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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1921, p. 6

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4 i C&WE7LL, I1cannot help wwIthat. 1 ain tryÎng' t4) ofigure (Mt how the business is going to- pull through and ineet the liabil- ities with prices faUing the way they have been lately." "ýBut, John, if anYthing happens te the business your ]health will be more neces- SM yto you than ever, and you caaxpot afford te take éhances o1 Puttlng much a strain on $'our nerv-eB. YOU are locklng so woràed arid nervons, and yon de net half «We~hat am 1te do? YOU knOýw I have got te keep plugging alcng and try te eee things through." "one thing yon can do is te begin a treatmeflt o1 Dr. <hase's «Nerve Food. You know how well that brOnght A mm The Double Track Route between 7 Meatreal Torouto DeRtroit Uniexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night train. anid Parlor cars on the principal day train. Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.Honn District PasBenger Agent, Torlonto.n J. H.L H. JURY, Aent Ph"*o 78 Bowwamville me arounid when =Y nerves gave out and 1 was o miser- Mr. Chiarles E. HOW, R. R. No, 5, AyInzýer, Ont., writes: "My system became gen- erally run down, and I suifer- -ed froin dull, heavy head- aches. 1 was nervous, coula neýt *leep at night, andarMy mauscleàs U8ed to twitch. My Wite becaine poor. I ha 1 conaulted a doetor, 'who gave nme a tente, but ft did no geod. 1 used other reniedies, too, before flnally trying Dr. ChaWes Nerve Food. I found that this did me nore good than enything I had ever, taken." Dr. Mhase's Nerve Food, 60 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. If YOU digestive 4isorcLo.zj, discomfort after cat- Sufe igconstipation, sè Suffelr. hbeadache, biliousues% Take a course of the famous Beecham%' Pilla. Prompt relief often follows the first dose. People everywhcre are proing ~evalue cf sciabee - In boxes, L=dtet Sle of rny Medicine lu the. Wold BOWMANVILLE, APRIL ý14, 1921; DARLIINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton,, March 16, 1921 Regular rneeting of couacil, rnm bers ail present, Reeve Baker pre-1 sidîng. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmied. W. Hl. Bennett made application to build wire fence for bonus. Granted. J. C. Thornton, Orono, addressed council in regard to conditions on- C. N. R., and calling attention to a rece»t deci sion of Board of Railway Commission. Clerk inistructed to notifyC. P. R. as to condition of approaches to Railway Crossing at lots 30 and 31, con. 10. Clerk was instructed to -order 6 roaddrags anda new cernent mixer; also te write Deputy Minister of Pub- lic Highways re comiplaint of Major R. J. Gui about water crossing his property and requesting that day rnay be set for meeting all parties con-: cerned. On motion of Couns. Wight and Brent, Council instructed Clerk to, send an invitation to the Durharn Old Boys' Association, Toronto, to corne to Hampton some tirne during corn- f ilx, rner, preferably in ranith of A-gsand spend the day in the new Municipal Park. 