The Fragi Anticipates Its e Send us a posta for a îe prieyu ow psy and whe 'ddress Sgalada, roroato. The ec Re ferc Vo te aj nd Vot." HE Ontario Tem p T time measure wasî On October 25, 1919, voted by an overwhelmii the permanent continuani perance Act, prohibiting1 bevera ges.' The "Bootlegg On December 31, 1920, Federal Order-in-Coucil-m measure-prohibiting impor export of intoxicating bever Thus it becarne possiblef tion provinces to import lic the home; thus the "bootieý s3me for sale contrary to ai will of thc people in this pi importation Everything that applied in sale of intoxicating beverai applies equally ta the Use of tion for beverage purposes Henceý arase necessity fo another Referendumn. S hall the Importation a bringing of intoxicatingj into the Province be P- Ontaro Reeren The Double Track Route betweca The Double Track Route betweea Montresi Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcellcd dining car service. Sleeping cars on uight trains and -Parlor cars an the principal day trains Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Taranto. J. H. H. JURY, Aient Phone' 79 Bowmanville sensible People in ail walks of life have for r long turne used Beecham's Pilîs, whicb enjoy great popui 'arity. They are reliable and cotrIbute ta the maintenance of bealth. Wheu you suferfram indigestion, biliousness or constipation use Saisi everwhr in Canada. la boxe&, 25c., SOcDý. Q &ï.ý-I Lu.gest Sale of Any Mediéine in the Woeld TH-,"LIFTUP" (Patented) ALI iAS FInLED CORSETs ave de- r 11, ,)IrmssitY wth th" science ot 2h tfu"a ratetd Invention ,vih non l iokid bal, centy onp- rus heaboi...s is van' beneflulsi fr ue al anopoatior Invlring an abdolonlolhlss.Muie let n r,- heinttjoe sslh P a]aUwnrLnst"ýýran 1wMch- WrItu us Mw. for useful hints 0on fttiuig adseif-xusasureuesat. Irrea la nulrETAttN STREZET BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 3, 1921 TORONTO, PATRIARCHS- VISJT. Part Hope Guide says: Mr. Geo. WE 1 T DURHAM BOY'S LETTER in Peace' River Country or Alaska. Tanseoieoi Fidy V~nigT. Hancock was in ClarkeSunday, Our family are all working for raii.ce o f ~ ~~~BAKER'S SCHOOL,.,S. S. No. 19, Feb. l8th at about 7.30 p.m., were cousin, the late Mrs. Herbert Hancock tn rt~Itrsigyo u- cide-d a ,Efe4adRs calledthere yutt.odeathof bi Mr.ton H. riesI, renly of DSuln.. hemldes-. Wha v efen randu- DARLINGTON akeeauoftirdeams by' a whose' death followed confinement. ny Alberta and Other Mat- sel 2. Our yonstad nysn procession passing down King-St with Besides bier sorrowing husband, she m secnddmrneWely son8 Rev. D. Rogers, St. Thomas Ont, a Kazoo Band at its head. Enquiry leaves three small children ta maura er iadh snwgigt elicited the information that it was bier irreparable loss. The infant al- Tenyie years moe r1choldin ansale s tyno., U. S. Ao Mo.This frame building, in the early members of Imperial Encampment of sa died. lsM.E .Er etti on- Isl hm adi 97 utin tim, tod po th crnr f r.Toronto who came here ta make a Use Miller's Warin Powders and try for the' Great West. Hie has 1 time to escape the bad seasans. Had WiPala-rsfr, fewr fraternal visit ta their brothers 01 the battie against worms is won. madegoad and bas retired fromý act- 17 ,quarter sections-2,729 acres. Wlim BkrsfriAlbert Encampment No.12 1. O. O. F. These powders correct the morbid ive farm duties and now 1ie in re'- Sola 1,280 acrei o 8,0.0 n awnd b Mr Carles Smrith. Among The visitors were met at G. T. R. conditions of the stomacb which nour- tieetidcovatl eiie a e myfo9qrter8, sectio ns. tbe earlier teachers I heard the namnes train witb autos marsballed by Dep- isb ýwarms, and these destrucive Hat, Alta., wbere a numbrope-Ftrad tber are still living mentionied-Mviss