THAT'S' THE BIKE FOR YOUR BOY Its a C. C. M.-the curved bar model. Eiqually good for e boy of nine ,or a yoýth cf twenty. We are agents for COLUMBIAa AND CiS RDBIRD BCCE I J BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 14, 1921 ELACKSTOCK Spring is here, roads are again passable, our Easter visitor-s have left us and house-cleaning is in vogue .1 .Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Devitt have returned frem n aia City, Florida and report a most enjoyable thime in Florida and KentuckY. They look as if the Summer South agreed -with them. '. . Mrs. Mesally and Miss B er- tha who wintered in Detroit, Mich., are home. We trust, ich bene- fitted in health.. Miss Heaslip whýo spent Enster at her home in Janet- ville is on"duty again. . Miss Ber-ý nice Kayler, Napanee, was a pparson- age guest Easter week ... . T he ser- vice in the Blackstock Union Church Sunday evening was in charge of the W. M. S. Mrs. R. G. Carruthers, President and Mrs.,,Frank Stinson, Vice President being in charge. Miss Laura UIambly, Missionary West China gaveu the address, to a pàcked house. She is a Cartwright girl and gave a strong msiiayades n ciuding a m oùtinteresting account of her worjç as principal of a Girls'l Boarding School. BURKETON1 On Thursday, March 23rd, at the! conclusion of the Juanior League meeting the school children present- ed their teacher, Miss B3rown, with a parlor table and the following ad- dress: Dear Teacher,-It ïs with feelings of regret that we are compelled tc say good-bye. During your stay wîth us>we have learned to love you and would have been pleased te have had you remain with us were it pos- sible te do se. We a sk you te ac- cept this table as a token of Our love for you and trust that as you use it, it miay rexnind you of your stay with uis. We humbly pray that heaveni's richest blessings niay be yours as yeu journey through if e. Signed on behaîf of the school. Il' Chiropractic (Spial Adjustmonts) Remové the Cause of Diuease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- cess in renioving the, cause of Appendicitis, Deafneas, Asthma, Rheumatism, Lumbago,' Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in miany forms respond readily to Chiro- practie. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Siie St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. WHY YOU SHOULO SAVE To insure yourself against an unknown future..# To insure happiness and comfort in your jold age. To insure, provision for your f amily in the event 6f your death. Commence Savinlg to-day w\ith ~. THME PROYAL A N'GkK 0F r CýAAA R. F. Aitchison