Enjoy Outdoor Lii You can't get too mucli fresh air these da. Enjoy outdoor sports and buy sporting goo, here: SPALDJNG BASEBALL GOODS SPALDING FOOTBALL GOODS INDIAN MOTORCYCLES CLEVELAND BICYCLES FIS HING TACKLE BUY GARDEN TOOLS HERIE where stock is large and prices lowest Mason & DaIe's L lardware The Store with the Big Hardware Stock, Phone 145 Bowmanvi p GIVE ME 'YOUR ATTE"NTIffl OwN FRUIT ýGROWERS 1 have established a bocal Distri buting Waehouse at Cobourg, and I am pre- pared to make shipaients of the fol- lowfng in Small Quantities or ini Car Lots: BERRY BOXES 5-LB. TIN-TOP FRUIT BOXES SHIPPING CRATES ECG CRATES APPLE BOXES APPLE CéRATES PHONE OR WRITE FOR PRICES SHlaE R M AN COPE R COBOURG, ONT.' PHONES 256 and 514 P. O. BOX 836 DOMINION STOR] CHAIN GROCERY STORES-78 ST Chain store service assures dlean, fresh prices which only economicaldistributi ma kes possible. Bargains For îThursdaj Saturday O: SPEIAL Ta cl BLEND Ta3cl ALL LAUNDRYCa .4 5 BARS FOROp~ Cornflakes 23 KELOGG'S 2 PKGS ùSU6( AIR 100 LBS BAC RLLED Oats 22c $12 SIEDT Bao PER INEST BaconLB 49c Egg. THE STORE 0F REAL DOMINION STORE!â Kîig-St., West 2Doors East of Hotel & ENFIELD MAPLE GROVE Mr. . Frguon s uner edial issMinnie Hicks, Oshawa, visited advisement at present. lier parents for a f ew days. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ormiston The W. M. S. held a successful - A Oshawa, visited relatives and friends 'meeting on enuesy feno here. last.I Mr. eore Sron andfamly ave Ms H. G. Freeman and daughter Mr.ýGorge trongand fmofythee samei moved t othe home lie purchased near ay, spent Sunday with friends in y5 nkrs coo.town.of t e s m ýYSý. Bake's Scool.Every memier of the Bible Class dsr. Bert Ferguson received abad is requested Éo be present next Sab-M several stitches from a horse last for consideration."C Sunday.' League meeting this Friday even-S Mr. and Mrs. Albert Niddery and ing, April l5th,, in the hall. An family, Tweed, and Mr. and Mrs. interesting pr ogram with lanteLrn Harry T. James and family, Coium- slideÉ on Mis;sionary Work in South bus, visited at Mr. John Hepburn's. America, by R-ev. Fred Story, Mis- Voters ail are requested to appear sionary. Sue collection,., at Bradley's Sch ool next Monday and mark their ballot YES. Bradley's DARLINGTON School community always speaks and ___ acts for the uplift of humanity. Report of, S. S. No. 3, Darliington,t S ____________naines in order of menit: IV-C. HAMPTONBell, R. Rundie. Sr. III-L. Hopps. HÂMPTONJr. I1-C. Crago, G. Abernethy, (ab- Mr. Chas. Horn was in Toronto. sent). Sr. II-R. Hopps, A. Clarke, F y a d St ra n ~ F. Blackburn. Jr. 11-E. Foley. Sm. Mrs. E. Hastings visited friends at I--L. Bell, F. Lane. Jr. I-E. n dy O Will Horn off ers special values in B. Campbell, L. Rundle. NewcstleWoroppBDoonds..P.-G4LaeA prit'i 5th and , i 6th. Men' Wor Bots. 4-2Helena Cain, teacher. Mr. W. Wilbur visited lis brothers Mms. A. Nix, Hamilton, and Mzrs. 1le in Toronto recently. Pringle, Port Hope, visited Miss Etta W a odru hn ti oko o a ae'o ehn ,le Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hermîng, En- Amsbury and, attended the funeralW ata odefltigiisokow ou an av so thn niskillen, at H. Wilcox's, Jr. -of the late Miss Mary MeMillan... Rev. J. 0. Totton was in Stouffville Miss Winnie Gage, Town, is iii at the when you need it. Most of us know what an extra pair of pants and Toronto for a few days. home of lier cousin, Mr. Wallace Downey. .. .Alfred, littie son of Mr. mean. With ail the old coats