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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1921, p. 7

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For the 1 ii23rd Year Sets the Pace FOR Power, Comf ort, Appearance, Economy "4" and "8" -Cylinder Cars One Ton Econnmy Trucks Temperance=st Opp. St. John's Church We wish to announce that we have been appointed Chevrolet Serxvice Stationjl We have seenred a first.elass mneebanie who cati repair ail makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full supply of Ford, Chevrolet and Maxwell parts, Gasoline, Greases and Ois. J, IITELY The Garage Man Phone 44 and 114 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, MARGU 8 , 1921 FRANK HOME KIRKPATRICK (Copyrighted) NO. 9-GAINING AND HOLDING ATTENTION After ail, how few public speakers there are who really succeed la Énining and holding the attention of afln audience. The reason for this failure, providing the subject matter of a speech is interesting, le the in- ability of the speaker to fit la to pub- lie speaKing conditions. May 1 mal<e a comparison? In 1f e, there are mnany who do nlot fit in-who are fallures. There is the "ehiftleso romaaticist," who long~s for the time "whea sworcls were bright and steeds were prancing"; the pessimist, who "grouches" about the degeneracy of the present, and yearns for "'the good old days"; the impractîcal ideahist, who talks and talks and talks about, some impos- sible Utopia, instead of "Zetting" busy." These men are misfits. They do neot lit in, or, in other words, react te their environinents. As in 1f e, soi public speaking which, after ail, ls a slice of life raised into the,high light. He who would speak effectively in publie mnust -learu te adjust himself to hi% audience, the public speaker's envir-~ onment. If hie cannot do this, hie does not fit in, bie is an oratorical misfit. If he ean do it, hie will gain and hold the attention of hie audi- ence. There are different types of publie, speaking misfits or faihires. I recaîl a case in point. A gentle- man of wide reputation as a scholar and writer, was engaged to give an address at an important function, ln a town in wbich I lived. A large audience gathered to beur the speak- er. Hie responded to a verygen- erous reception, with a cold a nd pur-ý functory acknowledgment. Hie be- gan by dnshing cold water, as it were, on our enthusiasm. Hie proceeded to discuss the subject 1in a detached way. Hie isolated himself from his hearers. lHe was as one "marooned" on the platfoýrm. Undoubtedly be had some- thing to say, but hie did not say it to anybody. There was no "recipro- eity"-betweea him and bis audience. Hie did not gain and hold attention. lie failed. Another public speaking misfit la the ioud,, noisy, declamatory speak- er, lie does nlot relate himself to bis audience, but stands isolated in the centre of bis own "sound and f ury'l Hie "kicks up" sncb a cl oud of oratori- 1cal "dust" that hie is, as it were, hid- den from bhis listeners, lie harangues at tbem. liHe does not talk to them, Hie neyer gains, and, therefore, does not hold attention. SIGNS 0F SPRIING First Spring robin has buen seun. Rud-headud woodpecker was suen pucking a true. Two boys killed a coppur-huad snake four feet long. A large garter snaku was suen. Mrs. Abram found a yullow butter. fiy la ber garden, Feb. 5tb. Lindgay man dug new potatous from bis garden Fub. 2ud. Mosquitos are a pest on the balmy shores of Georgian Bay. Two mua had a swim ia Toronto Bay-ie boat ran into an air hole. Are thuse facts signs cf Spring or that winter bas not come? it was nut our intention to eonveY sncb an impression, as we know that most grocers.selI well known brands of other goods at luss profit than tbey could inahe On somu brands equally well known, and for the same reason ,t4à# tey recommend Red Rose Tua, slmply to give their cas- tomurs the best possible value. In Our lutter wu meutionud Rud Rose Tua bucanse it naturally came first to Our mind and bucause we knuw that grocurs were suhinig it at a luss profit than they maku ou othur teas.-T., H. Estabrooks Co., Llmlted, Toronto, Ont. The cbeapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exturminator puts it within reacb of ahi, and it eau bu got at any ing systenm la town.- They haven't doue it, se we are 1peuvud"l. .. . Mrs. Johnson 18 arouud again aftur the ru- cent operation on her throat. .. .,Mr. Herb.