STEAMSHIP TICKETS' M. A. JAMES TO EUROPE-Canadian PWeiflc, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phoune 53, Bowmanvile. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght Caelse Promptly Attended To. O)ffice, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bow,,manville. Phone 243. MARBLE, WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL "Lest We- Forget" DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- mente~, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULO, B. A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Fr.operty. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY Xortgagé Loans Arranged. Bond@ for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Bleak- ley Blok, Bowmanville. 45-t MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. G'old Medalist of TrÉinity Univorsity' Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- idcian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmnel gozpltal, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Rosidenco, Wellington Street,7 Bow- manville. Phone 108. 86 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M.,, Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, .former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREY Graduate Toronto University, yearI and haif resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six months Burnside Maternity) two and haif years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. '10-iyr.* DENTAL DiR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ont- ai. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phono 40. House phono 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT 'Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. Office, King-st'East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sunday. Phono b a. House phono 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complote equipment. Sunday and night calle promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono., AUCTIONEER THEO. M. SLEMON Having secured a, license as auction- eer I am prepared te take a limited number cf sales. For terinr apply ,M Enuikillen P. O., or' phone 197-rS. 32-tf JUNK DEALERS YâPOULTïRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, -Duke-st., just opposite Canning ý7actory, pays highest cash prices for ctall kinds of poultry and junk. Phono 299 or call at his residence. 5-tff. W-,,ANTED :-Any Hay, Grain, or no"l Poultry, or Junk. Cal 289 I the 'mornings before 8 a.m. or after 6, p.m. Jos. Rosenvald, Bowmanville. 3 2-tf CANADA BUSINESS 'COLLEGE, OSHAWA. Our winter term commences January 3. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewritlng, Complete Commercial and Complete Stenographie courses. King Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phone 917. CONSULTING ENG:INEERS THE E. A. JAMES CO., LIMITED, 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, Canada, FITS Stinson's home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty, years ' succesa. Theusantis of testimonils. No case shouiti be consiti- ered hopeless. Free'booket. Wmn. Stin- son Remedyiy Ce., of Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. MEROHANTýS CASUALTY COMPANY. Speclaïlsts ln Health and Accdent Insurance. 'Polleles liberal and unrestrlcted. Ove,' $1,000,000 pald In losses. Exceptional oppotunities fer local agents. 904 Royal Bank Bldg. Teronteo. Ont 6-60 BE AN EXPERT Iu Autos aud T ractors. We want 200 more men immedlately te 1111 positions lu early Spring, at $125 te $200 rnonthly, operatIng gas tractors. ~dilg m.oter trucks anti cars, selllng trtoor, ca rs anti farm power'nmacbinery, or as auto tracter mechanica lu city and ,ountry garages. Qly few weeks requir- ed learu these tradesat day or evenlng classes at Hemphill Government Chart,- ered Motor Schools in every large clty of Canada. Start now anti yen will be rayfor Spring rush. Sndfer cata- lou, Hemphill Mter Schnoos, 163 Rig-t. est, 'Toronto, Ont., Regina, '3askatoon, Edmnonton, Calgary and Van- czouver.84 BOWMANVILLE, MARCH- 3, 1921 THE EDITOR TALKS It is eften.remurked that "Fana- ing lis a gamble" I'and now some génius bus coigned the phrase, "Busi- ness in a game." Weil, we suppose it is. Games are won and lest uc- cording te dictum of the Fates or skill of the players. The keenest of, mon play the game for the joy ef eutdis- tuncing their fellows. Comipetitien is perfectly ail right when mon play the game fuirly and squaroly.