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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1921, p. 6

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.Grandma is 46ON an oid - fashioned bureau, in a bouse I know, lies a iarge-sized New Testament with the binding weil worn, aL with it a much-used oldcopy of- Dr. Chase's Receipt Book. When the calves have the colle or the neighbor's baby, the ear- ache, 'Grandma', hands out well-assimilated advice from the Dr. Chase Book. When' 'Grandima' herself feels 'run- down,' Dr. Chase's, Nerve Food stands ready on the dining-romi table among the sait and pepper shakers." In these few simple words Mrs. Bert. Smîih, Way's Mii is, Que., beautifuiiy de- scribes the way i whicb many a grandmother is a biessing to ber fanMily and to Their Doctor her neighbors as a guardian of health. And what finer compli- ment can be paid to Dr. Chasè"s Receipt Book and Dr. Ghase's Medicines than the approvai of such meth- ers of experience as the one here described. Just as in this home, Dr. Chase's -Aimanac hangs on the wail in the great major- ity of Canadian homes, and in the cupboard or m@dieine chest wiil be found one or more of Dr. Chase's Medi- cines ready for use(in case of emergency. If you did not receive a copy of Dr. Chase's Aimanac if xvili be sent free by Ed- manison, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. I THE INDIAN PRINCESS' GRAVE. noble character tisat ise was turned ________into stone to forever remain a pat- Mrs. W. C. White's Tribut. te tern for hie tribe to f ollow. Pauline Johnston, Peetesa.; The beauty of this tradition is brought out more fully by that cele- Editor James, Dear Sir,-In my brated Indian poeteee, E. Pauline last letter I tried te coavey ta my Joisaston who died in Vancouver, friende thse beauty of Capilano River Marcis 7th., 1913, at tise, Bute-st., and how the scene impressed me, as Hospital. in ber Will ehe expressed we eat on benches in tise shade of a wieh to ha. cremated and her aches the Cyprese trees. I called our lit- buried in Stanley Park wîthin view tCe party together and offered a dol- of Siwash Rock, which was done. I lar each for fifty words in the Eng- stood by hier grave wiih ie marked lieh language thiat would do justice by two common bouldere rolled to- tothe beautiee of the scene that lay gether, and "Pauline" carved in the right before us. Many were suh- one that faces the Rock. /Tise stones mitted and suggested but 1 did not area covered -with evergraýene dropped get one worth more than five cents. by passiag adirers, and we also paid Uucle Will Pound looked around a our tribute of respect in these ame minute and turaing to me said: "I way. have tisree dollars worth". Ail rigist It may be of intereet to your read- said I, "hand them over". I refused to ers ta know that Miss E. Pauline pay on tise ground-they were not Johaston, the Indian poetess, was ti worth more tisan three cents. Stili, daughter of a ciief of the Mohsawk tisey were thse beet submltted, be- Indians of Brantford, Ontario' She cause they suggested thse place had came into public notice in tise year not gone into decay. 1 decided ta 1892 when Mr. Frank Yeigh of Tor- draw fromr my oýwn supply with tise onto, arranged for an entertainment recuit shown ini my previous letter. at which ail Canadian authors were Tisere are maay delightful places of invîted to read their own composi- resort within eaey reacis of Van- tion., Pauline recited her own poem, couver and each has its coterie of ad- eatitled "As Red Men D)ie". This mirers. Stanley Park takes first brought her into publie-notice, and place and has a reputation as big as ehe afterwardc went to Engiand the whole world. I have spoken of where she met with great success, the,4ark in niy previous latter but as and receîvedi igh commen1dation-sý too mucis cannot be said of it, I wish from tise press. May I quote one to cail attention ta an historic spot of her poemns just ta, try the effect j jpst discovered-Siwash Rock. Ac- on your readers ? q2ýrdiLý a a Inianleen. SA iwrah Rock was once ayoung chief of such Chiropractie (Spinal Adjustments) Reiriove the Cause of Disease withoht Medicine or Knif e. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- cees in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthrna Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and. Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro- practie. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. Bootleggers an Whi'skey Smnugglers àr(ý DisgracingCa On April 18 Abolish Importation by voting YE,_ýS Since January ci, 1920, theusands and thousands of galions of Whiskey, Gin, Brandy and High Wiries have been shipped into Ontario. Express shipnients alone for a long feriod averaged four te six cars per day, and have run as high as git Pour car load., a day mneans at ieast 19,200 quarts dw .1y, or o'ier 5,000,000 quar ts, per -, .ar, And yet the people of Oritario voL malke prohibition the pema evia! This -irnported "Booze" iE the stuff which erýbes -thý"Butc., r"to carry on his iUle-al tra de, and allows "Rum --l r" n Whse Sirniigglers" to disc râce Canada. Officers of the lav ur. set at defiance,. Rcad wihat the Chai'r.,iý,, of the br of License Commissioners says himnseif. Importa tin aesLaw inor--t W i uit "After an experijence in the adminstra'-ion of the Oiitanlo Temperance Act covering t'he period from its first coraing';r, o 'orce in Septemb,ý,er> i9l, 1 am n ia position to state that importation la se'l -.31v nanmo.eri its el-rec- tiveness. The War Mcasures'Act was reo)eaied 'n jar' 'nIy I and zhe Domninion Orders-ýin,-Council under the ÉAu- were resciîided. nl-eavy ship- melwts of ir7 or nnto tbe province began at once. Ethe nuirnber of cases of breach of tie Ontario Temperance Act have increased in even grealter pro- portion."---,oinr a Statement by the Chairman of Board of License Commis- sonerc fer Ontaric. "GOLDEN 0F THE SELKIRKS". Atrail upwindc from Golden, It leade ta a land God only knows, To the land of eternal snows, Tisat trail unknown and olden, And they tell a tale tisat is strange and wild, Of a lovely and ionely mbuntaf n chiId, ;, That went up tise trail fo odn A child in the sweet of ber woman- isood, Beautiful, tender, grave -and good, As tise saints in time long olden. And the days couat not, nor the weekàs avail, For the ciild that went up tise mount.. niaintrail Came neyer again ta Golden. And the watcisers weep la midnigist gloom, Wherei the Canyon yawns and the Selkirks loom, For tise love tisat tisey knew of olden. Aad April dawned and its sunis aflame And the eagles wheeled and the vultures came, And poised o'er the town of Golden. God of tise white eternal peakes Guard tise dead while the vulture seeke - God of the dayc of olden. For oalyý God in His greatnese kaowe, Wisere the mountain holly aboya her grows, On tise trail tisat ends from Golden. In 1908, Pauline came ta Jiva in Vancouver where se spent the re- mainder of ber daye, and learnad tise Indians many of tiseir traditions, which sise bas woven into verse and story, and whicb will increase in in- tereet as time goes on. Siwash Rock is cut off --rom tise main Rock projection hy tise ceasem- less action of tise waves from tise Gulf, wearing away tise soft form- ation, and leaving it alone wîtis the aagry waves, like a grant giant guarding tise grave of ber wso- has immortalized its anme.1Rîght isere are tise implacemeats for four great cannon wisicis stood guard over tise city duriag tise war. Just below in tise solid rock are cem- ent rooms where ammunîtion wns kept and tise soldiers slapt-all abandoaed now and covared witis mould. Weý7 stood on tisese guis im- placementý itealiag ta tise waves tearing away at tise rock and looking across ta Pauline's grave. Our little partyfelt a cense of prida, in haviag this opportunýity of saying a few words in praise of tisis Indian Prin- cess Emily Pauline Jobaston. Siwash crest, Where the wind and tise waves rua 'higis, And tise tall fir trees, ns they bend in tise breeze Sing bier sweet lullaby". (Mrs.) Gertrude M. White. Nortis Vancouver, B. C., Marcis 21, 1921. i~t~ only e ethat cuenGond health is ft-ba , ' - undat7 ýi 0nrcf omc- CCoe(aMyst everyone neo.; o. in~edicine c ',7tJ~estivTe dis- crc.r ~ 13reham'S Pis. Sw~ k~t hc stornacli, sti~nuto -b liver, regu- kiducs a1 thus aià the entire syCntr' o eealth