and, vests kiclking around the house Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKessock, John E. Allun, is recovering from Solina, visited at W. W. Horn'. pneumonia. . .. Mrs. Bruce MetcalfanetapiOfros s asaohrsu. I shrfr,:ln Miss Minnie Hor isvisiting hier is home from Bowmanville Hospitalparo toses ens nthr ui. tisteefoepln brother ,Mr. J. B. Horn, Peterboro. where she was ilîl for two months. . to ail what you can save by coming to our store on Friday or Satur- Mrs. J. J. Virtue is visiting friends . .Mr. Will Moore, Hampton, wns a at St. Catharines and Burlington. recent visitor at Mr. W. H-. Wood's.da ony ndb igasutathspce Mr. Chas. Burrows, Oshawa, spent Mrs, Moore who là in the hospiait is dyOl-adbyn uta hspie Sunday with lis father, Mr, J. >,,. recovering slowly from an opera- Burows. tion for appDend(icitis. . Miss Florence Mis Hael ood, Nwcatle *.Burk lias sold lier driver to a denier Spring is here this givesFo Frdy ndStr y MisHzlWos ecslvs-of Toronto. $40,iayad aui" ted with her grandparents, Mr. and ________ m,__ail our former $0 4 Mrs. L. Johns. you an opportunity to get a n 5 ausa n Miss Iva Avere accompanied by COURTICE al~ undg5 ale t$27.00,in at lierhoat Brket comn. îbyock quite ill. LforU Serges and Worsteds, in ailà Mr. rnkCareacopaîd y No Epworth League service Thurs- for E U an the mother, Mrs. Robertson, Watrous, day evening, owing to rain. hdsadw i t. Sask., are, visiting at Mr. T. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp, Lake- Clnrke's. field, recently visited lis sister, Mrs. SMale choir on Sunday evening, John Walter. April 3rd., rendered good music, in- Messrs. W. R. Courtice and S. S. tad" aI cluding A pretty quartet "I want Brooks were in Toronto on Thurs- my if e to tell for Jesus" wideh was day.'1b Salter and Wilbur. home after a plensant visit with reln- League meeting of April Sth., wns tives in Columbus and Solina. Guaranteed to your satis- Head Office Agents ai over in charge of Miss Emma Salter, Mis- Sunday services were well attend- faction or money refund- S5 Church Street I Canada sîonary Vice-President. Meeting ed, Pastor Boyce delivercd two ex-ey opened with sînging and prayer by cellent sermons, choir endered good edT R N O Rev. Pastor Totton., The lesson music. 9lst Psalm was rend by Mr. Frank Mm. W. S. Oke and family have Hnstings. The topic "The Forward ýmoved into the house recentîy oc- DON'T FORGET THE PLACE Movement in China and Japan" was cupied by Mm. A. Cook in West presented by Mm. Hilton Peters. Miss Courtice.Loa Rprsn tie Mary Souch played a piano solo. About 30 from liere attended theLoa ersn ti s Short eadings were, gîven by Wal- concert givea in St. George Hall, lace Rorn and Mms. Clatworthy. Aftem Oshawa, Thursdav venirg, Mr. Ram- ' 1 singing n hymn Miss Helen Johns ry Stafford beirg the trýiiner as well à gave n, eading. Meeting closed as taking an important part. Al o .%&e f r &S u T i o s wîth the Lengue Benedîction. Be wemre delighted with the drana, "Fac-J Oe l& o ao r . sure and come to League next Fri-, ng the Music". day. Something extra, On Monday evening about fifty Corner Silver & King-st., W. Bowmanvilie _____________fiends composed -,Iiefly of members b.. ~~~~~~~~of choir and Snn School officers_________________ __________________________________ SALEM assembled ant the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gaýy, to "Welcome Home" of January, 1922. Said fixed assessment said proposed by-law, it wili be talen Snlem Damatic Club will repent Frank L. Wa- ,i',--ho lias spent the W not to appiy te schooi taxes or local im- into considleration by the Municipal JA A AND WEtEREAS the parties hereto ing thereof to be held after the expira- Fridny, Aprîl 22nd., at 8 p. m., in the portune time Mm- . Geo. F. Annis in a A. L deem it expedient to enter into this tion of one month from the date of the Churcli. The Bragg Quartet will few fitting emarks referred to the agreement. rs publication of this notice and that fumnîsh music. Admission 35e and higli esteem in.