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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1921, p. 4

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I I - ____________________________________ - 1BOWMA Build A'New Home -Why not start in this Spring and build a new houne ? Buy your supplies here where Wé have a complete stock at rocek bottom prices. Glass Plumbing Door Nobs -Saah Loc -~ ~ Window Lifte Paroid Rooflng Paiold Shingles Canpenters, TOOla Opposite Post Office BoWmanville The Corner Grocer.Is Well Prepared T oi Serve The Best Jnterests 0f His Customeri- At Ail1 Times. HARRY PHIONE 186 a dv Eat More Tod's Bread Delivered to your home fresh daily. THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectionier Bowmanville Dress Fashions Demand Elegance In Shoes The newer dress fashions with ýtheir short skirts em- - phasize the part which cor- rect shoes must play in the well dressed woman's ap- If she wears Onyx Shoes she will be assured flot oniy of foot.vear in harm-ony with her costume for eîther indoor or street wear, but also that ber shoes will retain their graceeful appearane througliout long wear. The trade mark on every pair of Onyx shoes layou zarantee of al the qualities of design, .' material and workman- ship which go to make the very finest in foot- wear. FRELD R, FOLEY éLN VILLE5, APRJIL 7th., 1921. FOOTBALL KICK OFF. Football players and others' in the town interested in the game of soccer are invited te attend a meeting in thel Couricil Room, on Friday, April 8th., at 8 p. m., for the purpose of ar- ranging plans for the coming foot- ball season. Bownianville is enter- ing a teaim in the new district league and t'hey should get down te business and training at once as other teams in the league are already kicking the pig skin around the lot. Dr. J. C. Peývitt, Convenor. GEORGE PINGLE PRESIDENT. The Ottawa Journal contains a re- port of the organization meeting of the "Ottawa Piano Men's Club" which wiil devote its attention te fostering a progressive attitude in the realms of piano world. Member- ship includes directors of piano houses, their sales managers and re- presentatives. The slogan of the club is "Ottawa Loves Music". Let us ali boo8t-the game and pull te- gether". Mr. George W. Pingle, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pingle, Elgin-st., Bowmanville, who is one of the leading retail dealers of musiceal instruments ini the Capital city, was elected President of this new organization. The meeting and banquet~ was held nt the Cheatean Laurier and besides a five-minute ad- dress on *"Player Piano Sales Talk" by Mr. Pingle we notice alnother forme Bowlanvle by inthe per- son ofM. Joe A. Halpenny gave a recitation -which was cordially ap- plauded. Oh, yes, Durham County boys are top-.notchers in al unes of GETS PROMOTION M.F. F. Brittain, Oehawa4 Gos. to Bell 'tel. Co. Traffic D.epartment, Mr. F. F.' Brittain, who has been plant chief cf Oshawa, district for the Bell Telephone Company for a number of years, has been trans- ferred te the trafflc department, with headquarters temporarily in Toronto. F or nineteen years Mr. Brittain has beéen with the Bell Tele- phone Company, spending al cf that time, with the exception of three years in North Bay, ini this nieigh- borhood. Bis transfer is a well merited promotion, and a recogni- tien by his colnpany cf his ability. He goes te fM1 one cf thice vacan- cies in the traffic department. On Monday evening the employ- ees cf the Bell Telephone Ce. at Oshawa waited upon Mr, Brittain, and, aÉ a mark of appreciation and esteem in whichhe ie held, present- ed hlm with a handsome club bg. Mr. Bi-ittain, taken completely by surprise, replied feelingly, stating that lie, would always remember hxis associations li Oshawa. The successor to Mr. Brittain is Mr. W. C. Helcombe, cf Welland, who assumed duties on April let. Mr. Brittain's many Bow-manviile friends .j oin1 in congratulations on his promotion. He is a nephew of M4r. F. F. Morris cf this town and a former Bowmanville boy. MARCH WEDDING Brown-Ashton. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown, Adelaide-st., Lindsay, their daughter, Miss An- netta, was united in marriage with Wmi. W. Ashton of Burketon, at noon, Wednesday, March 3th. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Loney, minister of the Lindsay Bap.. tist Church , and the wedding guests consisted cf the immedate relatives of bride and groom. The bride, who was given away by hier father, was unattended. The young couple were married under an areli cf Easter- hules and after a dainty wedding din- ner they left for Toronto by C. P. n. afternoon train, On Thurqday pre- vieus te her marriage a iniscellaneous shower was tendered Miss Brown, at hier home, by the Baptist Church choir and a number cf ber friends. A_ mest enjoyable evening was spent i games and music and a dainty lunch was served. Allin-Oke A very happy event transpired at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke, East Whltby, on Wfednesday, Mardi _8th., 1921, when their eld- est daughter, Olive Louise, was unit- ed in Holy Matrimeny te Ernest Russell, son of ýMr. and Mrs. John B. Allîn, West Oshawa. Only'the im- mediate relatives cf the icontracting parties were present. The day was finje, and fulli, f sunshine. The' THE FIRMS THAT ADVERTISE Are the flrm-s that wanit your trade. Do your business with those wvho think enlougli of it to ask for it. AUTO FOR HIRE BABY GRAND CHEVROLET Available afternoons and nighte W. H. FAIRHEAD Phone 44, Rowaianvidla, Hately Garage. FARM FOR SALE Tenders wili berceceived by the under- signed Up to April l2th., 1921, for the purchase o the farna of the la'te Richard Sepini 1Ste 21 and 22 Brokenk Front Concession Whitby onhp 110 acres., It le weli situated on the LakeSorad in first clans land. In tende!,rig state prices separately for the following: (1) South 50 acres of lot 22 (2) 50 acres immediately north0 pre 1, with farmr building on. (3) 10 acres in lot 21 opposite parce-l 2. and aiseo (4) Parcels 1 and 2 coinbined 100 acres. The highest or any tender net necessarily accepted. Further particuarim van be, had from Robert Sleep, Port Whitby or, the undersignied. W. E, N. Sinctli, Oshaw,,a, Ont. Oshawa, March 28th. * 1921. 13-2, Notice To Creditors IN THIE MATýTER 0F the estate of William Eynon Pollard late of the town- ship of Darlington, farmner, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail- persons having any claimes or demande a bis the late William Eynon Poliard who 1i1died on or about the thirteenth day of February 1921, at the township of Darlington, are required te send by pont prepala or ta <eliver te the undersIgned executrîx under the will of the said de- ceased their namnes and addresses and full particulars in writing of their dlaims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securitles If any, held byj them. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the first day of May 1921 the executors and trustees under the will of the, said de- ceased wili proceed to distribute the as- sets of the laid ýdeceased among the per- sons enttied thereto having regard only te the claimes of whch they shail then have had notice and that sald exeautors and- trustees wili net be hiable for tne Paid assets or any part thereof te any p)ersoni of whose d1aim the undersigned executrix shall not then have received notice. Dated at Bowmianvî1le, March, 22nd., 1921. Catherine Rose Pollard (Mr$. W. E. Poliard>, executrix under wlll of said de- ceased R. R. 4, Bowmanvifle, Ontario. 13-3w ""Sa y It With Flowers", With the opening of the spring season Flowers tare especially welcome. The choicest of seasona ble blooms are here now-de- livered promptly' when and where you want them. "Prices Most Reasonable" Potted and Cut Flowers, Easter blies. S. J. JACKMAN & SONS Phone 80 Bowmanville Warm Weather WiIl Soon Be.Here îWhy 'worry, about your home-niade baking ? Let us do it for'you. Give us a trial Mack's Home-Made Bakery Corner Concession & Elgin-Ste. BOWMANVILLE Food Prices IT PAYS TO 'SIOP The policy which we inaugurated some time- ago to reduce our profits to a mininum lias proven to be a popular one with the buying public. Our sales have greatly increased and many new customers are now giv- ing us their regular patronage. YOU ýSAVE >MONEY ON EVERY ITEM. Pure Raspberry or Strawberry Jam, 16 oz. jar ..-38C NEW MAPLE SYRUP, best quality, gallon tin, ... .