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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1921, p. 5

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-a a - I Helping You Choose Wal l Paper If you're perplexed about selecting just the right styles of Wall Papers for Spring decorating -corne to THE BIG 20. A very complete stock of ail shades and designs. We can show you any of the patterns from the roll which gives yoll a rnuch better idea how they look when on the wall. The prices are exceptionally iow. be pleased-to show you. We will W.T.ALLEN Big,20, Bookstore Bowinanville There's A Lot In It When you corne to figure out the actual cost off materials, heat, labor, etc., in baking bread, buns, cakes and pies you will find that it will pay you to let us do your baking. Try our baking this w'eek, Câhristie's Bakery The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville Mof fat VEectric Stove D , e m onstration Week 0f April 25th We are fortunate in securing the services of Mr. C. T. Ruttland of the IMoffat StoVe Co. for the aboVe dernonstration. Mr. Ruttland is considered on of the best authorities on Electric Range and Electric Cook- ing in, Canada and he will be with us for the en- tire week beginning April 25th. We invite every person to this demonstration as it will be weii worth the time you spend to see how simple it is to operate the Electric Range, also how neat and dlean--no soot or carbon on the bottom of the pots and pans, no coal to carry in f or the sto've, no ashes to be carried out. All you have to do is turn the switch and your Electric Range is at work, no waiting f\or the fire to burn up. Ail the heat is right where it is needed, none wasted up the flue, and aboVe ail, BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 'lth., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Much copy is held ov-er. Get copy in early in the week. Mr. L. Dumas, Oshawa, spent the week-end at home. Mise Daisy Culley spent. Flaster vacation with fiiends in~ Oshawa. Mis. Thos. Creeper is visiting her niece, Mis. Win. Manning, Oshawa. Mrs. V. L. Jones, Toronto, visited beri mother, Mrs. E. Crossey, King- st. Miss Mabelle Walter, Couitice, was guest of Mrs. T. G. Mason over Suni- day. Mr. C. Grahamn visited his parents at Cannington over the Easter hoi- days. Mr. Wm. Calver, Montreal, spent Sunday with his mnother, Mis. Geo. Barton. Mis. Chas. Manning hasbeen ing ber sister, Mrs. S. H. Scriptue, Coiborne. Mis. Charlie Waidei, Rochester, N. Y., ifs visiting ber mother, Mis. E. Willmott. Mi. and Mis. H. J. Nott, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mis. W. H. Dustan. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Tienouth, Nap- anee, spent Eastei holidays with rel- atives lhere. mi ss Gladys Courting spent Easter hoiidays with Mis. L. B. Nîchois, Cai- isie Avenue. Mis. J. A. Fraser of Napanee, has. been visiting ber sister, Mis, W. C. 'Washington. Mai or-Gen. -John, Hughes, Orono, was guest of Mr., and 1Mis. John Percy over Sunday. Miss Marion M. VanNest, Toronto, was recent guest of her aunt, Mis. M. A. James.111 Mis. Thos. Knight of Bowmanville, is visiting at ber biother's, Mi. Wxn. Bunt, Kemble. Miss Fein Melntyre, Toronto, spentthe week-end with Mis. D. Davis, Beech Ave. Rev. W. G. Clarke, Trenton, was gaest of Mi. and Mis. P. C. Trebil- cock while in town. Mis. Ira C. Badgley and Mrs. W. Clapp, Coibyville, have been, visit- ing Mis. C. F. Rice.