-which Frank is held by Npre102es and Sthe u in oeanotshe- urstnthidatof wAi ade1on21. ____25c. 15-2w lis Courtice friends. On hehaîf of Nop109 iTesSde mt n coetinan the such rsthpulaionainadeon2t. inafter contained the parties hereto agree TAXE NOTICE FURTHER that a ten- topresent C agencofte eening Cniudfodae1 as follows:- ant who desires to vote upon the snid preseted te guet ofthe eenîng (Contnuedfrom age 11. I . meiatproonosedpasby-lawpomusty-ademstvdriv to o the with a1.aImmediateuy on tae passingtof a Clerk, not later than the tenth day be- wit ahadsmeclb agasa lihtproperly submitted by-law. confirming fore 'the day appiointed for takoing the token of appreciation for lis ser- SCHEDULE "B" this agreement the Company shall grant votes 'a deciaration under TUE CANADÂ& Sunay dhol. AGREMET adein upicae tisrelease and quit dlaim unto the Corpora- EVIDENCE ACT, that he is a tenant vices in choir and 1921Shol GEEETmdei uliaeti tion, i consideration of the sum ofwoelasexedfrth m fr Altoug taen omletly y sr- ieent da ofAprl,$200000 ail its right titie and interest which the debt or linbility is to be creat- prise Frank esponded suitalily. The lu the lands owned by the Corporation on1 ed or in which the money to bc maised ËE , L M TD rest of the évening was pleasantly BETWEEN or near the sonth west corner of Church by the proposed by-iaw is payable or for spent informally with music, gamnes, THE BOWMANVILLE FOUNDRY CO., and Division Street in the Town of Bow- at îeast twenty-one years, and that he etc Daity efesîent wre IMIEDmanville which said lands are more par- bas, by the lEjase, covenanted to pay ail etc. Daity efrshmets ere LIMTEDticulariy referred to in the said in part municipal taxes in respect of the property semved after which compnny ahl sang (bereinafter called the Company), recited agreement of October 1901. of which he is tenant other than local FORES IN ONTARIO"Pack ahl your troubles in youm new 0F THE FIRST 1 ART, 2 The salod conveyance by the Com- improvement rates. ORES IN ONTARIOClub Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile". TU and0FTE ON pany to the Corporation shal bc a coin- JOHN LYLE, plete surrender of ail the Companys right TECORPORATIONOTH WN titie and interest mbt and out of the Cierk of the Monicipality of the 0F BOWMANVJLLE said lands. Town of Bowmanville, quality goods with bow ENNISKILLEN (hereinafter called the Corporation), 3. The Company wiil witbin three 15-3w 0F TU7E SECOND PARET. years fromn the, date hereof erect on the____________________ Newly-elected Sunday Sdhool offi- sHRA ya gemn aidelanfis owned by it west of Scugog -ion of large quantities cr: Spr tedn-ne . WEEA byaageet between Street buildings, including those already D cers Suerýtenent--Jaes ,.,the Municia2LI Corporation of the Town erected thereon, to a valueý of not les RLINGTON EDUCATION4AL Wery; Ass't--John Slemon; Secre- of Bowmanviiie, and one, George Linton, than $60,000.00. ASSOCIATION tary-Roward Pye; Ass't-Roy Mc- made in