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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1921, p. 8

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DEATHS SLIAENFIELD LEAOI-4At H-ampton, April 19th., Eliz- Miss Vera Baker is home from "Down la Maine", the popular abph Jli wi eof r.Wilia LeonNicholls Hospital, Peterboro, for a drama given by Ebenezer Dramatie aged 73 years. mnhsvcto.,..M.Rse HOLLAND-In Bowmanville, Thurs-Smoth's vcto .M.hse Club, will be presented in the church day, Ape11 l4th., Moses 1lalland, aged 66 Smt as a car ..Mr. and Mrs. C. yenrs. H. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. J. T: here on WednesSlay, April- 27th., at -Rundie visited at Toronto .... Mv. 8 p. m., under auspices of Ladies' Leslie Maunder, Lindsay, visited at Aid. Admission1 35e and 20c. IN MEMORIAM. Mr. Jno. Reynolds'. ... Bradley's _______ In loving memory of my dear husband, school dýd the proper thing Monday, EasGreenaway, wba died on April 14: only 9 voting in the negative .... TYRONE 1U20. Mrs. Julia',VnNest, TÊoronto, bas ___ T ýis bas been the saddest year of my life, been visiting at Mr. N. E., Wright's Rev. W. E. Milison, Field Secre- 2,wife's grief there's none can'teli but ..Ms ro a enqiepoh ayo vneimadSca e- those wl4o have buried their husbnnds Mr.Anthsbe ut olyayofE nglmadScile- Ht was sad to part with him 1 loved, but and bas gone to Bowmanvilhe Hbs- vice, wili give "T\vo Summers' Ex-, GohdwilS t pital for an operation. . .. Mr. J. periences in the Ford Motor Plant, 50 fEilin dear, if I could see your face or Baker gave an interesting tahk On Detroit," on Friday evening in the Owbal relief it would be to me, heef cuttie ut the Farmers' Club On Cburcb under the Missionury Dept of Nane but God undersî,tands. wle.-Kriday ni........ Mr. and Mrs. S. League. Consequenthy there will be ____________ WIe.Bray, Enfieid, visited friends heve. no League on Tbursdny. You wilh SALEM- i- need the message Mr. Milîson bas for ___HAMPTON' you. Good music. . Rev F.,W. E Salenm Dramatic Club will repeat MisEaCre, omavle Storey gave a very earnest talk t'O the their play entitled "Civilý Service" on MisEaCreBw nvl, Young Ladies classes of the S. S. on Friday, April 22ad., ut 8 p. m., la tbe speat Sunduy with Miss Muriel Truli " God's cuil to a 1f e of Service" on Churcb. The Bragg Quartet willî.... Mr. Wili Westlake, Soinu, visit- Sunday afternoon and inter before Surnisb music. Admission 35e and ed ut J., Jebson's... Miss Helen the whole school. Monday evening 25c ____________ 15-2w Johbus spent the week-end la Toronto he presented hantera sldes of the ...Miss Mary Kuterson spent a few work ia South America, giving a gra- FARMERS ATTENTIOf4 1 dnys la the city hlast week. . .. Mr. phic description of euch side. Sure- _____Everett Kerslake, Toronto, spent ly Mr. Storey is a happy specîmen of Quantity of Nut, Stove, and ail Sunday at home .... Mrs. Geo. Tay- the joy, there is in the Master's ser- other sizes of Coal at Tyrone C. N. lor returned home ast- week after vice ad bis presence with us will R. Station. Price right. Cali be- spendîng the winter with relatives long be remembered. Mrs. Storey fore ordering your supphy of coal. in Toronto ... . Mrs. R. Avery, Mr. C. formerly, Miss Edna Fallis, of Huy- R .H. Cllaeatt, R. R. 5, Bowman- W. Souch and Mv. A. Clemens are don is a happy colaborer .... Elect- ille, Phone 146-r3 or 181-l?, 15-2w*, under the Drs. cre... Members of ors ave more than deligbted witb ______________the "Gleaners" S. S. Ciass were ea- their efforts ut thé' polis on Monday. tertained at the home of their teacb- It means much to the joy of living to _ÇOURTICE i er, Mrs. Lewis Allia, on Tuesdny feel thut you have heen the menas of Msiss Della Oke urrived home fromt evening of hast week, wben a plensant helping to lift, a stumbling, block out kvo, Oioan atudayaftr asocial evening was enjoyed by the of the wuy of a weakev 'brother. Akro Oho, n Sturay fte, agirls... .Pie social under the