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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1921, p. 2

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VETERINARY DR.ý F., T. TICHE 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or- Nght Cails Promptly Âttended To. ^Offce, King-st., W., Statesiman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian, Pbclftc, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- Ican. Ask for information. Phoee 53, Bowmanvile. LEGAL Md. C4. V. GOULD, B. A., LL1-D. 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY M.,%oney to loan on Farmn and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mortgage Loans Aranged. Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Rosi- dence 178 J., Bleakley Block, Bow- manville. 45-t MEDICAL '8. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. iGold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- oiclan and Surgeon at Mt. larel Hospital, Pittaburg, Xe. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- .manville. Phono 108. 36 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., Oaraduate of Trinity Medical College, 'Toronto, formerly of Enniskiilen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, .former residence on'Church-st., Bow- manville. 'Phone 259. 4 4-t DR. V. H.STOREY Graduate Toronto University, year and haîf resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six months Burnside Maternity) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10-1yr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 3,Ei*nor graduato in Dentistry Torontoi U7niversi.ty. Graduate of, the Royal 'Colloge of Dental Surgeons of Ont- ,;trio. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phono 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduato of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, Kîng-st East, Bow- manvillo. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone »0a. House phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MOR~RIS CO. Mïost complete equipmont. Sunday and nght.cals promptly attoendod to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, ODuke-st., ,Just opposite Canning F'actory, pays highest cash prices for taîl kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or caîl at bis residenco. 5-tff. NOTICE TO PUBLIC -1,have taken out a license in Bow- manvillo to buy all kinds of Junk and Poultry. Will pay the highest prico. Apply by phone 289 or calon Mr., .Pike, Ontario-st. lfttnson's homne treatment for epîlepsy.1 "Twenty years' success. Thousands off itestimonlals. No case should be consid- 'er'ed hopeless. Free bookiet. Wm. Stin- ,son Remedy Co., off Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr MERCHANTS CASUALTY COMPANY Specialists In Health and Acclaent Insurance. Policles Ilberal and unrestricted. Over $1,000,000 pald In losses. Exceptional opportunitles for local agents. 904, Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto, Ont. 6-50 CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OSHAWA. Our wlnter term commences Januac'y 3. Sookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewritlng, Complets Commercial and Complete Stenographlc courses. KIng Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phono 9174 i tf Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto ,S WELL KNOWN THROUGH. ,OUeT CýANwADýA FR HG IMrs, Edith V. ScobdlA Photîig n8 owmanville We hm e llustrate two riag fahoned iheavy kaenameded top, imd ýrOcurabIe for any ( wacety m an uval of~ Price $9.00 m R1liot Br( Jew.len desigasof 1 01. gw~. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 21,11921. THE PEDITOR TALKS Some time' ago we were convers- ing with a prominent man from an- other town and we inquired respect- ing the success of our friend of our younger days who has continued in the teachîng profession. H1e con- sidered him a likeable man, popular with his scholars but lacking in dis- cipline.. For the benefit of the boys under his charge we would rather he were lackîng somewhat in popularity if he were strong in authority. Com- pared with the days of oui boyhood there is a woeful lack of parental authority and when a similar lack ob- tains, ii the 'sehools the children are truly to be pitied. We believe that one cause of the wave of crime that prevails in Canada at the present time is due in large measure to the absence of preper restraint and dis- cipline la homes and schools. What kind of a future can parents expect for their chîldren when they allow them to run the street every night tili ail heurs instead of being, engag- ed la learning some useful task at home? Be assured of this fact that as they sew se shall