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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1921, p. 2

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VETERINARY BOWMANVLLLE, APRIL 7th., 1921. BE NOT DISCOURAGED). TRUE, HAPPINESS DR. F. T. TIGHE A Pathetic S tory Told by Revi John By A. H. Middleton, Jellico. VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE. Garbutt in Sunday's Morning, 'Nght Calis Promptly Attended To. Sermon. Isetm iea h ac n h Office, King-st., W., Statesman Blocke Excellent Address by John Elliott, Isetm iea h ac n h Bowmanviiie. Phone 243. Esq.. Beleville-Officers and Thomas Hardy had a pathetic littie play, Executive Re-elected. poem called "The Dead-Quire". He Where they had no trubenor _______describes how for forty qyears the! care, MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSÂLL ESTATE Those who attended the annuai littie village of Meilstock had rung 1 lounged around with the, fair and DEIGER ad EAER i Mn-meetiflg of Bowmaânviiie Chamber of with Christmas- harmonies-anthems the gay;, DESINER andDEAERS n Mn-Commerce in the Council Room on and hymns. But now the membersl But 1 found no happiness there. umients, Tabiets, Marr, etcl Tuesday, M~arch 29th, heard an ad- had ail gone to theli rest. In an Granite, and Marbie, Bowmanvilie. rs which net only contained val~- nflot f ar away is a gathering ofî From a public piatform I did-orate, ùu1able inf ormati on and statistics bear- you1ths who drink and make merry,l And I drew the popular stare; LEGAL ing on Canada but which was an in- drink until they are drowsed, and I heiped to guide the affairs of the M. G. V. GOULD, B, A., LL.D. spiration as weii. Mr, John Eiiiott sing lewd songs. Yet these are the1 State; of Belleville who is Pyesident of the sons and, giandsons of ,those who But 1 foui4d no happiness there. BARISTER, SOLICITOR," NOTARY Assocîated Boards of Trade of On- sang hymas and anthems to God. Moey to loan on Fari a-id Town tario xvas the speaker of the evening How vain the iives of the latter seem Deplatejnleodsdfoeg Property. Royal Bank Building, and is ne stranger te a Bowînanviiie to have becn, how utterly without ef- Ilutdttgrandbar Bowmanville. Phone 351. aiec aigsoe eeo w fect. At mîdnight one shouts: "Now Ihne h ie a er preiou ocasonsIn fact, we feel 'tis Christmas mora, and the revel Where 'iaws are but what the spirit w. . AR, . . hat Mr. Eiiiott- is now one of our reaches its height; they drink and commands; W. F. WAR NOTA.RY.own citizýoff since hie has shown they shout again. For a moment And I found no happiness there.ý BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, suc aken nteesoi Bwmanvilie there is silence. Ia that momentofT Mortgage Loans Arranged. Bonds and particuiariy in the weifare of silence they catch a familiar straîn.TotebsnsmatIwnfrgod fo Sae hn 0. OfcRs-teCabro omrce of which Quite near outside it seemedasith And I found a substantial share; ene178 J., Bleakiey Block, Bow- hie is an Honorary President. oid quire were singing words of pray- But happiness cannot be bought nor maanville. 4 5-t Mr. Eliiott reviewed some of the. er and praiso as they used te do. sold; - more iniportant subjects discussed They heard the old words: "Whîle And 1I found that it was not there. MEIDICAL at the Congress of the Boards of shepherds watched their flocks by Trad hel laToroto ast earnight" the sons caught the eytoeI thought I'd built an illustrious namne B. J. H&ZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. wbere delegates were present from of their fathers' voicos. They stood And I climbed up the golden stair Go-id 1Mdalist of Triniity University ail parts of the Em'iipire.and had come stili and stared on the ground. The An amve;tde nth epeo Toronto. Four years Attendîng Phy- there to wçýork for the advancement hYmn waned yet lingerod. Fm A-dcian and Surgeon at Mt., Carmnel of the Brl'tishý Empire. 6 lHe feit "With brows abashed, and reverent But I found ne happiness there. lilospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and thatc no couaitry off ers. the samne ad- treadB.utIfonnedyladowith Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- vaÉtages as does Canada. Yet we The listeners seught the tavern door." Busto, oedy adbwl h imnville. Phone 108. g6 must net be carried away by our re- But the higphway was empty la the dut sorcsbu ust put our shouider clear moonflight. They could see ne With a heart crushed down by des- C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., southeswee adcaryotl tm one, and yet ,the ethereai muscsem pair, ýGraduate of Trinity Medical Colloge, vast heritage.