- We ail have expexienced the glenuine pleusure that eue feels ever doing anytliîng a littie btter than the next man. Our advice te ail business mon and farmers, tee, even tho their oc- cupation is a "gume" or a "gamble"~ is te play fuir and whatever'yenu t- tempt do well; this is the btter plan, and, if in nil yen don't excel, just do the bout yen cun, and the chances are that yen will win a fuir share of yeur games. One of ou older readers told ns this week how much ho bus enjoyed the travel and historie articles we have recently publisbed. We believed we weîre giving ou reàders intorest- ing and profitable articles wben we published thoso articles and we solicit more of similar charactor. A tbought that came te nus in reading the instructive travel article by Mus. W. C. White about their trip to the Coast was the value 'of education. She was a student of Bowvmanville High Scbool and hor educatien pro- pared ber firstly, the belter to observe and enjoy the beau ties of Nature and, secondly, te tell teo thers ini good language and iu an interesting stylo what she saw and thought. Wewish we could impress ou the minds ef al young persens that a good education is worth a thousand f old wbiat it costs and in this country ne boy or girl need go without it. ST. PAUL'S FIRST MINISTER Iu our mention of persons who were prosent ut the epening of St. Panl's Presbyteriun Chnrch in this town, Junury 30, 1871, we omitted the name of Miss Jeanna Gray, now Mrs. David Moffat of Clarke town- ship. Aitho very young she re- members the ceremony yery distinct- ly. Bowmanvillo correspondent te Orono News writes* The late Rev. JohnSmitb, whese portrait was presented te St. Paul's Cburch, by hîs sons, wus the first minister of the now cbnrch. Ho was minister of the old cburch in the nortb part of the town by the C. P. R. bridge (the west one) for muny yeurs previons, and preached there in the foronoon, preachiag in Enniskii- lon'lu the afterueon. He woll- known tbrongbout Darlington and Clarke, and a'speaker at many of the Sunduy School celebrtions of those early times. PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH Thomas A. Edison who celebrated bis 74tb. birthday recently bas been talking fer the New York pupers from bis exporience. Among other wisewords ho says: Most people overeat'100 per cent and oversleep 100 peu cent because they like -it. That extra 10Q per cent makes tbom unnbolthy and inefficient. The peuson who sleeps eight or ten heurs a night is neveu fully asleep and, never fuliy awake-they have only« different dogrees of dose througb the twenty-feur heurs. "Most people seem te thiuk thoyl must eut until tboy are neý longer hunguy. Most of their energies are taken np in digesting what tbey eat. I see whnt people eut, and for my- self baîf us much isenough. "~For myseif I neveu found need of more thun four or f ive heurs' sîeep in the twenty-fonr. I nover dreum. It's roui sàleep. Wben by chance I have taken more I wake up dull and indolent." We are prpnd of the action of'________ public achool scbolars lu depositing their dollars i The Penny Bank whîch is'looked after by their teach- TWO CHURCH SPORTS eus iu the achoot. Before us is the Thspotie pasinBw ,report of Prof. M.A, Mackenzie of Tispotte upasinB - Toronto University, for Noyember and manvillo cohumu of Orono News cf December 1920, fuom which we last week. If we were given only observe that Bowmanville Public one guess re îdentîty of the other school'gave 40 cents peu pupil. "cgame sport" we sbould say the first Thi isa fir howngfor i lotters of bis name are 0. A. G.-y, his is ahefolilsowing cte ' aOrono Booster :The Statesman in ahed f te ohlwig ctisand its report of "Methodist Hockey towns :Campbelford 20 centsColling- Mtysy i aswrhhî h wood 25, Godericli 29, MKitchouer 24 orh hlfth Lînday 1, Ledo it5, enru2438 price of ýa4mission te see that good Nçwmarket 87, Ottawa'32,Port Hope a ovîttsinrthe rgme." 36, Smith's lFalls 24, Woodstock 27 aon rdasportealrigb t Notehlmi c bo.,Hre is the wish that Bow-on rdyafeoulstwtbi cens. wl ak bgpshti grip packed for the hockey-game in meauvihiepi moe an inpusb the city. A haîf bundrod citizens of yere d epos itsmoe tanpuzl any that, calibre 'wouid make for more uls: In November 1919 BowmÏan hnwargetgno adysi ville pupils deposited $142.76, and Athletic sports. . Anether live game in November 1920, they jumped the sport,, who is certainiy a booster, (ho sum e $23.4. luDecmberbowdoos net roside bore,) but we notice evrtbydppdto$09InDme $821 o1919ho nover misses, a game lu the rink andr tey $72.7 la 1920.2isn1t1is.a re, takes in al the geod tbings lu a and o $2.7 in1920 Is't hisa musical lino ia the 'city, and can sing fearful drop? Wonder wbat became cdsn eeeti h os n of the pennies thut month,' beys and like ur Dr. a good ail-round citizen, girls. F111 up the box wei for Feb- buiwl ae -naming of ne names. maysetasnxtrpotwîiD but jnst the samne those are the people god.who do thîngs, and that's what thet tewn, village and country need te- day. Farmers and especiaiiy lîve stock, breeders are somewhat. queried just now te know whut te decide te do EYFN DIO about incueasing bords and fiocks. VRYF NYETR It may heip them te some oxtont Editor J. J. Hunter, Kincardine Re- to size up the situatien te learu that preFvr nrae n it is officiuliy estimntod ,that the pore Favos.lP. easd la world roquires f ifty billion ponnds ofdentteMP.'s meut annully and, that whiie the After ueading this editorial wbo population increused by 85,000,000- dure -oppose the.increuse lu sessional that 'is from 510,000,000 te 595, lndemnity te $2,500 for Ontario 00,000-between the years 1901 te M. p. P's : That lîttbe eld sessionul 1914,cattie, sheep and hegs combined indeînnity is coming np,, so rumor oniy increased 40,000,000-that is syadrmri eeal h oe fror 1,65,00,00 t 1,05,00,00.runner of truth or siander. It looksi Thi-e of course indicates that there this time as if it were truth. The is net oniy a shortuge of monts in the membeurs ail found it was more ex- werld now, but that ns the years go, pensive te sit arund good hoteis and by it must become greater and groat- cbew- tooth-picks, bny newspaWrs, er. Iu December Agricultural Gaz- have their shees blacked and sînoke ette Mu. P. E. Liglit, Chief Markets cigurs,, instend of a dlay pipe, than Intelligence Division,, Ottawa, peints they ever dreameti cf. There's au- ont that gonerai eonemic progresas other ittle item tbat entors into the population and the stntus of living in bibi cf expense. We drop lu te ee the censuming werld, makes fresh our member. Ho hasu't get over domands upon available lands and his courtosy of the farm and says: tends te bring about relative decline "Have dinner with me." It costs lu the output of animal produce. hlm, an extra dollar. Ho may hope This decline must ho offset by an yen wilh refuse, but yen don't yen extension in live stock production go up te the feed trongh, drink ont sufficient te meet încroused censum-, of the Éinger bowhs and ahi the rest ptive demand. Any groat anglmen- of it, even leaving yonr member te tation 'of'Population lu Canada ut tip the waitou. This happons often the prosent time wouhd find ns in a dnring the session. Yen may ouly go situation where we would either be once, but there are fifty more just severly taxed te previde for the total like yen, and some of them make ît a domestic demand, ou else compellod point te accidentalhy mn inte the te curtail ou expert trade. member several timos. Lots of them nover voted fou him,, but that don't matter. Ai't ho commen prey feu REVEALED BY THE WAR ail. Yen bot ho's ou servant. We sont bim te pauiament and we're The late war reveaied the shocking, going te bleed him. Net oaly do we ly poor physical condition of a grout bleeld hlm by impcsing on bis hos- proportion cf the mon of the Empire. pitality, but we can't bave a dog Think of the sigaificance of this: Dur- fight that we deu't ask bim te, and ing the lust year cf war,' from the lst we wutch the collection plate when November, 1917, te Slst October, hoe drops bis contribution i te it. 1918, the number of men called up te If it's boss than a $5 spot be's a- the aumy in Great Brîtaîn was 2,425,, piker and ne good. We don't tel 184. A sumiuary cf the resuits of him se, we just go auound and whis- the medinailoxamination, cf them per it wbere it wili do the most good show the following fàots: 0f every if we are opposed te hlm. If we are aiine mou, threc were fit and bealthy, net, we keep it te ourselves and lay two were in infirm heuhth, tbree might it up agaiust hlm miientully. When ho described as physical wrecks, antiho vusts up accounts ut the end cf o as a chroaic invalid with a pue- the yean hoe fiuds we have bled hlm procurions hold on 1f e. Since that until bis blood is -cbalky wbVite. Now was the physical condition of the men 1te be fuir, who is it thut maltes hlm at their xuost vigoi'ous u4 go, what1 waut moue iudeminityI s h a wond ho the condition of hqalth1 pie he is senving. Don't blume hlm. amiong the womien and childuen ? Ia Lot hlmi have it, for ho desenves it. ethen countries, the oxumination cf He bas te listen te ou sarcasmis the mon callod te the coleurs reveal- -and would ho witticismis ut bis ex. ed conditions somewhat similun. Iu pense and smnile an assont, wbeu hoe Canada, of the 861,605, dnaftees> un- would love te baud us a punch. Lot der the Militury Service Act, the mied- us puy him well for ho is the one icai examination fonnd 181,229 cf football we can kiek ut will for at them, or about one-haîf cf themi, pby,- four yean bire. The laboren lu won- sically unfit for full service in the1 thy of bis bine. So is the man wbo field. it is net repoutedl that the dis- repuesents yen lu panliamnt. abilities were the resuit of active dis-________ euse; they were evidently in miost cas- es the cOnsequlence of poor nlutrition, Mu. Fred Cook, Qneen-st., is the nleglect cf personal hyýgieno and unu- prend possessor of a white Leghorn sanitary con1ditions cf wonking sud egg wih imasures -7 4. inchos by living. 