'Council decided to build cernent bridges this year without letting con- tracts. 'Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $10,00 from R. Rahmi on acct. of taxes for 1920; John Dyer, taxes for 1920, $22.85; F. J. Foster reatý of road, 1921, $3.00; A. J. Cans- dale taxes for 1920, 70c; and Robt. Rahrn balance of taxes, 1920, $7.00. Orders drawn on Treasurer were: Geo. Moore, shoveliag snow $2.401; C4 Adamns, teamiad culvert tubes, $2.50; H. Wilcox, rep. wheelbarrow, $2.50; J. Luxton, gravel, $3.12; Jonas Samis, gravel, $ 3.50; John Luxton, gravel, $6.25; Jas. Sulley, gravel, $9,00; W. J. Cana, cedar, $9.00; The Pediar People Ltd., cul- vert tuabes, $88.22; Edith V. Scobeil, bond for Treasurer, $5.001; W. R. Allia, salary, lst quarter, $120.041; Geo. White, advaace trustees S. S. No. il, $125,00; J. W. Virttie, do No. 13, $200.041; Sid T. Hoar, do No. 10, L$225.00; J. J. Smith, do No. 19, I$260-00, A. Milson, do No. 14, $275.00; R. J. McKessock do No. 20, I$300.001. W. R. Allýn, Tp. Cek G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having secured a License for Bowmanville District, I wlUbe pleased to conduct your sale REASONABLE RATE S- Write for date. 50-t *oem0 THE «LIFTUP" s~ e u (pâtented) rL nAsbLLFD COMRSà»a de- ] nlifrrm2ty wt the buscence of 4~~~~ Th ifu' atentd Invenition wth b~~~ ~~ ~ ,peatciide ielt, gently ifop. portsjie abomen.A dis vent beneficl sisatran orseatton Invoving an absî~nlinç,ision. Mot effetive In ce. fi ies~r~'~~r eo~'i'afi atiments trom whlh rleu Wfor unadul hintB On fitngsd ef-rneaauzement. Fre Upfreuzest __ of everyday life haveda- ged you d0V' made you un-r happy, andý there îs nothingo in life buit headache,ba- ache and worry, turn to the right prescri-,,1" tion, one e-tcn IIp by Dco Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., found out 'h at is naturally best for wom- 1-l lea dit 'qll treat- of cases. 'The resuit of his studies was a medicine called Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This miedicine iii made of vege- table growths that nature surely intented for backache, headache, weakening pains, and for mrany disorders common to women in ail ages of life. Sold by druggists in tablet and liquid forin. Sead Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial package. M WOMEN AN01 SURGICALOPEMII OMS Somi Are Etrommly Ncessaîy, Others May Net Be Every Woman Should Olve Lydia E. Pînkham'sa Vegetable Compound a Trial Flr.s* ChliagoIII- Ifflvas l bedwlthaim1t uland re tr ftnuee hem di me au goo. Tby ail saidI woald bMetehave au eper- en. Adrnuglat' metetk. Lydia B. Flk- ba'V tabeomud an ti k2 botule,,nyr ilsng a dose and attheend ot tabt Urne 1 as perfectly veli. I have navei had occa-. sion te talc, il agaii asi1 bavme bene nome l. I have a A: silx roflat sud do all My work. MIy twe sistera are takiflg the Compound upon MY recoimnendation and y ou .~ '. say publish rny letter. It i ...j write te any eue Who vanta o' e menaI letter,"-Mrs. E. H.HYooc1, 824St. Law- ronceAvehicago, ELI je A. Vermont voman adda her testftmony'te the long Ue e. t ose fotnant. womeik Who have ben rpoatred lo healt y-dis . Oompouad,aftor It b.d beom décîf l2 su opomi w n e es g ry B urlingten, Vt.--' 1 suffered wth femahk trouble, and had a number of doctors vWhe uaid that I would noVer Lo any btter Untfl I had an eperad<rn. 1Iwuobadl1cod bhardly walk aerae tho fior ani cofld net do a tblpg. I(y slstoria-andicd me te try Lj'dla Z. 1Ptiham'a Vegotablo Compoulld aIt cer-aiidy bas hèlptd me wondobrtuly. 1Ikeep houa. and d my worit and have a ,1mall rc-hiL 1 havee roeommndoulVeCetible Compoiind te a num- bero etYfriemnd SuRo cpl ~e Point Ferla, BuarzàtvV In ixeaitala ame m-ny~Woeuwoeeh.for àuriealeperatious, and thre la nothlng a weiaa &h-eads more theanthe though of anu eperalo; sud tii long weaiy menthse etrecovery aad reterallon te strengtb if it lasuces~J It la very true that feaiaIe troubles may through negIakctýreacit a stage, Where au OpýevCn la thse oni rewmrce, but moat cf the cmmunear laent. etî vomers amnet th*e Upgleal onz - tbey are met enuaed by gerlÔus dlaplade.. meuts, w»mo*'g r wtbe, aIthougýa lte