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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1921, p. 2

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M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phoeie 53, Bowmanvxlle., VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VEERINARY SURGEON. Day or tý,-gtt-Qalls Promptly Attended--To. Ofce, King-st., W., Statesmaný Block, Eowmnvile.Phone 243. MARBLE WORKS E. R. ROUNSALL ESTATE DESIGNERS and DEALERS in Mon- uments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marbie, Bowmianville, LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mý,'oney to boan on Farm and Town 'Property. Royal Bank Building, ;,'Boý.wmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WÂRD, B. A. PARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mortgage Loans Ar1vanged., Bonds .fo Sale.Phone i12. ffice. 1esi BOWMANVILLE, MARCU 31, 1921.1 BOWMANVILLE MAN DIES. TRAINING THE FIVE SENSES. Rchard D. Mutton Passed Away in ________Winnipeg. We lose a whole world of pleasure WinpgFePr<s oMac7 by the failure to train our senses. WinnipeR.g. Free Praess of 502 The cultivated music lover has re-1 s:ar. D. Mtetn, ag 5of 502e sources in the way of happiness that' for s Aparotmenpatwho had been people ingeneral know nothing about.'tesm otsps ne eia The artist is continually thrilled by ,hOetment, though flot confined to the somebeauy o f om o colr w ihose, expired suddenly last night at his companlion do es _not __percei v e _at h om.Heha ot compllained ail Soe p~pe ae rthr icliedunusually for seveili, days. Last ail.Som p )le re athr inlind summer he visited the> MVayo Institute to look down on the pleasures that. at Rochester, Minn., without success. corne through the palate, but on1e Hardening, of the arteries, the di- need not to be a gourmand to enjoy agn osis of the clinie, was cause of the exquisite flavor of the raspberry1 death. Mr. Mutton was a native of and such enjoyment is quite apartj Bowmanville, Ont., but spent some from satisfying the cravings of hun- years in Cobourg and North Bay, be- ger.l fore locating with his family, in Win- jThe sense of smell makes the fra- n*peg about 17 years ago&. During grance of the violet a joy. We pass lis long residence in this city he had afog te eautyfofthe smer eaten on C.,inthe funitempdeprfT- a ros e areand forheamome e been Cont .inously i eloy ofT. world and fail to hear the music of ment. H1e was a prominent member some tree-top singer because the en- of the Orange Association, having ergy usually divided among the five attained the rank of past grand mast- senses seems concentrated in one. er. The family surviving consist of When we clasp the hand of a friend his widow and six children two sons, from whom we have been long sep- Ellis and Stanley, of Winnipeg, and arated, we realize how much of real four dnughters, Mrs. John Harrison, pleasure we owe to the: sense of Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. W. J. Bate- touch. man, Leslie, Sask.; Mrs. Paul E. J. _____________Palmer, Winnipeg; and Miss Florence Mutton, athome. dence 178 J., Bleakleyf Block, Bow- SPIRITUAL 1 CONFERENCE manvlle.45-t ______________________________ In spite of the f act that the roads and weatber were at their worst last MEDICAL Monday about forty persons fromi ail parts of Cartwright, met together B. 3. HAZLEWOOD,, M. D., C. M. in the Union Church, Blackstock, to Gold Medaliat of Trinity University discuss the spiritual situation existing Toronto. Four years Attending PhY- on the field, and to get suggestions for àkican and Surgeon at M t. Carmel bettering conditions, and' to belp H1ospital, Pittsburg, Ks., Office and evr .ogniaion to realize its idea , Reaidenc'e, Wellington Street, Bow- and advance the work. -manville. Phone 108. 86 The Conference took the form of C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., a round table discussion, the Pastor Gradateof rinty edial ollgehaving passed nround slips on which Torotoforerl of nnikilen.were some very pertinent questions- Ofie n rsdec, r Bih',wich served to introduce the subject9 ,formera residencenChrch., Bow-' and start us thinking in the right imanville. Phone 259. 44-.tchnes Some of the most vital talk centred DR. V. H.STOREY around the subjects of-the force or Graduate Toronto University, year need of the family altar, and its ~adhalf ýresident physician and sur- effect on character; the methods of igoiToronto General Hospital (six choir organization;- the forms of mnonths/ Burnside Maternity) two church service; the dominance Of rzAnd haîf years Military Hospital. cliques in church work; a limited Ofc:Royal Bank Building, Bow- termi of office throughout the churchi mîanville. Phojine 143w. 10-lîr.