RiCE & GO Oposite Post Ofi5ce Bowmanvillej The C orner Grocer Is Well Prepared 0QToii Serve The Best Interests 0f MIs Customers- At Ail Times. HARRV ALLIN PUIONE 186 BOWMANVILLE Dress Fashions Demand Elegance In Shoes The newer dress fashions with their, short skirts em- phasize the part which cor- rect shoes must play in the well dressed woman's ap- pearance. If she wears Onyx Shoes she will be assured not only of footwear in harmony with her costume for either indoor or'street wear, but also that her shoes will retain their graceful appearance throughout long wear. The trade mark on every pair of Onyx shoes is your guarantee of al the qualities of design, material and workman- ship which go to make the very finest in foot- wear. F R E D R.0FOLEY OnD THE SUNNY SIDE î PHONE 12, BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 31, 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE pPort Hope is flot to hold the Fali Fair this year. Liquor deniers' price lists are com- ing in 1l"ike a flood. Get your lawn mower sharpened now at The Repair Shop. St. Peter's Anglican Çburch, Co- bourg, was robbed recently. " Mrs. Fowler is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Farrand Hall, Cornwall. Dinner Sets getting back to pre- ,a prices. Read A. Tait' dt William Waterman, former county councillor, died at Millbrook recent- ly., 1 . Mrs. R. S. Caldwell, Port Hope, visited ber daughter, Mrs. H. M. Foster. 1See the pageant of medical mis-' sions at St. Paul's on Wednesday, April 6th. Going to travel C. P. R? Then get your ticket from C. B. Kent at Post Office. Mr. Fred R. Foley was in Manilla St. Patricks night, assisting in an Irish concert. Mrs. H. Brock spent the Easter holidays with ber sister, Mrs. W. C. Rosevear, Cobourg. Mr. Isaac Merritt, Melita, Mari., bas been visiting bis brother, Mr. W. Merritt, Ring-st., East. Messrs. Leonard and Norman Bot- treli and Miss Mae Bottreli, Toron- to, .at Mr. Thos. -Bottrell's. St.- Paul's Mission Study Class Pageant of medical missions on Wed.. nesday, April 6. Admission 35c. A sligbt error occurs in History of Tyrone tbis week in tbe address of Dr. Ed. T. Hoidge 547 Palmerston Ave. Rev. H. 'W. Foley, B.' A., B. D., Uptergrove, is visîting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Foley, wbo.are botb la podr bealtb. % A Pageant of Medical Missions by the girls of tbe Mission Study Class of St. Paul's wilI be presented on Wednesday, Aprîl 6tb. Miss A. E. 'McKowaln was at Fenelon Falls on Sunday eveaing giv- ing an address on Missions in tbe Metbodist Cburcb there, Miss Olive and Mr. Cecil Found attended the wedding on.Marcb l6th,, ofMiss Merty J. Fognd and Mr. Ed- gar Aliman at Pickering. Get your fixtures polisbed and laquered at The Repair Sbop. Mr. C. J.- Meader of Toronto, and two sons, Lloyd and Ross, visîted bis, father, Mr. H. Meader and sister, Mrs. Fraser, over the week-end. Hospital Birtbday Party onTues- day afteraoon resulted in a nice col- lection of gifts of varions kinds for use in the work of tbe institution. The nanme of Mr. John Mutton, Duke St. sbould bave appeared ais' brotber of tbe late R. D. Mutton, notice of whose death appears in tbis issue. ? Mr. Walter Johnson, Ring-st., East, returned borne from Bowmanville Hospital after a long and severe iii- ness, medically attended by Dr. V. H. Storey. Regular montbly meeting of tbe Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be beld la tbe Council Room, on Friday, April lst., ut 3.30 p. m. Ail mem- bers attend. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osborne of Whitby, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maunder, 30 Melborne-st., Mr. Osborne is Mrs. Maunder's' brother. -Lindsay Post. In connection witb tbe report of tbe arle Family Re-Union to be found in tbis issue we may say that many of our readers wîll remember Mr. W. E. Earle when bie taught school in Soutb Cartwrigbt, netr Burketon, in 1880, and was knowa as a good teacber, too. Mr. Cbas. Cliffe, editor Sault Ste Marie News, recently celebrated bis 78tb birtbday. He bas been 50 years in newspaper work and was for some time editor and publîsber of the West Durham News, aow the Bowmanville News. He was a live editor and usually called tbings by tbeir proper nane. The concert given by tbe Welsh Glee Quartet on Wednesday evening was a program of many popular and old time melodies and songs sung with splendid effect in solo, duet and quartet. The voices biended beauti- fully and the work of the quarilef, was appreciated by the large audience. The costume songs and recitations gave varîety to the program of music ending with the Welsh National An.. tbem in their native tongue. Newcastle Independent says- "Rev. and Mrs. Scott Howard arrived home from their-winter's sojourn in Toronto finding their home made ready for tii'ir occupation by Miss McMillan and> ber sister, Mrs. Dart, who will go to Osbawa, until their re- cently purchased home in Bowman- ville is ready for their reception."1 Miss McMillan bas purcbased tbe pretty borne on Queen-st., belongîrng to Mr. C. H . Anderson. RAIItWAY TIME TABLE5 FOR (!...a r --AIa LLwa. Going East. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m.! Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m,* Local 10.0ý a.m.* Pass'ngr 3.14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.* Local 6.54 p.m.* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.* Local 7.14 p.m.* Pass'ngr 8.16p.m. Mail 9 .58 ýp.m. *Daily except Suaday. I lagged. Canadian Paciflc Railway. Going East Going West Express 10.20 a.m. Express 5.50 a.m. Express 2.37 p.m.*Local 8.20 a.m.* Local 10.08 p.m.*Express 4.31 p.m, "xpress l2.O3a.m.Express 7.42 p.m,, *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian N4i..aI Railway. West Round. East Bound *9.15 a. Th. *5.04 p. in. *Daily except Sunday.à IMPORTANT FURNITURE SALE Satui-day, April 2nd,-Tbere will be sold tbe wbole of the Housebold Effects of tbe late JacobPolr on tbe premises, King street, East,ý Bowmanville, consisting of Parlor, Dining-room, Bedroom and Kit- cben furniture, beds and bedding, blankets, pill,ows, qults, Brussel carpets, Oil paintîngs, several pieces of Mabogany and Walnut antique furniture, disbes, cutlery, stoves etc. This is one of the best lots of furnitureý and furnisbings 1 bave ever offered for sale. Everytbing ia perfect condition, Sale at 1 o'clocký sharp. Terms cash. L. A. W. Tole. Auctioneer. 12-2w The Repair Shop1 Having 'iastalled ,a motor and griading and buffing equipment \ve are prepared to, do ail kinds of grindj- ing, buffing and polisbiag. Electric Fixtures repolished and lacquered. Let us have yourlaw a mower to grind and repair. Repairing of ail kiads, ail work' guaranteed and promàpt service. The Rep'air Shop 1Temperan( ce-st., owmanviile. Phone 8 Watch Our Windows FARM FOR SALE Tenders wiil be received by the under.. signed up to April 12th. 1921, for the purchase of the farm of the 1ate Richardý Sleep in lots 21 and 22 Broken Front Concession Whitby Township, 110 acres. It is well situatpd on the Lake Shore and ls first class land. In tendering state Iprices separateiy for the foilowing: (1) South 50 acres of lot 22 (2) 50 acres immediateiy forth cf parcel 1 , with farm building on. (3) 10 acres in lot0 21 opposite parcel 2, and also (4) Parcels 1 and 2 coinbined 100 acres. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particuars can be had froin Robert Sieep, Port Whitby or the undersigned. W. E. N. Sinclair, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, March 28th., 1921. 13-2 Notice ToCreditors IN THE MATTER 0F the'estate of "William Eynon Pollard late of the town- ship of Darlington, farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail persona having any laîims or demands against the late William Eynon, Poliard who died on or about the thirteenth day of February 1921, at the townshilp of Darllngton, are requlred to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned executrix under the will of the said de- ceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claimis and statements of their accounts and the nature o! the securities If any, held by them. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the fIrst day 0of May 1921 the executors and trustees under the wiil of the said de- ceased wiil proceed to distribute the a- sets o! the said deceased among the per- sons entltled thereto havIng regard onlyl to the dlaims of which they shail then havu had notice and that sald executors and trustees will flot be lhable for tne sald assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claînt the undersigned executrix shail not then have recelved notice. Dated at Bowmanville, March 22nd., 1921. Catherine Rose Pallard <Mrs., W. E. Pollard), executrix under will o! said de- cee.sed R. R. 4, Bowinanvllle, Ontario. 13-3w SINGINQ AND VO ICE PRODUJCTION. MRS. J. B. NEALE,A.K.C.,, 9. A., (Home) Pupil of Sir Charles Satitley, the worid's' greatest Baritone, and Madame Amyl Sherwln, the eminent vocallst, W111 take' a limited number of pupils at her studio, R. Morrjson's, Concession-st. Phone 165. Students prepared for ail examinatIonsý of the Toronto Conservatory of Musie. 1-13W ""Sa y.ÉIt With Flowers"ýý With the openin gOf the Spring season F1rÔwers are especially welcome. The choicest of seasonable blooms are here now-de- llvered promptly, when and where you want themn. "Prices Most Reasonable" Potted and Cut Flo wers, Ea§ter Lifles. S. J. JACKMAN & SONS Phone- 80 Bowmanville Phone 83 Watch 0ur Windows DON'T BUY ANYTHING IN DRY GOODS-GROCERIES-SHOES--HOUSE FUR- NISHINGS, ETC.,. UNTIL YOU HAVE LOOKED OVER OUR STOCK, WE HAVE MANY REAL BARGAINS TO OFFER YOU, ESPECIALLY IN RUGS-OIL-. CLOTH$-LINOLEUMS-DRAPERIES- --CURTAINS, ETC.,, ETC.,~ GLANCE OVER THE LIST 0F SPECIALS OFFERED FOR THIS WEEK AND GET IN THE HABIT 0F READING OUR WEEKLY STORE NEWS, IT WILL SURELY PAY YOU. RKugst Oiilciothýs, Linoleums,ý Etc.,. Priced at about one third less to clear. 212 x 3 yds, Tapestry Squares, $27.00 value, for $18.50 3 x 3 Tapestry $33.00 for 2Oth Century Suits and Overcoats made to youl measure-Come on in and look over the new samples. Squares $23.50 63/4 x 9 ft Brussels Squares $70.00 value for $47.50 $55.00 value for $37.50 9 x 101/2 ft Brussels Squares $65.' ,Q value for $42.50 $5' 0Ovalue for $34,.50 9 x 101/2 ft. Axminster Square $85.00 value for $62.50 9 x 101/2 ft Tapestry Square $45.00 value for $29.50 $37.50 value for $24.75 9 x 12 ft. Brussels Squares, $75.00 value for $52.50 $55.00 value for $37.50 Ma pie Syrup Guaranteed Pure 45C Pint 85c Quart $3.20 Gallon> rMen'Is Boots Men' s Heavy Work- Boots, solid leather iri, tan or black, fulli une of sizes, $6.00 value for $4.75 Men's, fine satini finish box caîf boots, new English last in tan or black, ail sizes, $10.50 value, to clear $8.50 pi' Diress G inghiams 500 yards only choice patterns, checks and stripes, absolutely fast colors, 40e value fpr 29c ycl Sierge for Dresses Serge ail pure wo 'ol> 54 inch, excellent for hard, wear, navy blue, and black, $2.50 value for only Spelc ais in Giroceries Black Tea worth 50c lb. for 35c or 3 lbs. for $1.00 Potiatoes, good cookers ...............90c bag Soap-Surprise, Comfort Gold, Sunlight Il bars for $1.00 Rolled Oats, 20 lb. bag for ..............$1.00 Apples, choice cooking varieties for ....25c pk Selected Dates, 2 lbs. for ...................25c McMIURTRY, $1.95 yd Siik Hoisery Bar gains Trident 'Brand, thread silk hose, pure lisie tops, double heel-toe- soie, shades of brown, navy blue, silver white, black, dark grey, al sizes, $2.50 value, very special at $1.95 pr &Co Phono 83 ownanvilae Carnol" The 46TONIC" That Strengthens Ask us about it $1.00 PER BOTTLE EYESTRAIN At the flrsit Indication -of this Unpleaàsant condi- tion the best possible ad- vice should he obtained and a thorough and scien- tifle examination should be made by the, specialist in refraction-tfie Optom- etrist. MR. R. M. MITCHELL Our Registered Optom- etrist by examination ik thoroughiy qualified to do so. Satisfaction guaran- teed. R. M. Mitchell & Co. DRUGGIST AND OPTOMETRIST BOWMANVILLE ONT. McMURTRY & Co,, More Delivered to your home fresh daily. THOMAS TOD Baker. and Confectioner Bowmanville -01 i 1 p . hone 83