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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1921, p. 5

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BENEFIT HOCKEY MATCH After witnessing the Moose-Bow- manville junnior hockey game, Fni- day night att Taylor's Arena played for tle benefit of the Hosptal, it was the consensus of opinion arnong the spectators that our local gladiators of hockeydomr had better lay away their paraphernalia in moth halls for another season. Another sucb ex- hibition as our lads put Uip Fniday nighit and, there wouldn't be enough supporters atteading the garne to pay for spearmint for the players. Our temper prevented us from- asking the players what possessed them to ne- sort to rouigh-house tactics after tbey had the gaine nicely salted away. It's a certainty no, sucb orders were issued by Manager Jones who at al times bias warned the players that gamies are neyer won in the penalty box. 0f course, the visitors nosed out a 8-7 victory and no one be- grudged thern the glory with the steady dlean game they pîayed. Af- ter the. game members of both teams with their lady friends were enter- tainied by the Hockey Club at Wing- footHall where dancing and ligbt refresbrnents were enjoyed. Not Too Early It Iooks like an early Spring so start to plan now for that flower, garden which gives you 50 mucl pleasure and joy during the summer rnbn-ths. We not only seil plants, flowers, shrubs, etc., but we, are always pleased to advise you on subjects ýertaining to horticulture. WE HAVE FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS S. J. JACKMAN & SONS Phone 80 Bow'manvilleý BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 3, 1921 LOCAL AND OTHERWISEr Miss Louise Morris, Toronto,"spent Suaday at home. Miss Elva Andrus, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Olive Mutton, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. W. Metcalf, Toronto, spent the week-end bere. Miss" Lena Haddy is visiting ber brothers ila Toronto. Miss Tod of Toronto, is visiting ber brother, Mr. Thos. Tod. Miss Carnie 1. Painton, Whitby, spent the week-end at borne. Mr. H. G. Thurston spent Sunday at bis father's, Mr. G. N. Thurston. Miss Diagman was in Toronto Mon- day attending the Millinery Openiags. Miss Helen Ross, Belleville, spent the week-end witb Mrs. Chas. F. Rice. \Miss Mary McCargar, Toronto, spent the week-end witb Miss Clara Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. D. Grîgg and Miss Ruth spent Sunday with fniends ini Tononto. Mr., A. J. Trebilcock,. Toronto, spent Sunday at bis father's, Mr. P. C. Trebilcock. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Ton- onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. McReynolds. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, spent tbe week-end wlth bis uncle, Mr. John Sanders. Spring, Millinery Openings 'at Haddy & Co's., on Friday and Satur- jday, Marcb 18 and 19. Mrs. Hanry Cana is spending a f ew weeks witb Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gay, 81 Runnymeade Road, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Mill- brook, spent the week-end witb ber parents, Mr. andMrs. Rd. Osborne. Mîlliaery Openings on Friday and Saturday, Mardi 18 and 19 at Ding- man & Edmondstone's. Bowmianville Hospital Auxiliary will n4pet in the Council Room at 3.3j0 p. m., on Fniday, March 4th. Miss Bertha Osborne, 557 Huron- st., Toronto, is visitingMiss, Carnie Mlartyn and other friends la town. Mrs. W. Addinall and twins, Dor- otby and Jack, Enleau, Ont., are visit- ing ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cox. Mrs. borne Foster, North Battle- ford, Sask., was guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickand over the week- end. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Tor- onto, were guests ofbis father, Mr. Chas. Williams, Elgin-st., on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland S.* Vi«r tue, Oshawa, spent the week-end wh br parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. John- ston. Friday and Satunday, Marci 18 and 19 are the dates of the Mil- linery Openings at Diagman & Ed-I rnondstone's. Mr. Gilbert Jones and Miss Winnie Davis, New Toronto, speat the week- end wîtb Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson, Prospect-st. Mr. Výictor R. Greenfield, of the Herald Staff, Stratford, spent Sua- day witb bhis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Greeafield. Canadian National Railway time table bas cbaaged. Westbound train leaves Tyrone Sation at 9.15 a. m. Eastbouad 5.04 p. m. Mrs. Perry and daughten, Mrs. H., Brown, Toonto, are visiting ber father, Mr. F. N. Stevens, and brother, Mr. W. C. Stevens., Haddy,& Co., annouace their Sprîng Millîneny Openings on Fnidayl and Saturday, March 18 and 19. iMr. James Gregory and daugbter,ý 'Oshawa, have gone to Windsor to at-" tend the fanerai of bis brotbpn who died very suddenly on Feb. 24th. Oshawa Christian Churcb bas la- vited 11ev. C. E. Fockler, Keswick, Ont., a former paston, to again as- sume the pastorate, after 12 years' absence. Ladies, yoa are invited to Spring Millinery Openings on Friday and Satarday, March 18 and 19. New goods, new styles andi new prices at lladdy & Co's. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sisier andi two sons, Burdett and Lewis, and daagb- ter Clara, New Toronto, motored here to see ber mother, Mrs. Thos. 1Vanstone, wbo is hi. Mn. J. J. Fowler, Orono, bas rented the Wm. Peters' farm, 100 acres, soath, west of Hgami)toný, and the family will move to, their new home the first week in Apnil. To-nigbt (Tbarsday) Chamber of The fine weather makes one tbink of a new Basten bonnet, Attend the Millinery Openings on Fniday and Saturday, Manch,18 and 19,and see the new styles at Dingman &, Ed-i mondsone's. ana these are 1egsterea in the namne ________________ o! the boy or girl owner. As a pro- tection, the animais are insured until APARTMVENT TO LET-4 rooms, with GOODYEAR StAG PARTY sncb timo as the notes are paid at w1atr and electrie light. over the States- Office. Appy to Norman S. B. The Goodyear Athletic Association Both Beef aa Dniry Calf ClubsJae.-t ententained the members of the Ia- have been organized. The Dufferin termodiato and Junior hockey teams County Shothora Cal! Club bas HONEV FOR SALE Officers of the Bowmaaville Hockey regalations similar to those o! other Smal quantiy of good quality dark Club and a f ew of the enthasiastic cal! clubs formed la the province bat hoaey aL 20c prib. Also light honey aI supporters o! the teams at thein ne- there was no speclal day set apant 28c per IL ceeatîon rooms la "Wingfoot Hall" for distribution o! the stock. R. j. SMITH, Enniiskillea, phone3 211-241 on Thursday evening, Feh. 24tb. In other Shorthorn. Cal! Clubs 8-tf The entertalament was la the f orm organzed, bolfors fromi 8-15 months of a smoker and stag party, the guests have been dîstributed to the mem- HELP WANTED I ein g advised on the invitations, "bers. Th~e Initial cost in this case, COMPANION WANTED-For middle- "Don't wear youn drÎèss suit", was not so great, yet a greater aged woman, and to do lîght bouse work Song sheets were distnîbutod con-' lengtb o! timo will lapse bofore any ia family of three. Apply Charles Corn- ish, Albrt-st., Oshawa, or Lyall Cordon, taiaing verses of m any of the popular'returns are secured. Webster's Store, Bowmanville. 