Mary Campbell and uty-Reeve Eraest C. Rebder, P. C. P., parasites cannot exist after they comne sons from tbe "Hameland of Dur-' in Illinois, spent about 6 weeks over 1 P and escorted ta the Goodyear Hotel in contact with the medicine. The ham" are residents. Mr. Earl's eye- there on aur trip three years ago. ~x uiie lvo r W.Thompson. Tbe first of wbom where lunch was served. They next warms are speedily evacuated with sight is very bad, but lie manages ta, Were travelling about 10 ntb and exquiitte laveu . wI have personal knowledgte was Mr. paraded ta the Oddfellows Hall and other, refuse from the bawels. write wben, the sun shines bright, was gladta get home again ta the Plaesaete Daniel Lick, my'first teacher,, He Were welcamed ta the Encampment Soundness is, imparted ta the organs wbich, of course, it ùgually does in Hat. We passed thraugh most le sainffle.,Pes t eth was a strang well-built man, of per- by Sydney Little, Chief Patriarch, and the health of the child steadily Sunny Alberta. Mr. Levi Skinner, beautiful scenery in, Colorado and ther Black, Green or Mixed, haps 30 years of age, and held the afte U.hic Wiltoe Grand ncrpbetioe, brother-in-law, Tyrane, bas permitted Califarnïia. B78 80-1 H esde n ficsU.M Wlsn Gad cibus ta read, Mr. Earl's last letter ta We have tao much fine weather s fat drin Toont, E. Gabut, GandTres-.his Ontario relatives and we gladly, in Alberta, and not enougih ramn. _____ ~a small farma, about ane-haîf mile urer, Pictan, M. Sinclair, Past Grand 1 give space ta saime parts of it. Mr. m adi ad h i eypr north of Bradley's Sehool House, and Patriarch, Toronto, P. C. P. Turner, Earl writes an Jan. 15, 1921: and healthy. Dais are ver long ini D. D. G. PTaronto,were intraduced r walked ta and fro each day. HebYF .D .P h eb n ~,At,51Cm î-summer, making the growtb very was followed in 1862 by Mr. Thomas degree teami of Imiperial Encampment bridge-s.Des-r Frîends,- have rapid when maisture is plentiful. iiise ow no farm nor stock ta look after. Some farmis are large. One Man ~1sn, prmisngyoug mn, hathn cnferedthetbee ncapm1t sametimes wish 1 had something ta in Medicine Hat is farniing 2,200, o i gthe f ollowing year died at bis homne Degrees on twelve candidates la a t dot a accupy mny time, but 1 am acres, but thase dry seasons are- tak- ner r n ohna LviPtter, wha ane ha oldnt aiy eim ighty glad that I had ne farm or ing away bis maney faster than bie aucee im oe ne of bis pupils' prôved. Malcolm Sinclair P. G. P., .iOO stock the pastl 4 year.During the makes it. He keesoli wtas suceedd hm, ovd ad P C.P. ohsto, Dgre Ma-.past four years of drought tbere bas does mast a.f,,bis work with ail en- >,n1 il lierdetyta edcdd amk es a his lf partneaf work in hand -been very little crop and many people gines. Medicine Hat is nat a bad fard.LI. b r s. eprtter, Miss Eliza Gi-and deserve great credit for their',Rw ý far. rs Pttr, hagh xuchuntiring efforts ln bringing their team arebard upl but getting enough ta 'place in which ta live. We bave afflicted, is still living and res-id-es ta such a state of perfection. 'At the eat. A number bave maved furtb- natural gas for fuel and ligbt; mnany ~' 9" Aw~i1 i 8 iber daughter, Mrs. O. A. Sharpe cocuina erewr i a r north about 200 miles where there bave electricity, as well. We have Les. on ap i 8f Landau, Ontario.coluin f ërewkelsa is more ramn fail. When I came West bath in aur bouseý. It inakes a very dowa ta a banquet under the manage-.Q there were better chances for people nice liht. Gas is chea*r than For the sake, of convenieuce, h ment of Deacon Goddard aud Roland i iasmrany new places were op p g.n oa n oahé rdr wt t n 1863,we were transferrdt .S.N.Yts P. C., P. after whicb