*, organization. Many very belpful ____________________________and interesting ideas were brought f orward on ail of these subjects and ~DENTAL it may,:corne as a surprise to the gen- ,'eD. Z.C. BNNYCSTLE eral public to knowthatthe sentiment ~I1R G. . BONYCATLE of thatmeeting.,was in favor of an Jonorgraduate in Dentistry Toronto open discussion once a month or University. Graduate of the Royal once in four months in place of the Glollege 'of Dental Surgeons of Ont- regular church service. Also there, àrio. Office King-st., Bowmanville. was a resolution drafted, recommend- Office phone 40. House phone 22. ing that no0 person should hold the same office for more than five con- DR. J. C. DEVITT secutive yas The lively interest and the kindly Graduate of Royal Dental College, spirit in wbich the work in ail its Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- phases was discussed could not but manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 be helpful to those wbo were there, p .daily except Sunday. Phone and the social hbur around the supper PO.House phone 90b. table and the' friendly. intercourse would in itself be an incentive to FUNERAL DIRECTORS have one of these conferences at Jeast once a year, besides we believe F. F. MORRIS CO. it would bring the pastor and people À"Most complete equipment. Sunday into dloser friendship and clearer un- adnight cabis promptly attended to. derstanding of the other's problems Bowmîanville phones. 10 and 34 and give the people more apprecia- Bramnch at Orono. tion and sympathy for each other in the greatest of ail work,th bring- .IUNK DEALERS now. 'ýP0ULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Dýuke-st., just opposite Canning Factory,,pays highest cash pricesfor alkinidsof poultry and junk. Phone 299or caîl at his 'residence. 5-tf. NOTICE TO PUBLIC 1 have taken out a license in Bow- -manville to buy ail kinds of Junk and Poultry. Will pay the .highest price. Apply by phone 289 or caîl on Mr. Pike, Ontarjo-st. FIT~S Stinson's >homne treatment for epilepsy. 'Twenty years' success.1 Thousands o f ýtestîmonials. No case should be consid-I -ered hopeless. Free bookiet. Win. Stin - son Remedy Co.. cf Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr MERCI-ANTS CASUALTY COMPANY. Specaltsts in Heatth and Accicient Insurance.) 'Pollcies' liberal and unrestricted. Over $1,000,000 pald In lasses. Exceptional opportunities for localagents. 2904 Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto, Ont, CANADA BUSINESS COL-LEGE, OS HAWA. Our wlnter term commences January 3. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Complets Commercial and Complets Stenographlc courses. King Street Chambers, Oshawa. %Phone 917 1-tf BE AN EXPERT In Autos and Tractors. We want 200 more men lmmediately leto f511 positions in early Spring, at $126 to $200 montly, operating gas tracters' drlving niotor trucks and cars, selling tractors, cars and farm power machinery or as auto tractor mechanies in city ac ocountry -garages. Only few weeks requir- ed learn these trades at day-or evenlng classes at Hemphill Government Chart- ered Motor Schools in every large city f Çanada. Start now and- you will be logue. Hemph Ill tor Schools, 163 .Sakatoon, Edmonton, Calgary and Van- c o u v e r. T r6-6,o n .0eg n a nste Tprnt Opens MRatch 29th Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto it is well-known throughout 'Canada for higb grade work. Aceonntancy, stenograpby, type- 'wîtî»g and general improvement, courses; much personal atention given ýto students; graduates readily obtain empboyiuent; open, ail year; write to-day for pros-. pectus; enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. THE EARLE FAMILY REUNION. Notable Gathering of Durham Boys and Girls at Hamilton.' On Friday evening, March llth., there was'held at the home of Mr. John Crawford, in Hamilton, a re- union of the sons and daughters of the late William Enrie. Mr. Banse came to this country when a child from County Cavan Ireland, and settled with his family in the County of Durham, Ontario. On bis marriage to Miss Catharine Crawford, tbey bought a farm ln the township of Manvers and there reared tbefamily which had f ore- gathered on this occasion to do honor to the stinling worth of their ances- tors. lis many old friends ln Bowmanville wilI regret to, hear of bis death. Mr. Wm. Mutton, George-st., this town, is an older brother. For Sprains and Briiises.-There is nothing better for sprains and'con- tusions than Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil. 