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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1921, p. 5

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BO MAVLLMARCU 83, 1921 BOWMANVILLE, MARCR 10, 1921. MINISTERS AND CHUJRCHES. I SINGNG P4DVOIB PRDUCION LOAL AD OHER ISERev. W. C. Wasinrgton will preach ______ N VIEPRDCIN. LCL N THR .S in the Disciple Church, Sunday morni- MRS. J. S. NEALE,A.K.C., B. A, <Hans)H. . ing, and Rev. E. A. Tonkinnth Pupil of sir Charle Santley, the ord' Mrs. Br spent the week- evening. greatest Baritone, and Madamne Amy end in Toronto.1 Sherwin, the eminent vocalist, will take MiýsEeln onsl sen he\ Methodist Chu-irch, Rev. S. C. a Iimiteýd numiber of pupile at heîr studio, eyn onasen. e Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. Sunday "Berneval- 1Bowmar-iviiie, and at Mrs. D. week-end in Toronto. sbet 1a n-CrsinCl R.Mrrsn',Concession-st. Phone 165.ý subi ects-1 1 a.d on.-"CristarenP Cl- students prepared for ail examîniatons M.R.TweadoJcere ture of Children and YougPoe" of the Toronto Collservator3' 0f Muict. visitiri- relatives in1 Toronto. p.m-ScaanMolRern" 143w r. Alex. Elliot, Oshawa, was in 2.30 P.n.--Sundaly School. IfEDR ATDtown Wednesday afternoon. . Corne to the St- Patrick's concert TEDES ANEDMiss Mary Neill, Toronto, has been in St. Paul's Lecture Room, on Wed- Tenders wanted for cleaning and visiting Mns. 1H. R. Westaway. nesday evening, Marchi 16. Rev, J, painting the interior of School House, Mr. W. H. Maie, Toronto, was R.Fraei h elgtdor1epea No. 9, Clarke, during the Easter holi- week-end guest of MissMuriel Chart- Jubilee services will give a popular dy. Tenders to be in before noon ran. sketch "A Sprig of Shamrock". Good 1 on SatraMrd 9 91 Don't fail to see Mary Pickford inuiaiporm Loetor any tender not neces- "Stella Maris" at Royal Theatýre, Rev, Mr. Heard of Triniity Col- Low1yaeeted a 6 lege, Toronto, supplied the work in aparily /aStcJop'seCur. Marchday16.a For details and particulars apyt Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, vst-Jh'sCurhonSndy Ga D.J. Gibson, ited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jt.erRv.C .Mihed etr Secrtary Trstëe, Msonon uescay.i s improving and we trust his tnrp Secrtar Trstee, Mson on amaica mray prove very beneficial 9-wR. R. 4, Bowmanville. Mlr. Chas. McFieeters attended the to hlm ___________________________funeral of Mrs. ira Scott in OshawaStPalsCucR.D.WBe, MEN WANTED $6,-$I0,PER DAY. Stra feno.M.JH YE ~P minister. il a. m-i.-"Treasure in Milllnery Openings on Friday ýand As hie appeared 241.years ago when Heaven", or "The Essence of Ten Special 4 Weeks Saturday, March 18 and 19 at Ding- appointed'Town Clerk. On Monday Thousand Hours". A prelude on Gas Tractor Course $50 man & Edmondstone's. night Mr. Lyle was appointed Clerk ",Wh-y a Referendum-"?ý 7 p. m.- Misses Aileen and Iris Cuthbertson, and Treasurer for Town of Bowman- "Weariness and its cure" . 2.30 P. in. Special 4 Weeks Toronto, are guests of their aunt, ville. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. Auto Mechanice Course $50 Mrs. (Dr.) A. S. Tilley. St. John's Church, Rev. A. L. Mr. John R. Cole and Miss Ethel Lleminghth of Toronto, will conduct NowonatCole, Bethesda, are enjoying if e in *Mrs. J. W. Knight is visiting special services during Holy week. HEMPHILL'S AUTO GAS Florida for a f ew weeks. friends in Toronto. Special music for Palm Suinday, 11TRACTOR SCHOOL, Miss Syer has returned from at- Miss Agnes K. Haqdy, Toronto, March 20, Good Friday and Easter 168 King-st., West, Toronto tending the funeral of her aunt, Mn. spent the week-end at home. will be rendered by the choir. MUrs. Write for particulars or corne at once, Edwnrd Beacock, Manvens. Mrs. G. A. Corden is visiting bier J.B. Neale, Mrs. T. W. Cawker and _______________________ Bowmanvîlle blacksmiths wish to daug4Jter, Mrs. Geo. McMullen, Mr. J. W. Hynds will sing solos. Ful annune ha thirshpswill b.e Niagara, Ont. notice of subjects and music will be E state of Thomas Itoar losed Wednesday afternoons. Mr. and Mrs. Il. T. Humby, Port given in nex eksise ______ ~Citizens do not nocala Marc-h with Credit, spent the week-end at Mr. _______ UJnder instructosfrmte Admin- mud so de ep, ground so bare of snow Jute Roernîgk's. istratrix of etate of Thomas Hoar, de- and ramn falling in torrents every day Miss Ruth Rebder, Toronto, spent EARLY SPRING WEDDING, ceased, who died near Port Darlington'or . Sunday with ber grandparents, Mr. CxJwI HabQ i wili off er for saleatteB- man Huse in Bowmanvilie on Wednes- 1Mn. and ,Mns. William White of and Mrs. C. Rehder. Cxjwl foilewMng anda:t.,191 at 2 P . the Newcastle, spent Sunday in toffit the Spring Miîîlinery Openings at A very pnetty wedding was sol- PARCEL 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Win. Ganett, Haddy, & Co's., on Frîday and Satur- emnized at "Prospect Cottage", Bow- east 92.4 feet of lot 11, the south 37. 125 Julia-st.-Port Hope Guide.' day, Marcb 18 and 19. manville, on Saturday, March 5th., feet of lot 6, and the east 92.4 feet of the; A display of Spring and Summner Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Guy, Osbawa, when Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., south 37.125 feet of ot 12, al in block lieywlberayfriseto spnthwekedwthepaetBDTroocunofterd, "B" fronting on First Street, as shewn Millieywl erayfriseto pn h ekedwt e aetB . ootcui ftebie on the plan of Bowmanville, the whole on Wednesday, March l6th., and fol- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne. united in marriage Ruby Mae, second conalning about 1.5 acres., This parcel lowing days at Miss Harnden's. Miss Marjorie Trebilcock, Toronto, daughter of Mrs. W. E. Jewell, and as a whole is a rectangle approximately 4.15 chains fronting on First Street, by Mr. and Mrs. G. KCearus, Paigrave, spent the week-end at her grand- Kenneth Everett Cox, youngest son 4.01 obains deep, but there are two streets were ln town last week. Mr. Kearns fatber's, Mr. P. C. Trebilcock. of Mr. and Mms. Christophor T. Cox, through sanie as to which the Admniný has sold the'Bannes property in the Mr. and Mns. Walter Rutherford, Bowfinanville. The bride who was hsrti. ie nysc ibsa h South Ward to Mr. W. Mitchell. Oshawa, were recent guests of Mes- gîven away by ber brother, Herbent, PARCEL 2: Lot 10 in block -4- front- Mrs. Fowler and Mre J. A. McClel-1 srs. W. D. and Chas. Carruthers., entered the drawing-noomn to the Ing on Queen-st., as shewn on plan, lan are la New York attending the Mrs. (Dr.) Howard B. Rickard and str"ins of Mendelssohns Wedding containing about one-quarter of an acre.' Mnrch, played by Miss Reta R. Cole, Parcel one is said to have on samne a' exercises in connection with the daughten Betty, Port Coîborn.e, spent, A T C. M., She looked chanming in framne dwelling 14xl9 feet, wlth addition graduation of Miss Diana Fowler at the week-end at Mn. Jas. G. Rickard's. ý us 