- Re also. ref erred to ed to sink ontir ornfixed ad A starving man, and I gave him a Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. the trade of the country, live stock tense, and te move aiong the brinik of crust; 'Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, industry, field crops, immigration the river. Thoy followed it tiili it And 1 found true happiness there. former residence on Church-st., Bow- and banking system. He did notld them to the churcbyard, and there Manville. Phone 259. 44-t tlxjnk the banks had been given credit É,t paused and diod.ý for the part they played during the "Each gravestone of the Quire, each DR. V H. SOREYwar. To-day the banks were giv- mod Graduate Toronto University, year ing more c-onsideration :to farmers Confronted them benoath the moon; ____ and haîf rosîdeait phi-ysician and sur- th1an an1y other class of pepole. The But ne more floated there around- geonm Toronto General Hospital (six ighteen cha,--rtered banks ia Canada That ancient Bethlehem tune. ___ moýnthaBrsie Mte ) wowt their 5,600 brace iescr As from a dream each sobored son gind haif years Miitar:y Hospital. ity second to nione ln the world. The Awoke, nd, musing, reaclied his Office: Royal Banjk Building, Bow- addr(ess was full of otms through- ' door. maniville. Phiono 3w 10-1yr.* eut. 'was said that of themi all ot one - A hearty vote of thanks was ac- Sat in a tavera more." DENTAL corded the speaker byMr. John A. Hore is a touching picture of the SfgadYu ilolgate and Mayor H. L. Quinn for wy awhich you may put the forces DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE the encyclopedia of information of eternal life iute the hearts of child- ~Luei Honr rauat i Dntstry Toronto given in such an interesting and en- ren, forces which for 'a time may seem University. Graduato of the Royal tertaining manner. lest in the quagmiro, of sin, but which ~ t iGoll1ege of Dental Surgeons fOt Election of officers was proceee ath fe-im nyrsoaant - rmio. Office King-t,' Bowmanville. with and on motion of Mr. C. Reh- silence ail revelry and subdue unholy ýOffice ~ Phone 40, House phone 22. der and Mr. Hoigate theý officers and Passion and claim the man for God. It is not Wise te leave exýcuive were reelected for this Your carols and hymns may be re- rnLoney, securities, ---yeaf r. placed by coarse soags, yet some dayj-_wlyorth v- DR. J. C. DEVITT, At the monthly meeting on Fr1ý the earlier strains may roturna and tjesry, r ote val Gýraduate of Royal Dental College, day, April 29th., Major W. T. Lewis etbish the nobler music. It is trueuals-prttd Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow-,of Toroat-1o, Secretary of the Deep thîs may net take place within your in your home. manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. te 6 Waterways ad Poe Cmis earthly life-time, but only afterwards. m. daily except Sunday. Phonîe sien, -wil~l address the meeting. Ar- Nor is this possible only with our Depesit your monoy in toa. House phone 90b. rangements are being made for hoid- children, but also with our neighbors. the 'B ank and y ou r __________________ _______ nga banquet on this occasion at Se, whon the sonse of disappoinmet aluables i a Safety which the cooking will ail be done is on us la regard te- the good works Deposit box. Consuit FUNERAL DIRECTORS electrically by a chef from Toronto. we are trying te do, lot us nover for- Our Manager. This wiil be Ladies' Night. get that thoy have rosults, eut of our F. F. MORRIS CO. Dr. J. C. Deitt, Chairman of the sight. The truth always'is that you Woa coËîaplete equipment. Sunday Sports Committee, asked that some have nover labored in vain, nover T', 2ao ndnight catisauromptlx attendedto.n-atention -ho -givýeu- th - uetio -ofspent your strength for naught, wben . Bow,ýemanville phonos 10 and -34. providing suitable play grounds for you -have been working for God. -i Branmch at Orono. the young people of the tewn, Comn- O om m-te-ws-e--sedtebrn in a For Burns and Scalds.-Dr. Thom- JUNK DEALERS report at next meeting. as' Electric Oil will take the fire eut POýýULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Treasurer's Report presented for of a bura or scald. It should bo at, :e-t.,jut opoite Canin yar ndig ebrar 28h. 191,hand in every kitchen s0 that it may R. F. Aitchison "'actor-y, pays highest cashprices for was as follows. b vial taytm. Teei al kinds of poultry and junk. Phone Receipts ne preparation required. Just ap- 299P or cali at bis residonce. 5-tff. Members fees..........$130 00PIY the oil te the bura or scald and Surpus romthre bnquts 700the pain will abate and la a short ______________ NOTICE TO PUBLIC Interest................... 1.50 tm es loehr -1 have taken eut a license in Bow- manville _te buy aIl kinds of Junk and Poultry. Will pay the highest prie. Apply by phono 289 or cail on Mr. Pike, Ontario-st. FI T$ Stinson's home treatment for opilepsy. Twenty years , success. Thousands of testimenials. No case should bo consid- ered hopeless. Free bookiot. Wm. Stin- son Remedy Co", of Canada, 2611 Yengo Street, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr MERCHANTS CASUALTV COMPANY., SpecIalists In Health and Acciaent Insurance. .PeIIçIes'tberai and unrestrIcted, Over $1,000,000 pald n tasses. Exceptional opportunities for local agents. 