- iRev. Capt. H. B., Kenny, Camp- beilford, was gaest of Mi. and Mis. F. C. Vanstone while intown. Mi. Haîry Elliott and bride, Bol- ton, weie recent guests at his bîotheî's, Mi. Leonard Elliott. Mr. and Mis. W. F. Depew who have been spending the winter in Florida have îetuîned to town. 1Dr. E. T. Siemon, P. S. I., Ottawa, was in town last week visiting rela- tives anîd calIing on old friends. We weîe pleased to see in town on Monday, Mi. Robert Knox of Orono, former License Inspector for West Durham. Mi. and Mîs. Jas. M. Rogers and daughter of Smithfield, spent the Easter holidays with' his brother, Joseph Rogers. Mr. and Mis. F. A. Fitcett and son Bîllie, Montreal, weie gaests of her parents, Mi. and Mis. Wmi. Painton on Friday. A prominent and -well-known citi- zen, M.r W. F. Allen, J. P,, and ex- Mayor, passed away on Tuesday even- ing. Funeral to-day. Mi. H. C. Higginbotham,, Manager Standard Bank, Cobourg, bas been elected Piesident of the Town Base- bail League in the coanty town. Mis, F. A. Pariett who bas beenI spending a f ew months with relatives aud fiieuds here, left Monday en- route to her home at Glendive, Moni- tans. Bîig.-Gen. King and Mis, King who were here for the Unveiling of the Memorisi Tablet in the Method- ist Church, weie guests of Major and ,Mis. R. J. Gi., Mi. and Mis. Rd. Snowden, Osh- awa, spent Sundsy in town and at- tended the services in connection with the unveiling of the Memorial Tablet in the Methodist Chuich. Miss' Carrne L. Cherry, Toronto, was present at the Unveiling of the Meorial Tablet on Sunday morn-L ing, îepîesenting the three nursing sisters who weîe in France fiom this church. A great mass meeting will be hë Id in the Opera House, on Sun-* day evening, April lOth., following the church services. Address will be given by Mis. E. A. Stevens, Pro-' vincial President of the W. C. T. U., also two splendid quartets wilI be sung. Everyone welcomie. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE. Seeley, Famous la This Specialty, CaIIed to Oshawa. F. Hl. Seeley of Chicagoand Phila- delphia, the noted tiuss expert, will personslly be at the Queen's Hotel and ýwll remain in Oshawa this Mon- day only, April 1 lth. Mn. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain sny case of rupture peifectly, but contracts the opening ia 10 days on the average-case. Be- ing a vast advancement over ail fori- Notices of Birthe 50 centsi Marriages 50 cents; Deatha 50 cents, oach in- tertion. Whou fumerai cardi are printed at this office, insertion frees. BIRTHS STICKLE-In Bownlanville, Ax,îil 4th., to Mr. and Mýrs. Carl Stiekle a daughiter. HOOPER-In Bowmanville, on April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Roy Hooper, a daugh- ter. MoUARRI E-mn Bowmianvilie, March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McQuarrie, a son. GARTWRIGHT-In Bowmanville, on March 2lst., to Mr. a.nd! Mrs. Tihos. Cart- wright, a son. MARRIAGES ALLIN-TOOM BS-At the Methodi8t Parsonage, Bowmanville, Wednxesday, Mairch 3th., by 11ev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Miss Edith Marlon Toombs, and Mr. Norman John Allun, both of Bowman- ville. CAMPBELL-ARMSTrRCNZ-At the parsonage, Blackstock, by 11ev R.'G. Car- ruthers, B. A.,* on April 2nd, 121 Wes- ley Richard Campbell, Nestleton, and Sarah Evva, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. John Armstrong of the ,,amn( place. ALLIN-OKE-At the home of the bride'sparents, EastWhitby on Wednes- day, March 3Oth., byc 11ev. R,. A. Delve, Smithfleld, Olive Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke, and, Ernest R., son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Allun, West Osh- awa. 1 WARNICA-LEWIS-At Little Current, Manitoulin Island, March 30, by 11e. Stanley Greenslade, Mr. Roy W.Warnica, Principal oe Public School, Callander, Ont.,* eldest'son of Mrs. B. M. Warmica, Bowmianville, and Miss Della eldest daughter of Mr. J. Lewis, Sheguindah, Manitoulin Island. DEATHS ALLEN-At "Drumralla", Beechi Ave., Bowmanvîlle, on Tuesday, April 5, Wil- liam P. Allen, J. P., In his 89fth year, Funeral