aus- 185 voted-Yes and 29 No... Rev. pleasant visit witb ber sisters. She pices of the E. L. C. E., on Friday Fred and Mrs. Storey and Chanton, was accompanied by ber sister, Mrs. evening was quite successful. A have been guests at Mr. E. Virtue's Adolpb Fretcher, hushand and son splendid program was rendered by ....Ms .G .Byam bas been visit- Paul. . .. Miss Irene Wovden visited local talent, after which an'interest-.ig.bersbo. F.Liday .Ms relatives ia Toronto recently .... Mr. ing' contest was eagaged la and pie Mary Long bas gone to Campbell- and Mrs. A. . Clemens, Tyvone, vis- served. Quite a nice sum was reahi- ford to resîde and will be muchmiss- ýted 'at Mr. Blake Courtlce's at> zed for the Forward Movement for ed ia Sunday Scbool where she bas week.. . .Miss 'Isobel Prouse, Bow- Missions.... iMuch sympathy is ex- been a faithful member... . Mrs. R. inanville, visited ber old scbool mates teaded to the Misses Leacb la the ecCullough bas had n very severe here.. . . Miss Agnes Short, Hamilton,! deatb of their mother who. passed attack of quinsy but improvement is îs ut home.. . .. Mv. and Mrs. M. S.i awuy early Tuesday morning after a reported... Other Tyrone articles Saules and son, Miss Ethel Brooks,! ingering illness. The funerai takes on another page. Toronto, visited ut S. S, Brooks....j pince from the fumily residence, O uotepaew pbiste Rev. Fred Storey, wife, and son 7ion, to-day (Thursday), ut 1.30 first o a s aeviesof rtilshomthe Clinton were guests ut the Parsonage p. m.The c#ildren and grand- pen of Mrs. Geo. A. Watts of Hamil- recently .... Epwortb Longue service children of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pas-to,(e li BnhmfTyne, was well attended Tbursday eveniag. coe assembled ut their home Saturday; nton (ee Neholle B Skng h eof T e Literary and social evening. Misses evening to celebrute with them the enutitled scboolaSkadertche'.T heit Osborne and Penfound gave a piano 59th aaniversary of their weddîng. thor'Tsne ailsidve tntomit-d duet, Miss Vera Werry sang a slo They are stili bale and hearty and'td hs rilswh etogo Rev. Fred Storey retûpned mission okgodfrmn yasyt to miss as Mrs. Watts wieids a facile ýary from South America, gave a very A. J. Clarke bas purchased the peout om tiseTyroaeas cowded- interestiag talk on bis experiences as ouoflsiseasopersna- a inissîonary ln S. A., using lantera lElliott farm of 50 acres. iother Page. sides wbicb held the attention of ail ditr' Nt-Ia the sketch ofl preseat until a lute, hour. TheMr.S.J Williams' 1f e that appeaved gentlemen pvovided abundance Of ast week a part of n sentence. was CARD 0F THANKS home-made candy and oranges ut the omitted. This, is as it was writtea close., Everybody enjoyed the even- and sbould have'appeared: "He also Mrs. John Virtue and family, Ty- îng's sntertaînmnent. Sunduy ser-, asked to bave rendta hlm the article rone, desire to tanak their maay kind vices were well ttended. Mule ia T he Statesman on Tyrans pioneer frisnds and, neighbors for their kind- ýquartet sang ut evening service. days as weli as the letter ia thie same asss and sympathy showa tbem dur- Men's made-ta-order suits $25 ut paper witten by Dr.: James L. ing the illaess and death of husband Coucb, Johaston & Cryderman's. Hughes". and futher. HAYDON. Visîtors: Mr. Elmer Slemon, Tor- onto, visited at bis father's, Mr. R. LSiemon; Mr. John Wright, Jr., visi- ted New Ontario recently, and pur- chased a farm there.... Mr. Clar- ence Avery is ýa busy man these days baving engaged the Graham Bros. of Cartwright, with their new portable sawing machine. They are getting out lumber to uild a-new barn this summer. . Epwýýortb League program was in, charg of our Missionary Vice- President, M-ýiss Vera Mountjoy, on Thuî sday evening. . Election of officers for the Sunday School and Epworth, League wili be hield short- 1,.... The drama entitled "Civil Ser- vice" which was so splendidly pre- sented bere by the Salem young people last Tuesday evening