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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1921, p. 10

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'LL THE YEAR ROUND MOTORING 13 ONE 0F VANCOUVER ISLAND'S CHARMS The oo t idea of paradise is *«~ a Eeautiful country where roads "RA » and wealher permit continuous trav- LAKVE, in.The nearest approacli to that VANI'COUVER ideal in the north-western part IPA-& o;this continlent is Vancouver Isiand. Nature has; provided& beau- ty and fthc riglit sort of clim-...... ate; man has bulif fine ronds. 'The temperature 'of Victoria, the hub of Island life, is 1;o modificd by Although teituated on the south- the, eaa urrent that ifs average ernmost tip of an island, Victoria meý(an temperature is 45 degrees F. is quite free frorn foga. Because ofi TLere is a range of oniy 22 degrees ifs 10w range of variance in tem- F'. btween the mîd-winter and mid- perafure and clearness .of'atrnos- summeii(r averages. phere, this city was chosen by the Sishine is the rule, averaging Cnnadian Goverament as fthe site neariyý six hours for each dayin the for ifs f'wo greaf observatories. year 0f course, the sumînier days The maotor road'. io! the Island - r liours, but there isî enough are worthy of their settlng. Victoria 'l fier to kepvegéta- wt f ué rrsdnta1tef 1n. Litc and gardens in bloom. and more miles of mai'ine drivesa and Vrori- has t'éêv rainy dnys, beautiful views., is thestrtn the anntial p'ccipitation being 27.46 point for rnany deliglifful trips'. iadies. vhieh is les fan thnt of nny I Ârong thern are the 40> miles, of oliier Pacifie coast point north o!f San!ch Peninsula, sklrting Cnd- Sdnn Francisco, thec city las abund- boro and Cordova Bays; wlndInz, auce o! water caught by nelghboring thrillful roads that climb up to the mionntainn obaervatorles. and a fourteen mile rua fa the farnous Butcharf Estate wtth its sunken gardens, mefamor- phosed rock garden nnd exquislte Japanese gardea. The Island lighway is the pride of the Island. It le a 170 mile strefch of well-made rond running frorn Victoria to Campbell Falls along the Guif of Georgia., It ie struing with picturesque fowns and branch roads lead f0 suchi deliglif- fui resorfs as Shawinlgan Lae Cowichan Lakie. Carneron11 Lake, Great Centrai Lake, and many a trout strearn. ThLe soýthern por- tion, o!f tkl Highway le krii as the Malahbat Drive, pronouncedi by fthc knowing ones as a perfect motorway. l Western Cattie f or United !,Stat2ýs S-w1 .)Aberdeen Angus Calves. .~"' )A Perfect Hereford Head. Among the manyg fine exhibits -., . tthis- year's Internatio)na-,l Stockz Uhow at Chicago, a srlgof bee! çatfle fiýat lias been entered by fie tunlvers4ty o! Aberta le certain f0 oreaf e considerable inferesf, This er.hlbit consista of a dozen or more *,Pue bred bull calves fIat have been brcd by some o!fie leadlng àreederz in fhe province, and cen- . ...... SIse sorne fine specimens o!f te**----*.. creford, Aberdeen Angu an S4Blorthorn breeds. These animais have been brougit together by A. A. Dowe1, Professer ýO! Animal Husbandry aftich Uni-È :Versity o! Alberta. Professor Dowel Wanted sorne good steers fo use-for practical judging purposes wifh lis sfudents at fthc Unversity. To puT- clase f rom fihe leading breeders o!f ' tic province fieclass of stock re- ~ - quired wo'uld have enfaled a con- siderahie expense, as top Priesf considere fhe best calves ln their would have had te be paid. More- herds.'1 Over, lic may nof have beenable fa This offer was immedintely taken obfaln jet fthc animais requircd. advanfage o! by Professor Ilowel àffer considérable tiînking on fie and durlng fie tfirce months !ollow- subJecf, Professer Dowell hft upon ing lie visited fihe fwenty-four an iden which, enabled iûti f get breeders in varions parts o!fite jtst fthc aniîàls ho wanted, and at province and selected fourten * pra(iiaiiy no expense f0 the, Uni- calveis. To fliese were aferwards Versify. Kinowing tînt maay o!fit> e added two young Siorfioras frein breeders ia fie province were nef la- fhe Universify's own lierd.1 clined for various reasons, to fît Most o!flihese calves were faken their cattie andi shOw tflem Mathfe direct from fie range, but they have, leadlng shows in a manner fa do been wel eared for ever since. Tley tiem justice, lie suggested fiat fie, camne fa fie University as enckllngs, Vrious breeders in fie province artdJnurse cows lied, of course, to be ehould give onie o! their caives te provldedfor flem. If fie University thie University, and fie Universit y lad been able te tak.e care o! a large would fake fie