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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1921, p. 5

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I I I Arthur N. McMilian& Co Investment Bankers Premises formerly occupied by late T. ýN. Riekard, Bowmanville. Bonds, Listed Stocks and Underwritings Representing THE DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORA- TION LIMITED Toronto,, New York, Montreal. WATT> AND WATT Members Toronto and Montreai Stock Exchanges Victory Bonds Bought and Soîd for current cash prices. No Delay Special attention given tothe cashing of farmers saleu notes, HIGHwiES"T QUALIT"y AND LO'eWE'ST "PRICOES Finest Breakfast Bacon, reg. 50e for .......45c Smoked Picnic Hams reg. 30e for ...........28c Pickled Picnic Hams, reg. 28c for ............25c Dry Sait Bacon,' reg. 30e for ................25c Easifirst per. IL reg. 22e for ................18c Easifirst, 3 lb. pails ................................48c Easifirst, 10IL. pails for ....................$1.60 BIG DEMAND FOR OUR HOME-MADE JELLIED VEAL AND HEAD CHEESE Special prices in Beef for Friday and Saturday. G. A.,Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bcwrnnville BIRTHS POWERS-I-n Oshawa, March 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Powers, a son. TEDCASLE-InClarke, April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. Tedcastie,, a daughter. HARTMAN-At Olds, Alta., April 4th., to Dr. and Mrs. C. C.. Hartman, (nee Mabel Cox), a daughter. MARRIAGES COBBLEDICK-HOOEY-In Tor- onto, April 4th., by Rev. J. A. JewelI, Mr. Isaac Cobbledick, and Mrs. Sus- anna Hooey, both of Orono. McQUARRIE-SMITH-At the Metluodist Parsonage, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, April 18th., by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Miss Ethel, daughter'of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith of Darlington, and Mr.,Joseph Mc Quarrie of Bowmanville. THOMPSON-PERRY-In New York City, April 4, Mr. R. Bailey Thompson, son of the, late J. L. Thompson and Mrs. Thompson, Port Hope, and Miss Olive R. Perry of New York. Nephew of Mrs. W. B. Couch and Miss Thompson, Bowmanvile. DEATHS WILCOX-In Bowmanville, April 7th., James Wilcox, aged '75 years. HARRIS-In Clarke, April 3rd., Sarah Gifford, reliet of R. H. Harris, aged 86 years. , HAWLEY-At 27 Dupont-st., Tor- onto, April 5, Marshall B. Hawley. aged 77 years. WILSON-At Columbus, April 6, Annie Maud Ashton, wif e of Arthur Wilson, aged 44 years. HARRIS-In Clarke, April 6th., Sarah A. Gifford, widow of the late Richard Harris, in her 86th year. BROWN-In Orono, April 6th., Samuel Brown, Novar, Ont., aged 78 years. Formerly -of Cartwright. SEYMOUR-In Bowmanville, on April 11, Frederick Samuel, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Seymour, aged 5 months, 3 'days. HILL-In Troy, Ohio, March,26,' Minnie Baskervîlle, beloved wif e of Mr. C. H. Hill, and daughter of Mr. Simon Baskerville, Newcastle, in her 56th year. OSBORNE-In Mariposa town- ship, Saturday, April 9th., Jeanette Rosetta Morris, beloved wif e of John Osborne, in her 67th year. Young- est sister of the late Levi Morris, Bowmanville, PETERSON-Suddenly on Thurs- day, April 7tb,, at Portland, Oregon, Lucy Sarah, beloved wife of A. E. W. Peterson, and sister of the late Hon. W. A.,Wllloughby, Coiborne, and Mrs, D. Galbraith, Bowmnanville. The Publ1ic is Crîtical MutHave Valuem.' Business turnover first, three months in 11921 far exceeds that of 1920 We were well rewarded by the confidence and support of the people wbo cheer us to make our great business better and to continue to add to the advantages of tbose wbo are. privileged to serve wftb us and to the great public Who depend upon