and[ harony by tairiig Sold everywhere in Canada. In box8, 2c., 50C. Ler-,eat Sale cf any Mdic:cine -ni Lhe World. and hoI cure w~efce Here is parŽof aIi. frmM.Henry Fecar veyDiac Lae, Qe. rite lIer if you desire. Te a sof ccrea on the face. Treatecd naa L 'y doctors. A samplealone utf D. L. 1D. cured me, etc." The proof of the pu1dding h 'in the eating. Whier a prescription f'Ir ikin disease lias letters 'of cure and e-ndorseinent from nearly every 2ity and town ini the Doinion, surely it is enough ta convince thse most skeptical. Belief *from iftchissgterment fa inmedi.ate. I Just try on~e bottle or?1). D. D, today on aur 9ositirc guarantee. $1,00 a btte. Try D. D 1). JURY &LOVELL DRUGGISTS BOW IAN VILLE you ex- ,, perience at times can be fy remnoved. No womnan has tE jael, certriuly nrdprompt y. - ~ . pposeyou de h veC 11e td - ac e ibcl ties lour case isfot hopeless. Try Doctor, Pierce's Fa.vorite Prescrip.. or ablisor send 10. I r. Pierce'. j"4lds Hotel in BuflN. Y., for Read what t~ omnsays: Loansy Or,-In my eariy -marriedl ife I xas very fra;ilPandedlicate. I waý feeling exceedinglvw oI, tand misera'a~ ,when afriend advf & C meto0take a bottle of Dr. Pierc's Fvrt Prescription. From tihe vcry ,tart- I fait new 'trength and vitality. 1 arn always gratlefui for what Dr, Piprce's Favorite Prescription has done for me anîd wil almays be YleasIed to rcmnn t" B.JouxI WÂNBY, 139 Ana Street,. OLO REUIABLEI There are tens' of Ithousands who rea1-I ized the, benefits of the growth-promot- I mg properties of I *SCOTT'S in childhood, whonwge it regulrytoa their children. You mnay depend I upon Scott's Emulsion! Scat& Bawne. Taranto, Ont. -ALO AK3 S0F CTt~b~& or Ganpjeà THE 4"LIFTUP" (Patented) signal lu cnfri ity th the setence if fnor ,e tr. q, vhs LI'up", linven on with tsr. fs lr a pr atiol n n on abdsmnai icisio. Mes eff etiei e 111)011gthe pyiclaînetsto wl nIBs woEn sufer Wrt«u O. o SXIFulZwnso dI Wn s d slfm saum sn . D r For Frost Bites and Chilblaine.- Chilblains.come from undue exposure to slush and cold a~n d frost-bite fr4»n the icy wiiids of vinter. In the treatment of either an excellent pre- paration ie Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil as it counteracts the inflammation and relieves the pain. The action of the oil is prompt and its applica- tion is extremely simple, exp e rimnct- Ing w1len 'CZEMA ou ause"r t!ons'ý It relieves at once and gradu- (Jhaise's Autinent free If you mention thîs paptr ànýd send 2c. stamp forpot 60c. a POX ail dealers or Edmanson, BaCs & Co., UmIted. Toronto., LEIGH VALLEY COAL Money invested in our coal is cash conscient- iously expended. Here you wilI get your money's worth of coal, Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory Service. Qzueen and Division Sts, .t3oxvmanville T B E PAtCUL R You cannot be too particuIar, about the insurance you choose. The 40 com- panies we represent will stand: the acid test of investigation. Firp Losses deait with very liberally and pai ý up with as littie delay as possible. Y04J GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J. MASON &SoNel% Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville SEEDING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE We are open to buy a limited quantity of SEED GRAIN of the following varieties: BARLEY-O. A., C. No, 21 and Two Rowed OATS-any good grade SPRING RYEï WHEAT- Marquis, Prince Imperial, Goose We have aise for sale choice No. 1 Govern- ment Standard îand home grown RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, TJMOTHY, and are prepared to supply other varieties if needed. 1Stili have a geod supply of Coal, Wood, Lum- ber and Building Material. Quahity right anid pnices reasonable. Calil and see us. McCleIlan&Company Limited King Street East B'Qwmanvilleî Office Phone 15- Residences 228 and 274 CramWanted! Prices ef Cream are higli.. WeMpay Geod Prices for Geed Cream,. We Want Y(ours If we failito ,'call on yeu we would appreciate a phone eali or write us. Orono tCreaniery G, ORnONO e,, VOTE-and vote Mark your ballot as'above with an X opposite the Yes, and nothing more. Ontbario PRef erendcum o mite )/

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