neýcessary stepa to nuzuber o0f animale these wouid have ~the axtimae for show puirpos3es. easiiy have beeu ferthcoonIng. "The 8b. pl an was duly submlted f0 fhe greafestf )iffculty we have lad",i 41berta Breeders' Associatilon Ut enys Professor Doweli, "lias nof beeni their annual convention last ycar, la sec;ring fiese animale, but la re- enld neût oniy rc the fe approvai fusing fie nfany gond %nimals tier Pq the '&aeatobut fhe la- breeders have offered. Why a good eý1, mcmers offered f0 ailow mrny breedere actually urge,, the -IWàfrDovelAto gelteot what lie1 University to seud a represenfttve 1 to their farmns, and take away the beef of their calves." If is now more tian twelvc rnhs since these calves werc brouglit f0 the Aberta University farm af Ed-- monton and fiey have nil dcvcloped int o stroag uniform leoklnig animals, enci showing mnarkedly fie char- acteristics o! lits breed. For two, seasons tiese fine animnîs have as- siafe tdhfe studenfe af fie University fa acquire a knowledge o!fie many Aine points o! stock-juidging, -Ncpw fliey are ready for eihowing, and peo- pie lu oflier partso!fie continent w§ll have an olportunity o! seei-ng fie clas of animale fIat are belng ralsied ln fie extreine Canadian West F'lrsf fhey wlilgo fa Cbiiogo, to be siown at fihe International, Lîve- stock Show. XýLater fley will prob- aMly be shown at ofier shows inu fIe United States and in Ensfeýra Canada. Wherever fieýy are shown fie qualily and il!iorniif y îo! fese animiais le, sure f0 cauise favorable comnment amvng fliose who kniow zood 4,attl&a. BRITISH COLUMBIA SCENERY Mrs. W. C. White Gives No. 3 Travel Talk. Edlitor James,_My last two letters took you ta Capilano River and Stan- ley Park, and now if you wiil corne with me I will take you to another beauty spot that helps make- Van- couver farnous. I neyer realized before that'three score yearàsênd ten is scarcely long enough to do this world and do it properly-it is sa very big and beautiful withal. While 1 arn not yet within speaking distance of the age limit, 1 must admit having' crossed the Great Divîde and now look down on the other sîde, but the beauty neyer fades, and the people stili are interestîng., On Saturday miorning Uncle Jack Pound telephoned ta our party to b e ready il 6v-6 hours to 'go to Wigwan Inn. Where is Wigwam Inn? asks the inquisitive one, and, I said, I was as ignorant as a pig's foot on that point. But when -Uncle Jack says "Go" that setties it. Tickets were al Iready and the boat pulls out at 10 a. m. Our *oints were a bit stîff from a longhike the day before, but the hurry of getting ready makes one feel like a child again, a__i1ittIe squagbbling over the quickest way ta get' ready-snatching a bite ta eat while hurrying for our good ciothes, slam on th e new hat, take a look at my tangue, feel my pulse, and tickle my tonsils with myifinger to see if my stomach would "back-fire". These prelirninaries over I arn ready for"a ride on the briney deep. This is the 'lf e for me. No dishes ta wash, no bread to bake, no butter to make, just up and away. Oh ! it is good to get out of your sheil once, breathe the.pure air, watch the sun chase the mountain shado)ws, and rest, absolue; rest. When the Ferry boat pulled into the slip, Uncle Jackwas there to meet us, and we were soon in the presence of our boat, with the horrid naine of, "Lo Ollibee". I asked Uncle Will what it meant, and> he said it was, Latin for "Get in and keep your rnouth shut". If wasý not just fa my liking but appeared saf e. The docks were f ull of fishing, boats, Japanese mostly, and packed together like sardines9. The propellers of the great ocean vessels, going and comn- ing, keep the water in a boat-rocking, motion, sa the boats grînd against each other and groan as they risc and fail by the action of the waves. The wharf is iined with Japs of a ages, sizes and sex, masculine an f emmne and neuter, saine with hats, sorne without., Their faces are not handsome, and perhaps in conse- quence of this are neglecfed. They, are here for 'fish, and I grab)(-a lne from one of the females- (which action seems to be the, only English they understnnd )-and start to fish too. I get a bite and up I pull a "percli" wigglîng and twvisfing for dear 1f e. The little Jap grabs the fish and wifh 5a sort of surgicai in- strurnent exfracts the hook, and inys the fish nway for future attention. The gulîs are here in thousands, just floating around for a "meal ticket"., The lualibuf boats land here, and theni the de-horning or de-liending and de-failing of the fish goes on, and pounced on b,,, the hungry gulis, and