904 Royal Bank Bldg. Toranto, Ont. 6-50 CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OSHAWA. Our wnter terra commences January 3. Bookkeeping, Sherthand, Typewriting, Complote Commercial and Complete Atenographie courses. King 'Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phono 917 1-tf 'Yonrge & CJîarles Streets, Toronto 73 WELL'KNOWN TËHROUVGH- OUT' CANADA FOR HIGH GRADE WORK. Accountancy, stenography, typewritting and general improvement courses; much persenal attention given te stu dents; graduates readily obtain, employment; open ail year; write to-day for prospectus; enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Infsure Your Electric Motors tunder breakdowns due to breaking of joints or parts biuring out due to over- load, li1ghtning, failure of iqsulatio-n, belt tension, or oîther causes necessitating immediate stoppage for repair3. Broad and lib- erlcoverage. ý1rs. Edith V. Scoli BoWmanville1 $ 21 8.50 Expenditures J. W. Hynds, account ...$ 5.50 L. J. Clayton, banquet acct.. . 113.00 Associated B. of T. member- ship ...................12.00 M. A. James & Sons, printing, .etc ...................41.211 G. L. Hail, delegates expenses 33.75 Balance on hand........... 12.49 $218,50 The officers for' the Bowmanviile Chamber of Commerce are: Presi- dent-Geo. L. Hall; vice-President -Willard Stevens; Secretary-C. H. Mason; Treasurer-N. S. B James; Executive-A. M. Hïardy, Jas. Carruthers, M. J. Eiliott, T. H. Knight, Geo. W. James, C. A. Caw- ker, C. J. illman, M. A. Neal, Dr. J. C. Devitt, G. N., Thurston. WEDDING Morris-McBride Howard Park Methodist Church,, Toronto. beautifully decorated for the occasion, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Lillian, only daughter'of Mr. John R. McBride, becamo the bride of Mr. T. Franklin Morris, only son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Morris. The bride, who was givea away by her father, was unattonded, wore ber travelling suit of navy blue tricotine with bat te match, blue lynx fur and a corsage bouquet of. sweet poas. Rev. Dr. Scott, pastor of the che~rch, officiated. The wedding music was played by Mr. Otto James, A. R. Cb. O., and Dr. Howard B. Lane acted as usher. At the close of the ceremony the happy couple ieft for a trip through Western Ontario, after which they will reside in the Oak- wood district, Toironto. EAR 0OIL RÊtJEVES DEAFNESS and 'TOPS HEA NOIES.Simpîy Riub it %ack of the Efirs and Insert in Nostziis. Proof of suc- coes will be iven by the druaggist. um I1J 1L~Co., sales Agns, Tur~o . O.l.onaed, nc., M 7.5, 11 .' , Ci.5. te1f For sale in Bewmanville by JURY & LÔVELL Business Exceptioida11y Brisk We are very much pleased and gratified with the large business we did during Easter week, and wish to express our thanks for the continued patronage of our many- customers in town and country, We try to please. Send us your meat or- ders and they will receive our personal atten- tion. Wi*lbert J. Dudley, llorsey Block Phone 225 House 272 Bowmanville Rush for S pri ng Work We would advise people in town and country requiring our services for PLUMBING, TINSMITHING OR STEAMFITTING to place' their orders earlly, as already many of our customers have made appointments for work in our line they wish to have done this Spring. So many people tell us our prices are so reason- able-and we do w-,:ork promptly, too. GreenawayT & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or niight Bowmanvillc Nat e"rov esoi tr Water i% needed' to keep the earth fertile-c.ti;ve- roductive. And Na- ture supplieýs it. Watýr is equally essential to the preservation of your storage battery's 11f e and activity. Bubecause your battery is out of sight, too often, it is o ut of, mid. You put water in the radiator of your car te prevent ruining your engine.' Sec that the electrolyte in your battery is kept at the proper lev'el by the addli- tion of distilled water at regular in- tervals, and ,prevent overheating, sul. phating and other battery aliments. Let us be responsible for the upkeep of your sterage battery. We'll glad~ly test your ba--ttery and add distilled water as often as you need it. Drive aroundý.ý any time; this service is freely ofed.Whatever make of battery you have, we can and will prolong its life. We carry a complote stock of re- pair parts for ail makes of batteries, and fresh, powerful Prest-O-Lite bat- teries for all makesof cars., Temperance-st., Phone, day 44 Bowmanville Night 101 F. W. KIRKENDALL 1Pmène î8ç'

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