VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or eghl Cails Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowxnanville. Phone 243. NM»ARBLE WORKS E. R. 130UNSALL ESTATE DESIGNER S. nd DEALERS in Mon- uments, T.rDblets, Markers, etc., in Granite ancl Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V., GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BARRIST~E, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Moniey to- Man on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowxanvile. Phone 351. W. F. WARrD, B. A. -IARRISTE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 3iortgage Loans Axanged. Bonds for'Sale. Phone 102. Office, Itesi- dence 178 J., Bleakley Block, Bow- manville. 45-t MEDICAL -8. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. 113oId Meda.Iigt of Trinity University I'ornte. ]Four years Attending Phy- wilnand Surgeon at Mt. Carmel "opital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office, and -ý2eidence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. ]Phone 108. 86 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., c. M., Graduate olf Trinity Medical Çollege,1 Toronto, :formerly of Enniskillen.' Office. and residence, Dr. Beith's,l form!gt residence on Church-st., Bow- ianvifle. Phone 259. 44-t DRt. V. H. STOREY Graduate T1oronto University, year and h aif resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six months Burnside Maternity) two and haif years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. ]Phone 1,43w. 1O-lyr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ont- aÉo. Office King-et., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. Iliuse phone 22. D.J. C. DEVITT <tGraduate cf Royal Dental College, 'Xoronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. im. daily except Sunday. Phone UOa. House phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS Co. Mo oilte equipment. Sunday andnigt clispromptly attendled to. Bowmanvllle phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning Factory, preys highest cash prices for ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or cali at his residence. 5-tif. NOTICE TO PUBLIC -1 have taken out a license in Bow- Inanville to buy ahl kinds of Junk and Poultry. Will pay the highest price. Apply by phone 289 or cal on Mr. Pike, F ITS Stl.nsons home treatment for opilepsy. ý1'wenty years' successe Thousands of -thstimoniaïs. No case shouId be consid- ered hopeless. Free bookiet. Wm., Stin- son Remnedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr MERCHANTSà CASUALTIY COMPANY. Speclallsts in Heaith and Acclaent Insurance. Policles Ilberal and unrestrlcted. Over $1,O0OOO0 pald ln losses. Exceptional opportunities for local agents. 904 Royal Bank Bld g.. Toronto, Ont. _____________________6-50 CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OS HAWA. Our wlnter term commences Januaiy 3. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewrltlng, Complete Commercial and Complete Steniographic courses. King Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phone 917 1-tf Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto Ie rai coverage. Mr-s. Editi. V. &uobell Agent BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 14, 1921 of the evening was a sacred drama "The Challenge of the Cross" given by seven members of the auxiliary., NEWCASTLE W. M. S. THANK- These impersonated an Evangel and OFFERING AND AT HOME. six Disciples, the former being taken' by Mrs. Norman Rickard and the lat- The W. M. S. of Newcastle Meth- ter by Mesdames F. Butler, F. Rick- odist Church held the annual Thank- ard, B. Moise, N. Allin, W. Moore, off ering Service on Enster SundaY and J. Douglas. To each Disciple, evening. Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., the Evangel offered a cross ta bear B. D., Oshawa, a former pastor, rend- for the Master. These were -at flrst exed excellent service. The special rejected for different reasons, but music by the choir undex leadership were finally accepted and borne by al of Mr. W. J. S. Rîckard was much before the eyes of the world. Much, eujoyed. of the successs of the drama was due Mouday from 5 ta 8 p. m. the ta the efforts of Mrs. Delbert Cook. ladies held "A Birthday At Home", Proceeds of aflnivei'sary $ 200.00 it oeéing the 4th anniversary of the ________ W., M. S. organîzation in Canada. Relief from Asthma-Who can de- Tea was served from twelve tables, decoratÊd ta represent the months of scribe the relief fxom suf exin which the year. f ollows the use of Dr. J. D.iKellogg's Asfhma Remedy? Who can express January table-Its centre an evex- the feeling of joy that cornes when its green tree with icicles hanging fxom soft and geutie influence relieves the its snow- covexed branches and snow- tightened, choking air tubes? It has birds sheltering under it. made asthimatic affliction a thing of February .(valentine) -A pro- the past f or mauy. 'Gaod druggists fusion of red heaxts illuminated bY everywhere have soid it for years. red candles iu tiny brass candlesticks._________ March (St. Patrick) -A typical Irish hat filled with Shamrock and THE DURHAM CLUB Irish lags.The sixth annual meeting of the April-An umbrella opened ta Durham Club for the season, met at' catch the raindrops, and suspended the home of, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. M. over a mirror pond ou which duck- P. Taliing, 91 Lonsdale Avenue, Tor- lings and a canoe of spring flowers onto, on the evening of March 3lst., fioated. 