Temperance=stOpp, St. John's iChurch We wish to announce that we have been appoiated Chevrolet SrieStatiôn We have secured a first.class mechanio who can repair ail makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full supply of Ford, Chevrolet and Maxwell parts, flasoline, Greases and Oils. J. IIATE*"LY- The Garage Mau P~hone 44 and 114 Bowmanville r j j H W many men have refused, purely from M.4 sentimental motives, temptng offers for their family homes. The old - îs always a delight, because each yedr seeme to add to its treasured associations, as well as to its natural value. The gretet agent of preservation decay je good paint. agaînet deterioration and le a thoroughly tested and approved surface saver-it has held its world supremnacy for almost 200 years. For those who prefer to mix their own, Brandrams Genuine B.B. White Lead, thinned with Turpentine and Pure Linseed Oil, as ini B-H "Engish" Paint, makes a most satisfactory paint, for it easily outclasses ail other white leads in covering capacity and permanence. For those who prefeî a prepared paint, Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead can only be secured in B-H " English " Paint. FOR SALE BY MASON & DALE Bowmanville Ontario AND~AM.%WNIE"SQ-M Healthy Digestion menms easy digestion. Ever persons with strong digestions oftea sufer from effcteb of irreg- ularities. An ideai agent for many derangemients of tomach. liver, kidneys and bowels, as a corrective and cleanser le SoId eqeiywhor la«$ZUUciPULLS G. A.BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having aecured a Licenne for Bownianville District I -will be pleased to conduet your maie REASONABLE RATES- Write' for date. 50-t' OBITUARIES. Mrs. W. H. Bone, Victoria, B. C. A f ew years ago Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bone visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hiamblyn, Bownianville. Lttle thought had their friende here in Mr. Bone's boyhood home that that was to be Mrs. Bone's 'last visit here. Many were sorry to rénd in the Victoria Daily Colonist of Sundny March 6th., that she had passed away. The denth occurred on Fridny -night at the family residence,, 1788 Rocklnnd Avenue, of Mrs. Bone, wife of Mr. W.> H. Bone, of the"firm of Messrs. T. N. Hibben & Company. The late Mary Ann Boae, who was bora sixty years ago ia Wingham,, Ontario, nnd had a wide circie of per- sonni friends, had iived la this city for'forty years, and was known to al members of the King's Daughters, an organization to which she had beiong- ed for a long time. She had taken an active part la many other bene- volent and charitable activities, m any societies having at one time or another had her help la their uader- takings. She was a regular wor- shipper at the Metropolitan Method- ist Church. Beside the hushand, there survive one son, Frank S. Bone, and two daughters, Mrs. McMicking andf Mrs. Gard of Seattle; also oae sister, Mrs. G. W. RLeynolds. A daughter, Mrs. Lena George, died about three years ago. Sudden Death of Mr. T. E. Vanstone, Formerly of Darlington. A former well known ,,dry goods merchant of Owen Sound, Mr. Thom- as Elgin Vanstone, passed away la Pasadena, Clifornin,, Saturday, March l9th., after an iilness which lasted two weeks. On Tuesday he was taken to the hospital presumably 11with typhoid fever but on Thure.. day he wsfud to have spin1al men- ingitis. The late Mr. Vanstone was born 62 years ago at Hampton near Bow- manvilie, a son of 'the late Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Vanstone. H1e received' hie enrly business training ïn'a store at Tyrone and when a Young man removed with bis parents to Owen Sound district 45 years ago. Ris parents settied at Kemble and the Young Mr. Vanstone was employed ini Owen Sound. Later he returned to Tyrone wbere he remained for, a short time coming back and entering the employ of Mr. W. F. Wolfe. Mr., Vanstone was with this firmn for many years before found.nig bis own busi- ness which he conducted under his owa name. Fourteen years ago he sold out to Dunbar and Chester and moved to Toronto where he was en-. gaged in the fina!ncial business. About ton years ago he went to Yorkton, Sask. in which pince he was in business for three or four yeare. Mr. Vanstone returned to Toronto about five years ago and owing to iii health dîd tiot engage in active busi- ness. Last autuma he went West to visit hie daughter and others and at the firet part of the year he and Mn. Vanstone went South to California. Mr. Vanstone was apparently in good heaith until a fortnight ago. Deeeased was a member of First Methodist Church and of the Quarter- ly OfËcial Board of that church as weli as a Steward,.lHe aiso taught in the Sunday School for a, tîme. Hie was a