"We Saw YTour Letter "lIn the rNewspaper" "'v Esnd is that cor- rect wvhat is said about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ?" "Yes, it is absolutely true." "But why do you recani- mend it ?" "For two very good rea- sons. First, because it fully restored my health and strength when 1 was weak, wornout and very greatly discouraged, and, second, be- cause 1 bel ieve it is a duty as well as a pleasure ta let other womien know about so superior a treatment." "I neyer used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, but I got inter- ested in that Woman's Ad- vertising Contei-4 they had, ànd nearly every woman I met seemed to be talking about 'it. Then I saw your letter, and knew you would, tell me about it" "Well, you know how weak and miserable I was for years in spite of ail the doc- tors could do for me. 1 was nervous, irritable, restless ,and sleepless. Thought somte- titwes I would go out of my mimd fi-rn worry and de- pressed spirits. I need' not tell you how weil I am now. Yau can îee for yourself. There is the whole story, and ail the credit is due ta Dr. Chasog's Nerve Food." 1 "I get your viewpoint now. It would be a sin and a shame if you did not tell others." Dr. 'Chase's NerveFPood, 50cents, ail dealers, or Bd- manson,' Bates & Co., Ltd, Toronto. Hiarness Prices Downi and you'll be surprised how reasonable Griffith Earness and repair parts are. Don't wait untfi the Spring rush of work starts. Repair your worn and broken harness now with Harness Repair Parts V Thee'à an inexpensive GrIffith "Part" tbr 1 every break. Why worry aloag wth broken harnesa? Wel have Billets, Breast Strape, Martin- gales, Hame Straps, etc. MASON & DALE, Bowmanville z, WM. JAMIESON, Newcastle W. W. HORN, HamptonG Ife erils of Neglect Digestive ailments are frequently neglected. People say "It's only a touch of indigestion- it will go away." What begfins as simple discomfort is allowed to become a serjous- chronie ali ]ment. Neyer neglect the treat- ment of digestive derangement.' To relieve î- disordersý of stomracli, liver, kidneys and bowels, Beecham's Pis act promptly and usually overcome the difficulty. Take PULLS SoId everywhere ini Canada. In boxes, 25c., 90c. Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World Bach season has its bane, and the liand that rnay have been blistered by the use of the snow shovel looks f arward to the callouses of the lawn-. nlower. MILLIO'"Na S IN PROFITS 1are being paid to the share- holders of Northern Ontario's GoId Mines, Are you getting your ahare? --Te experience--gained -in-fif- teen years of active connectjon with these mines wilI belp you ta participate in these, splen- did profite., Complete informatioo a-Reaque,? HOMER IL. GIBSON &Co. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. 1-ml TORONTO Cliilropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Rernove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc.ý cess in rernoving the cause «f Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheunat ism, Lumbago, Lamel ,Back,- Constipation, Piles, Fernale Diseases, Stornach and Kidney' Troubles. Nervousness in many forrns respond readily ta Chiro- practie. Examination Freat Office. --DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simce. St. N. Oshawa Phomin 224 ~>flb~A~ WIgt ad Nmorng. JI~ Eyie. E they Tire, Itch, Srnart or B3urn, yOUR Ure, if Sore, IrrîtatdcG, In, use-Murineoften. Sootkes.Refrehe&Safefar InfantorAdult At ail Druggists. Write ion of one mantul tramthe date of-tho AI -est publication of this notice and that r e atI 6 1 0 uch first publication wais made ou the Afe Iig 1 0 ourteeutb day of -April, 1921.7 TAKE NOTICE FrURTHTER that a ton- U OOT B U ,tWho doýsirE-s ta vote upan the saidf I O A L I muet del-lw 1(,,iver ta the a ste lr ls erk, nat later than tho teutb day ho- S yI h yare fa me oe tho dayapiudfo taking the Mrs<D4Sut otes a declaratioln nuder THIE CANIAD)A c-(r- h lf, of Coaticook, mye ]VIDENCE ACT.i, hat hlisa tenaut , I fU thave taken 1000 Zutoo Tabiets, ýhbase e xtond for th,, ture for1 After trylxi evei-y reliedy within reacli, hîcib the dehIt or" hhability le ta ho