speeches, Jnmerffcateaaeig nnoain n seso iriihlt n )crnceActas a wr-11,whee sx o mf bothrs nd issons ad rcîitigreia ubr cat eharses and so leasy ta baudle. Gas wells here erace ct s awa- 1, weresixofmy roter.andus sags nd eciatons were givem by sheep roamed' over the prairies-na are often 2,200 ft., and a pressure of an unqualified success., ters becamne attendants. One day the Grand Officers, Imperial Encai-. a c~ fences, no raads, auly trails thirougb 485 lbs. ta the square inch-aq ter- we were greatiy alarmre dat "Baker's" ment Quartet, Patriarch F. R. Foleythconr. lyangherekrbepesue nteninwl% the people of Ontario as the word came in that there was and others until the arrival of thethcanr. Oyaonteceksibepsueantemin ehs and river bottamis were settled and We getwater fram the city systemn rig mnajority in favor of a "mad dog" near the schol. Two 4 a.m. Grand Trunk train when al very much scattered aût that. Now ta water aur gardens, sa we* have al ce of the Ontario Tem- of the aIder boys armed themselves1 were conveyed ta the station ln autas, TJ)OST people first knew Dr. tfiere, are fences, telephoues, roads kinds of vegetables. We have the the saleof intaicatingwith guns and pursued hlm some dis-. except members of Victoria Encamp-ahvrtecuny.Tetecun.eybstcoosPblcndHg the sae of nioxîatingtance,,,but with what result I cannat rment, Part Hope; who as the others Chase thriougli hils Re- atry was hecopnfry.baeteadin; and sme80ch rs. bl e dhave say, ouly I remnember that ever after sang "We Take Off Our Slippers For tywsaloe o oetaig n an 0taces elfv 1 was afraid ta be out ahane, and had We're Here For The Nigbt". ý,ip Book. Its reliability and to-day one canuaot get a gaad home- lots of uuemployed $a it is good thas-ý stead any-where, unless it might bel the. wiuter is mild. crer" Must Go atra tmdo îiu os"e P. C. P. S. Patriarchs W. S. and 'etuiness made him frieinds ________ caet.lerpa fteware of dogs". Otto Bragg through being quarantin-. came th repealof theI recaîl the namnes of saine of the ed were unable ta be present, and ryve. .which was also a war-time tersrie aAbî'naimn )rtatianr, manufacture and aider schohars, there from 1860-63:thrsevcsaAbetEam et rages. Jeremiab W. Annis, Joseph and Bram were much missed on the degree team. Jher be put his Nerve Food, 'fi/eZezae fo idiidaa u roib-Abrahams, Ezra Gifford, John, Will, Past Grand Patriarch, Malcolm MadeLvr ii n ahrfn ie ICA i zto for inividuas in pchibi-Samu'nel and. James Gilbert, Samuel Sicair, the "daddy" of Imperial En-.1:de-ie il nýohriàm quars for conisumption in Souchi, Joseph Cale and Alex. Mc-. campment must have felt like the n ±'dicines on the ma~rket they li'4bat fezaz gger'" is able ta offer the Laughlin. Prince of Wales as everybody Éhoak .-eceived forary wlcmeVa_ aw, and thus the expressed .h is baudheartily hie being very papu-.L rovince is beîng defeated. In 170 tewriier retr' alrwthteby fAbetEcip hr exceptional merit has MutC aeBaker's Sho n attended there, net Patriarchgs ep Bryant, o7Ept them high in the public years. luI the meautime the red Ca ae aiH ayad hodL'em ýn th e ast vote against the bikcho-uswch w StadsBawmnauville Boys,, were bere with ages within this province there, had been erected on the cor- h oot otnet aeD.CaesKde-ie uithler of Mr. James Pye's farm. ThethToatcotnetrke r. hse Rny-vr eand their Importa- teachers duiug these season's were - lnt tore ampa re taotema a should also bie prohibited. John H. Brown, (son of aur ueighbor, BREFTLKOiPAER -rn itt rbegulomaingt the iae s ka We've made It hot for a lot of folks who were or further legishation and Wm. Brown), Wm. Henry, Belfast, _______O__ YE ieasofrguain h lvrkd Irelaud', and Mr. J. A. Campbellaf of Nt h o eys anc