us to serve tbem bonorably and beneflcially. A good name, a sound policy, good treatment to ah, backed with good quality goods, is a great asset for any business operat-, ing in the year 1921-"Tbe Criical Year"'. EXTRA VALUES IN GROCERIES THIS WEEK Aylmer Canned Peaches, in heavy syrup ......................25e Aylmer Pure Jams, 4 lb tins for .......... ....... oc Fresh Prunes, tender and meaty, 3 lbs ............................3(k Canned Corn, a limited supply, per can ...........................15e Gunn's Pork & Beans, 2 large tins ................................25C Potatoes, a f ew bags left, per 90 lb bag .............. ..............75c Sunkist Oranges ,best value in toWn, doz ........................25c Catsup, large bottle, very tasty .................................... 20c Domestie Sardines, 3 tins for....................................... 25c Salmon, small tins, 3 for............................................. 25c Pink Salmon ,large tin, 19e or 6 tins ... ***" .** ............ $1.00 Castile Soap, whille it lasts 6 bars for .............................25c GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS We bave just received our 1921 supply of Garden and Field Seeds from the Well known seedsmen-Rennies and Steele Briggs. Your wants in this department will receive our special attention. Seeds in, packages or in bulk. Get our price for Timotby Seed. ENJOY YOUR MEALS To get tbe most enjoyment and nourishmenât from your meals good fresh meats from well fed young stock is essential. We personally select our beef and insist on the best-that's wby you alWays get Ai1 quality meat at our shop. C.M.C A WK E lR &SON Butchers and'Grocers -Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 14, 19211 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Ernest Bottrell, Toronto, spent Sunday at homne. Miss Agnes Haddy, Toronto, spent the week-end atiome. Mrs. E. Williams is visiting hier daugbter, Mrs. Harry Spencer, Tor- ontcy. Mr. Pred D. Cherry, Schenectady, N. Y., is visîting his miother, Mrs. S. Cherry. Miss Allie L. Bragg has been visit- ing bier sister, Mrs. E. W. Rundie, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weýler have been visiting hier nce, Mrs. James Rose, Pickering. Mr. Wm. Lloyd and son Raymrond, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oke. Mr. Harley Percy, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Percy. Miss Chrissie Freeman spent the week-end with ber brother, Mr. E. R. Freeman, Whitby. Mrs. L. Paterson spent the week- end with hier sister, Mrs. Geo. Han- cock, Newtonville. Rev. Chancellor Bowles was guest of his brotber-in-law, Dr .J, C. Devitt over the week-end. Mr. Arthur Morris,' Windsor,' is visiting Mr. F. F. Morris and other relatives herèabouts. Mrs. Geo. Woods, Owen Sound, is visiting hier daugbter, Mrs. Geo. W. Jam es, Liberty Place. Mr. Chas. Chapple, Billings, Montana, is enjoying bolidays witb bis aunt, Mrs. F. M. Souch. Mrs. A. Jacobs (nee Edith Hillyer) of Toronto, is visi 'ting Mrs. Stanley Phillips and otber frien1s here. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Reynolds, Both- well, visited their daughiter, Mrs. Ervine Foster and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood have been visiting bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson), Port Hope. Miss Olive 'Mutton has comipleted her'course at Elliott's Business Col- lege, Toronto, and received hier Dip- loma. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ruse were in Toronto attending the Mendoîssoha concert in Massey Hall, Monday night. Bowmnanville District Women's Missionary Society will meet in Hampton on Tuesday, Maiy 10. Par- ticulars later. Miss Eva Corden and Milr. D. AI- dread spent the week-end with the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. McMullen, Niagara Falls. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams and Miss Luella Williams, Toronto, spent Sunday at- bis father's, Mr. Chas. Williams, Elgin-st. Mrs. A. P. Ditcbburn and Mr. And- rew Pollard lef t on Friday for Tor- onto er route to visit relatives in Riîchmond, Virgînia. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Ashton, DeýroitMich., is visiting bier m1other, M11rs.* Ga iley, and sister Mrs. S. C. Moore at the Metbodîst Parsonage. Mrs. W. H. Williams No bas been spending tbe winter with heu' niece, Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh, Toronto, bas returned to lier home here. Mrs. Rd. Bailey and Miss Bailey wbo spent the winter with the form-j er>s daugbter, Mrs. J. A. Archibald, Belleville, bave returned home. Mr. Fred R. Foley assisted in a progrnm at South Oshawa Metbodist Cburcb, Thursday evening, where Rev. W. H. Truscott is pastor. Toronto papers reported the Com- merce Alumnoe Minstrels a bowling success. Hear tbem in Oppra House, Saturday night in aid of Hospital., Mr. Chas. Hill, Buffalo, N. Y, was guest of bis sister, Mrs. H. . Burk1 over Sunday, on bis way home from attending the Rotarian Convention in Ottawa. Bowmanville Women's Institute will meet at the home of -Mrs. T, C. Jewell ,Ontario-st., on Friday, Apr-il 29th., at 8ý p. m. Good program Every member attend. Dr. Mabel V. Bray of the medical staff of the Mountain Sanitarium, Hamilton, was a week-end guest of bier uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, "Norwood Place"'. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Morris, Mr. Gordon Morris and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colwill, Newcastle, attended the funeral on Monday of their aunt, late Mrs. John Osborne, Fairview Parm, Mariposa. The intermenet took pince in Pleasant Point Cemetery. Chancellor Bowles of Victorîi Uni- versity, paid a great compliment to bis audience in the Metbodist Church on Sunday eveuaing. He said hee bad Fur and oft Our thoughts do wander To a grave so far away, Where tbey laid our darling Frank, Four sad years ago to-day. Sleep on dear son and take thy rest, They miss you most, wbo loved you best. Mother, Father, Sitter& and Brothers. I POSITION WANTED WANTED-By young woman, general housework by the day. Apply to M. W. Drawer B Bowmanville. 15-1w* LOST LOST-On Tuesday, April 5th., between residence of W. G. Rundie, Bethesda, and Ebenezer via Hampton and Solina Station a red fox stole. Reward for return to Evertoný White, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie, or phone 146-r2, or Statesman Office... HEL? WANTED WANTED-A capable woman or girl for housework. Apply to Mrs, E. C. Southey, Elgin-st., Bowmanville. 14-tf HOLSEKEEPER WANTED-Middle aged womnan, in family of 4, in village of Newcastle, to do general housework. Apply to Mr. Herbert Hancock, Newcast- le, Ontario. 1-tf 1" WANTED COTTAGE WANqTED-At Bowmanvllle- on-the-Lake for July and August. Re- ply te M. J. Smith, 43 ICeele-êt., Toronto. 12-2w WANTED TO RENT-6 or 7 roomed house wjth modemn conveniences, on May 11, Apply t Manager Ross Cao Co., Bowmanville, phone 23 or at Goodyear Club. 15-1w* TO LET TO RENT-Garden Ground ln any size plots. Appiy to H. L. Quinn, Libemty-st., Bowmanville, phone 73-w. 15-tf HOUSE TO RENT-¾/ mile west of Bowmanville on Kingston Road. Apply te R. R. Stevens, R. R. 3, Bowmanvllle, phone 175-r 3. il-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Good 7, roomýed house, good cellar, hard and sof t watem, wood shed and good garden witb number of fruit trees. Apply te E. F. Weatherllt, or phone 345, Bowmanville. il-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Quantity of Turnips. Ap- ply te J. K. Valleau, Base Line Bowman- ville. Phone 311. 