Quikl.-aveyo a The Terr'or of Asthma cornes'like a B'OWM4ANVILLE, MARCH 31, 1921. the north east corner and the wagon was also Cornish. The carpenters Rev. G. ýW. Kinsman, brother-mn- ~ UaoIedy Sour'es Real Qiky-aeY athief in the night with its dread- _________________so mdiately adjoining it oh the of the village were Mr. Win. Dar- law of Mrs. Fuller Cator, Bowman-DoOSU persistent sore that refuses to heal? fui throtling, robbing its victimi of east. The wagon shop was:later ac- lington in the east end and Mr. Thos. ville, pastorshof lthen First Baptist Thon fryDr. homa' Elctri Qilbreah. I sees beond he pwer >' o Tvrne qired by'Mr., Thomas Williams who (Tuck) Gardiner in the West. Mr. Church, Mashllow, cw , b1 bietc.ls.N in the dressing. It will stop slough- of human aid to relieve until one Hî18tor 1oe it Borne littie distance wetDarlington later opened a grocery ad- $50 chevjot, overcoat,goes suioa~ ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw trial is made of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's ~.and on the south side of the street, joining the school 14ouseý but Mr. stolen fromn the cloak-room. -,*iler h~' ltetwI eiv o out the pus and prepare a clean way Asthina Remedy. Then relief NUMBER FOUR the blacksrnith shop rernained on the Gardiner continueathsrdeu-coutighepyrmeigoean ffrd an eei.Uo for the ncw skin. It is a re onized cornes promptly. Lif e becoines These sketches have now brought corner and was later owned by Mr. ing bis if e. evening. His Board presented hirn deales rEiasn ats&Oi IAod healer amnong cils and nuber cf worth living, and, if the remedy be us to what was practîcally a transit- GoEm rsn Tescndbc-__________________with another, new one. Tornt.ameBo eeIyomnU W people cani certify that it healed used pcrsistently, the disease is put ionary period in the characteir of the srnîth shop established was by Mr. oae n ecoG2. tmMMaypaas 'where properly applicd. to rout. Take no substitute. village, for, up to the present, bas Wrn. Armnstrong. This was in the ____________________________________________________been mnintained largely the impress west end just east of the Post Office of the village's orginators-the north on the opposite, side of the street. of Ireland men. MNr. Armnstrong was a Scotchinan, In the late forties and eariy fifties, frorn Glasgow, 1 believe. Mr. Donald ti/ke brî a nw ad dstictl dÎfernt atin-Fraser afterwards acquired this busi-Ki ai element began to arrive which give ness and the property a second wag-ý also a distinct character te the coin- onl shop was also started by Mr. --. .?leJZ munity lif e. These were the Sout Matthew Cole, a Cornishman, at thee of 1ýngland men who carne frorn extrerne west end adjoining the mil '0 DevonndCralmno that and later Mr. Henry Woods started 1%pL sturdy and courageous stock of higli and third in co ection with Arm- venture which had given te Englandsrogsbasnihhpr.od rnany of its rnost renownedses. cap..-~- tins, admirais and 1naval heroes. o.1 A. o th er B urde ri While differingiii national character- O ESLS isties, educational attainaments and objectives in life, they eeeul in RA SÂEFRSJ. E G A L YC A «Ik qrlm% Su y Ank -9a stuýrdy independence resourcefulness, RA SAEFRSJZL I Z2 V L JC& Z;'thrit, ighý chracer nd rligons$5000 WILL BUY.-23 acres. mile frorn1 Ahit ihcaace n eliu town, 9 roomned brick residence, fine ontP i s b u fervor. Theynmeasured up to nian'S buildings. Possession given. withia 30 size as worthy successors to thelse who daYs. had set the underpinnig cf the McLaughlin Farin, consisting of, 150 oe netdi u L ~social adcornrunîty structure, acres, joins village of Tyrone wth thr th e Hieart and their contribution rnaintaincd stores, Blacksmith shop, ochoolà, church 7 osyepn d. Hr o adgriot miin ail vithin bhai! a maile of this structure at the hîgh standard set tarm. The soil la a rich dlay loam, there A Y drnein f h ot f ___________________________________by the real founders of the village. la over three miles of tue drains. The N eagxeto i. wrho ol eeyurcieafi o hs Drawn for the most part fro, the' lad le' level but rolling, well ,fenced, hat cini lrig l eeyur habout 8 acres o! bardwood bush, and one er' cin saaxig Shumbler walks cf if e, they readily acre o! gond cedar. Gond for, housl rqetypisaot h aifeoysrie On a i' u d nadjusted thernselves to their new 'and barns with stone stabling under- Peunl an bu h aifcoysrie O ntario s L.U~~~~1L surroundings and turned to advant- neth.