8-tf songs of the day and witb Mn. D. R. Ia seine o! the Sborthorn and Morrison at the piano everybody that Holstein cal! clubs, auction sales, coulçi sing, and somne who couldn't were hold in order that the members PSTIN WANTED warhle, joined la the rollicking mol- migbt secare money to' pay off WANTED POSITION-A practical far- odies whicb put the boys la a happy their notes. The mnembors had the mer, married man, no family, would live mood thnoughout the eveniing. privilege o! bidding la their OII by the year with a good farmer, dwelling ad other privileges supplled. Apply by ,Mn. W. Mitchell gave a demonstra- animais if theyr wished. An auction letter to Box 22, Bowmanville, Ont. 5-tf tion la weight lifting and physical sale for club work has its advan- culture manoeuvres which was very tages and disadvatnages. If the ani- cleveniy done. mals tara out satisfactonily, thoy ARTICLES FOR SALE The heaçliner attraction was a box- sbould be kept la the mombers' JESYC AMFRAL-ila ing bout betw,ýen Ted, alias Kid~ hands. It defeats tie very object for ERSEY CREAM FOR B SAL hoe-Williamt Lewis, who according to bis owa ad- which it was organizod, and hence SEOEA-alBrtnapyLs vancepross notices had lickod overy- these now bing !ormod are not con- lie Colacutt, R. R. 5, Bowmaavile, Phono thing from Jess Willard to a postage eldenlnig the question o! auction sales 146 r 3. 9-t stamp. He challengedtho wonld and at ail. Tiere is a point la favor o! FOR SALE-G, Yorkshire Brood Sowe. was quickly taken on by Joe Tornitt, a.uctlon sales, and that is tiat it gives Apply to if. m. Foster, R. R. 5 flowman- a double monocuieçi yoiýng lad who the'club a great deal o! publicity. vle hn 05r.St *' FOR SA LE-Brood mare, Clyldesdaie, 7 would look more at home sippîng tea, In the Halton Couaty Cal! Club, years old. Apply to John Wonnacott, at an afternoon bridge than woaring the 27 belfers distributed la Feb- Enniskillen, R, R. 1, Phono 211 r 5. 9-tf padded gloves in the squaed-circle. ruary were sold at auction on Aag- FOR SALE-Rosowood Piano .Table The way those boys poked their em- ust 20. A fair was heid previous to 7 ft. x 3Y2, ft., like now. Appy to Thos. hnmedbead hooks into each others the sale at wbich special prizes were Tabb, Elgin-st., North, Bomavife anatomy was a sîght for sore oyes. awarded. SHÊEP FOR SALE-Registered Dorsets Science on the art o! the maniy sport The Peel Coanty Cal! Club ield a and Oxford DoWns. APPlY W. CamPlin, diçi not enter the contest. For two show and sale juat one year after the (John Ayre Farm), Bowmanvillo, phone and a bal! rounds Referee Mitchell dairy helferswere distribu'ted to the 133 r 32. 9-1* IFOR SALE-,ýA Randy Farm Horse hoppod aroand the ring like a cork on members, wion $85 'was offered in right evory way, about 1200 pounds, 5 an angny son when the melee was, pnie money by public-spirited per- yoar old. Apply to Theron Mountjoy, brought to an end by Lewis foaliag sans. R. R. 6, Bowmaaviile, Phono 210-r-23.8-2 bis opponeat. The choicest, bit of j AU memlbers la the P eel Dairy Cal! LADY'S SUIT-Ail woo] navy Trico- boxing on the program was betweea! Club bad to submnit records o! feed tino, size 38, only worn once. Will sel for less than haif rogular prico. Apply Harding and Moadows, botb Welsh-, and milk together witb a financlal "M. P.,"1 Drawer B, Bowmanvillo. 9-t mon, Who appeaned to enjoy the bout' statement showlng the profit on themr FOR SALE-Double Seatod McLaughi- a uhaste settr.Art enterpriso_. lia Buggy, upholster'ed ini leather, in good as ucbas the spctaon ropair. .Aso small quantity of mangels Edger and Siçi Little boxed bliad- There bas been only one sheep club for sale. Appy to W. C. Stevens, Nur folded and bad înany hair-hroadth- forrned durng the past yoar and that seryCorner, Bowmanville. Phono 246. Hanry escapes fnom a K.O. 