7~ Vol LXVII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWM.AN VILLE, ONTARIO, APRIL 1t4, 1921$2OaYernAdac caOp.N,1 Alluring Spring Fa shin in The Showing 0f Moderately Priced Suits, Coats, Frocks, Skirts, Waists and Voiles, You will find it a pleasure to select your Spring outfit from such an extensive and varied assemblage of -authentie fashions. There is something new coming in every day which makes it to- your--interest to- corne to our-store -as-often -as co-nvenient and see these new goods. Special mention should be given to the beautifgl and pleasing assortment of rugà we have just received, also the splendid display of linoleuüms. No. 1029l 0f the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmqnvîlle A BY-LAW authorizing the issue of de- benture for the sum o)f $2'OO.Oor theu purposesof purchasing the bilidings and improvements erected by tu, c BoWman- ville Foundry Company Lmteon lands owned by the Corporation of th-e Towni of Bowmanville, on or near th(- SoIIth' West corner of Church and Divi.-iy, 8 treets, ia the said Town, andi aisegrio ntâe ad Company a flxed assessmnent f or t'-n yea4rs on'the lands owned by it, w,,,st o f ScugogI Street and North of the C. P. R. Hgzu If way, in the said Town. WHEREAS the Bewmaniili, FePundry Company Limlted has enteried into an Agreemnent-with-theCrorto f t1he Town of Bowmanville, beaï'îng datet,ý, l~th day of April, 1921, subjçtou te ear proval of the rate payers of tac aïidCor- naratirnmil sJ- Miel --Arfl uf ot ~frabu iew es)l n ed AND WVHEREAS in the opinion of the Municipal Counicil of. the TowniI of Bow- manville, it is desirable te onfr the said Agreement. ADWHEREAS it 18 neceisar "y to bor- the Corporation, and to.isse.deentures therefor bqaring interest at irbe rate of sxpeër ceënt per annum, vwhîch Is the [amLaW. of the debt createýd Ib this By- EX-MAYOR ALLEN DEAD EDUCATIcjNAL ANNIVERSARY He Held Many Publie Office8 Eduea'tional services in the Meth-1 odist church on Sunday were of a After a year's decline in health'very interesting character. Rev. R. and strength ýon TueEýday evening,! P. Bowles, M. A., D. D., L. L. D., April 5th., this town lost one Of its'Chancellor of Victoria University,' oldest and most highly respected citi-j Toronto, was the preacher for the zens in the person of William'F.! day. bis morning theme was a brief Allen, J. P., who passed away at his history of Victoria College, what it residence, "Drumralla", Beech Ave- bas done, is doing and la prepared to nue, in his 89th year. Mr. Allen' do for the youfng people of our coun- was born of Irish parents in the try. The story was interestingly Township of Hope on June 27th., told spiced'with bits of Irish humor, V 832. He waswell-known through- giiing ,s ome eaàly experieno.es of out the United Counties and in Tor- some of the cleverest men of the past onto having occupied many public in connection with Methodism. The positions.' On the death of his father choir under direction of Mr.ý D. Nich- he -was appointed treagurer of Hope' oison, sang the anthem "Lord of Our Township. For a number of years Lif e", Miss Reta Cole taking the solo, he was a member of the Counties and Mrs. W. J. Morrison sang the solo Council of Northumberland and Dur- "Love Divine", (Nevin) with much ham, being elected Warden of these acceptance. lIn the evening Chancel- United Counties in 1875, and at the lor Bowles spoke frem the words time of his -death was the oldest ex- "The whole creation groaneth and warden. Mr. Allen was one of, the travaileth in- pain together until now" original directors of the Standard Rom 8, 22. The meaning, of the Bank, being a member of the Board words was clearly presented and the up to the t Ime of his demise and was practical lessons very helpfully always a faithful 'attendant at the drawn,--a -fltting _ pic-ture- of- what meetings. -lHe was- Vice-Presideënt human beings do with problems of of the Ontario Loan and Savinga if e. The choir rendered the anthem Company, also a director of the West- "a-vixrship-the. Lord- in-the. Reautv of- Standard Bank. oigt Bow- manville in 1878, he has ineserved on EPlblic and HighSchool Boards, was a member of the Town Council for several years and was Mayor of ~B-mmanv4ille for-thre-yars- - TIuIielnës-s -i(Riolins) and :Miss Eiza- bbeth Pajinton sang sweetly "The Bird with the Broken Pinion". Pas- tor Moore assisted la the services morning and evening and, conducted a baptismal service in the afternoon -when--thre-è ittte ones receîvedbp4i WHY VOTE YE§? On Monday next April l8th? The above qestion wlll he pef4sonally an- sweredv\at a mass meeting in the Opera bîuse, Bowmanville, Sunday, at 8.30 p. m., by C. J. Bell of Toron- to., Ruthven McDonald the noted baritone will sing. Everybody in- vited. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL- Toronto, April 6th, 1921. Mr. W. I. Orr, 32 North St., Toronto, writes under date of April 6th., *..Editor Statesman- For the sake of old times in Bowmanville, I would like to have been, always, a sub- scriber to and reader of The States- man, whieh succeeded The Messeng- er, on which 1- learned to set type and during evenipgs learned to wite Pitman's short hand which later gave me a great lift, as a reporter for three sessions in the old Parliarqent of Upper and Lower Ganada, held at Quebec. Everybody who took part in -that third. session, - (in -which request to Queen Victoria to con- stitute us a Dominion was debated ~y .~U~ gvu JrOvIid , I am spared. Br raisinga and elect- ions were net usually carried on, in those days, without a good supply of John Barleycorn's juice. 113 la different now, and always will be. - --- -- i Ï 1- 1- "-i- LL