was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciateci by ahl who were present. The play is one.. of -tbe hest, and is most inter- e&Wing througbiout the whole story. The players themrselves did ample justice in terpa)rts- by their splen- did expre5sýion anid clear delivery rnaking it a r-eal success. Between each act we were favored witb musi- cal numbelrs by- Enniskillen Male Quartet and oA each appearance they were beartily applauded to which they responded in humorous select- ions. Pastor Wickett acted as chairman and also assisted in keeping us in touch witb the drama. The National Antbem closed a very de- lightful evening. Those who have notheard this drama "Civil Service"' go to Salem on Friday night--don't miss it. Orono Ne-wýs wants to know if there is another civilized community that tolerates the old style of charivari? Not many. LAUNDRY PRICES DROP On and after Monday, April 25tb., we wish, to announce the f ollowing prices for laundry: Men's List Shigrts, tlress .................10ec Shirts, open back............. 12c Working Shirts,............... 8c Collars.......... -.............2c Cuiffsper pair ............... 4c Under Shirts or Drawers....... 6c Handkercbiefs.. ............... 2c Socks or stockings, pair ........4c, Ladies' List Dresses or Skirts ........ 30 to 45c Corset Covers.............. 5 ta 8c Combinations..................14c Might Dress...... ...... 10 ta 15e Blouses ....... ......... 15 ta 25c Petticoats .............. 25 ta 30ci Pamily washing by do zen. :.601 ,Goodls called for and deliver-d. Work guai\anteed. -S6O BRQJTHERS West of Royal Theatre Bowinanville MAPLE GROVE Miss Chrissie Freeiman, town, visit-' ed her brother last week. . .. Misses Maud and Jean Ramsay, Bowman- ville, visited with' Miss Viola Stevens Sunday .... M rs. Wm. Lymer has re- turned home after a pleasant, visit at her brother-in-kaw's, Mr. Thos. Lymer, to........ Miss Elsie Martin 'attended the funeral of her grand- mother, Mrs. W. Leach, at Zion.... Mr. Fred Lane spent the week-end in Toronto .... Mr. Fred Stevens, N-est- leton, was home over Sunday... W e welcome Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Han-' cock and family to our community A full house greeted, Rev. Fred Storey, a missiornry on furlough from South America, last Friday; evening, and enjoyed bis address il- lustrated by lantern slides .... Fol- lowing is the officers of Adult Bible Class: Teacher-H. G. Freeman; President-M. Munday, Jr.; Secre- tary-Miss G. Lymer; Treasurer-, Wm '.Lymer,. Jr. ... Referendum Committee and co-workers are to be congratulated on the splendid vote that was polled bere on Monday, a total of 181 votes .26 No and 151 Yes, 4 spoiled-a record. Mr. C. H. Snowderi, Mr. M. M. Munday, Jr, Mr. J. -D. Stevens, Mrs. Truman Power and Mrs. F. Swallow were the committee. Mr. John Henderson and grandson John, spent a few days with bis daughter, Mrs. Vernon Coulter, Brighton, also renewed old acquaint-, ance with Rev. R. A. Delve of Smith-7 field. Couch ,johnston & Crydêrman are showing a wonderful display of voiles this week. Notice To Crediltors IN TIf E MATTER of the Estate of SOLOMON JAMES WILLIAMS, deceased. NOTICE is bereby given that all per- sons baving any laims or demanids against the late Solomon James Williams, ,who died on or -about the 23rd, day of March, 1921, 'at the Township of Dar- lington, iu the Province of Ontario, are required ta send by post prepaid or de- liver ta the undersigned, Solicitor for Nancy Peters, Executrix under- the sald Will, or te the said N_,ancy Peters at iHamupton Ontario, ibeir names and ad- d ressesaud full particulars in writing of their daims and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by t hem. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the firat day of June 1921, the said Nancy Peters will proceed te distribute assets of the said deceased, amang the persons entitled thereto hbaving regard only ta the dlaims of which she'shali then bave had notice. and that the said Nancy Peters will flot be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof te any persan of wbose dlaim she shah flot then have received notice. M.GV.OUD Soliitor for the said Nancy Peters. DATED AT BOWMANVILLE, this l8th day of April, 1921. 16-3w SPIECIALS THIS> WEEK~ For the balance of this week we offer these speciai values: SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, regular 55e lb for 45c SIDE BREAKFAST BACON regular 50c lb for 45c, PICKLED BACK BACON regular 50c lb for 45c CHOICE SARDINES regular 10e tin, 3 for 25c AYLMER TOMATOES large can,7 for $1.00 JELLIED VEAL AND HEAD CHEESE Our owu make-extra appetizing G'-. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phono 21 Bowmanville You can't get too mucli fresh air these days. Enjoy outdoor sports and buy sporting goods here: SPALDING BASEBALL GOODS SPALDING FOOTBALL GOODS INDIAN MOTORCYCLES CLEVELK-ND BICYCLES FISHING TACKLE BUY GARDEN TOOLS HERE where stock is large and prices lowest Mason & DaIe's Hardware The Store with the Big Phone 145' Hardware Stock Bowmanville e ,'Sale commences Apeil 23rd., et 10 o'clock Be there when the door, opens See -Our Large Bill Do Your Spriýï Sale Commences April 23rd., at Be there when the door opens See Our Large Bill 10 'o'clock MEN'S SUITS Lot 1-Plain Greysand Fancy Blues, etc Must be sold $16 .85 FREE HAT Lot 2-VIen's Suits, ail sizes and ail styles,' greys, blue serges browns, etc.,., These are ail the latest styles andi patterns. $.35.001 Hat or Cap free with every suit in this lot. BIG SPECIAL Young mon and mon that want to look young, assorted lot Suits and Spring Coats To Clear $19.50 TWEED TOP COATS 'Suitable for Spring Coat or Raincoat, Greys, Brown s,, ,etc., singleand double texture To'Clear $10.95 to $22.50 $5. 00 off any Tailor Made Suit in our Range-Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 1WIlere YuÀ,wy $ e otValue FrYour$ MEN'S COLLARS 22c each or 5 fer $1.00 BOYS' SHIRTS Sizes'il to 1312 'To Clèar 2 for $1.00 MEN'S SOX Light or heavy weight 3 for $1.0 MEN'S SOX Black and other colors in the lot Out they go 39c BlaeJ1, Worsted Hose for.,men 59C H-eavy work sox a littie better value 59C MEN'S SUSPENJDERS 59-79--98 Lr17 ~ IT Before the Days of F0RSYTH IN OLDE~N DAYS a man's shirt usually was a hume-made affair. It was serviceable al right but sadly lacking in ap>pearance. Nawadays men take pride in their shirts and a Forsyth Shirt is surely something ta be proud of. Specially designed materials made up scien- tifcally byhi hly skilled aperatars give you in. a Forsyth Shirt al that you can desire. Yaui%,ill find&aFor- stiShirt ta your liking hi this store nm A i hifrfor onefataeiL SHIRT WAR $1.95 sizes 14-174$1.95 We are in the shirt war same as Toronto, one difference Web- ster's price is loWer $1.95 LOT 2 Forsyth Guaranteed Shirts, To Clear $2.45 Buy your shirts for the next year now. B ECONOMICAL B at Webster's great sale Saturday, SAVE $$,$ CAPS Big selection to choose from ail prices includ- ed, To Cleair 49c Webster has engaged serviçes of an expert to ssst În this Sale.- Free Pre8sing for six months with every suit soald during this great, Sale. MEN'S SUITS Another big bargain, céome in and look them over. other suit in the store up to $60.00 value To Clear $39-50 KING HATS The best Canadian Hat, were $7.00 and $8, brand new stock To Clear $4.95 MEN' S HAT $3.95 A few King's included in lot Real Bargain $3.95 29c AND 69C 2 lots of children 's *stockings, -MUST BE SOLD $1.95 OVERALLS $1.95 Bargain now. few left. Just a, Any BALBRIGGAN Summer Underwear 2 piece. To clear at 95c Garment SUMMER COMBINATIONS Balbriggan white mesh, athletic, To Clear $1.95 Suit Cashmere Mixture combination under- Wear, fine for chilly, days, reg. $5.00 and $6.00 values, To Clear $3.95 OVERALLS E xclusive agency for Brotherhood, blue stripe-, black Must be Sold $2.69 WEBSTER'S Where You Always Get Moist Value For Your$

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