they reap. Par- ents and teachers, think of these things. "Spare the rod (or author- ity) and spoil the child is as true as when first written in Holy Writ. We have been reading again the book by Chu~rchill "In a Far Country" and havegreatly admired the leading character Ilugh Paret. If the boys of these times would fehbow his in- dustry and determination to make good la every worthy undertaking in which he engaged they would get somewhere worth while as Hughdid. H1e was not only an indefatigable plodder but he was a thinker. Here is where too many boys £ail. They do net think serîoýusly. A writer has said that constructive thinking is one of the rarest things la the world. Some of you would be astonished if you kept tracit of your thoughts for a day to see how aimless they wore, and how dependent on outside influ- ences. You were not thinking along aciy especial line, ner te an'y special end, but your mind grasped this sug- gestion or that, shoved in from the outside world, and theught of that tubl something new took its place. It is, net what we eat, but what we digest that nettrishes us. It is net what we learn, but what we think1 about that gives us intellectual power. Sometimes a friend),' will offer yeu a penny for your thoughts. If they are the right kind of thoughts, they should be worth a thousand dol- lars any day. Admiration ever goes eut te the one who plays the game f airly. Far1 better te lose the game than te ýwin by unfair or underhand means. The spirit of fair play is the gem of sport. In the procession the other day which welcemed home the University of Toronto hockey team, winners of the coveted Allan Cup, was a fleat bear- ing the -inscription~, "The Spirit Did It." ,What spirit? The spirit that was net discouraged by an initial'de- feat but "came from behind"' and won; the spirit that values, the game henestly played more than it values the victory; the spirit of admiration fer eppenents, the spirit of good f el- 1Lowvship, the spirit of manliness, in' the real sense; in brief, the spirit, which makes these players, and university students- in general, as Sir Robert Falconer termed',them, "net enly good, sports but fine gentlemen." Is there, anything more necessary in Canada and la the werld at the pre- sent time than the, develepment- of this very spirit? How seen the un- rest, the bickerings, the jealousies, the vicieus violence of the "Reds" weubd disappear if ahl citizens reali- zed that team work and the telerant, true spirit of "the game" are nec- essary te the welf are of thîs and ahl other ceuntriesT!ý Good humeur, broad knowledge ,and mutual sym- pathy arà neede-d now as neyer be- fore. SEASONABLE ITEMS BY D. R. The glad notes of bird on wing, un- bock the portais of the Spring. The presence ef se many crows gave cause te hope for an early Spring. The cream of the basebaîl team should be found la the pitcher. Now is the time te do your spring cleaning. If yeu haven't a sprîng, dlean eut the well. A botanist declares each tree has a veice of its own. We knew most of them had a bark. As we sow, se shall we reap, dees net always apply te the fine pictures -e seeonthe-se.-pakages HLielping You Choose Wall Paper If you're perplexed about selecting just the right styles of Wall Pa-pers for Spring decorating -orne to THE BIG 20. A 'Very complete, stock of ail shades an'd designs. We can show you any of the patterns frorn the, roll which gives you a much better idea how they look when on the wall, The prices are exceptionally low. be pleased to show'you. Big 20, Bookstore We will ALLEN j Bowmanville 0Groceri es The Corner Gîrocer Is WeII Prepared 7bo Serve The Best Interests 0f His, Customers, At Ail Times. HARRY PUR0NE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE f .. 1 Ir'u 19 yset forth in schedule "A" hereto annexe d, hich said schedule is hereby deolared to lie and form part off this By->~w. The said Debentures shall be payable at the the Town of Bowmanville. No., 1029 3l. The Mayor off the Corporation shall ______sign andisuth debentures, and the samne and the. interest coupons attached thereto shall aise bie signed by the Troasuror of the Corporation, and the O f the Cor pora- debentures shall be sealod with the sa 'T .During the twenty years, the cur- tdon of the Towrn roncy off the debenturos, the sum of $1,743.69, shall be raisod annually for 7~OJ1lte Paymoentoff delit and Interest by a; o f DOM w lfanvillie spcial rate sufficient therofor over andý a.bove ail othcr rates on ail the rateablel property in the Municipality, at the same' timo, and'in the same mnanner as other rates. A DY-LAW authorizing the issue off de- 5. That the Corporation gra nts to theI