ý over tet-four hundred buoh- hataecue ytefra ge he ppotuntie pesetedin n ee o! grain teshned on lb this yead. ear ta us-byhefra Publie Debt - $1,153,000,000 tg to potnte rsne na h ia eato hsfrn¶d in of gas arising front idi- undeveloeed ountry, oneinf ttueagestign.moJohnnAfive H iolgatepu&cSon (eeaProvincial and Municipal)ft arain o inb. Thisl oun e nd muthbe oFdrl f its wealth te willing workers cf sold to wind up Embate. Annual Taxation -$1 86,000,000 frugal habits. The coming cf these $20,000 will purchase the Somers farm, Relief frcm this condition is ueadDisonS, sturdy rnen and wornen frorn the land containing 150 acres, just outside the cor- cbtained by the use' 'fDr. QenadDvso t omnil (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) of apple dumpiings and potato pasties poration o! the Town, of Bowmnanvllle, on O ntario s D rink Bill - $36,000,000 was an expansion rather than a county road, on w ich are ereted 'an Chase's Kidney-Liver P uls._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change or displace rnnt. They be- 8-roo ed brick ouse, commod ous out- ____ ___ ___ __indigestion_ ___ ___ _____ana__ ____ ___ ___ (YarreiusoPoiniaPrhbiio)came attached and the "other end of buldilngs, stone sbabling for 40 head of hcicidgeto result (Yerpevoutoroincalroibtin)the village" developed a distinctly cabtie; the, sou la a rîch dlay Ica-, well fromn sluggish liver action, con- English atmosphere with its varied fenced and wabered; thîs 1a considered phases and idicrns cf speech, modes onse! of te best farms in the county. stipation of the bowels and of if e and action, habits cf thought Termto 'suit the purchaser. If sold by inactive kidneys., and persistant,, tireless industry and March lot., possession will be given April H IE Im portation o, f thrift, a frîendly rivalry as Weil as lst., 1921. easDrChesMd"Lv B -~-"Bo ze" is ddig d adcooperation ýdeveloped betwecn these L.A. W. TOLE, l'ills arouse these organs to activit, B fested itself in the adoption cf a REAL ESTATE AGENT hyafrratn eiffrIdgs vveight.t the heavy burden new naine f or lie "East End" f or 35-f Bowmanvjlle Po,4.to n vron h ayany many years the narne "Mount Hope"e 1 io n vrow h in an-- ]i of txatin no bor e bywas a familiar designation for the borne Eastern haîf of the village with C i I.'"Trick's Corners",at the intersection î ro aci t e people o n ario. of the roads. This latter, naine for (Spinal Adjustments) 0iJo.Wi8t*t be to cfthe ornrst wago d h blatitn Remove the Cause of Disease the insurance yucnoose. ne4 opfato the.>oz f i~corst wao adue: h blcationh tu eiieo nfe hr Ï;es we 1repren Im otto of 1iD z sshpo h village onthe corner, withou peiieo nf.Cf-an-e et wilstd h owned byMr. Charles Trick. opractors have remarkable euc-ofnvsiao. adding to t e cast of lax As before noted the corning cf cess .in removing the cause of ts fivsiain addng ta tht ithese English settiers began about Rpurn itis1 Deafness, Astbma, enforcement. 1850 and cn f the first was Mr. em Luinbago, Lame FirP bosses deait wit.e'lieal James Branton who landed in that Back, Constipation, Piles, Female andses paiac and upwthaiitidlyaspssbe year. H1e had beein a f arm hand in Dienes ptoiac and Kidneylitl Importation of "Booze" is the sanld f ion Canda.1dilyfle le forma respond readily to nin O E HEBS W E O 'efirst found empicyment with Mr. A.' practic. Y UG TT EBS adding ta t Ile cost of jail H. Gibbard. H1e was soon acquired Exarnination Free at Office. INSURE WiTH mainte ance.in the village and sent for the f arily let"at H-ome" in England. Mr. D.S .JN S Win. Elliott was aise another early 86 Simcoe st. N; Oshawa arrivai, following Mr. Braýiton close- jhon j e4M/ Imnortahonn Booze ly. 11e, toc, was a f arm. workman " , Im otto f*oz "i who quick]y feund employinent and ir Real Estate and In8uraclrkr ad in t t e:cot f os i made a home for bis farnily. A descendant cf Mr. Branton is