1 9xl9 feet; a barn and cowshed 11x22 N York Hospital., a gown of pusywilw taff eta and feet, and a chichken bouse and beg house. New Misses Edna' Bleecker and Ada. georgette, embroidened in grapes and Conditions: The preperti es wiil be of - The Rebekaks are givîng another Lunden, Oshawa, spent the week-end touches of silver. Her veil was of fered for sale subject te a reserved bid, Progressive Eucbro to he held ln the with Miss Gladys Weese, Liberty-st.I embroidered net caught with orange and as te lot 2 in 'parcel 1, and aise as, 1. O. F. Hall, on Monday, Marchi M.adMs alyPryadbosmadbrol iaet h to pacl ,th urcbaser is toaccet x14. toPeeyad losmsatd e o8.30aen h teparce 2,ttl hil the todAd 4 Statlng t play sharp t83 daugbter, Toronto, spent Sunday with groom's gift, a nope of pearîs. She ilistratrix bas. The Admistratrix P. Mi. bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Percy. canied n bouquet of white roses and ls not to be bound to produce any ah- iMn. John Hislop, Wlitby, i5" Ms eryAln Suo-s. a setpas uinth igigo abstract of titie or any title deeds or'MsHer liSuo-th we pa..Drngheinn f copies of- same not inulber possession, ing bis brother, Mn. William Hislop. returned after a two weoks visit wlth the registen, Dr. T. C. Clemence, Osh- and the purchaser is te nearch the title Mn. Hislop has been eniployed at lier mother, Mes. Leigbfield, port awa, cousin of the bride, sang "Oh, at bis own expense. Furtbher and pri Ontario Ladies' College f or nearly Rowan. eftLo". Tegomsit eular conditions of sale wl pb art-de±ctLv" h gomsgf knewn at the -timne of sale.c 30 years. Sping is coming, so are the Mil-tth pianist was a gold pin set with Terais: The purchaser is at t he tine1 The newest in Milliney-See it at jieyOeig a iga d peanîs, and to the soloist a tie pin. 0of sale te pay down 25 per cent of tbe 1Haddy & Co's., on Friday and, Satur- ieyO nngatDgm E- Aftera inylch ,sevdb purchase price te the vendor of lier mondstone's. March 18 and 19 are a fiedainftyheuncide, Msenvd Mby soltoand sign an agreement te com- dy March 18 and 19. the dates, rs sonctorday,. ICox left for Buffalo, N. Y., the bride plete the purchase.Yo will 500 a good picture and e.RyHRîkrBAB.D, THEO. M. GLEMON, a as ev o .RikrB AB . travelling in a navy tricotine suit, Auci:tioneer. helpa worthycas by, soeing Mary Toronto, speut the week-end at bis navy siîk bat and veil, and black fox D. . SPON,o orteAmnitarx Pickfoncl in "Stella Mgris" Royal father's, Mr. James G. Rickard, f uns. The happy couple were the Dated, February 22nd., 1921. Tdere.' WednSdAyA. apcb1,s n-Cetr-s. ecipionts of many very beautiful and 8-3 dn B H S A.A.ausics.Mrs. W. C. Allin entertained a useful preseuts. ____________________________ There is still good ice at Taylor's., numben of ladies veny pleasantly on ________ Are-na. If the weatber is favorable Friday afternoon, at ber home on a Moonligbt Skate will be held Thurs- Division-st. day March lOtb. It looks as if 'this MisCE.WriaSmtfed REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS gbt bs e temt kaed of the saock was home during theweek-end vi5t- Mn. Ernest Freeman wbo last Farmns re emided f te sockinglber mothon and attending the week advertised bis residence on sale of Mn. A. H. Moore, on Tuesday,1 Cox-Jewell wedding.WstunfosaeiTeSte- Marcb 1 5tb. Special mention sbould Wsmutfo aei h tts ItlokslkeaneaySpin e given the cattle wbicb be is offen- 1M . eo. P. Freeland, Toronto, a bas we understaud, found