'It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflam.1 ed flesh and drawthe pain. it wirI take the ache out of a bruise and pre- ven1t the fleslr from 'disculo'ring.J 'J At Mn. Earle's death three sons, and six d aughters survived hlm, and though nearly haîf a century bas since elapsed, eight of these are stili living and ahl were able to be present. There are living also twenty-six grand-children, an-d thirty-thnee great-grand-children. Present at this notable gatherlng were Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, 36 Sherman Ave., Hamilton-the host and hostess of the evening; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Banse, Grimsby; Mrs. J. Hall, Lindsay; Mr., and Mrs. John Barle, Cavan; Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Barle, St. John, N. B.; Mrs. A. W.ý Taylor, Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. J. J., Bemrose, Toronto; Mrs. W. A. Walker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Fralick, Scugog Island; and also, as invited guests, Rev. Dr. ,and Mrs. M. P. Talling, Toronto.. After a heantyrepast, wbicb wa& enbanced by the beauty of- the elabor- ate decorations, the party indulged in neminiscences, historical and otherwise. Beside the toast to "The King", the, gatbering drank the bqalth of "The Host and Hlostess", which was responded to bumorously by Mr. John Crawford. The toast -t-fe lno h at1ws responded to by Dr. Talling wbo narrated the story of the famlly and, more especialby, the story of the pre- ceding Family Reunion, held twenty- twp years ago in Lindsay. The toast. to "The Earle Clan of the Future" was responded to by Mn. W. E. Earle, and welb, will it be if the Clan live up to the exated ideals be laid do-il for their inspiration. Devout and tpight -and of good nepute, in the days of their flesh, were the parents of the "Earle Clan of the Present". A Methodist, and a Loc-al Preacher, William BEarbe left behlind him a seed whose hlessing hs not mereby that they have livsd long ini the land, but that thiey have enjoyed 1abundant p;'osperity.'1 Only the utiinformed endure the ag- ony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Corn Remover and get relief. T ere is to dya reaýdy marke't for everything you c :ai prod-uce. Cul ivate yrour land to the limut., Tcrease your production and your profits.. A portionoi- your profits deposited to-day iour Savin, Der.tnment will Lave Car greater purchasiog power in the futur.. The Roy[ a~ Il i R. F. Aitcliison BusiessExceptionhally- We are very much pleased and gratified' with the large business we did during Easter- week, and wishi to express our thanks for the continued patronage of our many customers in town and eountry. Weè try to please, Send us your meat or-. ders and. they wilI receive our personal atten- tion. WilbertJ, Dudley Horsey BloGck Phoieý 225 Hcuse 272 BowmauviiI SpQrtingGod Headquarters Our large stock of sporting goods place us maý position to supply your wants and at lowest prices. Corne. to ourý storefo BICYCLES FîIHING TACKLE BASE BALL SUPPLIES We appreciate your, Patronage. Mason & DaIe's llardware The Store with thé ]Big Hardware Stoek. I ý i ou 4 Bo-vmanvileý n-rn Rush For Spring Work WVe would advise peopile in towm. and country requir-ing our services for PLUMBING, TINSMITHiNG OR, STEAMFITTING vce aLe n tenns atr i PREST-O-LITE Storage Battery S ervice is founded on know when know why, know how. It was developed to its present standarc of helpful efficiency out of the oldest service to motoristsin America. As a pioneer ,and leader, Prest-O-Lite Service has maintaine& leadership through daring innovations. Instance the Initial Tesi for new cars. If you have just received your new car, d'rive it to any Prest-O-Lite Service Station, They wiII test your battery and, if necessary, replace the "pep"' lost while the car was in transit or in the showroom. Prest-O-Lite Service Stations render an advanced sen~ vice which, if taken advantage of, will greatly lengther any battery's lif e. Make it a habit to callitwice monthly this sumnmer for testing and distilled water-a servicE we render willingly. If your battery needs repairs oi recharging, both our work and prices will prove satisfac. tory. 'J C~ n LS'f'. fl fi ~7 '~0 ~Tt~± ~ ~IE - I customers have made appointments for work in our line they wish to have done this Spring.' So many people teil us our prices are so reason- able-and we do work promptly, too. Greenaway&Elit Consulting Engineers Phone 18,day or niglit< Bowmanville F. W. KIRKENDALL Temperapace-st., Phone, day 44 BowmanÎville Night loi .1 mie 1 1 1 1 1 Ëý1,; 1 --to place-th * s earlv--.-

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