15-tf FOR SALE-No. 2 Chatham Incubator, perfect condition, $10. P. Martin, High- et., North, Bowmanville. 15-1w* BARN FOR SALE-Frame .building, 30 x 50, in fair condition. Wiil seli reas- onabie as 1 have no use for It. H. N. Scott, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 1 14-2* FOR SALE-i tent 16 x 16 flooring for, tent dressed; 1 Bicycle, Gents; 1 Baby Carniage, Wicker; 1 Go-cart, Wicker, appiy Royal Theatre, Bowmanville. 15-t BULLS FOR SAI.E-Two Pure Bred Shorthorn Bulls, about 14 months old, registered, first ciass stock. Apply to Samuel Riokard, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 14-3* FOR SALE-Two Brussels Rugs, In brown shades, and one tapestry rug in green shade. Clothes Reel in good con- dition. Apply to Mrs. J. J. Lord, Wei- lington-st. Bowmanville. 15-tf FOR SALE-i mare .1300 lbs., sound and good to work $75 cash; 2 general purpose colts, rising 4 years. would make good drivers or work double. Appiy toArthur Beliman, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 139- r12. 15-tf FOR SALE-Two Generai Purpose Mares, 8 and 9 years old, also Tudhope covered buqgy, neariy good as new. Would exebanige for cows oryoung cat- tie. Apply Frank Aldsworth, lot 24, con. 3, Darlington, Oshawa P., O. 14-2* FOR SALE-A limited number of Cuth- bert Raspberry canes at $3.00 per bund- red or 20 dollars per thouàand, also Sena- tom Dunlop Stdawberry Plants at one dol- lar per hundred or eight dollars per thousand. Sydney Brown, R. R. 6, Bow- manville, lot 13, con. 3, Darlington. 15-3w" EGGS FOR HATCHING EGGS FOR HATCHING-From our, beavy iaying strain of barred rocks, $150 per seýtting. Thos. Bo.ttreil, cor Chumch & libemty-sts., Bowmanvilie, phone 2 13-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-From Utility White Leghorns, large heavy laying strain, $200 and $3.00 for 15. Ail un- f ertile eggs replaced fmee. Russell Sully, Courtice, 14-5w* FOR SALE-White Wyandotte Eggs for hatching. Pens seiected from 86 of the best layers 1 have ever bad. "Me- Leod Strain". Price $2.00 per setting of 13. Helen L. Carruthers, Centre-st., Bowmanville. phone 3,12-4w". Buff Leghorns-prize winners at Toron- to Garden Show Exhibition, also Barred Rocks, $3,00 setting. For Sale- BoIT Leghorn cockerels at $300 each. Good chance te improve your stock, heavy lay- ing strain. R. H. Diling, at Allin's Groeery Store, Bowmanville. 11-3" BRED TO LAY-White Wyandottes, Keller and Martin Strain; Barred Rocks, Parks and Thompson Strain; White Leg- homns, Barron and Ferris Strain; R. C. Brown Legborns, heaviiig laying strain. $1.50 per soetting, $10 per 100 eggs. R. H. Dilling, Allin's Grocery Store, Bow- Ipanville. 14-3* EGGS FOR HATCHING-Eamly to per- sistent layers of the highest quality are the bamred rocks produced on Erpinghamn Farm, large healthy birds headed by Thompeons cockerels and farm aised are wbat produced the fertile egge. $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs. Leave orders at Harry Allin's Grocery Store, or phone E. F. Weatherilt, 345, Bowmanvîlle. lltf EGGS FOR HATCHING-Wbite Wyan- dottes, something better every year, eggs from choice stock, some of it direct from the best trapnested and pedigreed laying pens of one of the largeet breeders la ,America My pullets made a high re- cord for the thrce winter months. $2.10 per setting. White Leghomns, Clarke etrain, $2.00 per setting. W. H. Car- ruthers, R. R. 1, Bowmanville phone 38-r2 PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Building lot corner of Lowe and Horsey-sts. Bowmanville. Ad- drese enquimies to Drawer Y, Bowman- ville. 