a pur- It lngoas tbekarenconsiderd onV of thebas been visiting bon mothen, Mns' hse n aMrs. J. W. H-ynds. It pays R. Jarvis whrewe are glad to s ofcbas best'grde erd in he ownhip R. arvs wo w aregla tosayto adventise la Tbe James -Papers. so start to plan now for thatbetgae orsitetwnip is slightly improved lu bealtb. Weaepasdtlanthswk flower garden whiceh gives'pelewee orcrn MisHaudn nits b ld js that Brig-Gen. John Hughes of Qrono youso uchplesue ad M. Go. an an Mn Ed Daesof Bowmanville and viinity to lu- bas decided to locate la Bowmanville yo omc lauead!Oakwood, Mr. Dobson, Mrs, Samsec ernw pi ilie n ad bas puncbased from Mrs. A. E. joy drn h summer Weldon and Miss Florence Dames, Wednesday, March 16, and f ollowug iMcCready bier fine brick nesidence Toonorweeng theatrdy t days. on Wellington-st now occupied by Months.teuding the funeral of the late John Mr. Byron Blackburn, Iowa, U. S., Mn. F. H. Bounsaîl, acness the street Dames wbose romains wene brought who is at present visîtîng at bis from Mn. C., Rebdor's modemro rsi- We not only seli pilants,' froin Lindsay for interment in fatben's,- Mn. W. C. Blackburn, New- douce. SBetbesda Cemetery. casie, called on a number of bis nela- Mn. and Mrs. Charles Bagnoîl are flowers, shrubs, etc., but we1 heBwmnille Horticultural So- tîves and friends in town on Mon- being congratulatod on acquîning are always pleased to advise cî.ety made last week a splendid ex- dy Victoria Villa, baving neceatly pur- bibition of plants la flower lu the Hýaddy & Co., annouace their cbased this very pretty and desinable you on sujects pertaining to window of the F. F. Morris Ce. This Spring Mlliueny Openings on Friday residence fnom Mrs. John Van Nest. magnificent displayý should prove a and Saturday, Manch 18 and 19. It bas been occupied since Mrs. Van- horticulture. great lucentive toeitizens te become Mrs. J. E. Philp, Newcastle, spent Nest moved to Toronto by Mn, F. C. members of this soiety and shane the -week-end witb Mrs J J. rColiner wbo bas built a very hand- WE HAVE FLOWERS ýin ýthe good things nfforded by it. Wellingtou-st. Mns. Lord hLd a some bungalow for himself on Well- IIýave you j oined yet? Give your At Home for a number of fnieuds on ington Street. From tbe spic and FOR ALL OCCASIONS anme to Secnetary, Mns. E. V. Monday afternoon in houer of hon span condition that Mn. and Mrs. Scoboîl, and belp roll up the meinben- guest. Bagnell kept their homo on Liberty sbip. st. we shaîl expect te see cousiderable S. J. JACKMAN & SONS Mn. W. EJ Bingbam, onîy sur- Ladies, you are invited to Sprng improvement la Victoria Villa before vîvng ouof helat M, JmeMillinery Openings on Friday and mauy moons. 1~hone 0 Bowmanville ingbasonTy'oatewbe for. tae s Saturday, Marcb 18 and 19. New _______ è'hoe 80 Bov anvile vingam ixbeen lu chargehof the goods, new styles and aew picos at 20 years bas enichreote Haddy & Co's. MILITARY NEWS elevator at Baldun, Man., bas recently_____ Ibeen appilonted Supeintendent of Miss Jennie Merchant was home New rocruits are beiug outfitted Grain Elevators for the prairie pro- fnem Ontario ais olgWi-a . e edureseeyTe- vince, between Winnipeg and Brand- bLadeite eek-end and had ns b Co. er day and Fnidny nigets on. W. E. - bv oewihewek-mdakdeadabisir ahomo and iptq Jewler Osawa this epera bore some years ago. The Pethick, N. E. Burke. JeeesOhw classic dancing 'a'as cleVerly, doue Exocutons of late W. E. Jewell, oe and the entetaiumeut as a wbele was CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, mile east of Bowmauville, on Ring-î of The fine weather makes one thiuk at above promises, Tbursday, Marcb ofanew Easten bonnet. Attend Our winter term commences January 3. l7th., bis entiro stock of pnize win- the Mlliueny Openings on Friday and gompkee n Shrthaand cplets n ing imponted Clydesdalese fHackneys, Saturday, March 18 and 19 and seeigComxnercia aoudsCs.piet Sow HFlmuOss, Durham tGrades, Im-1 the new styles at Dingman & Ed-! King Street Chambers, Oshawa. plemients, etc. See bills. Sale at ______________________mondsone's. Phone 917 î..tx 12-30. Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer. Notices of Birthe 50,cents;, Marriages- 50 cents; Deathrse0cents, each ýin- sertion. When funeral carde are printed at this office, insertion fre. BIRTHS BELLAMY-In Clanke, Feb. lBth., te Mr. anMsLfusBLamy, a daugbter, MARRIAGES CARTER-pOWERS-A1t ber imotber's reiecPort Hope, on MUarcb Stb., by RvC.S. Applegatb, Mary Campbell, daugbteur of the at E. A. Powers and Mrs. Pwnauýd VWilliami Carter, Dutten, Ont. COX-J EWELL-At PopetCottage, BowniIe, 1Mancb S tb., lby Rev. Roy Rl. Rtikard, B. A.., Toronto, cousin of the bride, Mr. Rennetb Everett C2oxsno Mn. and Mrs. CLris. T. Cox, an uby Mao, second dgto f the laeW.E Jewell ,iiid Mrs. Jewell, bothofBw manville. DEATHS HARRIS-At P'ort Perry, Mancb 7tb., Rev. John Hlarîis, in bis 80th yean. SCOTT-In Osbaiwat, Marcb 2nd., Agnes Jamieson, beloved wif e of Mn. Ire Scott, aged 23 yeans. COOLEY-In Wiarton, Marcb Stb., Rev. John Wesley Cooley, in bis 68th year. Interned lu Guelp. DIXON-At Bewdley, Marcb ard., Fn nie Coulter, beloved wife of William Dix- on, àlulber SOth year. GRAHAMI-In Pentypool, February 28, Eliza J. B3yens, reliot of the late John Grabami, aged 82 years. COOPER-At Penrytown, Marcb 2ud., Graco Stark, reliot of the late William Cooper, iu ber 54th year. RU ITÉER-lu Darlington, Manch 5tb., George Albert, infant son of, Mn.and Mns, George Ruiiter, aged 3 menthe. FEILD-At 216 Cumberland Ave., Ham- ilton, on Friday, March 4tb., Frances Davies, -widow of the late Richard Feile, aged, 73 years. Interned lu Bow- manville. CLEMENS-In Bowmauville on Wed- nesday, Marcb Sith., Alan Fredrick, infant son~ of Mn. and Mrs. D. F. Cléens, aged 3 months. Funeral at 1.30 p. m., Thons- day te Oshawa Union Cemeteny. DAMES-lu Lindsay, Manch Srd., John Dames of Mariposa, aged 86 ,years, 6 months, native of Darlingtou township. lnterred at Betbesda Cemetery on Satur- day. IN MEMORIAM. Iu loviug memony of J T. Trewiu wbo entened into rest ou Fobruary 28, 1917. Days of sadness stili come e'er us, Tears of sorrow ofteu flow,, Memory keeps our loved eue near us, Whom God claiaied four years, age. Though bis loving voice is silont, And bis true beart ceased te beat, Yet we miss his weil-known footsteps, And tbe face we used te greet. Leeply mouned by Wife and Daughter. Iu lovîng momory of Wilbnr M. Trowin who passed away Mancb, 3rd., 1920. If God had asked us, well we Xnow We should say, "Oh, spare this blow", And witb streamiug teans would pnay 'Lord, we love hlm-, let him stay". Net now but in the coming years, It may ho in the betten land, We'll reap the meaning of oun tsars, Aud then, ah, thon we'll undenstand. Sadly missed by Mother and Sister. HONEY FOR SALE SmaILdI uantity oýf goed quality dr honey at 20e per lb. Aise light heney at 28e per lb. 2i.4 R. J. SMITH, Enniskilleu, phono 1-4 FOUND. DOG FOUND-Cellie, female. Enquire at Statesman Office. COLLI E PUP-Male, Ownen may bave same by pnoving propenty and paying ex- penses. R. J. GIII, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 10-3 HELP WANTED WANTED-Mau and wife, practical farmens, man a capable wonking foneman, wif e for bouse. House suppied, othen tenais anranged, mixed farming proposi- tion of 125 acres, 20 miles east of Tor- ,ente, ne milk or cneam. sold. Applicants must be weU nrecommended, witb ne children. Apply G. H. Drawer BS, Bow- manvillo, Ontario. 