to-day (Thursday> at 21.30 p.m., to Bowmaniville, Cemetery. B ROWN-In Darlington, AprYil 4th., Edlith Irene, infant daukhiter of Mr. and Mrs. Rýobt Brown, aged 9xenths, 15 days. Funeral to-ulay (Thurs41ay) from. Mr. Norman Strutt's, west of Hai-pton at 2 P M. H UM E-At Port Hope, April l t., John Hume, aged 75 years. SHERRY-At Port Hope, April 3rd., Bryan Sherry aged 94 years. .VI RTU E-mn Darlington, April 3rd., John Wesley Virtue ,in his 56th year., TAMBLYN-In Orono, April 5, Charles A., infant son of Mr .and Mrs, A. J. Tam- blyn, aged 3 months. WH ITE-At Port Hope, March Slst., Keziah Braund, widow of the late Charles White, Wnher 90th year. BROWN-At Port Hope, Mareh Slst. Harriet Miner-va Staunton, beloved wife of Peter Brown, iu her 8lst year. ARKLESS-At Port Hope HospitaI, on April lst., IRuby Louise, sçoond and be- loved daugbter of James and Bertha Ark- less, aged 17 years. MEDLAND-At Los. Angeles. Cal, March 29th., Miss Annie Medland, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Medland, Bowmaznville. IN MEMORIAM. In loving xnemory of IPte. Perey H. Werry who f ell at Vimy,ý Ridge, April 9, 1917. There is a lluk deathi cannot sever, Love and remembrance last fore-ver. The Famrily. POSITION WANTED POSITION WANTED-By woman as housekeeper for gentleman in town or vicinity. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmian-- ville, or phone 111-r23 13-2w* ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-i Iron etad brass mountings and springs, 6 kitchen chairs. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Coomnbe, 15 Ontario- St., Bowm.anville. 14-tf FOR SALE-One Touliouse Gander and youpigs Just weaned. Alan Campbell, Raby H-ead Farm R. R. 2, Bowmanviile, phone 183-r5. 14-1w* BARN FOR SALE-Frame .building, 30 x 5A. in fair condition. Will seli reas- onable, as 1 hv no use for it. H. N. Scott, R. R. l, Bowmanville. 14-2' FOR SA,ýLE-Quauntity of Seed Oats, Scottish Chief 80c perbuel also quan- tity of hay. Apply tolas. Pearce, R . 2, Bowmanville, Phone t76-r&2, 12-3w' BULLS FOR SALE-T-%Wo Pure Bred Shorihoru Bulls, about 14 months old, registered, first class stock. Apply to Samuel Riokarci, R. R. 2, Newcatle.14 3* FOR SALE-Second baud i ý.cycle ith bell light and carry ail. Hlave no use for it. Will seîl for about half wha t it isi wortb. Ezra Gifford, Bowmanville. 14-11I 'FOR SALE-Two jMares, 8 and 9 year General Pl o old ialso Tu LOST LOST-On Tuesday, April th., etween reHi(denle of W. G. Rundie, Beýthea3da, anid 14,enezer via Hampton and Solina Station a red0fox FtoleL Reward foi-r eturn to Everton Whïte, R. R. 4, wa'lle rl phone 146-r.2, or Statesmran Off..14t TE) LET TWO FURNISHED ROOÎMS TO LET- B3edroomn and livingroomn. Âpply to M. PMewhiney, cor. Concession & Elgin-sts., Bowmau4le.14-1w* HOUSE TO RENT-1,4, mile -est -il Bowmïanville on Rlngston Road. pyt Rt. R. Stevens, , , BowmanIville, phone 175-r 3. il-tf HOUSE TO RENT-G-ood il room ed bouise, good celiar. baýrd and soft water, wvood shed-and good garden with number 0f fruit trees. ,A.ply, to E. F. Weatherllt, or phone 345, Bowm-anville. 1l-tf Rev. W, C. Washington wiil pieach in the Disciples Church Saaday morn- iag. Christiau Endeavor wili have charge of the eveninig service. Disciples Christain Endeavor is having a volantary service next Sunday at 7 p. m. Ail membeis tak- ing pait, Good prograxn. Ail aie welcome. St. Paui's Church, Rev, D. W. Beet, minîster. 1il a. m.-Schools--A Vsset National Trust. 7 p. m.-Age and Character. 2.80 p. mi.