progressive business man and made a success of tlre various enter- prises in which he became engaged. Hie had unbounded energy and en- thusiasm. During his business lif e in Owen Sound he made a very wide connection with the buyers of the district and for many years had one of the largeet retail business-of the dItrict. Mr. Vanstone was of à geniai disposition Ind wvas weil known and well liked by everyone. lie was a general favorite, Besides his sorrowing widow, who before her marriage, wns Miss Wil- kinson of Owen Sound, two sons and one daughter, Hlarold and Elgin of Toronto, and Retta of Yorkton, Sask., survive. One sister and three bro- thers also survive as well as two haif brothers. They are Mrs. Wm. Bunt and W. G. Vanstone, Kemble, John Vanstone, Kembie, John Vanstone of Owen Sound North, and, Harry Van- stone, of Toronto, and Allna and Vic- tor and two haîf brothers, Kemble. 'Ris son, Mr. Elgin Vanstone, left to bring back hie father's remains. The interment will take place in the family plot, Greeawood Cemetery. THSWOMAN'S ____ISR wos ufer from nervous prostration, dispiacements, inflammation, uicera- tion, irregularities, periodic pains, back- acéhe, bearing-dowa feeling, fiatulency, indigestion and dizziness. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound le the standard remedy for female ilîs. If there are any complications about which you need a dvice 'write in 'con- fidence to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, MaR&- NO Smoking-Me SoryI-b Suai Just SwaIIow a Capsule RAZ-MAH la Guaranteed te restore normal breatblng mua gtherings in the bronchial~s , g;r. Ioa lhaof unlet altep; contha.se eipleon, 142 King W., Toeoate. Local Agents Jury & Lovell's Drug, Store. STj Watchful Eyes ,Guard Its Quality T H EREis much more than mere routine to the elaborate systemn of inspection which guards the supreme quality of the Gray- Dort car., Buit into every car is the pride of an organ- ization over sixty years experienced in the production of' satisfactory transportation.' -each skilled craftsman1 looks upon the Gray-Dort as his personal produet, by which he will 'be judged in the eyes of the world., The resuit is a carefuness-a precision- of construction which is matched only by the, fineness of the materials with whieh Our men work., The final resuit is freeclom from ordinary motor car troubles and the long life which cornes oniy with perfect harmony in ever-y working part. Compared with other cars, the Gray-Dort is worth much more thanis fair made-in- Canada price. The cifficulty in securing a Gray-Dort' will increase as the season advances. See the Gray-Dort dealer now. A. WV. P1CKARD, Bowmanville, Ont. VAN- CAMP & SMITH, Blackstock, Ont. ýIGRAY-DoRT, MO0TORS, LIMITED' CH&TKAM. ONTAILIO Ail work done'by ex- perts and we _guarantee satisf action. Tire Repair, Experts Jamieson Bros,. BOWMANVILLE: OSHAWA: Statesman Block Jackson Garage PEAC EMAKER The ease and comfort with which the owner of an OL D S MOBILE «'8" Cylinder Car travels over the longest distances and romps up the highest his produces a thrîli and fascination not found in "4"$ or "6" cylinder cars. A leader in comfort, appearance, reliabiiity, power and economy of upkeep. The 1921 series now ready. Wmn. Challis, Phone 205-r-3-1-, Bowmanville representative for Moffatt Motor Sales, Limited The New Garage 88 Simcoe-st., North, Oshawa. BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 81, 1921. Recognized as a eading specific for *~e destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has Miiers Wrm Powders are a proved aboon tosuiffering children prompt relief from the attacks of everywhere. It'seÀldom fails. worms in children. They are power- fulinl their action and, while ieaving ________________ nothing to be desired as a worm ex.-- pellant, have an invigoratîng effeet uipon the youthful systeM, remedy- E 4 V I J ing f ever, biliousness, ioss of appètite,EX M N sieepiessness, and other ailments that f oilow disorders caused by worms 11)I D T D ' la the stomach and bowels. 1 Y U UR AATIRESL Turn'some pige loose in a swaap infested with rattie snakes and watch the fua F. V. Williams telle in April If your tires need atten- Rod and Gun in Canada what happens tion 110W is the time to when swine meet serpente. "A Happy Hunting Ground" le the titie have them repaired by us of the leading story of this months before the Spring rush. issue of Canada's national sportmen s1 monthiy. This article tells of the You will save money thrilling experiences in hunting- bears in British Columbia. Nîne other art- and add to the lif e of your icles wili delight the heart of-the nat- trsb ain srpi ure lover. Published monthly atlie yhvn usrp r Woodstock, by W. J. Taylor, Limited. them, - 1