'Yank', was the Albion Sieep Club in the 8-2w* Avery carried off tho bonors ia the County o! Pool. CATTLE FOR SALE-i cow risiag 4 piliow' fîgbt nolling q>ver ail corners. Ia the pre.vious sheep club !ormed years, ronewingMarch; 1 cow, 4 yoars, renewing April; i cow. 8 years, roaowini la the drawing contost Leslie Nîchols la Pool a year ago, two Oxford Dowa April; 1 farrow cow, 8 yoars, still milk-, pîckod tho iucky number which took ewes la lamb -were distributed to ing; 2 hoif ors, renowing in'Ma.rch aadý with it a dandy pipe, and enough each member. Unfortunately some o! April; 2 heifors, rising 2 years oid; 3' hoifor calves. Theso are ail good Ayr- tohacco to last a moderato smokon the ewes proved flot to bc ln lamb shire Shorthora grade~s. J. J. Abernethy, a montb. and others lainbed uaexpectodly la Bowmaaville, R. R. 2, phono 183 r 1-3. 'bast but not loast came th ,e cats the middle o! wiater. This proved 8-2w* pilod up on tables la the contre of a bardsbip to some o! the club mem- the room-cafeteria style. Oh boy! bers thougi the breeders !romn whom PROPERTY FOR SALE how those bot dogs witb mastard and the ewes had been bougit very kiad -___ pickles disappeared. Thon theyfly exchanged tioso witiout lamis for FOR SALE-Sovon roomed brick bouse, packed away, a few sandw'ichesdan two shoanrllng ewes oaci with a ewe electric lights, hard and soft wator, hon ende upwit 'snkesýrl"th'k'amb Th 14 enierseac wih 2house, ol house, fruit troos and a good onodupwth 'snkn',sItinklim.Te1mmbroab lt2 gardon. Good bargain. flouse la A-i Kelly called tbem, another namelislsbeop hmd 25 lamnbs and a!ter the condition. E. R. 'Freeman, box 220, doughnats. Coffee was the bovor-1 trans! ors had been muade tie average Bowmanvîlle., 8-tf ago. vas just over 1 lamnb per owe. HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse of 6 enda~ r h avidthe roonils, compieto bath, bot water boiler Anabadnc f igreteci la ,I an nevrt7aol and basin ia kitchen, fire place, electrie an oaundacon iate, îns ly lamb mlsfortune o! last season, lights, furnace, veranda, and nice lot 66x andtoaco ws onIaly being rreohiv !omPloga-135. This is on a fine residontal street passeçi anouad daning the evenîng thedaereedtaivg fik el onectoland a gonuine bargata. Prico $3110. wiceh kopt the atmospheric pressure fe reigfoki oncir Apply M. G. Beilman, Office King-st., at high tension and tho colon o! the wlth the Aion Club. The shearlingu Bowmanville, Phono 120. 8t air a ricb battio-ship grey. A con- were sbiDped linanad flocked wlth a sas o! those who attended the smokon good pare-bred ram on Nov. 12 might have been taken the next which rosultod la lambs being boru monning by, visitiag the back yards' at a time wien the weatber was more o! tlîe native sports, for many a sait favorable. MEN WANTED $6.-$10 FERDAY.ý wasgivn a aiingon be amly Tiore are two livé stock clubs clothes lino. Dr. J. C. Devitt is formed lnthie province, oae InSeca4Wek looking for gas rnasks for non- Waterloo' Coanty and the other là Gas Tractor Courre $50 smoerstouseatthenox snokn. Brant County. Tioy are coafinod pca ek A bkerty vo th e o tnk va acthopune-bred animals, but tey difer Auo ecianic4 Course 5 A herty ote f tankswas c-!rom the cal!, pigs, or sbeep clubs AuoM haisC re$0 corded the Association by Dr. G. C. already meationod la tint ail classes 1- Bonnycastie and M4r. Alan Campbelof animials are included-R. S. Dun- Now on at on behaif of the guests, the unanii- an, Dîrector Agicultarai Repreaaz- HEMPHILL'S AUTO GAS mous- opinion being that the affair tatives. TRACTOR sCHOOL, ývsoeof the most enjoyable even- 13Xigs.WeToot bngs.eerprtcpae l y h i~e etimated that every yOU&" fer- Write for particulars or corne at once. boys.est lires la America detry more UmmS $IOOOAOOWorth cg utwadtag fThe Shop That Leads_ Miss isobel B ennett visited rela- tives in:Nwatl r ridaye. UNIR A IIU LUI Oshawa, were in town Wednesday. Miss Young bias returned fromn a -,~OYS' and Oirls' LUve Stock Club pleasant visit with relatives in