SHERWIN' WILLÎAM4S PRODUCTS C V E R TH4E .ARTH Adding Comfort and Good Cheer tthe Homne Attractive, restful exterior decora- tions add mucli to the comfort of your home; to its cheerfulness; to its beauty. For floors, Mar-not Varnish; also Porch, Floor Paint. For outsidQ, woodwork, Rexpar Varnish. Floorlac for furniture. You will be interested in the display of SW Paints and Vartishes et our store. Ct.II in and sec the actual BIÎERWIN-WILLIAMds FiisH on wood or beaver board, etc., before you decide what finish -o use. Opposite Post Officee Bowmanville DINNER SETS5 GREA TL Y RED UCED For ýthe next ten, days we offer these spe4a offeringsin our China Dept: 1WEDGEWOOD DINNER SET This is a stock pattern with very attractive design, 96 pieces, regu4ar' price $55,,Sale Prie $45.90 BLUE WILLOW DINNER SET Another pretty set of 96 pieces and sold reg- ularly for $45, Sale Price $35.00 DECOJWATED DINNER SET This set is a beautiful rose design of 96 pieces ,which is specially priced for this sale at only $35.00 We always have a large stock of Limoges and Nippon China at reasonable prices. LOOK THRU OUR -CHINA SHOP AROBI-IE. TAIT PHIONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. hi Thiis Is Marshall Month Which means that. ail Marshall Mattresses are being sold this month only at greatly reduced prices. They are taking this m'eans of advertis- ing their already well-known regular lines and al- so to introduce several new and special lunes which they have put on the market. THE MARSH-ALL .SANITARY MATTRESS, PAT. SEPT.. 1900. If you "have not seen these new Marshall Mat- tresses come in and see Where they are different from ahl others. And learn why, right flow at this season, how you can procure a good mattress of any reliable make, at the price of an ordinary one. BRASS AND IRON BEDS <We have a splendid line of Brass and Iron Bed- steads and ail makes of Bed Springs. Ail re- duced in price for this month. BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS We have cirur new lune of Baby Carrnages and Go-Carts the most beautiful, strongest, mhost com- fortable and most'reasonable. in price. CARPET SWEEPERS AND CLEANERS VACUUM We have Carpet Sweepers, Hand Vacuum Sweepers and Electric Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Brushes to help make Spring cleaning easy. WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN RODS, ETC Seeour window shades, ail colors and sizes, also brass curtain rods, wood curtain poles, room moulding, furniture polishes all reliable makes. F . F. MORRIS CO. Furniture Dealers Phone 10 Directors 'of Funeral Service t Bo'wmanville BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 21, 1921. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS The senior editor heartily joins Tbe Oshawa Reformier in sincere congrat- ulations to bis old friend Mr. Harry Salter, who celebrated bis 73rd birthday a -few days ago in tebest 'of balth and spir- nýe.ting Mr. Saiter would give him credit fo-r having at- tained the age of 73, and lie could easily pass for 10 years3 younger. He is not only in good bealth, but is active and energetic and believes in that policy as one of the best ways to keep strong and healtby in mind and body. Wben Harry left Ebenezer commun- ity several years ago hie left a vac- ancy that has not been filled as he was "the if e of tbe w4ole country- ide" and an Ebenezer anniversary or a basebaîl matcb wîth Harry absent was unthinkable. BIRD FANCIERS HOLD MËEETING The first regular monthly meeting of the Bowmanville Poultry andPet Stock Association was held Friday night, April l5tb., in the Veterans' Rooms, James Block. Mr. Chas. F. Rice presided and Secretary W. A. Edger called the roll and read minu- tes of organization meeting. Constitution anti by-laws were drawn up by a speciai committee of tbe Executive and cover such points as, follows: Name-Bowmànville Pouitry and Pet Stock Association; Object-To assist members in the. perfection of seleëtion and breeding, to bold shows and promote frîendly competitioni among its members; Membershp-To ail maie and fem- aies, fees and dues $1 per annum; meetings 3rd Friday in each month; annual meeting in February. These were unanimously passed and Secre- tary authorized to have saine printed at once., J. A. McClellan and Geo. Hall weréeleected auditors. A lively discussion developed over the anticipatedwinter Durham and Northumerland show on securing this show for Bowmanvilie and for fin- ancing, if secured. Arrangements were made for pro- gram committee of two to be appoint. ed at each regular meeting to ar- range programn for next meeting. Messrs. E. P. Doncaster andi A. Battle, Vice-Presidents, were ln charge of thedtopie for the evening. Mr,' Battie brougbt one of ]ýis fine Single Comb White Leghorn Cock- erels, andi Mr. W. H. Carruthers one of