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. You are specially iuvited to the Leaguke meeting next Monday even- ing in the Methdist School Room whea an illustrated lecture on China will be given by Mi. E. W. Edmunds, B3. A. Good music. Silver collect- Methodist Chuieh, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. On Sua- day Rev, R. P. Bowles, D. D., Lb, D., Chancellor Victoria College, Toronto, will preach at Il a. m. and 7 p. i. At 2,30 p. m., Mis. -E. A. Steveus, Provincial Piesident of the W. C. T. U., will addîess the Saadsy School. 8.45 p . m-Baptismal service in the auditorium. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Building lot corner of Lowe and Horsey-sts. Bowmanville. Ad- dress enquiries to Drawer Y, Bowmnan- ville. 12-tf FOR SALE-56 acres first clasa pasture -good dlay land, well watered and shad- ed. Apply to W. J. Ferguson R. R. 2, Burketou. 14-3' HOUSE FOR SALE-19 Carlisle Ave., Bowmnauville, Pease Economy Purnace, hardwood floors. Termo reasonable. Ap- ply on premises.14t 8-roomed brick bouse'on Ontario-st., Bowmanville goofi lot, every convenience. Wiil be gold reasonable for quick s»de. L, ýA. W. Tole,,Real Estate Agent, Bow- manvile. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENTr-Con-ï taiuing 6 room's, shed, stable, and ', acre landi on Duke-st., near G. T. R. Station, will sell chetap. Apply to A. D[Ilick, Duke-st-Bown-anville phone 299. 14 -tf PROPbERTY FOR SALE-On Lamb11'si Lane, Bowmanviile, about 1,4 acre hl1 with emali fruits and frame building, Wil be sold at bargain pirice. Aplyto George Osborrne, owner, Bwavle FOR SALE-On Liberty aind Duet, neair PBase Line, Bowmanvi!Ie, barnu with biq-ck foundation, length 47 ft., widthi 27 f t., also 31.4 acres adjoining. This will! be sold very reasonable for cash. For particulars applyStatesman Office.. 11-tf FOR SALE-To close an estate: H-ouse,I Stable aii 14 ýacre lot lu Bowmanville on' the norti-east corner of Church and ]Division 'Streets opposite the Methodist Churci. EFor particulars apply to John Lyle, Town Hall, Bowmanville, Ontario. il-tf HOUSE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For farm-or city property, double brick house on Ontaîlo-at.«, Bowmanville, bring- ing $30 monthi rent, aise good corner lot ful ý4 acre. Apply Jas. Harris, Good- year H-otel, Bowmanville. 11-4w FOR SALE-Rouse and DrivingHoue frame dwelling bouse 17 x 25, six mrne:s A Spring Tonic ALLOW US THE HOSPITAL COMMITTEE TO INTRODUCE The Commerce Ahua.e MINSTRELS of Toronto on Saturday, April l6thy 1921 Town Hall, Bowmanville 8.15 P. M. h Proceeds in aid of The Local Hospital TICKETS 5OC Plan for reserved seats opens Tuesdtiy Noon, April 12th., at Mitchel's Drug Store. No extra charge.i Ths space donated by G. N. Thurston, Haber- dashery and Fur Shop. Edmondstone' Speakingl Finest Breakf ast Bacon, reg. 50c for .....*..45c Srnoked Picnic Hams reg. 30c for ............28c Pickled Picnic Harns, reg. 28c for ............25c Dry Sait, Bacon, reg. 30e for ...............25c Easifirst per. lb. reg. 22e for .................18c Easifirst, 3 lb. pails ...............................48c Easifirst, 10 lb. pails for ........................$1.60 Home-Made Jellied Veal and Heaid Cheese SPECIAL PRICES in Beef for Friday, and, Saturday WATCH OUR WINDOWS G.A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. PhoDe 21 Bowmanville EGGkS FOR HATCHING EGGS FOR HATCHiNG-Pure bred White Wyandottes, good layin tan $1,00 for 13. Ni. J. G. LangmaId, R. R. 1, Harnpton phoene 133-19. 1243w EGGS FOR HATCHING-From Dour! l'eavy laying strain of barred roýcks, $1.60 per setting. Thos. Bottreil, cor Chuirch & Liberty-sts., Bownianville-, phone 2 13-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-From UTtility White Leghorns, large heavy laylng sitrain, $2.00 and $3,00 for 15, Alu n- fertile eggs replaced free. Russell Sully, couirtice. 14-5w' FOR SALE-Whlite Wyandotte Eggs for iatching. Pens selected from 86 of the best layers 1 bave ever bad. "Me- Leod StraLin'*. Priýe $200 per stting of 13. Helen L. Carruthers, Cenitre-st.,i Bowmanville, phone 33. 