12-tf FOR SALE-56 acres firet clase pasture -good dlay land, well watered and shad- ed. Apply te W. J. Ferguson R. R. 2, Burketon. 14-3" FOR SALE-Double brick bouse with modern conveni en ces, including bardwood floors, Pease Economy Furnace. Terme and price reasonable. Apply J. O'Neil, 19 Carlisle Ave. Bowmanville. 15-1w" HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-Con- taining 6 roome, shed, stable, and %, acre land on Duke-st., near G. T. R. Station, will seli cbeap. Apply to A. Dillick, Duke-st., Bowmanville phone 299. 14-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE-On Lamb's Lane, Bowmanville, about 1/ acre land with small fruits and frame building. Will be sold at bargain price. Apply to George Osborne, ownem, Bowmanville. 14-3 FOR SALE-On Liberty and Duke-st., near Base Line, Bowmanville, barn with brick foundation, lengtb 47 ft., width 27 ft., also SY½ acres adjoining. This will be sold very measonable for cash. For particulars applyStatesman OffIce...1Il tf FOR SALE-To close an estate: Blouse, Stable and 1/, acre lot in Bowmanville on the nomt-west corner of Church and Division St.reets opposite the Metîjodist Cburcb. For particulars apply te John Lyle, Town Hall, Bowmaaville, Ontario. il-tf FOR SALE-Blouse and Driving Blouse, frame dwelling bouse 17 x 25, six rooms, sommer kitchen 12 x 17, la good repair; Program of &he C""OMMERCE ALUMNAE MIN STRELS of Toronto which is being presented for the benefit of Bowvmanville Hospital in the OperauHouse, Bowýman vÉie Saturday, April l6th 8.15 P. M. ACT ONE 1. Ensemble .......In the Evening by the Moonlight"..... 2. Chatter............... .......................... Comediahis 3. Bones and Tambourine .....D. Birks and M. Jones 4. Chatter ............................... ....Comedians 5. Banjo Solo...«..........."iSwanee"ý..........F. Ward 6. Cborus.............Kentucky Blues" ............... Intermission ACT TWO 1. Solo and Cborus-",I'd Love to Fali Asleej* and Wake up in my Mammy's Arms" ....Art Lynn 2. Chatter......................................... Comedians 3. Trio....."Wben the Great Red Dawn is Sbining".. 4. Comie. Song ................................... Comedians 5. Chatter.................. .... Comedians 6. Bones and'Tambourine ....D., Birks and XWL Jones 7. ,Chatter ........................................ Comedians 8. Solo and closing Chorus. ."Happy" - Chas. Stevenson GOD SAVE THE KING TICKETS -5Oc..No extra charge for reserving seat. Plan now open atMitcheîl's Drug Store- Why Insure Y6Oir Automoble? 1. BECAUSE FIRE may destroy it any moment on the road or in the garage. 2. BECAUSE THE THJ]EF is alWays waiting his opportunity to steal. 3. BECAUSE YOUR LJABJLJTY for injuries in-. flicted on pedestrians may mean the wipmng out of your bank account and property. 4. BECAUSE COLLISIONS cost money -and are daily on the increase. 5. BECAUSE if you damage the other fellW's car or bis property, you Will be eall- ed on to pay for it. Think this over-and get in touch Wth- M. G. BELLMAN Representing Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd. Phone 102 Office King-st., Bowmanville. B>luebirds and Robins and New bSphkring Goods We have opened'out for your inspection this Week, the finest and most varied selection Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats that it bas ever been our privilege to resent foi- your inspection and verdict, as to their desirabij-. ity and value. ALSO NEW DRESS SILKS AND FANCY SILK, MATERALS FOR LADIES' SKIRTS New Linoleum and Congoleum Art Rugs Also New Linoleum and Floor Oilclothm-, al! widths from 1/2 yd. to 4 -yds. wide, S. oW. Mason &So Opposite t he Stanldard Bank, Bowmanville

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