creat- I disCarded thern ai four years ago for ( or in wbicbh thL mouey to ho raised- -zuo, hhIh ftle proposý,db-w is paiyableé or for e taken ever silice. ileast tweuty-oue years, andl that ho 1 flnd the tablets a hiarmIesa an effcient s, byv the býase, coveýnante-d ta pay ail Yernedy for ail kinda cf headacheý,e iunici pal taxes lu respect of the proporty fwbicb hoý is touant other thau local 2,5 cents per box-at al dealeirs mpravomout rates. JOHN TLYLE, Clek f the Municipality of the IMDPâ'DM ý Town of Bowmanvihlo. { The Great rglishPreparation. _______________ 5-3w 9 * T.ones and invagorates tie whole nervous systein, makes ncýw Blood Protet th chu frot theravaes - ld Veins. Used for Nerroes wrorsns the uing Mrothe raves D)ebiIityMental and Brazin Worry ýf nrni by sin Moter rave', esipondency, Loss ofEnergv, Palpiltation oV Vorrn Exterminator. It is a stand-1 the kfart, Failine Memo,.Pce2e'bo,, xd resnedy, and years of usie fave for $5. - Soi d by a 11 druggtSatm ioepla0Ieý îhanced ita reputation. pkgortreccitocfpriçec. New pamplele;t mailed frc=TUWOMDCNE CO.009TOON.) EMULSION is a food-tonic that is of special significance not thriving ought to takej Scotes Emulsionj Scott & Dpone, Toronto, Ont. -ALSO MAKERS OF- L(Tablets or Granuales) FAR-INDIGESTION 20-22.,k ahoi are e t ' ý r-Ccjou ti! qi,ýan m for Ezm m k i- ,$ er box. tho. I oivsLtor n ' ii-," Sh yaIdrgms msent ai hal te km ml ,* , epaid on mlecipt o? priMe, chase's linent free '0yonmention Étis ipm het, Addreis pprad scnd 2e. stamp for postaRe. 6ic, a * THE COOK MEDICINE CO4 aldaesor EdÉom Baeaos & Ca.,TOOEO N.<'ielWags> LMnted. Toronto.,OOT.OT («ryWW) BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 21, 1921.4 EXPECTANT'P There's a stack of glad to-rnorrow lA U ! And ~round the corner over there, a Fe ru Ec e a BAnd- Miss Spring is getting ready, H d F aflE z m Y m 1iYV tying blossomns ini her hair, "If m'otheva only hneu, 1Though I'vé had my share of trouble a.vleo .P . No. 1029 And fulil reason ta complain, th ageo D.A . There's a lot of joüy before; me when WT"",eu Mrm. A. Ashbyof'655YangeSt..Toronto. the armsdayscomeWrite her for the story of how D 1) . D. cured (Continued from page 2) tewrsdy on again., ler baby of a case of eczéma that completely covered the head and face. and Division Streets in the Town of Oh, lil soon be free ta wander where- We keep on publishing tiiese Statemet Bowrnanville, and used by the said GeorgeI soever I may plesseo Weekly from anl parts of Canaaa. telling of the, Linton, and bis successors in titie being And listen ta the singing of the birds ma!emarvelotis resuits secured b>? the liquid the owmaviie FondryCoaany s.-WIIY Dot get a bottie of1D. JD. JD. today ited as a Foundry, amnount paygble to be inaltetesoùOrpiiv uate icptsîk ag< determined- by arbitration if necessary. There are days when l'Il go fishing 100 a bote. TrYDD. '). D. Soap, too. AND WHERAS the Bowmanville with a faithful friend or two Foundry Company Limited are the suc- Or play the idle rover in the way I cessors in title of the said George Linton, usdtdo and have erected the following buildings sdtdo and ipoeetnamely; 3 brick ad- fuybeMae m, ad Uc fiRY & LOV Lýï,t ditions, 1 cernent building, 2 framebul-Te saotffnbfr m,'d ings, 1 horizontal hoer and feed pump, 1 I'm standing at my doorJUY&LV L cpmplete heating systern wititW steam Counting eagerly the pleasures which DRUGGISTS BOWMANVILLE trap, lavatories, sewage and water s te prng tom, electric light wiring and power wir- th p irne has ini store, ing, benches, cuphboards, etc., the floor Though 'sorne days were long and space contained in the above buildings dreary I arn living naw ta see representing ab out 13,600 square feot of The Woods in ail their splendor and 1,"e ilooring. AND WHEREAS. in addition to the si the bine skies over me.G a d ote buildings and equipmentth TownofG a'i M te Bowmanville has expended the sum of There are times I've been discourag- $5 w000.06 on the said lands' and buildings. ed tirnes I've, thought llfe's t"sa G r AND WHEREAS the Corporation and charni had fled, OOP skirts Were the Company bave agreed subjeettoT