* Hoouy is making many glad these days-sawiug their wood.,.AlI congratulate Jos. Taylor on bis new sou and, heir .... Miss Nellie Taylor spent the past week in Toronto ... . Is it true eight sebool teachers will soon debate in Blackstock? Drives Astbma Like Magie. Thu immediate help from Dr. J. D. Kel- log's Astbma Rumedy 18 apparent, Nevertbuless it is only a natural re- medy nsed la a natural way, The amoku or vapor,, ruaching the most remote passage cf the affucted tubes, brushes aside the trouble and opens a way for fresh air to enter. Il-. '- ~ frequired for your car. We carry the stock. Luke, Boys & Cryderman - ves b-nc,iarae - Howmanvîie- Moved OUR TIRE REPAIRING BUSINESS TO THE WEST END 0F THE STATESMAN BLOCK Opposite lHotel Bwa Jamieson Bros. Phone 193 Bowmanville Tire Repair Experts the re-of teh Can PUife cenervi ces, Limited, esperanjiy fthe appetite, pro-e service, was reycently launched at the yards of the Faîrildhipbuildillg & <ine' egoth adpro The. christenmng crin, which was Perférmned by Ms. G. m. Boeswoeth, the w fssti tr gtI the ch-,rmn 0 f the Oanadian Pacifie Ocean Services, Lmntfed, went throcugh with<ctt a Scott & BOwne. Toonta, (kat hitch.- LQ ALRSO- Thshiif fift In77 q e -Acýnd hasadepUti Ù-the big o k f 53 feI LOM KRS, G e.~Jr ~s tnnelaabut2200 t ns, ad she ë raneiVsary ao 0firSt i ckass, 106 se(ccmd Cl7as, 238 third class passengers, and 547 of a crew. 0f -the cargoses, a Largo portion m beffl fitted for the cavriage of silk. Theoocear speed ïs about -14 -knots (rabIota orGrnes The ves-,elisl built to the. highest class of Lloyd's register, to fui] Board of TTade require- IFoRIN G STO ments and su-i ide h full acrordane with the requiremerits of the Bulkhead conventior-I2ew Aco>mplete systemi of telephones with a central exe-hange is fittýed to the speciai aud piv.te suites and various offices, etc. » The.nig saloon is on the upper dock and will acomminodate 325 peursona, a largo r I j _ -io rooen as ituated focrward of the dining saloon with passenger elevat(r at the foe ew* ing, 09 es Us- on this dec* aiso las a swimnnng pool 30 f. long by 18 ft. wide, and a LE* sîrgîe&îop;Î Throughout the veasel specia attentiUa is everywhere given to the aethatthe n. -la tien 0 alaV ia -p lpbcIO!l rM4 Dr. Ohase's olaiment vill refeve YOUl teu T7 The ~~~~and afford lasting bnfi 0.aDls .-d the aileev7etec<lai ener, r dl,=5O ,BatesAon ,Imt' -den voyge of Toronto. BtamvmleaBox free if you il U gu IIe ier and ecloe 2. da P tO P i..4> BRAVE BOWMANVILLE BOY WEDDING ORONO The ticklishi job of -outwitting a VeaI-Thornpson (From TheNes couple of burgiars and getting onu A very pretty wedding took Place Mr. Eiit. i P in te el-kow of tbem 1into bu clutches of the law at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. eaing baOron th suppiud Hariey W. Perey, 70 Oak- Burk, Lake Shore,' Darlington, Feb. Ral e . ennig asdeliedth m-ountroad,, Assistant City Auditor, l6tb,, when bis niece, Miss Mary cl oPtroo and bis wif e with a thrilllng tun Thompson, was united inraTig Mrs. Victor Stuart f el down stairs minutes1 early Friday morning, says with Mr. Albert Veal of Antier, Sask. seronsresu . its. .io's"wihu the Toronto 'Globe. 'Only the immediate relatives of the R, .Erïoi .Ai Mr.ernotep ws in the ear lie ly were present. The ceremony Re. lx.K.Emion . .,i Mr. Pter s ahwcaned by purformed 'neath an nréh of luMitspreajling.pineysenpo listened, then, heard low talking bu- evergreens decorated with roses. Rev. Miss M ,eeab l J. Ra b asbepro- tween a, man inside and onu on D. W. Bust, officiatud. Tbe bride otd to Gneral SeY.WCrai f at guard outside the bouse. SlPippng was becomingly attired la pale bIneifor, Connetricu . W.gC.aA to bis telephone hie got'a message sllk and earried a bouquet of pink Mr. Waldear hi ather,,. to Inspector Duncan's men at, the roses and was attended by bier cousin,! Sask. H is sî ing i teictria. Keele Street Station. In the few Miss Florence Burk, wbose bouquet Hat. lei oîgt itra minu-tes, that eiapsed between the was of wbite carnations. Mr. Garnet An oldtime surprise party met at sendîing of .tbe message and the ar- Symons ably supported' tbe, groom. Mr. S. J. Yeo's, Hanter Fnrm, and ,,ivai! fteplc r n Mrs. After congraulations a dainty and'tripped the ligbt fantastie tilI cock Perey heard one of the burglars sumptuons lunebeon was servud, Missi crowîng la the morning. coniing up the stairs to tbe living- Luella Burk of Port Credit, and Miss Orono Metbodist Choir is practising roomns of their apartmnent. As bue Pearl Metcalf assistîng at the tables; a draina. reached the top of the stairway the wbicb were tastefully decorated in Mr. A. Manning, Blacksmith, bas burglar was trapped, The man, on pink and white. The groom's gift bought E. Pindur's residence aid guard got away. The prisoner was