bis record egg-laying type of White Leghorn liens, thus giving the members specimens of the two types of specîally bred birds. Although Mr. Doncaster ciaimed to be little versed in judging andtalking on tbe type, gave a moat thorougb descript- ion of the standard type in flnest de- tail, and sbowed how tbese points were brought out in Mr. Battle's bird. A generai discussion foliowed in which otber members gave their opinions, and answers to questions asked. Mr. Carruthers' laying-type hien brought forth discussion juat as in- tcresting. It's laying points of de- velopment being exemplifieti. The differences in the two types were point cd ont, whicb led to the possibilities of breeding both exhibition andi lay- ing strains, the danger of the widely separated present day two types be- ing pointed -out, and the possibilities of combining the two being discussed. The best time for breeding and batch- ing, in fact, s0 many interesting points were raised that the Town Clock struck il before anyone reali- zed that the hèvening had flown. It was the universal opinion that this was one of the best evenings pos- sible. The Association bas started with loada of pep ,interest and en- tbusiasm. Lady fanciers xiii be welcomedà in- to membership of the association. The executive also wisb it distinctiy underatooti that this is not a fan- ciers' club for exhibition type of birds but the egg type wiil receive equal consideration. At the next regular meeting Mr. W. IL. Carruthers and Mr. R. Foster wilI be in charge of the topic witb Wyndottes as the particular breed. Before the word "surpasseti" in Mrs. Watts' article on Tyrone School Days the Word "not"' shoulti appear. She wrote the teachers were not sur- "THE VILLAGE LAWYER" Drama Exceptionally Well Pr esented by Bethesda Young People. The Bethesda younig people put on their famous drama "The Village Lawyer " to a, fuillhouse at Tyrone, on Friday evening, under auspices of 3the Women's Institute, Rev. W. T. àWickett proving a capable chairman. iMr. Everett Hoar, the village lawyer, Ealso aspirant of the coming election, -proved a wotthy guardian for his apretty young sister, Miss Winnifred Cole, an appreciative teacher f or his iassistant, Mr. Harold Iloar, an ardent tlover for his opponent's daughter, Miss Ettie Scott, a thoughtful master to his ýfaithful negro servant Miss Florence Werry, and was firm and sloyal to principle ne0 matter what the c ost might be.1 1 Mr. Floyd Dudley the refined cîty rboarder proved a worthy admirer of the lawyer's pretty sister an~d Mrs. Everett Hoar made frequent trips to the lawyer's office to secure a di- vorce from the 9hiftless husband Mr. Ronald Scott, but each time became $ucceptible, te, his, uleadings of a rheart broken penitent. SMr. Blake Cole played the rôle of, the. village lawyer's opponent in the coming election and set out to defeat him, no matter what the prie 'in fidelity or money or love. - TI was assisted by Mr. Douglas Cole and a New York Actress, Miss Alice Werry, who after making repeated attemýpta to buy the lawyer off ,was se im- pressed with bis integrity and his opponent's cruelty that she decided to cast ber i fluence on the aide of trutb and frightness. Throughout, each part was well sustained and the yeung people deserve great credit. A 'stalled car was the cause of the lack of music between the acto. Pro- ceeds $49.50. AUCTION SALE Saturclay, Âprjl 23rd-Wm. Green, corner Silver and King-sts., Bow- manville, over Jeffery's Store, will seli a quantity of household fur-. niture, including bedroom, dining- roomn and kitchen furniture, garden tools, etc. Sale at 1.30 p. m. See bills. L. A. W. Tale, auctioneer, Grand dispiay of bousecleaning helps--scrims, nets, madras, chintz, linoleums, etc., at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. IIow Much Thought Do' YOU Give Your Eyes ? Do you ever consider what a strain your eyes undergo day and night ? Modern business methods and modem- living condi- tiQils demand more fromi your eyes than Nature in- tended they should stand. But many people do -not heed the warnings given by Nature in the way of headaches, blurring vis- ion, inflammed eyes, etc., until they find their eye- sight impaired by this constant abuse. If youa value your eyes, ,do not delay,, but ha-ve a careful examination made and find out their true condition. Consuhl' our edl Optometrist ination, R. M. He knows. Register- by Exam- Mitchell. "Have your, eyes exam- ined". RM M Mitchell & Co. DRUGGIST-AND OPTOMETRisT BOWMANVILLE ONT. BEFQRE YOU SHO? Read our advt and take advantage of.-these special1 off erings: Sheriffs Marmalade, 1 lb 35c, 2 lb. 70c, 4 1b.$1.15 Fresh Prunes, 2 lbs ...............................25C Broken Sodas, 2 lbs................. 25c Broken Sweet Biscuiits,- per lb ...............15e Rolled Wheat, 3 lbs. for ....................29e Silver Cow Milk, tin ..............................23c Good Cooking Rice, 3 lbs. for.........25c Corn Staricl, 2 lbs. for................ **'"********"25c Arbutus Salmon, tin ...............................iOc Bulk Lard,, lb ......... -.................. ****". 25c Pink Salmon, 1 lb. tin .....,.............................. .... 19C BuiI< Teas at greatljyý reduced prices FLOWER AND GARDE 1N SEEDS ARE HERE MILES KNOWLES Grocer .Phoue 36 Bowmanville MANY MEN WANTED "Men wanted. who are willjng to, ac- cept positions paying from $6 to, $10 per day. Men who are tired of laboring for anr existe~nce, tliis is your one good chance We are training men for positi ons as faLrm tractioneers, garage mnechanics, truckdrivers, salesmen, vulcanizýers, weld- ers, battery exper ts etc., or will help you start garage business on your own. if you are out of employment or dissatis- fied with your present poor paying job, cali or write immediately for full par- ticulars regarding our special plan to next f êw men enroling. Day and evening classes. ApplY Hemphili Auto & Gas Tractor School, 163 King-et., W., Tor- onto. 16-4 Insu rance Is, the m osfr important accessory on an auto- mobile. The owner of an automobile cannot afford to carry his, own risk. I have combined. poli- cdes covering legal liabil- ity fo r injuries tothe per- son, or for property dam- age; it also covers loss of , or damage to the automo- bile insured, through fire, theft or collision. , It is' the unexpected that always happens. INSURE With fN.0E. NEADS Office: 'King St. Phone 48 (Premises formerly occupied by late T. N. Rickard) ,ý hi -thne Shop That Lea-dsI Clothes That AlwaysLook New Art Clothes, the clothes -that are tailored for the most discriminat- ing buyers. Every suit has that sinart- ness which be- speaks expert de- signing, careful tailoring, pains- taking attention )to details and need- less to state the ,wear is there. SELLS ITSELF ART CWT HABERDASHERY THAT The new popular Low Collarsin shapes that befit the most harsh critic 6f young men's toggery. The latest accessories for every young man of every taste an-d means. HONEST VALUE S ALWAYS McMURTRY & Co. The Thrifty, Will Quickly Recognize 'Real Values" in this Notable List of Friïday ýand Saturaiay- Spec jaIs, OILCLOTH BARGAIN 75c per sq yd for first quality Canadian Oul- cloth, rnice range of patterns to choose from, al widths froma 18 inches to 90 inches wide. RUG BARGAINS Priced at about one third less to clear ,x 3 yds, Tapestry Squares, $27.00 valu e,, for 1$18-50 3 x 3 Tapestry Squares $33.,00 for $2.3.50 RUG BARGAINS 9 x -1-1/ ft 'Tapestry Square $45.00 value $29.50 $37.50 value $24.75 9 x 1012 Axminster Square $85.00 value $62,50 RUG BARGAINS 63/4 x 9 ft Brussels, Squares $70.00 value $47.50 $55,00-value $37.50 9, x 1012 iftBrussels Squares' $65.00 value $42.50 , $50,00 value -$34.50 $2.39 per yd for a Chiffon Taffeta. Silk , 36 inches wide ,nice soft quality that will, give good wear, $3.00 is the regular price, Very Special $2.39 yd MEN'S CAPS 5dozen sample caps, good styles ail sizes in the lot, some silk, others tweed effects, values to $2,00, To clear at 95c $2.15 for Ayron Dress- es, madeof good qual- ity Chambray, Ging- ham,, both plain and strip ed, fast colors, well made' and great value at $2.15 1 ,9c per yd for Taffeta Silk, hair bow ribbons, 31/ inches wide, good weight, fulli ne of shades, easily worth 25c, very special at '19c yd $1.29 for Men's Work Shirts ,made'of good quality shirting, fast colors, full sizes, al well made, values to $2.00, very special at $1.29 $1.95 per yd for a Georgette Crepe, 40 inch, splendid to wear, ail the wanted shades this is our regular $2.75 quality at $1.95 yd $1.95 a pair for Men's Odd Pants ,sizes 40 to 46 only, made of good wearing material, val- ues to $3.50, your choice at $1.95 Pr LINOLEUM AT REDUCED PRICE $1,15 per sq yd for first quality Linoleum 4 yds wide, new pat- terns, quantity is limi- ted, don't deiay your purchase. $1.95.per garment for Men's Shirts and Drawers, fine Merino Penman's make, the right weight for spring wear, regular .prîce $2.50, your size at $1.95 each MEN'S KNITTED TIES The new narrow styles in a fulll une of shades, both plain anîd stripes, big choice at 5Oc, 75c $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00. Men's Work Gloves and mitts, unlined horsehide, ,*:uleskin, split caîf,_ etc. , 1 $1.00 qualities for 69c $1.50 qualities for 95c $2.00 quahities $1,15 $2,50 quàlities $1.79 $1.95 per yd for an All Wool Serge and Gra- nite Cloth, 42 inches wide, such shades as navy blue, sand, nig- gerbrown, copen blue, black, $2.50 value at only, $1.95 yd r T I MýcMURTRY & CO PHN 83PHONEM 83 G. N. T-fHURSTON iBowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery ancý Fur Shop. 1 . 1 Z_- w_- aâmwâmm [PHONE83,