asm oramesma a r these ame. Whe dburbz MIdI E.vetabie c dto he 'm'eàL"O mP"vum orw~ve t ae Lyla M. PtuakLba2wz fs Pr eIv % o Book unn *wtnsmts pee-m Har 'te Womens' uvr be sent te *ou fma uponeU wus Writei go The ILydtn. rIPtîtkam voN.0ne o., I£m* DEM.bptê Thïto book Conlaktns valaei uoata inedine. Sold in three e gremof trergÈhN..1, S lNo.2, $3;No.3,$5 per box. 8old by aIL Idrugists, or sflt j Prepaid on rece ipt of prive. ee paphIeL AddreFs YHE COOK fmEDICINO: o., TORONTO. ONT. (Fornrty Windser,1 iASK F9OJi the Fisherman, the "Mark of' Supremacy," On every bottie Ico emulsion thatI Iyou bu~y. This means t hat 'you will alwaYs ask for' SCOTT SI IEMU LSION Scot & owne. Tome, oOnt. -ALSO MAKERS 0F I FO aR et r <l rai Terrible W eep ino..ther dyil E C Z E w M1 E P Ma's. E. iHayesq, of Hr*mifron, a fe oDr. Ohaie'Olatie ii eIevOU% going Sough sefind relie, fnaly and afford wiaat gbne. s.alo-% cure bya loal 'eme.y.dealers, or Edmn.Bat..y& .,uk, "Te>o hnv Bft'red vwith wes'ping ecrema of Toronto. Sampie Box feeIr oi éUBti the li.d, se bac! tbat my Lands were hje!ýiesoeradK1bS eEtiPtpaeUê. -te have tried and trieti remed ies, withoujit re- lief--to have given iip)wotlc aud corne Southi for help-to have been etired comopletely on lia If a bottle of D. D D. , Th is is the ou bstanee of Mrs. Hayeà'letter, 22 Sunset St., Hamilton, Ont. Casscanble sent Vou from your own vicinity. Write for Canadian tetimonial,, or aeccre a bottie of D D. D. today. WhV i sufler itching torntet anlothers oentIf 7b-u don- get relief on Lic firat bottle, we will refund withiont qusto.$ioü a bottie, r .D oaaýc~ ME~ lotion -for 8 i ses zeé4J/f JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS BOWMAAiVILII2-11 OD' POSPiODIN T~TTy y The Great Enig!ishi Preparation. Tones atid ;inigoraies the vwhole LIG vI A nervous systemi. iakea new iilood in cld Veins. Ue frNervous ÎDebskity, Mlental and Brain WorryM nyivse ino D .po t .L i f nr gv piainJý heHa-' ,ig eoy Prel'pebox ed Hré for î SMby al11gise rmaldi i iously expende. Hr- fre.TU WOD EDIIN CO.TOONOOT. worth of coal.. Here y6t TheNeeles Mierysati sfactory service. hat Women cr,£,ýar John A.Ho] XH E Nthe ç: vwhouse-Queen and Division Sts. &Ad the worries ý BE PARTICULPqR You cannot be too particular about the insurance you choose. The 40 com- pallies we represent will stand; the acid test of investigation. Firp Losses dealt with very liberally and pai i iup with as littie delay as possible. YOU GET, THE iBEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J.u MASON 1&c SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville SEELNG TIME WILL SOON BE HERE We are op en to buy a limited quantity o SEED GRAIN of the folloWing varieties: BARLEY-O. A., C. No. 21 and Two Rowed OATS-any good grade SPRING RYE WHEAT-Marquis, Prince Imperial, Goose We have also for sale chQice No1 Govern- ment Standard and home grown RED CLOVER, ALýSIKE, TIMOTHY, and are prepared tosupply other varieties if needed.- Stili have a good supply of Coal,'Wood, Lum.- ber and Building Material. Quality right and prices reasonable. Caîl and see us. MéClellan & Company Limaited H .îing Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15- Residences,228 and 274 I, I - Cream Wanted! Prices' of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Y 1ours Ifwe fail to cail on you we would appreciate a phone cali or Write us. Orono Creaniery Co., ORON "Y ou Are Working Too Hard, John"' = /1 LLEY COAL ur, coal is cash conscient- rou will get your money's )u receive a full ton/ plus [gate ,&-r'Son, Mai' I.- 1 " Bow man ville 1 1 l

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