now Over fifty years, ago a youig Phone 50 tas nd as lu s.winig otceinth msial cf he ~ou le l t wdeyNew York. Others followed rapid- M e Y' e lPeylai and becain aos______________________________ ly,,arnong them a number cf trades- for his uniforrn succcss in the___________________________________ ýIm rt of ."Boz" their varions callings and prospered c m nycrngo ies.Ti a r 4 in meeting the requirements cf theR.VPire hafradsst- adding ta the cost of lvn . Ërowng comrnunity. Mn. John Heîî- -Wen that cld Headache sends Its .ePecwo fewrsetb ynr and Mn. John Hamhly were for wrnng that yeuare going te sufer- lished hirnself in. Buiffalo, N. Y., and, S E many years the, cnly sheemakers cf take ZUTOO. When yen feel a Cold placed eue of his 1prescriptionsM6 Importaton of "]ooze" isthe village-one from Cornwall and coming on take ZUTOO. At the first which hie callei "Golden Medicai zýD N u ý m thofe ri Dvnhr. Bt sîgno ca pain-at the firstfeeling cf sick- soe mporttian Daoze iS te oteMror.vosîe. Bt ness-btake ZUTOO. Discovery," ini the drugstrsi b edevilling the administra- erlotdatteeten. M.Yeu willbe ail right in 20 minutes If le's the United States and Canada, se W__Ir___L Hnrnbiy as stated eventually rnoved a headache, or thc nexb inorning if it isa a t h ulccudcsl ba te Port Hope, and Mn. Hellyan te cold.Pi l oe n h hl oy ta h ulecul aiyoti tion of Athe Ontario Ternper- Bowmanville, and both pnespered in rfed. i i oe nteweebc this remarkable tonie, corrective, We are open to buy ali te qu ttyo the new ventune. refresheidon take chances. Get and blood-rnaker. Dr. Pierce SEED) GRAIN of the floi an e Àýc, a d ýeLig t eMn. John Heidge was the stotne ZUTOO Tabiets te-day-and have them n fatrd hi Dsoe" te e ns ni e t~ fmason and plasterer upon whornthe ready te bake at the firsb sign cf a Head- àuatrd hi Dsoey e peace se tm nfcornmunity reiied and almost u oache or coîd and TAKETHREM. from roots and barks witîiout BARLEY-O. A. C. No. 2 n w oe the tirne cf bis rernoval te Toronto 25c a box-at denlers or by mail postpi alcohol-a corrective remedy, the, OATS-any good grade t e p o ic.enjoyed a monoply cf the trade. His B. N. Robinson&iCc,. Regd.,Coatco Q igeiusc hc auehdSRN Y home was aise in the East End. The grdetofwihnauea SRN RY family cf Mr. lloidge has made a put in the fields and ferests, for -MLI a rquis, Princ ' os place in the business and prof essiotal vAA---Larus m ra, àr. esofTrnto.e iMe. ason exetkeeping us healthy. Introduce p r re boo te he s s mW e have also for sale ch i e N.é o e n Sha1thitnorttio~antheinside ornarnental marbie and cernent ena SktSeiJ nftlh sasrd.We e ment Standard and home growE COE, e-; riging a i ntoicatng- st.,, enicys a lucrative practice as a Te a otl feel run-dwetc otbu LIE JO H ,adaepeae ospl frMn t W. sia H. Hihe p int nd Waipbiheeywe o h infi and despendent try the energiz- -other varieties if needed. liquors iMro tW. 1-.no foremos ps icia cf then ity n ofsiufferer- in this section, a tewwc ing influence cf this reliable terne. be orbddo;ý,real estate circles. written by Canaclîan people -sme ofthem C Yenl cane obaa Ged sn Medica Asic preu mtie Mn . h as.nï lrîne-i eaff rt! teisfrlefrî Discovcry in tablet or liquid forrn ber and Building Material. Qat ih n Tnick~~~~~~~ opsenth is lakrih terri e r ng from n îetter fromi 3.W at aIl drug storýes, or send 10c for prices reasonable. Caîl andseu. and wagon shop, cf whicb 1 have monMlore v.ootan onf knowledge, in thc village, lecated at fine standing. 1haeenasufrrort a trial package to Dr. Pience's Stiai the mporttioi~and ~the East End the'blacks-mith. sbop on yearsv th eezemaon the lgs and anle9 Laboratory ini Buffalo, N. Y. M Clla o pn iie bringing of intoxicatini dollar battis of D. O. 1),-that le ail, Today in tee at oranil amn nerfectiv well. KnStetEs liqor ino heProîne f von wïsh In tr Vo bottle of this Pescit' 1urne re» e on th fie etk r iu mce bc,,So ta tc oeae 81,0 for sie air <an operation involving an 0 a»d il mi In. M(* effective In re-N 11-walme uilcts Ire.*MDID5 Orono 'Creamr y C * ~ ~ ~ "' ] ien th ý, o r uhy'Oca l in s n wnhM- I~XA CC1~lET aiNtbFor Sale in Bowmanville By * 45 ,fliTTAlc, ?ng? j F. R. KERSLAKE _R._M._MITCHELL_& L