bawe.s arn, leixeving cou- the viciuity of Braoklin, Ont. EachIDo You, P Sy?IfNt ot D ,ainhidîesiounskde iea looking for satîiàacwory coal and if 'ou w±.ll place of these was very exemphary anda-diigson and the rendered goad service. Prominent laymen witb deepcon- .)e lids,2eabxa udaes S ' E ~Saine of the campanians at schaal victian that oaly by spiritual farces a U oe 5 o tldaes a ton of our coal in your home we would be pleased Liquors .1. .Uj ~ at this time were Edwin AnnisEd ma ar civilîzation be saved from, mno.Bae e. t. Trio biitd wn .VanuSoamn ~nethe reeeuted pehls thsa beset,' to warm it up a bit for you. Our prices are right Diana, Ada, Sarah, Henrietta, James i eus st uhs hsapa and Absalom Abrabams,,Nancy and for prayer. The ouly way out la the ~Iu ~o mîtee Fanny Gifford, Cora Argue, Jabez way up. Holding no ecclesiastical 1M an ar Suh ayJh u positians, and represeuting, quite un- and we give a full weight ton. I Mattie Pye, John and Elizabeth officially, varia us branches of the ý I Smith, Ada and Henrietta Williams, CrsinCucw aeti n IFrank Wilbur, Henry and Joseph usual step of appealiug directly, Martin, and, Gea. Maynard. At that truhepblcrsta enadJUih ' A . H olgçate & So RALWY IM TBLS OR time we had occasional visits from womeu of nîl faitbs1 who believe in anC BOIWAYTMA VILLE OR yaurself, Mr. Editar, as you were en- OniInn .ad n h pwr f 11'e O ide n BOWMANVILLE. gaged i h egbrn colsc ryr ajain in a camman and con- ue an DisonS .Bw avle tion, ntbnegbrnsolsc. certed and contiuuous exereise of in-. uenan ivsonSt ow avi0 tresata the end that humanîtyiil1_________________________________ Grand Trunk Railway. About 1864 a young man, wbo was everywhere, taral as it is by dissen- Going East. Goiug West a German, Auslem Scbuster by rame, sian, aud suffering many kiuds of iîî haoop nkirts -were worn by those w,.o___________________________________ Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m. h came ta the section, and if I mistake effects of the world-war, may turu ta first asked the druggist for, and insisted ____________________________________ Express 10.35 am. Inat, conducted a writing scbool in the patient Father in Heaven for uew ou haviug the genuine Fav-orite Pre- Pass'ugr 1.14 p.m.* Local 10.02 a.m.* I the eveniugs. lie afterwards enter- motives and guidance aud succajir. scription put Pass'ngr 3,14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.*" ed the ministry and continued therein Our world will neyer get rigbt witb up by Doctor ll1"I'RAL Local6.54 .m.* ass'nr 7.7 p.m'~forsome earsitseîf until it gets right with Gad. Pieree over J E I G 1i1L Local 7.14 p.m.* Pass'ugr 8.16p.m. 1lu 1869 and 1870, the aboya en-Ouly spiritual remedies can cure the flfvyyears ago. Mail 9.58 p.m.ý, tiofled Jeremiah W. Aunis was iii at- preseut ills of maukind. Therefare D,,,es , h /i s l*Daihy except Suuday. Flagged.' tendance at Victoria College, Cob-. we cail upon ahI who believe that thechgevery -"' _ W ILL SOU U I '-no ÎE H ER E ____ourg, preparatory ta enteriug the living God hears and auswers prayer hnevery miuistry. The writer heard the first ta off er duily petitiaus in behuif of muclis sermon bie preacbed lu the aeigh or- ur troubled world-with all its in-. then! Bt,'bW r pnt u iie uniyo Canadian Paciflc Railway. bodtTn uJue17.H tf dw iresiW aeoe obyaliie uniyo Gaiug East Going West weut ut once ta 'bis first circuit, self-seeking; witb its ludustrial un- i sr t ~ ' SEED GRAIN of the following Varieties: Express 1 0.20 a.m. Express 5.50 a.-m. Stauffilîle, The uext year i-ere- rest, its social unrest sad its paltical the same ' ':Express 2.37 p.m.*Local 8.20 a.m.* sided ut home, for the mast part, and' unrest-that the Lord Almighy pay endable In B R E -.A .N,2 n w o e Local 10.08 p.m.