl.C lan seu ethar systems ef pruning. These unpruned trees, however, as a whole are becoming very dense, increasîng M Celu C npÙ vary. materlly the dîfficulty andM CI Ia &C mp y ceaI et spraying, picking, etc. There King Street East are indications also that the fruit laOfc lonis-Rsieci 2 talllng off ila color due te the OfiePoe1 ei n.s28 dense growth. F ý 5 e F ri o n t t tt h e :gt r t h r n n have made the greaeat gain$Itedate E HERE J.ted quantit y of arieties:' and Two Rowecl Imperial, Goose ,e No. 1 Govern- RED CLOVER, -pared to supply oa1, Wood, Lum~- ýuality riglit and US. Limited Bowmanville ý8 and 274 ed!- high. )d Cream. ours write us. ry Co., il s le ,folks who were if you will, place would be pleased rprices are right C& Son J3owmanville mmmmw_ ài 44-» i b 1 le a 8+4* Umm --q 'j alilib. rmakul yvvuý 1- 1 aumamm

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