Mr. George M. James, B. A., LL, D., of Belleville Hig1h School Staff, was elected President of the Comnmercial Section of Oý-ntarîo Edu- ctý!onaI Association in session in Toronto last -week. Notice To Creditors IN TIIE MATTER 0OF the estate of Wiliamn Eynon, Pollard late of the town- ,ship of Darlinigton, farmer, deceased. NOTICF, IS IIEREBY GIVEN that ail persons having any dlaims or demands against the late Williamn Eynofl Bollard who died on or about the thirteenth day jf ebSuary 1921, at thetonip f Darliiigton, are reciuired to send by post prepald or to deliver to the underslgned execuitrix under the will of the said de- ceased their names and addresses .and fuîtl particulars in writing of their dlaims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any, held by thern. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the filrst day of May 1921 the executors and trustees under the will of the said de- ceased will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased amnong the per- sons entitled thereto having& regard only to the dlaims of which. they shaîl then have had notice and that sald executors and trustees will not be lhable for tue said assets or any part thereof fo any person of whose daim the undersigned executrix' shahl not then have received notice. Dated at Bowmanville, March 22nd., 1921. Catherine Rose Pollard (Mrs. W. E. Pollard), executrix under will of said de- ceased, R. R. 4,, Bowmanville, 'Ontario. 13-3w EXA MINE YO(JbR TIRES If your tires need atten- tioQn now is the time to have them repaired by us bef ore the Spring rush. You will save money and add to the life of your tires by having us repair them. AHl work done by ex- perts and we guarantee satisfaction. Tire Repair Experts Jamieson B 1ros. BOWMANVILLE: OSHAWA: Statesman Block Jackson Garage 'J Mark Wel! Your saleguard is the name This is the genuine 'tea of ail teas'. Il you do not use Saladag send us a post cas'd for a Îre sa.mple, stating thie price you ftow pay and il you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address SaladaToronto Why We Sel "A uto-Shoes" We have been in the tire business a good while. W/e have sold tbem ail. We know the "stayers"-the tires that gi emilleage, that are dependable, that neyer vary in performance. We put Ames Holden "Auto-Shoes" in that class\ and we know that once you hil a set youlI cernc to -us regularly for them. Because ihey arc reaevalue-rnileage that costs is den~b tires, made by a decpenda'iie t o e~ it the last shreci. If our roads n.<- e D.i c g u of yourtil -<)n- 1") v- and 1 U <_r i iwiîh a SC'-f'~ M'i .1e o'1L Cord and Fabric Tires in ail Standard Sizes J. HATELY Temperance-st., Bowmanville Phone44 andl114 ST M "j ____________________________________________________ Unus il Value Throughotyt This à,,Car. IT seems to be, generally accepted now that anyone who is interesteci in a motor car must consider the Gray-Dort., More and more men are coming to regard thie Gray-Dort 'as the best light car and the biggest value at any price., This intensely favorable attitude to the Gray- Dort is the result of the complet e value of this car-low piegasoline and tire econ- omy, unusual good looks, power, speed, comfort and long- trouble-free «[ce. Not one featureissacrificed. Naturally, such value makes it diffic supply the demand. Gray-Dort dea]q able to make early deIiveries to a few c See your dealer now. A. W4. PICKARD, Bowmanville, Ont. Van CAMP & SMITH, Blackstock, Ont. icuit lers tc ar~ oviners. Y. e '4 "1 t' GRmAY.D-ORT MOTORS, LIMITED CHATHAM@ ONTAR9 Go at thie task of doing each day's Howard Faflis of Mîllbrook has work well. purchased a farni in the Genesee Valley, Nrw York State, between Young man, do what you can do Rochester and Buffalo, and has taken best in the best way youa can do it. possession of his new property. Central G lrage Temperance=st Opp. St. John's ýChurch 'Wjewish to announce that we bave been appointed Chevrolet Service Station We have secured a first.class mechanie who can repair ail makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full supply of Ford, Chevrolet and Maxwell parts, Gasoline, Greases and Ois. J. IIÂTEru-LY -The'Garag-;e Man Phone 44 and 114 Bowmanville