'and it proved a very delightful gath- May-A pretty vine-entwined reed ering, being. lthe flrst visît of, the basket filled with violets and fern Club'ta their new home. There be- and tied with tulle. ing no special business to transact, June (Brides' Month)-with a the evening was given entirely over bride cake centering the table ove' ta the pxogram. A most interesting which was suspended a large white paper was read by Mrs. J. J. Cope- bell, From thîs, white satin stxeam- land, ou "Lif e in Russia", who with ers were fastened ta the corners of bier daughter, Miss Rochelle Cape- the table with tiny bunches of orange land, were there in the early days of blossoms, cut 'glass vase held car- the war. nations. This was follovfed' by an apprec- July (Dominion Day)-With its iative aiddress an the paper by Dr. D. centre of Union Jacks, with smaller j. EIoggin. Two ý very fine piano flags at the corners gave a picture of, solos were gîven by Mrs. Sloan, a independence. daughter of the late Mr. Daniel August (Hai'vest) -Its centre a White, and two of Dr. Hughes' lov miniature field af sheaves of ripened poems were coniverted iuta sangs, b grain Miss Tamblyn, and sung by hier ta September-With its centre of lus- the miusic of lier own composition.i ciaus fruit and bright flawexs looked One was: very inviting. You are the sun and the main *October-Later fruit on centre To maake life's bright flowers piece of autumin leaves. Small jack- bloom; o'-lanterns and candies in apple ýYou are the breeze from the hills candle holders added much, ta the To clear away lîfe's gloom. effcect.I And the other, "Dear Molly",, Navember (Hunting, Season-A A purrling brook miniature forest enclosed by rail A hawtharn tree, f ence twith a wigwam lu the clearing, A kindling book, the hunter with his hounds ready for An houx with thee. the chase after the deer seen in the Miiss Tamblyn received many cou- distance and the tripad with fire laid gratulations, as a resuit of lier ready ta cook supper.I contribution. The haif hour of December (Christmas Tree) With greetings and fellowship while re- candles aud "Sauta" on guard. Sus- freshments were beiug served, was pended above was a large red bell aIl toa short. Dr. and Mrs. Talling attached with garlands, of red and proved ta be ideal host and hostess, gq en ta corners of the table. and thanks were voted to theni and uring the tea hours, the candy, ail who assisted lu the program on ice cxeam and birthday cakebo motion of Mr. T. Yellowlees, second- xvere well patrouized. Iuten vn ed by Mr. W. R. Orr. ing an excellent sacred concert wasý given. The musical numbers which were very much enjoyed, were pro WHATAMElRICAN vided entixeiy by Bowmanvile talent. ADVERTISERS WILL DO Those s0 kindly contributing were At the annual meeting of the, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Mrs. R.,~ Assoiation of National Adv'Žrtisexs Thompson, aud Miss E. PaiÀnton xith' a f ew weeks ago the result ý of a Mrs. M. F. Hooper as accý-( questfomýaire showed that for19 21 A musical monologue "Theý Old Rug- b5 per cent will speud nmore gedros n nRsdilas eig re eellety 10 per cent will spendthe sin ead Cros es d arenig eMaset- 205per cent will spendte sam rendered by Miss _Kathleen Wilson. fer advertising than duxiug the past Perhaps the most important f eature,ý year. WHAT CANÂDIAN ADVERTISERS WILL DO A summary of Canadian Adver- tisers' replies to MARKETING'S inquiry shows that for 1921: 50 per cent will spend more 40 per cent will spend the same 10 per- cent wilI spend less for advertising than during, the past year. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things e-cre Headache ini 20 minutes --break Up a Cold over night --stop Monthly pains of women. Thr s one thing they will not d-hywon't hurt you. Phone 18 day or night Bowmanvilie w- - 'q Breadth of Banking Se*vc EVERY Department of Banking Service finds filaud qdequate expression iu the Bank of Montreal. Its Branches cover the Dominion of Cauada from end to end; it has its own offices in the 'finaucial centres of Great Britain, France and the United States, and its correspond. ents in every part of the work. No matter what form of bauking service may be rcquired, whether it be in connection with die Savings Departmesn4 the financing of business or the canryiug on of frreign trade relations, adequate facilities for such service are afforded by this Bank. the Manager of any branch ilI be glad to have you discuss your requiremeuts with bini A Direct Wire Serice is maintamned between the Bank's offices in Montreal, Toronto, Wminipeg, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS (apital Paîd Up $22,000,000 Rest $22,000,000 TotAl Assets $560,150,P42.85 Bjusiness Exceptionally Brisk We are very mucli pleased and gratified with the, large business we did during Easter week, and wish to express our thanks for the continued patronage of our many customers in town and country. We try to please. Send us your meat or- ders and they will receive our persongl atten- tion. Wilbert; J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225 Huse 272 Bowmanville Rush rFor Spring. -Work We would advise people in town and"country requiring our services for > PLUMBING, TINSMITHING OR STEAMFITTING to place their, orders early, as already many of our customers have made appointments for work in our line they wish to have done this Spring. So many people tell us our prices are so reason- able-and we do work ýpromptly, too. Greenawaly &Elit Consulting Engineers Phone, IBÇ 'Bolwmanville