10-2w POSITIONS WANTED .WORK WANTEU-Washing, bouse- cloaning, or other wonk. Will go out on take washing home. 25c per heur. Mrs. W. Barrel, at Mrs. G. D. Fletcher's, Duke-st., Bowmauville. 10-1w WANTED POSITION-A practical fan- mer, xharniod man, ne family, wouid live by the year with a goed farmer, dweiling and, other pniviieges supplied. Apply by letton te Box 22, Bowîmanville, Ont. 5-tf! ARTICLES FOR SALE JERSEY CREAM FOR SALE-William Morritt, Ring-s ., East. Phono 110. 3-tf. SEED PEAS-Eaniy Enitain, apply Les-, lie Cellacutt, R. R. 5, Bowmanvile, Phono 146 r 3. 9-t FOR SALE-S Yorkshire Brood Sows. Apply te H. M. Feston, R. R. 5 Bowman- ville, phono 205-r4. 8-tf FOR SALE-Bnood Mare, Clydesdale, 7 yoans old.1 Ap--y-e-Joh - Wo---c-tt milking machine, two lange silos, lu fact, up-to-tho-minute, everný field well fonced, tule drained whene nocessany, gpning lu centre of fanm, 10 acres-of thlckiy stand- ing bandweed, close te stores, sbep, scool And cbuncb., Cenvenient te Osh- awa on a god rond. This farm is a pro- ducer, as total cash income of carne met yean exceedý $10,000. This la a réal buy at pnice asikod, witb Spning Pos- session. For funther panticulars npply !l perS"n or bylte to Montgomery & Metcalf, real ostate agents, (6 IRing-st., W.,Oslbawa. 10-tf I ________ I j he Shop That LeadsI Bette r Made Clothes TH1AT 15 WHAT WE SELL LOOK OUR SAMPLES OVER FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT THE PRICES RANGE FROM $3,3.50 -UP WE ARE AGENTS FOR ARKT C;L O %THE S BETTER THAN THE BEST HABERDASHER Y STYLES LATEST IDEALS 'IN FASHIONABLE ATTIRE FOR MEN 1AND YOUNG MEN YOU GET HONEST VALUES ALWAYS G. N. THURSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. Read This List Before Shopping. Lard, 3 lb. pail ..................61k Lard, lb. pail................... $1.10 Lard, 10 lb. pail................................... $2.20 Easifirst, 3 lb. 'pail ..................................60c Pork and Beans 8 cans for..................... $1,00 Pork and Beans 12 cans for ................$1,00 Aylmer Corn, Peas or Tomatoes,.......6 for $1-09 Breakfast Bacon, by piee....................50-C Pickled Picnic JIams, lb ..........................28e Scalded Cream Fresh Daily IT ALWAYS PAYS TO DEAL WITH G. A. Edmondskone Onie door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phoine 21 Bo'wmanville Bluebirds and Robins and New ZSpring ùGoods We have opened out for yourlinspection this week, the flnest and most varied selection, Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats that it has ever been our privilege to presen-i-t foi your ins pection and verdict, as to their d~rb1 ity and value. ALSO NEW DRESS SILKS AND FANCY SILK MATERALS F OR LADIES' SKIRTS New Linoleum and Congoleum Art Rugs Also New Linoleum and Floor Oilcloths, al widths from ½/ yd. to 4 yds. wide. S.W. 'M a so %n &So n Opposite the Standard Bank, Bowmanville Phone .106 'I n

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