bontures for the snm off $20000.00 for the said Company as provided hy the agree- purpose cf purchasing the buildings andI ment referred te as sohedue "B" hereto improvements erected by the Bowman-,annexed for ton years from the flrst off, ville Foundry Company Lirnited, on lands January,- 1922, a flxed assossment offi owned by the Corporation off the Town off $20 000.00 except school rates and local Bowmanville, on or near the South West improvements upon al such land, build- corner off Churcli and Division Streets, ininsandmnfcuigacsoisa the said Town, andi also granting the said ay lie use d for manufacturing purposes Company a flxed assessment for ton years onmy by Lthe said referred to Company, on the lands owned by it, west off Scugog but not othierwise. Street and North off the C. P. R. rlght of ý 6. That the Agreement dated the llth way, in the said Town. day of Apr il, 1911, a copy off which is hereto aninexed as schedule "B" is hoe- WIIEREAS the Bowmanville, Foundry by appro-Ved and the execution off the Company Lîmited has entered into an samne by the Mayor and Clerk under the Agreement with the Corporation off the seal of the Corporation, is hereby rati- Town off Bowmanville, bearing date the fled and conflrmed subject te the approval llth day off April, 1921, subjecL te the ap- off the E lectors. proval off the rate payers off the said, Cor- 7. 'This By-law shaîl take effeot on the poration, a copy whereof is set forth as dyoffnlpsigteef schedule "B" here te annexed. aofinlpsngteo. ANDl WHEREAS in the opinion off the Read a second time April 12th., 1921. Municipal Council off the Town off Bow- Ra scn ieArl1t. 91 Station-to- Mlles Station Rate 4-12 ........2.1 112-1... *,...... ... .15 18........ 48-56 .......... 1. .40 56-64.............,. A45 Person-to- Person Rate $0.15 .20 Station-to-Station Service Station-to-Station service should be used when you are willing to talk to ANYONE at a distant telephone - tl'iat is, when you do not need to get a part iclar person on the limie. Station-to-Station service is not only cheaper, but more rapid and accurate than Person-to-Person service, On Sta- tion-to-Station service the cafl can be completed as soon as the distant tele- phone is answered, while on a Person-to- Person cO the party wanted teephone. V The charge for a Station-to-Station cail cannot be reversed - that is, it can- not be cibarged to the telephone called, for in that case the telephone operator would bave to locate a particular person to approve the charge, which would make it a Person-to-Person oeil. Person-to-Person Service When you make a cail specifyring that conversation is desired wïth a particular person at a given number, Persan-b,. Person service is, used. As this service requires greater oper- ating labor and circuit time than a Station-to-Stati on cail, the rate is about 25. per cent greater. Examples of Tifferent Rates Foilowing are examples shxwing the station-to-station and perso-toý-person rates for distances up to shxty-four miles: said Agreement, AND WIIEREAS it 19 necessary te lier- row the sum off $20,000.00 on the credit off the Corporation, and te issue debentures thereffor bqaring interest at the rate off Six per cent per annum, which is the ameunt off the delit created,,by this By- Law. AND WHEREAS it is expedient te make the principal off the saiS debt, re- payable ln yearly sums Suring the period of twenty years off such ameunts re- spectively, that the aggregate ameunt payable for principal and interest ln any year shahlieb equal as nearly as may be te the amount se payable for principal anS interest in each off the other years. AND WIIEREAS it is necossary te raise annually' the sum off $1, 743.69 during the perleS cf twenty years .to pay the said yearly sums off principal anS interest as they beqome, due. AND WIIEREAS the whole rateable proporty off the Municipality, according te the hast rovised assessment roll is $2, 103,826. AND WIITEREAS the amount off the ex- isting debenture delit off the Corporation (exclusive off lociaI improyement debts, socured by special rates or assessments) is $27137597, dlvided as folows: Waterv orks and Sewerage debentures $168,573.10 Ahi other, except Loc. Improve- 1 ment $102,802.87 anS ne part off the principal or interest is la arrear; and aËgalnst said general debenture Polit the saiS Corporation bas a sinking finS lu possession, la Vlctory Loan Bonds and debentures off othor Cor- porations which it has acquired, amount- in-g te $15371-.50. THIIEREFORE the Municipal Council off the Corporation off the Town off Bowman- ville, erýacts as ffolows:- 1.' Tha t foi' the purpose afforesaid there shahlieb borrowed on the credit off the Corporation at large the sum off $20 000.00 and debentures shal libe is- sueS therefor ln sums off net less than $10000 each boaring lnterest at the rate of Six per cent per 'annumn and having coupons 'attached thereto for the pay- ment off interest. 