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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1921, p. 6

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M. A. JAMES BOWMANVILLE, MARCII 24, 1921. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian PîcIflc, THE EDITOR TALKS White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- Ican. Ask for information. Phonie This morniflg as we sat down ta 53, Bowmanville. begin our editorial duties for the day witb no particular topic in mind but VETERINARY boping for an inspiratinw1 to DR.F.T. IGHE up a religions weekly and tbe. first DR. F T. IGHEarticle ta meet aur eyea was hea.ded 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or "A Vacation ta Mathlers". This rght Calls Promptly Attenided To. titie appealed ta aur sympathetie Offic.,e, King-st., W., Statesman Block, nature and wve read the article but Bowmanville. Phono 243. Intbe form it was wrîtten it isn't quite suitable for aur purpase. We, MARBLE WORKSgot a couple of good ideas from it, MARBLEWORKSbowýever, and %,ball clothe tbem in E. R. BOUNSALL aur own words and- present tbem for "LestW. Foget"tlýe apecial benefit of aur younger ~DESIGNER and DEALER in Menu- redr. Abyevrgr' oer a -mnt, abet .the very best friend tbeyevrad mons, ablt. Markers, etc., in or ever will have, probably. If tbis Gý'ranite and Marbie, Bowmanvllle. la a fact, tben tbere cames ta every boy and girl a personal responsibility. LEGAL That is, ta be now and during motber's 1f etime a true, faithful and M. G. V. GOULD, B. X., LL.D. constant friend ta mother. How best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY can this le donc? There are variaus Money to loan on Farm and Town ways available ta every boy and girl Property. Royal Bank Building, living at home especially. One Bowmanville. Phone 351L. suggestion we got from the article on "A Vacation for Mothers" is to start in your community or Sunday W. F. WARD, B. A. School or day achool, town or village, }BARRISTER, SOLICITOR~, N OTARY an "Achievement Club" or any or-, MKortgag ILans Mranged. Bonds ganîzation the abject of wbich shal jor ale Phne 02. ffie, î~k b~for the members, instead of seek- 1oy Block, Bowmanville. i~ constantly ta get aIl the pleas- 45-t uire and selfish pastime for tbem- selves; they enter into a covenant MEDICAL pledging tbemselves ta do for otbers ail tbe good tbey can, at all tbe times 'e. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. tbey can and in aIl tbe ways they Gold Medalist of Trinity 'University can. This pledge affords a very Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- wide, scope for doing gaod. Now uilnand Surgeon at Mt. Carmel then cames aur next suggestin-tbe Hospital, Pittabu rg, Xe. Office and 'practical operation of the covenant. Resîdence, Wellington Street, Bo*- Start an tbe good resolutian right in manville. Phone 108. 36 your own borne in ths way:- Girls begin ta do everything tbey can tbink C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., of ta belp mother-rise early and do 'Graduate of Trinity Medical College, some of the work mother bas usually Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. doue, prepare breakfast, sweep tbe OfiRce and resîdence, Dr. Beith's, floors, do the dusting, prepare veget- former residence on Church-st., Bow- ables for dinner, do more of the fam- manville. Phono 259. 44-t ily caoking, sewing, mnending, wash- DR.V.H. TOEYing and ironing, if a servant is nott DR.VH.STREYkept, and any other home work that t Graduate Toronto University, year is ta be done. Boys can find juat ast and haîf resident physician and sur- miany apportunities for belping' in- geon Toronto General Ho0sPital (six doora, and ont ta 'help mather and monthsý Buraside Maternity) two father too. Ia this way mother can and haîf years Military Hospital. enjoy a vacation ail tbe year round. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- Titat is she, can find leisure ýmianvilIe. Phono 143w. lO-lyr.