or about the month of October 4. The Corporation agrees to submit Gill; Treasurer-Theo Slemon; Or- 1901, and referred to in DY-Law No. 638, with ahl reasonable speed a by-law ap- The Damington Educational, Associa- ReaiMeGiln; Smith; Ass't Organist- of the Town of Bowmanviile, it was pro- proving of this agreement. The sa.id tion will meet in Hampton on Thurs- Reva Missionnry Secretay- years fromn the date of the said agree- the assesement of the Compnny, except day, Aprîl 21 st., at 8 p. m. zT Frid ir andMrs. ýJames A. Werry; Tempemance ment the Town of Bowmanvilie mîght for scbool taxes and local improvements, R. J. McKessock, F. J., Groat, cesr ntitie for certain buildings to ary, 1922, at the. sum of $20 000.00 such Rol uplt.-Mrs. Howard tvnsbcecedy the ýaid George Linton or assessment to Include any and ail ad- VAss't.--Mrs. Geo. R. Prestoni Home bis successors iv titie, on the ýproperty ditions to buildings and plant now or________ n'ly Dept. Supt.- Mrs T. McGill; Ass't- oned by the Town of Bowmanvilhe at or hereafter to be erected on the said lands Mr. m.Ok; riar Tndr- near the South West corner of Church for tbe said period of ten yenrs. FARMERS ATTENTION MsWi.ke rmr ece and Division Streets in the Town of Upnteecuinfthsar -____ _______________________________Marion Orchard; Ass't-Mrs. R. J. Bowmanville, andi used by the said George ment by the xCorortion theiisCoreer- Wermy; Junior Boys-Mrs. Preston; Linton, and bis successors intitie beîng m ytio hahCproceorthinthe torpumita Qntt fNtSoe n Asst-Roy McGill; Iiitemmediate the oansi Foundry o pay Lim-,b by-law to authorize and approve of this other sizes of Coal at Tyrone C. N. 3 LBC Bos--eliaBrun; As't-ran idtei as a Founr, ao fn aybe oabeagreement and to provide for the carry- R. Station. Price niglit. Caîl be- 3 LB Q Boys~lîa Bunt; ss't.Fmancs detrmine by abitraion i necesary.ing out of the 'same andi upon tbe saidfr reigyu upyo ol ~..rso TIN 83.D Werry; Junior Girls-Mrs. Alymer AND WUEREAS the Bowmanvilhe by-lay being approved hy the rate pay-reH orn yacupl f o Beeci; Ass't4-AIm Wer;Iter. Foundry Clompauy Limjted are the.u-osbc oni fte oprtoÏha ot . .5 omn wr aurw u-u-belng on the West ofîscugog Street an,4 sida (if Churohi Street., able Service..M, and l M r ofi.t- norh 0 Vte . . R ngbt et way. Southi Ward-Beserment of Public Sohool Suggitt visited Toronto recentl. .. 59 14 M T DBULL FOR SERVICE AND WHEREAS the Company bas ne- onl Victoria Street, Mms. Wilt0in Cread, Gravenhumst, quested as part of the consdemation of And that the Fourth day 0 f May, 1921, visited her father and friends on, Suan- SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE- this agreement a ftxed a.ssessmaent of at the hlour of elevan o'chock lithn fr "Erpinghamn Snowdrop 142039" wlh ba $20,000.00 for tan yaars on tha factory noon, at the CoulnciliChamber, Bowman: "-d,3y and Mnu. J. W. 'P.nerseï- retumns hehd for service on Erpinghamn Farm at pr mises now on and to ba erected on the ville, has been fixed for the appointmant oewt e n4wl i- e owiuanBowmianville, -lot 8 o , DrIdgon slande north of the c. r. n aid asq, of pansons to attend at the afrs i nce, Missq GracepWashington wsith BowmavilleTernis $2 at timie of service or If bô k d sassaient to incude ail buildings nrovvor pohllng places and at the Dlsu nggcovlsen o rv nbu Who p in Bowmanille . F. eathe1li, 30-,Val)vol,3 hreafvotes e Clark, uai rimn Phone114- . ltf saîfI perlod of ten yeansfrom i tefe ay assant of the electoru Is obtalaed to the HORpital. M--