PUBLIC SCHOOL CADETS thus they get their daily rpeion. "Ail aboard" cries the Captain, the Composition on How the Boys Spent whistle blows and we are off. We Easter Holîdays soon'pass the grent sugar Refinery, Pat Burns' Siaugliter luouse,- thc Before Enster hoiidays we learned Governmenf Elevators, Saw-Miils seine sqund drill which includes form- and then more Saw-Milis and Factor- ing fours, reforming two-deep, form-, ies. squad and marching ia line and iiX Our littie boat hugs the shore to file and fours. avoid the fide-riff and about three Saturday, Mnrch 26th we lad a miles up we cross the Inlet f0 what drïil, t the Agriculfural Grounds is known as the North Arm-a sort of when Cadets Cliartran, Oke and appendix f0 Burrard Inlet and runs Brown were selecfed ns sergeants. some fifteen miles norfh. W, ail We also learned some Company drill. sit out on deck for the day is warm, Monday we "feli in" at the Public and nof a breafhof wind except thet School grounds, where we driýlled made by the boaf. We dodge in and and played Circle Flag. Cadet Rice ouf among the islands, some covered was made Sergeant and, Sergeant with trees'and moss, and some with Cliartran was promoted f0 Sergenf- jusf bare rock. We cail af many Major. camping grounds and ail way-stations, Tuesday and Wednesday we drilled sf opping a few minutes af Lake Bunt- as before. son Power-house where Vancouver For Thursday a Route Marcha was gefs lher Electric Power; then on arrnnged and we "fell in" at 9 a m. again pasf more islands, and anon a and mnrched on flie Scugog Rond f0 seal pokes his .head up, taies n look Mrs. Gaud's farm. Rain coming on1 and disappears. . prevcnfed further sports, 5 we] The inlet boafs are very obliging, if camped in Mrs. Gnud-s large bnrn a passenger wannfs to gef off the boat where we had dinner and returned hunts arouind ie a dog fliafs iosf soon affer t0 town. the scent and when she finds a good Friday we again, drilled at the place, shie just shoves hier sfubby nose Public Scliool grounds. against flic rock, and the passeager makes n jump, while the b ont picks Safurday forenoon we "fell in" at up the re-coil. Shc does the samne 10 o'clock and were pliofographed thing in answer to a signal from flic standing on fli c shool steps after shore, if a parfy wishcs tf- gef on which wc marclicd f0 King Street boad. It s te dty f te cptanfhon west on flic Kingston Rond to f0 pick up the wandercrs and lis eye Câptairý J. B. Ncnic'g fnrm, flien ever scans flic shore for signais. nortli fo n good camping ground at .Mr. W. Mckeynolds' old home whcre The mounfain vicw increnses in we lad sham baffles and exfended- beauty as wc go north and when our order drill, returning to town about necks tire of looking up at fhem -Wc flre- thirfy o'clock. look down at tlicm mirrored la the wafer. Tlicy show almost as dis- f Sunday by invitation wc paraded fincfly in flic sfiîî, cîcar watcrý.s. in flicheMcfliodisf churcli, to witncss flic blue sky. Thc wakc of fli.eboaf the unveiling of flic memorial taolcf now strikes flic fnrfher shores, flic piaccd there by flic Ladies' Aid of Inlef is se nnrrow. As we 1nyhavethat churcli. During flic wcek we onie and a haîf hours at fIe Inn, we learncd most of flic company drill fake our lunch wifh us, and wnlk flic and some baffle formations, and as deck devourîng flic good thîngs pro- long as wc have Lieut. Bert Bounsal vided and discarding aIl forms ofi and Scrgt. Russell Copeiand as dril efiquette giving f0 ecdioflier bites. instructors we shahl be weil trained. Prompfly at 12.30 noon we are HryObre af "Wigwam Inn"-a structure of HryObre logs piied up very nrtisfic and quit e common in flic mounfainsof Brifish Columbia. It lias ail the Cify Con- ver4iences, and a h-omielike feeling se ar S o soaks into your Ieart at once whicf h e mnkes you feel aft pence wifli fli world. This Ian was built Tby n German Count and- mny have been planned forsa summer home for flic Kaiser, but affer our boys lad a f ew words te sny f0 lis lord and master, flue Counf's ambitions did not count for, muci. lueflied f0 the United States where war was declared, and was aficrwards inferned: at Sait Laie City duriag the wnr, and what be- came of hlm then is of liffle interesf to the writer. It ie a deiightfui spot, aud would outrivai in natural beauty anything produced on the luaviag instaiied a motor and grinding and buffing equipmienf we' are prepnred fo do ail kinds of grind- iag, buffing and poiishing. Electrie Fixtures repoiished, aud lacquered. Let us have yourlaw n mower to grind andl rejazr., RePa!Ilring-.f nil kinds, aIl Work guarauted aud prom.rpt service. THýE RVj'AI1R SHQP îTemperance-st., Bowraunville. 