Tor-W rk onto. o . Tbe newest in Milliney-See it at Haddy & Co's., on Friday anld Satur- Some SPeclal!7ze lu Calves, Sheep or day, March 18 and 19. Pigs, Othlers Gieneralize -Bankai -Miss Margaret Crossey was borne, Accept Notes of Juiorbis In Regu.. f or a short visit before leaving for lrBsnes a. ber position in Sudbury. aBuiesV1. Mrs. Alex. Rutherford, Lînlithigow, (Contribbuted by Ontario Uepartrnent or visited at the home of ber daughter, Agr1cuiture, Toronto.) Mrs. Chas. Carruthers, Bowmanville. T HEi Boys' and Girls' move- Baltimore, was guest of bis parenItsnetbd art ia 11ev. and Mrs. W. C. Washington eho fair work as the most on Tuesday. popuflar feature of agr-icul- Sprîng is coming, so are the Mil- tinal extension work. Perhaps this linery Openings at Diagmani & Ed- is duie to the fact that boys and girls nondstone's, Marcb 18 and 19 are iiteralîy love anial pets - thinga the dates. Ms htaeaieadrsodt "r Mr. Ed. Hambly, Chatham, ista r lv n epn ocr Edith and Messrs. Gerry and Chas. a.nd kind t'eatmeat. Moreover, b- Hoskin, Sratbroy, spent the week-end cause they can caîl the cal!, pig, or at Mr. W. W. Allin's, at the Post sheep their very own, and because Office. some day they h"e to seli their ant- Readers will be glad to know that mal at a profit and spend the rnon.y a Durham Old Boy bas corne to the rescue and supplemented Rev. D. as they wüih, it sustains and animates, Rogers' bistory of Tyrone. His spien- their interest. did article will appearin next is- Wherever these live stock clubs sue. have been organized the representa- Mrs. John Hockin lias returned toves hvethe active su 'pport and Co- from visitiag friends la Mariposa. operation of the live stock men in She and ber sister, Mtrs. W. J. Wil- the -ommnitiy. This augurs well for liams attended the funeral of their the fuiturje of taio' ijnior farmn- niece, Mrs. Herbert Hancock ini ers. The boys; are commenncing early Clarke. ia 11f e to get into the pure-bred live Miss Mary Armnstrong, Orono, sus- stock buisine(ss and it is confidently tained a broken leg by heîng tbrown hoped that they will receive every from a motor car in Toronto, on, encoura'ýgement from, their parents Tuesday. A motor truck struck the and others. car. Miss Armstrong was removeçi The first live stock club for boys to Wellesley Hospital. and girls came into bejing in the. Wbat's wrong with mail service be- eanly nh f11.Cutn tween Newcastle and Bowmanville? those which were foirmed previous to The Independeat for Feb. 1l0, arriveçi the period covered by thiis report and March 1, and for montbs its arrival'those thiat were organized la' 1919, bas been from one to two week ae there are 6 caif clubs, 10 pig clubs, Brer Davidson prod up te oyfi2sheep clubs and 2 live stock clubs Mail Service a bit. ýor a total of 20 boys',- and girls' live stock clubs with a menbership o! We are glad to report some of our 450. This is a smýa1ll eginning, but older citizens stirring about again a number are now la the proýcess of after beiag confiaed te their homes. formrationt and the work will sbon for some weeks-Messrs. Richard Osborne, and Richard Trenouth wh spread tu every county in the pro- are able to corne up street. mr. 'rnce. Coris isalo cnvlesîn nieî. In the purchasing of animais, 'Çonis isals cnvaescng icey.arrangements are usarally made wlth Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fursey, form-ý the local banks to' advancetme er residents of Bowmanville, who are necessary funds on the securlty of a leaving Oshawa for Leamington wene, note from the'boy or girl for a defl- given), a pleasant surprise hy about 70 nite period at a fixed rate of interest. friençis on Thursday evening when These notes must be endorsed to the they were presented witb au address, satisfaction of the bank by their par- a set of cut glass sherbet glasses to ents or guardians. As a rule nothing Mrs. Fursey, and a handsome pair of but pure-bred animaIs are purchased militarv brushes te Mr. Fursev. .