* for visitiug,' taking tripe away Îrinm ome for a day or a DENTAL week or longer and enjoy life aIl the tîme, including the great satiafac- DR. G.. Û. BONtqYCASTLÊ tion of knowing sbe bas the best, kindest, moat helpful and capable Konor graduate in Dentistry Toronto girls and' boys that auy mother can University. Graduate of the Royal wiab for. Formi an "Achievement College of Dental Surgeons of Ont- Club" la every home, boys and girls, *rio. Office King-et., Bowmanville. and see how mucb joy and satisfact-. Office phono 40. House phono 22. ion you will personaîîy enjoy and beat of ail the great pleasure and delight DR. J. C. PEVITT you will give ta your dear mother glGraduatoý of Royal Dental College, who ever since you were bora bas Toronto. Office, King-st 'East, Bow Co nstautly been doing and sacrificing unoanville. ýOffice hours 9 a. m., te 6 f or you. m.r. daily except Sunday. Phonxe H,'a ouse phono 90b. REFERENDUM VOTE ]FUNEAL 1DIRETORSThe votera' list as used at the FUNEAL IRECORS General Election in, Ontario beld la F. F. MORRIS CO. October 1919 ia ta be the list for use on above vote. A Revisamg Officer Most complete equipment. Sunday will sit for the Towu of Bowmanville and night caîls promptly attended te. during the week commencing Marcit %Bwmanville phonos 10 and 34 28tb mast, ta coasider applications for eBac t Orono. additionsta or deductions from that ~ liat, of whicb sittinga due^ notice will JUNK DEALERS be given. -Changea will only be made POULRY ad JNK-A .. i n the liat on proaf under oath of tbe 1 POUTRY nd JUK-A.Dîllck, facta aecessary ta justify the changes 7 Orke-st., just opposite Canning appliedfor. The name will be struck ~Facory pas hîhes cah prcesferoff the liat, until after twa days' not- ail dud ofpoutryandjun. Ponoice by registered mail bas been given oýr caîl at bis residence. atepro ha nei spo NOTICE TO PUBLIC posed ta strike off. Applications ta put names ou tite _1 bave taken out a licence in Bow- liat may be made direct ta the Revis- -aanvlle te buy ail kinds of Tiunk and îng Officer, and without previaus not- Poultry. Will pay the highest price. ice. Bath males and females, Britisit Apply by phone 289 or calan Mr. aubjects, 21 years of age, resident 21ike, Ontario-st. in Canada for one year and in Ontario for twa montbs before February lat FITS last, are equally entitled ta go on the Stînson's home treatment for epilepsy. liat. Port Hope and Bowmanville are Twenty years' success. Tbousands of the only two municipalities in Dur- testimonials., No case sbould be consid- ban County wbere Revising Officers ered hopeleas. e ree bookiet. Wm. Stin- will it. In ail other municipalities son Remedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yonge br iîh orvso rvast Street, Toronto, Ontaria. 6-lyr thr ilbnoevsnpevu t __________________________the vote being taken, but applicat- MERCANT OAUALT COPAN .-in for additions ta or deduictions ,Speclallsts in Health and Accdent' freim the liat may be made ta the Insurnce.Deputy Returning Officer at tite Pol direct. Sncb applications also ta FPolioles Ilberal and unrostrlcted. ho- supported by oatit of applicant and Over $1,000,000 pald in lasses. of some other identifying voter. 'Exceptional opportunities for local agente. John Lyle la the Revising officer for 904 Rayai Bank Bldg. Teronto, <)nt.Bwavle b, ýGANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, NAEWN.TLYCUSE OSHAWA.IN G. T. R. ARBITRATION. Our 'wlnter terni commences January 3. Bookkeeplng, Shorthand, Typewrltlng, An Ottawa despatch says: In ans- Complote Commercial and Complote werta4- quetio1b- .TC0Buill1a Opens March 29th Yenge & Charles Streets, Toýronto This School enjoys a great reputation for superior work and for placing the graduates quickly iu good positions. There are thousands of apeninga in Tor- )nto each year and we are called upon ta MIl more than we can. Openalnl year. Enter at any tir.e. Cireulars fr ee. -W. J.ELLIOTT, Principal. are being paid to the share- holders of Northern Ontario's Gold Mines, Are you getting youir share? The experience gained: in fiE- teen years of active connection with these mines will help you to participate in these spien. did profits, Complete îiformation on Request HOMER L., GIBSON & Co. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton BIdg TORONTO M M TOLE'S LIST THE' MAPLE LEAF FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Columbus Ontario AUDITOR'S' REPORT, 1920 OFFICERS President, Wm. Smith, M. P. - - Col Vice-President, N. Burkholder - - pi( Secretary, Wm. Purves Co Treasurer, S. Roberts -C TREASURER'S ACCOUNT, 1920 RECEIPTS Balance on band 'Dec. 31, 1919 Cash from fixed payments, 1920 Cash from payments prior years Interest earned Reinsured lasses Extra premiums and rebates Refund from Hydro Elec. Com. Debentures Premium on excitange Reinsurance premiums EXPENDITURES Agents commission and bonuses$ Adjustiag cdaims Interest Sala ries and Directors' fees Asseasment and licence fee Fire Marshall tax Priating, Statianery and advertising Postage. and express Rents Travelling expeases Rebates Re-lasurance Paid on Loans Paid for lasses, 1920 Miacellaneona account Balance on hand, Dec. 3lst., 1920 ASSETS Cash on baad, Dec. 3lst., 1920 Casit Standard Bank, Oshawa, $14,301.91, boss outstanding choques, $1,690.28 Unpaid fixed payments Int. accrued on invostmients Mortgage on real estate East Wbitby Deb. No. 1, 5 per cent E. Wbitby Deb. No. 2, 5 Y per cent Great Wes Per Loana Co'y. Deb. 5%~ per cent Great West Per Loan CQ'y. Deb. 5 per cent Dom. of 'Can. War Loana, 1917 Net premium notes Losflot paid olumbus, Ont. 'ickering, Ont. lumbus, Ont. 'olumbus, Ont. $714.61 27,757.75 140.40 Z,013.49 1,57K.90 28.00 1,100.00 7,354.13 922.50 1,768.90 $43,376.68 3,882.55 87.00 11.25 2,327.90 63.86 72.44 415.80 201.56 31.50 35.00 699.36 1,216,.05 1,500.00 20,114.29 32.50 12,685.62 $43,376.68 $' 73.99 12,611.63 639.25 336.70 2,000.00 4,691.48 12,097.63 5,000.00 5,0100.00' 5,000.,00 $42,450 .68 $203,314.95 $24.5,765.63 $500.00 $9,738,675 i LIABILITIES Insurance in force, Dec. 1920, MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL, AGENT AT BOWMANVILLE. Rnush For Spwring Work We' would advise people in town and countir requiring our services for PLUMBING, TINSMITHING OR STEAMFITTING to place their orders learly, as already many of our customers have made appointments for work in our line they wish to have done this Spring. So many people tell us our prices are so reason- able-and we do work promptly, too. Greenawayq & Elliott Consulting Engineers IPhone ,18 day or night Wbitby is ta have a new Public School building. Oriflia Packet: The advertsing columas of the local paper ta a large exten 't reveal thte business quality af thte town la wbicb it la publisbed. SPRING IS COMING. Spring is c oming ! The editor has ordered the janitor ta uncage the first robin. The salesladies are busy sitting on last year's bats ta give tbem this year's angle. Best girls are squealing "Please don't" or "Cnt that out" according to their social status. Daring dahlias and impos- sible peas flaunt themselves an seed catalogs. The cat bas shed ber win- ter coat and ber Marcb contribution to tbe population. Farmers are cura- ing scarce labor and selling borses ta buy Fordsons. Tbe buds are swell- ing. Errand boys are wbistling. Tbe paasing auto splashes tbe pedestrian. Hope, love and mud predominate. Spring is coming! BýE A GLOOM CHASER. Societies bave recently been form- ed in the Southt and'Middle, West of tbe neigbboring Republic under tbe aomewhat formidable naine of "Noble Order of Gloo-m Chasers". The or- g-anization was first started among thte employees of industrial plants, wbolesale and retail bouses and those engaged in clerical work, but the movement bas now spread until it embraces almost eve ry lhue of en- d'eavor. Thtis object- is ta preach optimism at ail times. The dues, it tis ttd are "one smiile a day". tisagreat tbing ta be a chaser of gloom. Titere can be no greater ambition tban ta make people happy. There is too much that is drab and doleful and melancholy in bis world at the present time. There are too many heartaches and streaming eyes and pitiful faces and tbin, pleading bands. There are too many people wbo, for somne unaccountable reason, make it tbeir business ta spread the' -tought of gloora and melancboly among their fellow beinga instead of [ettîng in, the suashine. Complete in itself, Mother Grave4 Worm Extermînator does not require the assistance of any otiter medicine ;o make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. REAL ESTATE.FOR SALE $5000 Wl LL. BUY-23 acres, 1 mile fromc town, 9 roomed brick residence, fine oute buildings. Possession given within 30t daya. McLaugblin Farm, consisting of 150 &cres, joins village' of,.Tyrone with titree stores, Blacksmlth shop, -echools, church -and grist miii ail witbln balf a mile of farm. The souis a rich day loam, there' là; over tbree miles of tile drains. The land la, ievei but rolling. well fenced, &bout 8 acres of biardwood bushi, and one acre of good cear ood farm bousel and barns wltbý stone stablîiig under-j neatit. Over twenty-four bundred bush- els of grain threshed on it tbisf year. The firet tenant on tbis farm made enough money ln five years to purchasel a farm for ilmself. This le one of the best bargains in the County and must be aold to wind up Esýtate. 