1 Rhine.' The only objection I have to such places is, that it makes one dissatisfied with our home environ- ment. The chief attraction here is its beautiful waterf ail, called the "Bridai Veil"'. As there is no copy- righit on the name, it seems to be ap- plied to every waterf ail tbat fails so far that hall its volume goes into spray before it strikes the rock be- low. But this is the real "Bridai Veil" from which ail the others de- rive their name and' then fade into insignificance. A quarter of a mile walk over a rocky road by a beautiful creek brings us »o the fails and it is no exaggeration to say i tis an inspiring sight. Just at the base 'of it the "Veil" hangs over a cernent dam, which hoids the water for domestic use and gîves power for electric light. The view of the fails and its setting is superb. We stand about 200 feet away, but the air full of spray the observer would soon be soaked to the skin, An unbrella don't gîve the protection its narne would irnply, because the moisture is so driven by the air currents, that you are puzzied to know whether to hold it over your head or under youi' feet. The water bas a direct fali of about 150 feet but just back of the fail it cornes down an incline a thousand feetor more and shows up to great beauty from a certain view point. My husband tried to induce me to clirnb the rocks to a higher point, which unfolds a better view, but I refused to go on the ground that rny happiness was complete. I had ail the vision of beauty I could stand where 1 wns and wanted to be alone with Nature and my own thoughts. As the eye of the flesh takes in the awfui grandeur of the mountains towering away and away up into the blue sky, and the beautiful waterfali keeps the rocks busy with echoes that neyer cease, your heart seems to go out to your Creator with a love neyer f elt bef ore. There is no sermon that can make you so humble and in- crease your admiration and reverence of God so much as to stand face-to- face with these rare beauty spots of Nature, and lîsten to the voice of Naturels God. I love it and so love to put my hand in His and know that lue ever leads me on. As we pick our way back along the creek under dripping rocks, that over-hang our road, 1 wonder how fish can ever get up such rapid running water, and I ask Uncie Will if he can tell me. "Why" he said "that's easy, they just crawl up on their hands and knees".' I shied a rock at him, but he just ducked in time to save his anatomy frorn what might have been. The worst thing about British Colum- bia is you dislike to leave it; but we must, and so we turn our backs on another beauty spot, perhaps, for- ever. The sbril caîl of the boat whistle tells us, to get on board-our time is up. That night 1 drenmed of mount- ains, rivers, moss-covvered trees, mir- ror lakes nnd thundering cataract- but this last, might have been my husband snoring!11 Gertrude M. White. We WMl W. T, ALLEN Big 20, Bookstore The Corner Grocer Is Well Prepared Toi Serve' The] Best Interests 0f His Customers- At Ail Times. HARRY PEIONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE Ix lji k More DeliVered to your home fresh daily. THOMAS8 TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville UM BEFO RE YO U SHOP Read our ad 'vt and take ,advantage of these special offerings: _ Sherjifs Marmfalade, 1 lb 35c, 2 lb. 70î, 4 lb,$1.15 Fresh Prunes, 2 lbs ...............................25è Broken-Sodas, 2 lbs ...............................25c Broken Sweet Biscuits, per lb ..............15C Irish Cobbler and Green Mountain Potatoes, real, flrst clas's, bag . ......... ,............90e Roll.ed Wheat, 3 lbs. for ....................29c Silver Cow Milk, tin ..............................23c Good Cookn ice, 3 lbs. for ................... 2e Corn Starch, 2 lbs. for ..............................25c Arbutus Salmon, tin................................. 1e Bulk Lard, lb.......................................... 25c Pink Sainmo., . ................... 19C FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS ARE HERE MILES, KNOWLES Phone:36 Bowmaniville Grocer Helping You Choose Wall Paper If you're perp1eýýed about selecting just the right styles of Wall Papers for'Spring decrating -cone to THE BIG 20. A very complete stock of ail shades and designs. We can show you any of the patterns from the roll which gives, you a rnuch better idea how they look when on the wall. The prices are exceptionally low. be pleased to show you. Bowmanville

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