reaeentrnsIvwipedwrnbthewh the pssage of the By-Law hereinaftter tharet I tms v hipre on ytos h mentioned that the Corporation shall pay '.,bt mght as well be dead, to the CompDany the sum of $20,000.00 for But the sun is getting higher, and the first asked the druggist ail thet Company's right tîtle and In- buds break on the bough 'fr n nitda terest in ta and out 'of the lands and Adftoretig ere and, th ede nun erections tbret ed ondin tesdAdwith springie etn ear in part eid agreement of October there's a lot ta live for now. ai h eun 1901 and referred ta In By-Law Na. 638, odn edalDcvei u which sald sum of $20,000 shaîl be in ful odneîa D8oey pt' settlemnent of al daims by the Comnpany p yDrPiceov 5 yas agalnst the Corporationand by the Cor- àPb D.Pire vr 0her poration agalnst the Company except as e M t S ,* Dressàhas changed very met Rheumatiamw eraferto bmIuch silice then! But Dr. AND WREREAS In considoration of Nuuitis, Sciatic,Neuraltia. Pierce's Mnedinres contaîni the, the saîd paymout of $20,00.60 the Coin- ,~i~ pany bas agreod with the Corporation same dependabîe ingreulents. ta erect witbin the next tbree years Tarstn rd a buildings, includlng the buildings alroady T*fl are standard today just a ecte by the Company thereon., ta the r they were fifty years ago and value of $60,000.00, for the purposo of extendiug its business, on the lands R. iA a'écvrenindach. owned by it In the Town of Bowmnanville, nvrI'..;edacool bolng on tho west of Scugog Street aud Ca.mpsules Dr. Pee' Golde n Medical nortb of the C. P. R. rlgbt of way.-L' A ND WHEREAS the Company bas i-e- Discovery forý the stomach ancl quostod as part' of the cousidoration of ebWouCkh EWood lo antb srasdb this agreement a fixed assessmont of ....tb.à onc an atebrativ e dy. an $20,000.00 for ten yoars on the faetory = t t eu&m m promises now on, and to bo orocted on the toÎaanfi'-e.vetoay said lands nortb of tho C. P. R. saîd as-.We o el"i n fsrs seesment ta includo ahl buildings now or W e o el"l u fsrs hereafter t o o rocètod thoeon for the Ahlhur.~-aIi eey yu iaiya a b-h said period of ten yoars from the first day A th, swa foceY, -ou itlt a lweb - of January, 1922. Sald fIxod assoasmont Ukon o it erpre. not ta appîy ta scbooî taxes or local lin- satbed b> dctoru, sold by drug- blood becornes surcharged with provemeuts. $stz, $l.kOa hox. Aok outagente poisons! The best tonie is cailed J AND WHIEREAS tbe parties beroto « wrke fer a free trial package. -deem it oxpodiont ta enter into thia Templetous, 142 King W., Toent. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- agreEmSe THi osieain of the cavery. Dr. Pierce manufactured promises and tbeo mutual covenants hore- Lcl getJ"m'y & Lwv'u Drug th.is "Diso)overy" from roots and inafter coutainod thieparties hereto agi-eSoe as follows:-barks without alcohol- cr 1. Immodiatoly ou tbe passing of a- properly submitted by-law confirming rective remeay, the ingredients of tbis agreement the Company shall grant I L Jpti n ed n releaso and quit dlaim unto the Corpora- ehflWLIL naturepuintefldad tion, in consideration' of the sum 0f LET*F 'i M 0,M h $20,000.00 ail its rigbt title and iuterest frssfrkeigu elh iu the lande owned by the Corporation on or near tbe soutb weet, corner of Cburcb minciIIVgo, ialt it and Division Street lu the Town of Bow- rei gemn fOtobereai19 upar Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Bridge-. 2 The said convoyanco by tbe Com- ugOn.LaotryfrrilDz pany to the Corporation shahl be a coin- io£ peto surronder of ail the Company's rigbt Tells Remarkable Story of titie and Interest into and out of tbe said lands. Sickness and Recovcry. rý 3. The Company will witbin trcee years from the date bereof erect on tbe said lande owned by it west of Scugog Street buildings, including those already Toronto , Ont. - "I' sffered greatly erected thereon, to a value of not les fonwanssere ab e i than $60,000.00. 