1$20,000 will purchase tbe Somers farm, containing 150 acres, just outside the cor- poration of thte Town of Bowmanville, on county road, on whicit are erected an 8-roomed brick bouse, commodious out- buildings, stone stabling for 40 head of cattie; the sou le a ricit day loamn,. well fenced and, watered; ibis la considered one of the best farms, in the county. Termas to suit the purchaser. If sold by March let., possession will be given Âprll lst., 1921.1 $4,700 will purchase 101 acres, on conl. 4,' Darlington, 60 acres clear, 30 acres bush, 3 acres orcharxi, good buildings,'unn creek, two wells, bank barn, stbe= riving shed, chick- en house, 7-roomed house, with good cellar. 3 miles £rom station. Lý A. W. TOUE REAL ESTATE AGENTý 85-tf Bowmanville Phone 41. That'salal. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache will ise gonc, One of these 1itte tablets-4ýafe, reliable and hariuless as soda-will stop aay headache in ?.o minutes. Or, betterstill, taken wben you feel the iieadaëhe coming on,, a ZUTOO tablet will, ward it off-nip it la tie bud. Iledahe G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-I4kT Having secured a License for Bowmanville District I will be pleased ta, conduct your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for, date. 50-t Are Your Saving ann [rom n6 to% IF NOT-HERE 1$ YOUR OPPORTUNITY D UE to the increase in value of thte Canadian Dollar la England, we have been able to buy back itigit-grade Canadian Securities" sold in London prior te the war-at much leas titan titeir face'value. These Securities yield interest from 6 te 7%. Titey are safe as any first Mortgage, and we seil theja at pnices to yield itandsome profits to thte present investor. Example: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT RAII.WAYS FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Issued by thte Canada Atlantic Railway and guaranteed by the Grand Trunk, bath of these railways are now owned and operated by the Canadian Goverament. In addition to itaving thte credit of thte Govern- ment ef thte Dominion of Canada behind these Securities, payment Of principal and interest is guaranteed by a first Mortgage On '396 miles of railway in thte Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Thte face value of each band and the amount paid to the itolder *hen due is................... $486.0p $486.00 The present total cast te purcitaser .of titis bond is 32.oo Titus the immediate increase in Capital on each bond is ................................. $157.00 Tite interest received by tite purcitaser escit year le $19-44, payable ih Canadian or New York funds. Tite total interest earned ta time of maturity will be ...................................... 570-68 Titis means titat a present investment of $329.00 in titese First Mortgage Bonds will return ta tte investor tite suin of............ ................ $1,156.68 (In addition ta the sum of $1,156.68, tite investor wi]llbe entitled te tite prevailing premium on New York funds.) From the aboveý you can readily see that it will pay you ta communi- cate with us. We have many otiter investments equally attractive and shail be pleased to send yen our complète Bond list or give you eur advice upon rý auy investment in which yen may be interested. Bonds map be purchased upen the Parital Pagment Plon. G. A. SeTIMSON &Coe., LIMITED BOND DEALERS -Eatabhshcd 1888 36-38 King Street East, Toronto, Canada uOrRDER, TOU S HOT CROSS BUNS EARLY THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Bowmanville Make t'oûdâYour Credli the B'Dank Wheýn Your Cïops erg E -Jrve8sît0d Vour f irst d u tv fter the crops hvebeen- harvestecd isto ces, at theBank T£he ran w'1o0 does this rare'y b las diffi- culty iin obtaining credit. You should give a state- ment of affairs ta the Bank s0 that you may obtain the fullest credit ta which your standing entities yoo. The Royal Bank of Canada R. F. Aitchison L Chi ropractic (Spinal Adijustmnents) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Kuife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumaliism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro-' practie. Examination Free at 'Office. DR. S. M. JONES'. 86 Simâcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone 224.

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