12-4w' Buff Leghorns-prize winnerr at Toron- to Garden Show Exhibitioni, also Bïarred Rocks, $3.00 setting. For Sle- Buff Leghorni cockerels at $3,00 eacb. Good chan1ce- to improve your stock, heavy lay- ing strajin. R. H. DitiIng, at AUlln1s G-roccery Store, Bowm.ýanville. 14-3* B R ED TO LAY-White Wyandottes, Keller and Martin Strain; Barred Rocks, P'arks and Thom pson Strain; White Leg- horns, Barroni and Ferris Strain; R. C. Brown Leghorns, heaving layiug strain. $1.50 per setting, $10 per 100 eggs. R. H. Dilling AUlin's Grocery Store, Bow- mranville. 14-3* EGOS FOR HATCHING-Early to per-j sistent layers of the highest quality are the barred rocks produced on Erpingham Farm, large healtby birds headed by Thompson's cockerel and farm raised are what produced the fertile eggs. $150 per setting of 15 eggs. Leave orders ait Rarry Allin's Grocery Store, or phone E. F. Weatherilt, 345, Bowmanville. lltf EGGS FO R H A TC H NG-Whlite Wyan- dottes, something betteir every year, eggsl from choice stock, someof it direct fromi th" best trapnested and pedigreed laying pens of one of the largest breeders in Amnerica My pullets made a high re- cord for the three winter mouths. $2.001 per setting.' White Leghorns, Clarke strain, $200 per setting. W. H. Car- ruthers, R. R. 1;, Bowmanville phone 38-r2 13-tf HELP WANTED WANTED-A capable woman or girl for bousework. Apply W M re. E. C. So uthey, Elgin-st., Bowmianville. 14-tf MAN WANTED-Experienced farm baud to work on the f arm. Apply to A. E. Bellman ,,Ring-st., West, Bow-1 manville. 12-tf HELP WANTED-A competent girl or woman for general housework. No one need apply unless competent. Apply to Mrs. E. Bradley 428 Simcoe-st., N.,1 Oshawa.,32 HOUSEEEPER WANTED-Mlcldle of Newcastle,' to do general housework.. Apply to Mr. Herbert Hancock, Newcast- le. Ontarlo. 1-f1 BULL FOR SERVICE SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE- "Erpingham Snowdrop 142039" will be held for service on Erpingbam Farm at Bowmanville, lot 9, con. 2, Darlington. Terme $2 at time of service or if booked $300. E. F. Weatherilt, Bowmanvllle, Phone 345. lîtf WANTED COTTAGE WANTED-At Bowmanville- on-the-Lake for July and August. Re- ply to M. J. Smith, 43 Keele-st., Toronto. 12-2w that it has ever been our privilege to 'preýýse't foir your inspection and verdict, as to their desirabil- ity and value. ALSO NEW DRE SS SILKS AND FANCY SILK MATERALS FOR LADIES' SKIRTS New Linoleum and he- -Hydro ---Shop BOWMANVILLE DO IT ELECTRICALLY wilt ie glad to showsaine wvitociti chiarge or fit themu if desired.' Buasi- uess demands pieveuft stopping at any other place in this section. P. S.-Every statement -A this notice kas been verifled before the Federai tend St4te Court.-F. H. Seeîey. Home Office, 117 North Dearborn-st,, Chicago. p . p - . -. p -Electric Fixtures--repolished -andi- lacqueî-ed.--- Let as have yoaîiaw n moweî to grind and repair. Repairing of ail kinds, ail woîk gaaranteed and prompt service. THE REPAIR SHOP Temperanice-st., ]Bownmnvlle. option cf % 4acre adjoininig. Immed - iate po0ssession. Apply to J. T. A., box 6û, ]Bowmnanville, phone 294 wv. HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick bouse of 6 rooms, comptete, baith.1'bot water bolier Ilgbts furnae veranda, and nice lot Ger 135S Thisaile'on a fine reeldental street and a genuine bargain. Price $3250. Apply NM. G. Beliman, OflIce IZlng-t. BoxnavflPae 102. 8-te S.W. -Mason& Son Opposfte the Standard Bank, Bowmanville Phon~e 106 t Bsluebirds and Robins and NewSrigGoods We have openedout for your inspection this week, the finest and most varied selection Ladies' and Misses' Suits ýand Coats 1 ý =Z= il- 1 :j

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