Clecaring Sbale HARNESS GOODS ANDFIXINGS __ AT SPECiAL PRICES StarLnow- V get your -1ïamness read rw< Dr T51lft'?f~l~~WP far BOWMANVILLE, MAR4JH 3, 1921 HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. (Reid over from at week.) Miýss. Amy E,. Mc Kowan, a grad-j uate-of the shodrse the stu-, dents on Thursday afternoon on "Bolshevism" as she saw it applied >i-Rusia--A --otp of thanka waz accorded her on ,i-otiorn of Day Warnica and Lawrence IMason. Mr. W. B. Couch, Chairman of the High Sehool Board, has received from Mr. L. Squair, $10, to be used in prizes for efficiencyJla Memorization. Three prizes wiil be awarded. Before completing the Memorial Tablet, the conittee is iakixng every- effort tQ lave- the iist of pnmes inpslee in- very -paLewutan----. re are any Orroisý, Omissions, etc., the -fiolaowing -ist, -wili the reader- ec.L -ë ntntd toe have- ýa SOLINÂ Miss Annie Reddon, Toronto, spent Mr. IR, M. Mitchell, local optom- Abot ixy aigboirsasemle Sunday with Miss Mary Hume. etrist, was eiected a mnember of the Abou ýixtyneihbous asemledBoard of Directors of the 0ptom- at Mis. T, W. Brooks' home Thusda.y Usefui in camnp.-Expor3,s, su.r-, etrical Associaton of Ont~ario for evening to wish them well on their veyors, prospectors and huaters wili 1921 at its annual meeting. departure from this iocaiity. Reeve find Dr. Thomas' Electric 011 very Thomas Baker was chairman., Mr. useful in camp. Whea the feet andi Elmer Wiibur, read a nicely worded legs are wet and coid it is weil to ub' A weil-known Bowiuanville, lady address expressing-regret at their de- them freeiy with the 011 -and the re- who iooks7 remarkabiy-young for 66 parture. Mis. Brooks was presented suit will be theprevention of pains in years told the éditor'last week that with an Eiectric iamp, Miss Gladys the muscles, and shouid a cut o _cn-se hadneye ta e "ua'.wIoi' with pearl handies; Jack with a thing could be better as a dressing or some diet, plenty of sieep and a full gentleman's companion, Sam with a lotion. . daiiy round of home duties. club bag and Master Harmy with a fountain pen. Ail responded and- thaaked their freiads for their good wishes and useful and nice piesents.1 Compimentary speeches f oiiowed1 after which "They're ail jolly good L feilows" waz sung and the evenhng was spenit with music, games and re- This farmn ha. been tlhe properity! -of the B-rrooksý for-niearly faorty '-ana-ý i-when-- Mr.- Wesley Brooks- took pos-! sesslin. Ue-hilt . -ie-w-ban îand-- 1LN~UZ~LNtUJtV "Camping Out Along The C. P. VI is the titie of a spieaidly illustryated stor y, by F. V. Williams ia Rod end Gua ini Canada. Boanycastie Dale tells of bis experience with teniakes and eagles ia various parts of Canada, There are six other tie of equal intereat l 'y ùGeorge--R.-Beiton, Harry M. Moore, Harry W. Laughy and E. T, Martin. This issue contains the fin1-rapig-dearnint-'nthf-'le-- W. J. T y!or, Limited, Woodatoelc, Ont. Ma so i& Die's llardAWar ila 'r- W ,nd Mi-. 1 touto -be com*i (ý,j&,jýýance anJd rks aad the famiiy ate led -for the tidy applear - -%.mace a-m es m me %uî i y or ivio'xrcai star. -. -monument -to>- Sieur -de--Maisonneuve -who, landing- Mie --Stodri5 witn tue nîg narwre,(~ --e 14 owmaùvifl tese Lears th-at sae and-adtoz rwiil now A hallAA in KflW- F-URNACES MAKE WARM FRIENDS WE REPAIR ALL MAKES 0F FURNACES AIl Orders Given Prompt Attention. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 (lay or night, Fl1ax! Bowmanville Flax! We are, now prepared to make contracts with the farmers for the coming Season's Acreage of Flax. As we will only be able to take a limited amount this year, we would advise those intending to contract to see us early,%. We have for sale a quantity of Flax Seedý which is an excellent food for Cattie and Horses. Farmers know the value of this, food and should not delay in securing some. IDURHAM FLAXCO. Office next door west of RegistrIy Office Bowmanville céooks Cotton Root CompouuG., 4A afe, relile regtU't»n~ medicine.ei od in three da. No~ 2 53;No. ~ 55-erbox. sqIZ Sldby al rugst. rsent, q évpaid oni receipib of prce. Free pamphlet. Address THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO. ONT. (Formerly Wndsr. The Great English P Pepartwn, ,ýTones and mnsiorates the whole n~vus Mysem., makes ne-wy Blood in dVe;ina. Used fo- Nervous Deb ity ental andf Braxin Worry, DsodnLoss of Enerpyv, Pa!pitatîcrn o the Heari, Failine1Memo>'. Price $2 peir box, 33F for $5.*D Sold by aIl druggists, or niqiled in pla;n .pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlét mailed free.TU WOOD MIEDICINE CO-.TORONTO,ONT. W ashington, 01 Elmer Rundie. J. HIenderson, SERVED IN CANADA A. Baker, Gordon Beith, J. Haroid Cann, R. W. Clarke, Frank Cooley, Ienneth E. Cox, L. Dumas, J. Harold Elliott, G. Faîncomibe, E. Clayton, W. Claude Ives, Alian A., Martin, Charles R. McCullough, Guernsey Me- Cielian, Charles iMutton, Williamk F. Quick, Nelson H. Reynolds, Wesley Redman, William Roenigk, Lorne W. Sandeis, Milton Sanderson, Clark Taylor, Jack Tait, Fred J. Van Nest,, Hlerbert A. Van Nest, Donald G. M. Galbraith, Hilton Peters. OVERSEAS APPLE TRADE Mi. W. T. R. Preston's agitation and demand f or better conditions under which Canadian appies are marketed overseas is finding express- ion. Mr. W. J. Bragg M. P. P. for West DurhÏam gave notice ia the Legisiative Assembly as f oliows: "lThat werwd t is cieariy estab- lished that the export of fruit to the overseas mnarkets is carrned on with seious disadvantages to Canadian groweîs. "And whereas it is stated on reli-. able authority that there is an extra- ordinary difference in the prices that aite received'by the farmers for their appies, and the cost of this fruit to consumers overseas; "1And whereas t he difl'erence repre- sents an enormous loss to the Cana- dian producers, and appnrently a cor- responding profit to overseas jobbers, dealers, or traders, ia which under present conditions Canadian produc- ers are debnrred from participating; "And whereas it is desirable that conditions shouid be remedied, so that the, Canadian pioducers should re- ceive the share of these profits to which they are entitled. "Therefore be it iresoived that a specîi commnittee of this House be appointed forthwith, with powers to send for persons and papers and to enquire into the question and report to this House at the eariiest possible date.'" Easter Trn Opens March 29th &-Lutrzi- Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto This School enjoys a great reputation for superior work and for placing the graduates quickly in1 good positions. There are thousands of, openings in Tor- onto each year and we are called upon to fil more than we can. Open ail yiear. Enter at aay time-. Circuiars free.. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princiîpal. E Vening clothes anid dancing puinps cut no figure here, but the one who could rustie the Most splinters out of the floor with his red-topped stog- ies was the one to be admired by the throng seated aroaad the hall. Those WERE THE DAYS-for some. March Phoi - -. "'~qurnv rira ~ -I v F * i ct fw-11- Éhis - -S"O* - M *ho- ven r- 44)AQ - tokme