1 thwares eme, ane id a n 4. The Corporation agrees ta subinit tetmadhdn witb ahl reasouable speod a b-haw Iap - ambition ta do any- proviug of this agreement. The said hingorgoanyplace. bY-law shall containa provision fixingMynrewren th aeeemutofthe Company, except bathapI ol for echool taxes and local improvemonts, bdsae ol for ton years from tbe first day of Janu- notsepatngt ay192atteUi0f$20 000.00 sucb .. and then came a assesemeut to include auy and ail ad-braon.Iea ditions to buildings and plant uow or hereaftor to be erected ou tbe sald lands .G f Lydia E. Pink- for the said period of ton years. ham's Vegetable 5. Upon the execution of this agree- Cornponnd in the ment by the Corporation the, Corpora-ne ppesads- tion shaîl proceed fortbwitb ta subnit a Il ealpem rend s bY-law té, authorize and approve of this àeaofm frnd agreement and ta pravide for the carry- advised me ta use it, ing out of the saine and upon the said and it sure y put new life into me. Now -by-law being approved by the rate pay- I arn quite able ta do ahl my own work, ors the council of the Corporation shall flually- pase the saineaud take necessary and 1 wonld strongly advise every suf- stops for Its confirmation. fering woman ta give Lydia E. Pink- IN WITNESS WHEREOF tbe said ham's Vegetable Compound a trial." Company bas bereunto affixod its corpor- MrS. CHARLES WAKELIN, 2=2Christie aieseoal and sot the bauds of its Pi-oal- St., Toronto, Ont.' dont and SecrtarY duly autborized in -l that behaif, and the said Corporation bas The makers of Lydia E. Pinkbam' afflxed ite corporate seal and sot the Veoetable Compound have thousands of bande of its Mayor and Clerk duly autb-su letters as that above-they tell the orhzed lu tbat behaif. ee truth, else they conld not have been ob- BOWMANVILLE FOUNDRY CaMPAN tained for love or money. This medicine THE 'IT P LIMITED, 'Y is no stranger-it bas stood the test for (Patented) CHRISTIAN REHDER, more than forty years. ALL flIÂS ItILLIED conLSMF ae de- (SEAL) Pi-osidont. If tbere are any complications yen do slîned inu ceolui withi it shenoe o o S. S. EDSALL, not nnderstand write ta Lydia E. Pink- "Tihe '-itup" a patenied Invention whh Soc-otryTresurr.bain Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Tnsi eltaîiic Inside boit. senihy suit- Secrtar-Trbsrer.Mas. 1,11m"n, 1d Mi ,,,ybeneiill Cass. 1 "i, e fler an cix ration involing an RPORAION O THE OW'N In1ýcison. Most edec u i - CORPRATON 0 TH TOW ____________________________ physica ailimenta fron whlcb OF BOWMANVILLE, sauy wcmii1oute1 H. L. QUINN, I Le o NOW, for niefel bluts On (SEAL)Mayor.fitt n dself-rmea$ursest, Frm (SEL)JOHN LYLE,Mayr. D N'nin reousLXM NOTICEDo1 1 e larU sagi TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a THIS I true copy of a proposed By-Law Of thoe___________________ Corporation of the Town of Bowmauville ta bo submitted to the vote of the lectore ou Elevouth day of May A. D. 1921, ho- tween the ounis of Nine O'clock lu tho forenon.au .Fiv o'clc .-l tto.ftor Queen and Division Sts. Bowmanville BE, PARTICUL$qR You cannot be too particule~ about the insurance you choose. The 40 com- pantiesý we represent will stand' the acid test of investigation. Firp Losses deait with very liberally and pai J2 up with as littie delay as possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J. MASON &SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanvîlle SEEDING TIME WILL SOON BEjAHERE We are open to buy a limited quantity of SEED GRAIN of the following varieties: BARLEY-O. A.. C. No. 21 and Two Rowed OATS-anygood grade SPRING kYE WHEAT-Marquis, Prince Imperial, Goose We have also for sale choice No. 1, Govern- ment Standard and home grown RED -CLOVER, ALSIKE, TIMOTIIY, and are prepared to supply other varieties if needed. Stili have a good supply of Coal, W ood, Lum- ber and Building Material, Quality ight and prices reasonable. Cal -nd see Us. MeClellan & Company Limited' Kin g Street East -Bowmanville JfJOffice Phone 15- Residences 228 and 274 Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want YVours If -we- fail-to-cail on -you -we- would- appreciate a phone cail or write us. Orono Creamery Co., ORONO 1k 1 LEHIGH VAL LEY COAL Money invested in our coal is cash conscient-, iously expended. Here you will get your iuoney's worth of coal., Here you receive a full ton plia, satisfactory service. John A. Holgate & Son Sam