6 luches. Th îe pRoyaýl Bank, Protect your Victory Bonds by Reniting a Safety Deposît Eux. Deposît the coupons every six mon ths in a Saviuigs Accoiant and earnin iterest tupon the bond initerest at 3% per anuumlll, compounided If tlis la doue regularly wlth (sajy) a 15 year bJond, -yen will accumulate more intereat than APAL&REStRVES $38,000,000 TOTAL. RESOIJRCES - $50,000,000 BOWMAINVILLE BRANCH R. F. Aitchison MANAGER NOT KNOWN IN BOWMANVILLE. This town bas sis'enough to face over poor enforcement of O. T. A. , and others more or bass grevions, but no man corresponding to the uunfoi'tunate fellow in this paragraph is known here : Clarence Ellis, aged twenty-one, of Bowmanville, arrested by the Syracuse police on a charge of illegally entering the United States fromn Canada, was tnrned over to the Ogdensburg immigration officiais and Ellis says hie ran away from his home in Bowmanville becanse if e xvas unendurable. Ho dlaims that at the age of 16 his father forced him to marry a woman aged forty-eight because she had money. ll neyer go back and, liveý with that weman," ho says. PRAISE THE EBENEZERITES Play "Down in Maine" Made Hit at Orono. People who patronizo Ebenezer on- tertýinments. know that whatever they undertake they do it very, well. Recently they appeared before the msthetic, cultnred and exacting citi- zens of Orono and won great credit, as this report in The Orono News de- clares: The people of the Ebenezer sec- tion, South Darlingon, have every. reason to -be proud of the, splendid talent within their midst. It is sel- domn wehave seeni a play put on by locals wvith' botter effect than that of last Wednesday evening in the Town Hall, bhere, by the young people of Courtîce district, under the auspices of Orono Athletici Association. The play "Down iii Maine" in three ucts _was well receivedl by the large aud- ience thut greted them. IlTravatore -Miserere, sung by Miss Alma Courtice, showed a good voice won- derfully well trained. A sweotly rendered solo was aiso given by Miss Vera Werry, and a couple of fine piano duets by Misses Louise Osborne and Muriel Penfound, between ucts. REV. HUGH MUNRO SPEAKS OUT. Members of 'Parliament More Inter- ested in Hockey League Than League of Nations. Rev. Hughi Munro, B. A., former minister of St. Puul's Presbyterian Cburcb, Bowmanville, says a desputch from Cornwall, in the course of Sun- duy's discourse in St. John's Presby- berian Church, Rev. Hugli Munro, B. A., speaking on "The Joy ofSer- ions Living", qnoted an Ottawa cor- respondent to the effect that dnring the report given te the House of Coin- mous on the Lengue of, Nations, the members were evidecA-tiy more inter- ested in the ouchreleague and hock- ey leaue in Room 16 than they, were in the League of Nations. Rev. Mr. Munro churacterized this condition of the members as entirely unworthy of moen wbo claimed te be wortb $4,000 a year te the country. TheI on soldier who went freim Canadafe years ugo might have preferred de-- mestie issues tee, but their time, even their lives, were cluimed by the Gev- erument. The country was now in a serions mood and would support any government in elimînating the men who will net give intelligent service as Members of Parliament. MILLIONSINi ]PROFITS are being pad te the share- hoiderp of Northern Ontario's Gold Mines. Are yen gettîng your shere ? The experience gained in fif- teen years of active coinnection wiîh these mines wiIl help you te, participate in these spien- did profits. HOMEILR L. GIBSON &co 703-4.5 BIank of Hamilton Bldg. % TORONTO Chi»ropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable Suc- cess' in removing the -cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rhenmatism, Lumbjago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomiach and. Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in mnany forms respond readily to'Chir- practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. s. M. JONES. é6 Simcoe St. N. 