$2.75 WhiteClover Iloney, 5 IL pail $1.50 ........... $l.35 WHITE COOKING BEANS, 6 lbs .................25c Sunkist Oranges, very sweet, doz .................. 5 PEANUT BUTTER, per lb ............. ......... 25c Potatoes, by bag 90 lbs .............................. 7& PRUNES, extra special, 3 lbs.'....................-30C Domestie Sardines, 3 tins for .......................1......25c CASTILE SOAP;" 5 large bars.........................$1.wO White Clover Honey, large jar .......b... ............... 3 You are missing real genuine values each week if, you do not read our advt. Remember, too, that we mnake no extra charge for delivering goods in town. YOU ALWAYS CET, BEST QUALITY IN MEATS uC. M. CAWKg>.ER & SN BUTCHERS ýand GROCERS Floor Oiîcîoths and Lino,- e U"TR& Co eums, au reat7y reuced. BOWMANVILLE TRUNKS 9 only Trunks Steamer and regular 'styles, very strongly constructed, values to $15, your choice for $9.76. Bargains in Dry Goods. Men'sClothing, Furlnishings, Footwear, etc., at a Time When Everyone Is Needing. $1.95 a pair for Men's Odd Pants, sizes 40 to 46 onl, ade of good wearing material, val- ues to $3.50, your choice at $1.95 Pr $ 1.95 per yd for a Georgette Crepe, 40 hmcl, splendid to wear, ail the wanted shades this is our regular $2.75 quality at $1.95 yd MEN'S KNITTED TIES The new narrow styles, in a fulll une of shades, both plain and stripes, big choice at 50c, 75c, $10,$1.25, $1.50, RUG BARGAINS 9 x 10½", ft Tapestry Square $45.00 value $29.59 $37.50 value $24.75 9 x 101/'2 Axminster Square $81.00 value $62.50, RUG BARGAINS 6-3/4 x 9 ft Brussels Squares $70.00 value $47.50 $55.00 value $37.50 19 x 10 1. ft Brussels Squares $6à.00 value $42.50 $ 50.00 value $M4,50 - a, -n -t _____________________a, 89c per yd for silk Muil, 4Oin,' suitable for dresses and fine un- derwear, washes per- fectly ,all the, wanted colors, $1.25 value for $89c yd 85c per pair for child- ren's chamoisette gloves, white" only, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, good to wear and washable, regular price $1.25, to clear 85c pr $1.95 per garment for *Men's Shirts and Drawers, fine Merino Penrnan's make, the riglit weight f or spring wear, regular price $2.150, your size at $1.96 eech 59c a pair for Worn- en' s Lisle, Thread Gloves, both lo)ng and short, shades of tl-an, grey, navy blu,,e, black, 75c value to clear at 59c pr LINOLEUM BARGAINS $1.5 per sq yd for first qupalityÂIanadian Lin-- oleum, 4 yards wide, nice neat designm, only a limited quantity left, don't delay your pur- chase. $2.39 per yd for a Chiffon 'Taffeta ,Sîlk, 36 inches wide, nice soft quality that will give good wear, $3.00 îs the regular price, Very Special $2.39 yd $2.15 for Apron Dress- es, made of good quai- ity Chambray, Ging- harn both plain and stripeéd,, fast colors, well madq and great value at $2.15 19c per ydfor Taffeta Silk, hair bow ribbons, 31/4 inches wide, good weight, fullI une of shades, easily worth 25c, very special, at 19c yd $1.95 per yd for an Al Wool Serge and Gra- nito Cloth, 42 inches wide, such shades -as navy blue, sand, nig- ger brown, copen blue, black, $2.50 value at only - $1.95 yd, RUG BARGAINS' Priced at about one third less to clear. Squares, $27.00 value, for 1$18.50 3' x 3 Tapestry Squares $33.00 for $-23-50 _________________________ 10 I MEN'S CAPS 5 dozen sample caps, goo(> st yles, ail sizes in the lot, some silk, others tweed effects, values to $2.00, To clear at 96e $1.79 a pair for cor- sets, made of good- quality coutile, med~- ium higli bust, 4 hose supporters, good fit- ters, sizes 20 to 26, regular price $2.50, at $1.79 Pr Men's Work Gloves and mitts, unied horsehide,( muleskin, split caîf, etc. $1.00 qualities for 69c $1,50 qualities for 95c $2.00 qualities $1.15 $2.50 qualities $1.79 Wornen'i and Chuld- renys Raincoats, tweed effects and paramietta, splendid for auto use, your choice at exactly ONE THIRD LESS OILCLOTH BARGAIN 75c per sq yd for first cloth, nice range. of patterns to choose from, ail widths from 18 indhes to 90 inches il PHON 83 ATCH OUR WINDOWS PHONE 8.3 ALLIN, BOWMANVILLE 1On ,THEF SUNNY SIDE PHONE 12, BOWMANVILLE 1- AT CAWKEWS GET THE HABIT-READ 4 OUR ADVTS PHONE83

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