--------- -. - +.- -- TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM A Splendid Entertainment At Mtapleý Grove. Wednesday, March 9th., there willi be given under auspices of the Ep- worth League at Maple Grove, when Tyrone Dramatic Club will present lthe play entitled "Ter, Nights in a Bar Room", interspersed with goodý music and song. Admission: Ad- ults 35c and children 25e. Corne and ,enjoy the evening with us. 9-1w Notices of Births 50 cents; Marriages 50 cents; Deaths 50 ents, mach in- sertion. When f uneral carda are1 printed at this office, insertion free., BIRTHS VOS S-At Short Tract, Allegany County, New York, on February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Voss, Fill- more, N. Y., a son-George Newton. DEATHS GEROW-At Scugog,, Feb. 16, John Gerow, in bis 82nd year. MOUNTJOY-In Cartwright, on February 25,ý 1921, Wesley Mount- joy, aged,65 years, 5 months.. HANCOCK-In Clarke, February 18th., Lottie Couch, beloved wif e of Herbert Hancock, aged 32 years. ARKLESS--At Port Hope, Feb. 23, Maria Maloney, widow of Henry Arkless, aged 77 years, mother of [William Arkless, Oshawa. BEACOCK-In Manvers, Feb. 27, Caroline L. Lang, beloved wife of Edward Beacock, in' her 68th year. Interment at Blackstock. MANNING-In Brooklin, March 2, Richard Manning, aged 59 yenrs.] Interment at Groveside Cemetery,ý Friday at 2. p. m. IN MEMORIAM. ALLIN-In loving memory of thei late Mrs. Mary Ana Allia, widow of the late Samuel Allin, who died Jan. 13, 1920. One precious to our hearts bas gone, The voice we loved is still, The place made vacant in our home, Can neyer more be filled. Our Father ini bis.wisdom called, 1 The boon bis love had given;, 1 And though on earth the body lies, We hope to meet again in heaven. Daughters and Sons CLOýuTHE S, BETTER THAN THE BEST HABERDASHERY K S TYLES LATE ST IDEALS IN FASHIONABLE ATTIRE FOR MEN AND YOU~NG MEN YOU CET HONEST VALUES ALWAYS G. N. THURSTON Bowmxanville&s Up-to-date Ilaberdasbery and Fur Shop. TbeOld Reliable Grocer With the various changes in present rnarket conditions the welfare of oui customers is upper- most in our mind. Our long experience in the grocery business places us, in a ppsition to buy to advantage and seli at the lowest possible prices. WE SELL HOME-MADE BREAD AND BUNS MADE RIGHT !N BOWMANVILLE. AIRCETAITL PHONE 65.' Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. B5luebirds and Robins. and New SpringtGoods i We have opened out for your inspection this week, the finest and most varied selection Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats that it has ever bee'n our privilege to present f or your inspection and verdict, as to L1-îk r .b- ity and value. ALSO NEW DRESS SILKS AND FANCY SILK MATERALS FOR LADIES' SKIRTS New Linoleum and Congoleum Art Rugs Also New Linoleum ,and Floor Oilcloths, al widthà from ½/ yd. to 4 yds. wide. S.W. Mason a &à' zSon Opposite the Standard Bank, Bowmanville Phone 106 HAVE YOUR ,UATCH OR OTHER JEWELRY REPAIRED PROMPTLY BY HAVING IT DONE BY Elliot Bros. Jewelers Oshawa 'WALL PAPERS We have received this week two large shiprnents of Canadian Wall Papers, bought to seil at reason- able prices. They consist of the very fin est quality and coloring1 ever brought totown, in all tones, also chintz and fabric effects in every shade, suitable for Bed- rooms, Sitting Roorns, Halls, etc. Corneand see thern. W., T. Allen i"BIG 80", *OWMANVILL.E B tter Made Clothes THAT 15 WHAT WE SELL LOOK OUR SAMPLES OVER FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT THE, PRICES RANGE FROM $38.50 - UP WE ARE AGENTS FOR ART

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