'Oshawa Pho ne 224. G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Hraving secured a License for Bowmanville District 1 will be pleased to conduct your Sale ý IREASONABLE RATES- Write for datè. 50-t .In ail branches. First Class Companies Promipt Service Feel Free to Consuit me at, aniytime about Tnsurance in which you may be interested N. E. N EAÀD S I Ph ou .Insurance Agency Office Wellington Street Le 162 Bowmauvllo Public School Inspecter J. W. Odeli, a well-known Orono boy wbo bhas made goed, recently puesented te Coboug Cellegiate u gold emblem ring te be prosented te the boy in the scheel who showed ho groatost degreo of munlîness of churactor, the award te be made by a vote of pupils nnd touchers. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto, Sunday,- February 2Oth., celebratod his 75th birthday, was puesented with a silver loving cup by the Burns' Lit. erary Society, the National Sanitar- ium Association, the Dickens' Fellow- ship, the Toronto teachers and in- spectors, the old Toronto Lacrosse Club and the Durham Old Boys' As- sociation, TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2800 will purchase 7 room fraine ,lous on Church street, water, newer, eiectrie light and furnace. $3000 will purchase 2 story brick nouse on Concession street, water, sewer, ilect'r1c lght, furnace, garage and every $3500 will purchase 8 rocmed brick house and office attached on Tem- perance etreet, $5000 will purchase 90 acre farmi iVý miles from Bowmanvlle, well fenced, good buildings, about $1000 worth of standing timber, possession s.t once. $5000 WILL BUY-23 acres, 1 mile from town, 9 roomed brick residence, fine out buildings. Possession given wlthin 30 day. McLaughlin Farmn, consisting Of 150 acres, joins village of Tyrene vii.h three stores, Blacksmith slîop, schools, cburch and grist miii ail within hait a1 mile of tarm. The scil ls a rich dlay oam n, there la over three miles oft tue dan.Tbe Land ls level but roiling, well fenced, about 8 acres of liardwood bushi, and one 9,cre of good cedar. Goed farm liouse' and barns witlî stone stabling under- neath. Over twenty-four hundred bush- els of grain' threshed on it this yýear. The first tenant on this farm imade enough money in five years to purchase a farm for himseif. This ia one of the best bargains in the County and must be dold to wind up Estate. $20,000 will purchase the Somers farm, containing 150 acres, just outside the cor- poration ot the Town of Bowmanville, on coi. mty i oad, or. which arie erect-d an 8-roomed brick bouse, commotiZounot- buildings, stonestabling for 40 head of cattle; the soil la a rîch dlay loam, Wel fenceti and watered; this is considered one of the best, farms in the county.,, Terms to suit the purchaser. If eold by Marqh lst., possession will be given April L lst., 1921. $4,700 will purchase 101 acres, on con. 4, Darlington, 60 acres clear, 30 scre~ bush, 3 acres orchard, goocl buildings, running creek,, two' wells, bank barn, stable, driving sed, chicki- on house, 7-roomed bouse,, witýh good cellar. 3 miles from station. L. A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT 35-tf Bowmanville Phone 41. INSURANCE AGENCY I place ail classes of in- surance, including 'Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Guarantee Bonds, Automobile (fire, theft, property dar-mage, injuries to the public, col- lision). Ask me for quo- tations before insuring elsewhere. Mrs. EditIi1 V. S ceb eli Mr. WI!bert J. Lloar Insùrance Agents Phone- 18Çç 1Bowmanville PRIONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE, - BEFORE You Buy Your LARD SHORTEN IN G or CANNED GOODS Get our attractive prices for highest quality goods in these lines, Wilbert J. Dudley H-orsey Block Phone 225 1-Tuse 272ý Bowmanville, ~AProminent Place Give bread a -more prominent place on the family table, and you will be surprised how well it wil repay you in rugged health. TODUS WHOLESOME BREAD The Best Economical Food To-day-delivered fresh daily to your door. TH OMAS TOD, Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville P BEL A You cannot be too particular about the insurance you choose. The 40 com- panies we reigesent will stafld the acid test, of investigation. Fire' Losses deait with very iberally ani pai À up .with as littie delay as possible. 'YOU GET TiLHE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J.SMASQN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville L l'Pol îm Selling roceries, That is our business and to seil properly we must buy right. We buy, right and can therefore, seli at lowest market prices. We want it distinct- ly understood that our prices compare favo'rably with some reduced prices. Try uswith. your n'ext groc ery order and be convinced ýthat we deliver the goods at lowest possible prices. HARRVALUIN