to the bride was a set of black fox, moved in. an Anstrian. Mr. Perey is a son of furs, to tbe bridesmaid a gold crus- Mr. and Mrs. H. Hlooper and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Perey, of tis cent brooch set nitiî pendls and enir- ters,, Miss Nonlu Hoopur 'and Mrs.1 towu. alds, and to the groomsmian a gold Barstuad, Toronto, entertained a' tie pin set with pearîs. The bride large company Monday evening. was the recipieut of a valuable col- Nomnr mashudobl ORONO PRESBYTERIANS lection of presents,. conslsting of sil- paNo my a o womash oud hb ver, eut glass, china, linen, utc. The phanfsulcyraout relefau ofco as Ail Bills Paid and Minister's 'Salary bride and groom left on the evening Hwn s Crn areliesatbuda Paid Tbree Months in Advance. train for Toronto, and after visitingloloasCouRm er ________with relatives in thu city and at Hligh- It does one's beart good to read a land Creek, tbey will spend a few churcb report lîke was presented by days with friends-la ttis vie nity and BLACKSTOCK Oron Prshytrias atther reentwill viÉit relatives at Detroit un route arnual esein R eJ .Rare, to their home in the West. (Crowded ont last week.) minister, presided and attendaucu was Many citizens are sick but we hope good. 1 Sheldon Moffat was secre- for rapid restoration ... . Mr. Thos. tary, Mr. Madison Hall, treasurer, re- Grocers Taki n Less Vunnlng is in Lindsay for an operat- ported, Receipts $3092.45; Ex-g ion for appendicitîs ... . Mrs. A. Gîýb-' penditure $2410,71; balance on band son is rallying gradually ... . Mrs. $681,74, with everytbing paid an Profit On Many Linles Garuet Wright bas an attack cf stipend paid three months ahead. _______plenrisy and Mr. Wesley. Mouutjoy reports showed balance on right side. RE OETAPEPEMK stili vury 11.... Mr. Chas. Venuing W. A. Waddell and Dr. McElroy were FURTHER STATEMENT. is around after bis lllnss ... . MT. W. elected aud1itors. Organist's salary_____ J. Patton is taking sock this week was incruased to $100. prior to turning over bis business.. Board of Managers consist of fif- Somle of onv frieu aogte. . Mr. Wallace Marlow is expected teen members, five retir ing eacb year. grocers, in spuaklng cf car letter to home*from Toronto Hospital on Mou- T ,oe elected this yuar, liarry dict on gt pre s' roits haveb lu- day. ... Congregations at Union Cowan, lierman Davis, Peter Laing, ttapretytbsbeen Cburcb on Snnday weru unnsually Jçîbn Lorriman and Madison Hall. coustrued by soine ruaders te men large and services were mach appre- Mr. Adolpb Henry was re-elected Seat that Red Rose Tua was the only artic- ciated ... . Mr. W. J. Patton is mov- Steward. Social Committue samne as le on wbhich the grocer takes a gmaller ing into the Manse this wuek wbich bue last year witb Mrs. Jas. R. Cooper profit, la ordur to give bis customers bas'rented temporarily.. We recunt- convener. aTgeqai.y -ly advised Couneîl te install ighijqt.. ASTU MARAZ-MAE No Sskînu --leu Sprayil,.-IsSen Jî eus i walo aCM s RAZ-MAH la Guaranted to restore normal breathiag, stop inucus fatherings ia the bronchial tube@, give long nights of quiet aleep; contains u. hltbit-forlning drng. $1.0Oet your&-dNJ- 1 ut'. Trial fr.1e t our agencles orwr!Îte TumpZleton&, 142 King W.,eToe. Local Agents Jury 1 & Lovell's Drug Store. MANRYWOME Take ZUTOO Tablets anid are free of the Griping Pain and SickHeadaches. % Read what Mrs. Wright ýays "1 received your sample of Zutoo Tab- lets, and took thern for severe pain. <monthly) and headache. At the end 30 minutes.Iwas entirely free of - ~ aud experienced no more throughout thit period. Isuffera great deal atthese times and feel grateful that I have aremedy which affords quick relief. Every womnan la the landl should know about Zutoo Tabiets and what they wjll do." Mms ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Que. T AKFE -ZU TOO MO'THEWSADVC NQw is ini the Best of Lydia E. Pinkhamh's Vegetable Compound Kessock, Saskt.-" My mother basý taken1Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Upon learning, of 7my troubles ad- výised me to er it, as 1 semed ah run down after the n fu and had leu- corrhoea very bad. 1 have taken ya Vý egetable Coin- e.un andLydia .Pl nkh arns ,Blood Medicine and sed he Smtiv Wah also Dr. Brown's Capsules and Prescription and amn much better iu every way. 1 amn willling for you to use my lutter as a testimonial as 1 recommend your medicines." Mrs. IiiENE NaLsoxq, Kessock, Sask., It is not always ia business that'g womnan is forced to give up her work on account of 111 health. It isauite as

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