*Express 4.31 p.m, supplied the Suuduy work ou the suffuse the heurts of aîîale evy- y g r cdiet B R E-ou..C o.2 adTo"oe Express 12.03a.m.Exprcss 7.42 p.m,* Whitby Circuit. During thut win- wbere witb a consuming desire ta Theyarest - -n i OATS-any good grade, *Diyexcept Sunday. ter bie delivered a wel-prepured ad- seek first the Kiugdom of God and bis as they js SR G Y C.B. Kent, Town Agent.; dress lu Bukers Scboal, an the sub- rigbteousucss. Then ahI other thiugs < 4fty years ai-o> WHEAT-Marquis, Prince Imperial, Goose I ____ject of "Education."' Mr. Wmn. Cry-* ncedful may be added unto us, us auere o~andachl derman complimentcd hlm bighly, and pramised by aur Lord Jesus Christ',u;er otid CaainN^înlkala. referred ta hlm as "the claquent As says the apostle: "I exhort, Beanty deponds upan olth. We have also for sale choice No. 1 Govern- Candin Ntina Ralwy. man fresh from the halls of Victoria therefore, first af al, that supiplica- Worryse'bsr~is dce, ment Standard and home rw RED CLOVER, West 'Baund East Bouud Calege". thons, prayers, intercessions, tbauks- pains, to lr n ekns f' n rw *.0am.*6.34 p.m Althougb this schoalmate's career givings, be made for ail men; f or dîstinoly fwkir htcter in a short A SKE TJMOTHY,an are prepared to supply *Daily cxccpt Sunay was compurativeîy short it was not kings and aIl that arc in bigh place; time briig te .lc t1 w t Il crow's other varieties if needed. witbout distinction. He was pastor thut we niuy lead a trauquil uud quiet feet,"1 the haggar i, d r O o piin gStlbaeago upyoCoW odLm of the Ils Church, in bis city, if e in aIl godliness and grayity". shoulders, and the fahmeing step. Silhv odspl fCaW oL m (where I -uow attend) tbirty years By way of, the throue of a prayer Ta retain the appeairance of youth ber and fluilding Materîal. Quality right and u go, and some of the aider members an sweriug God,. even tbe lcast of us yau must retaini heanth. Instead af MILO S KL E stilh speak of. his great sermons, and may il a power for patriotism and lotions, pow'iî'ýrs anîd paints, ask yaur prices reasonable. Caîl and see us. MILLONS Kil ED he hrogs hic watedonui ii-fo nvra goad will 'beyond ahI drtiggýst for Doctür Piecp's Favorite try. It seemed huisrutable that bis human calculution.Pesîto.Mc I Ia &C m an Lmi d labors sbould be teriniuated in May "Pray for my soul aetinsae P IPIET Ak- Ît' iec' CT R1895, ut the early age of 45 yenrs. wrgtbypye Favorite Ptscriptýion cured me when omuil Mr. John- Garfutt gave a social ane Than this world dreams af. Wherelo- ahi ather me 'iuino f niled. The homneigSre Es iyour wouderful mlture.",-HeRrbe T must nat trespuss. further upon NthuwieFame Tee I jCorri, 417 McKlay Street, Montreal. your space than ta say that as I bave scarcely a cornier of thîs greut Doinl- There .s rno reasan whatever why you no record-mn peu or pencýl-of uny ion wbere the merits af Dr. Thomas' eaxusot be eompletely sud speedily ru- of the incidents and eveuts rccorded Electric 011 bave not been tried and r n r a n % ýî C . stored ta helth if y ou take this rem, lu these letters, tbey mnay uppeur proved. It is oanc of the world's mosti r n r ar e y C , ady. You are aatillfed or the. money some-what disjointed, but if the read- eflrient rümedies for sore throuat, le refunded, arcordiLg te ern u-i - ers w.,ill experience a tithe of the lame back uand many ather afiments1 ORONO h'ro o w -yeur sugga in8larccalling and writing tbem, 1 shah aon the skia its healhng poner is cad- For Sale ln Bowmanville By SL INBOWMANVILLE SY ýdeecm mryscîf well repaid. ily absorbed. and it can also be takjen F. R. KERSLAKE ~R. KER8L.AKE February 22nd., 1921. iuternul]ly. R. M. MITCHELL & CO.