2 The Sebentures shah ail bear the camue date anS shahlieb issued within si months after the date on which this By- law is passeS and may bear any date within such six months anS shtallibepay. able la twenty annual instalments, dur- ing the twenty years noxt affter the time when the came are issued, and the res- pective amnountsoff principal and intorest, payable hn each off such years shal l e as- r -~r ~fr -~- ..~.. I. ~. 1I~i El t if - - - St ~ ,.IlflmjIwJ sm -t ~.- fl. ~ Long Distanr.ce Service' Is Now Classified T FH Classifications on long distanc telephone calls in effect froin midnight, April,2Oth, are of interest to ail users of that service, [t is possible, by astudy of ydur long distance requirements, to effect savings li your long distance bis that are wel worth while. Appointment and Messenger .Service Appointment calis and .Messenger calis are special kinds of person-to-per- son cails. An APPOINTMENT CALL rate, which is about 50 per cent higher than the station-to-station rate, is quoted for service when an appointnient is made by the calling party to talk at a particular timne. When a person who does not bave a telephone is called over long distance and a mnessenger must be sent to summon the party to the telephone, the MESSEN- GER CALL rate, which is about 50 per cent higher than the station-to-station rate, is charged, and te this is added the necessary messenger char-ges. The Report Charge When you place a cati for a particular person or persons and for any reason they cannot be reached the saine day at the address given, or wiil flot talk, or if you make- a call and you are not ready to talk when the other person is ready 'with- li an hour, a REPORT CHARGE is made. The report charge is about one- fourth the station-to-station rate. It is intended to cover part of our expense of handling the uncompleted cail. Special Eveningand 'Night Rates 1The EVENING rate, between 8.30 p.m. nd 12 midnight, on station-to- stti els, is about one-haîf the day rate. The NIGHT rate, between mid- night and 4.30 a.m., is about one-fourth the day station-to-station rate. However, no evening or night rates are quoted on station-to-station calîs where the day rate is less than 25 cents. On such sho;rt-haul oeils the day rate applies. For longer distances special evexing and ight rates are quoted. l3ecause it is difficuit to reach particu- lar. persom at night, when many are away froin their homes mmd places of business, there are no special evening or hrames quoted for person-to-person is. heyapply oeily on station-to- station oels. day of 1921. SCHEDULE "A" Referred to the By-law hereunto an- nexeS showîng the amount raisefi an- nually by special rate as providedin the saiS By-law. Interest Principal Total annual ~'Uamount 1. $,0.o $543.69 $1,743 .69 2. 1,167.28 576.11 1,743.69 3. 1122.80 610.89 1,743.69 4. 1 096.-15 647.54 1,743.69 5. 1,057.29 686.4,0 1,743.69 6. 1,016.11 727.58 1,743.69 7. 972.45 771.24 1,743.69 8. 926.18 817.51 1,743.69 9. 877.12 866.56 1,743.69 10. 825.13 918.56 1,743.69 il. 770.02 973.67 1,742.6C 12. 711.60 1032.09 1,743.69 13. 649.68 1094.01 1,743.69 14. 584.04 1159.65 1,743.69 15. 514.46 1229.23 1,743.69 16. 440.70 1302.99 1,743.69 17. 362.52 1381.17 1,743.69 18. 279.65 1464.04 1,743.69 19. 191.81 1551.88 1 743.69 20. 98.70 1644.99 1,743.69 SCHEDULE "B", AGREEMENT made in duplicate this Eleventh day off April, 1921 BETWEEN THE BOWMANVILLE FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED (hereinafter called the Company), 0F THE PIRST PART, and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F BOWINANVILLE (hereinaffter called the Corporation), 0F THE SECOND PART. WIIEREAS by an agreement between the Municiï> il Curhoratieof f the Town off Bowmanville, and one George Liaton, maSo in or about the mnonth off Octeber 1901, and refferred to ln By-Law No. 638, off the Town off Bowmanvîlle, it was pro- videS that at the expiration off twenty years from the date off the said agree- ment the Town off Bowmanville might pay the i5ltd George Linton or bis suc- cessors in titie for certain buildings te be erected by the Fsaid George Linton or lis successors lu titie, on the property owued by the Town off Bowmanville at or near the South West corner off Church (Centinued on page 7)! Evor Benl Telephone ty a Long Distance Station T he Bell, TLelephone Company OF CANADA, US"W& i J

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