The Fascination of i, thePearl ,accouned for b; the Iovelies d t heeunwbidc lke -&e SURIS Iast raye oa the sdowed wood- Iand pooL is a souce ciuuend- mng oy. Thismodel $75 ,et in $75 Lurger p"a~ with heavm r iout- igmay be had frm$1 e up. Elliot Bros. Jewelers Oshawa Good Br ead means Good Health and this- means everything. Buy some tickets and have the bread1 delivered. All ourbaking is strictly home-made. Any cake made to your order. Mack's JHome-Made Bakery Corner Conession & Elgin-Sti. BOWMANVILLE Help Save' the Home To Prncials and Teachers, Scholar and Parents: We will send "Hiome Inspection Blanks" to the teaching staff throughout Ontario for distribution among their pupils. As patriotic Canadians your sympathetic cooperation is sought in the important work of conserving the lives and property of our peoplefrom destruction by fire. The inspection is planned to take place throughout the Province during the week of May 2nd. The primary object of this In- spection is to draw attentdon tohaadu conditions in the homes and have the fire menace rein'oved or corrected by the house-. holders. The housing problem makes the protection of dwellings of paramount importance. CLEAN UP. Prevent fires by removing the cause. Information and text-books, "Conservation of Life and roperty from PFire," "Lightning,, its Origin and Con- trol", free ou reqaest. ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE, INC. In Affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshal's Office 153 University Avenue - - i- Toronto, GEORGE F. LEWIS, Secretary Beauty & Service are not aiways found in perfect combination, but when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT' EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Cail and see this material before you cover your new building or renew your old roof We have a full line of other Building Material at prices considerably lower than last season Fresh Stock of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delivery at Summer Prices. McCleIIan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274 POWER Abandant power-au Oldsmobile characteristic for 23 years-bas been assured the owuers' of the new 4 Cylinder Oldsmobile by its powerful valve-iu-head motor. The specially designed Oldsmobile englue head with its tbree port exhaust outlet and the special carburetor re-atomizer assist iu the economical development of titis power. The disc clutch and sturdy rear axle deliver it to the road wheels with smoothuess and a minimum of frictional loss, PO WER-Oldsmobile power-is an itemi of importance lu the selection of your motor car. Let us demonstrate it. Power Comfort Appearance Econoniy W. J. CHALLIS, Representatiwe LMoffa-tt Motor Sls iie BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 28, 1921. SCHOOL TRUSTEES' MEET Miss Mileta Hoar, S. S. 5, Darington, Gave Report of Ontario Education- al Association at Providence U. F. 0. Club. We are pleased to have the privi- lege, of presenting to oui readers a capital report of the recent convent- ion in Toronto of the Provincial Hligh and Public School Trustees Associa- tion feeling sure that it will be wide- ly read: The thirty-fifth annual convention of the Ontario liigh and Public School Trustees' Association was held in Convocation Hall, Toronto ,March 29th., Sth ., and 31st. Tuesday morning, after the dele- gates-numbering about 1500-niad registered, the meeting was called to order by President Judge J. H. Scott of Perth. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Rev. W. M. Morris! of Orangeville, and was confirmed., Then followed the ap- pointment of the Nominating, Press Correspondence, and Resolution Comn- mittees, The Secretary-Treasurer presented his report wiiich was fol- low by the report of the Commttee on Reorganîzation by Lawvyei W. S. Ormiston, LL. B., Uxbridge, formerly of Bownianville. lie first read his report through then re-read clause by clause while the association adopt- ed or amended them. The clause in hîs repîort that caused considerable discusion was "The Change of the name of the Association" to "Trust- ees' and 14tepiayers' Association". However, it was finally carried. The afternoon session opened with the President's address. lHe began by statîng that there should be close co-operation between school and home, tLhat theý attitude of the home is responsible for many failures in school. Too many young chldren in this age conduct themselves with- out parental restraint. The cigar- ette habit, increase in truancy and crime are ail due to laxity of ho me discipline-lack of parental trainiug In order to reach the public -we have a plan of organizing locally- every district but withont aid pro- gress cannot be made. The large unir.ber of trustees present is due to the untiring energy of the Secret- ary-Treasurer. lie is a genins on organization and is very enthusiastic la his work. lie snrveyed half of this province. We hope the legisla- ture will snpply the minister with means to cover the rest of the terri- tory. One-third of a century ago the pride of oui province held us as a model in othier provinces but we have fallen . Memnbers of the board were able to examine the children as well as the teacher. Iu those days en- eigy was the esseutial subi ect and the child built bis own superstructure. The primary scbools are broadening out, more subi ects are taught, more homework is given, no solid forma- tion is made and the children only get a mere smattering of their work. Primary schools are not turning out boys as well equipped as tbey former- ly dîd. The three R's are not given first place or emphasâsed sufficieutly. Teachiug has degenerated from a tîme-honoured profession to a com- mercial enterprise. There is no sta- bility in the teachers' remuneration. It ought to be considered a contract. There should be a fixity about the termis, strictly adbered to. The Agreement should be 'in writing and a, new modell form of contract ap- proved by the Minister of Education shonld be issued. A teacher shonld not be released or dismissed except at the three periods because the work is consequently set back by resig- nation in the middle of a termi. The speaker concluded his address by saying "I invite. your serions co- operation to remedy the defects. Establish your scbool on a rock-bed of efficiency. This Tnesday afteruoon being set apart for discussion of Rural prob- lems, Mr. A. A. Jordan Inspector of Public Scbools iu East York former- ly of Port Hope, gave an inspiring lecture on one of the greatest of our Rural Problems - "Cousolîdated Schools". ln openiug lhe dretw our attention to the time of Upper Canada. "Even then", he said, "there were struggles la Education". The Cause of Comn- mon Education was retarded by thel tilling of the land, the attitude of the radical politicans, and leader of the churcb not'believiug that Education was meaut for the Common people. Their narrowness of -visin peee 1902 and to-day has over one han-I dred consolidated schlools. Ir. that province yoaI may travel seventy miles west and fifty milps sonth and YOu will stiili be in t he area of consoli- dated schools. They h-ave been a succesas ther. Ontario has ouly two NE, NEADS SOffie:, King St. Phone 48 (Premirises fOrmer]Y occupied by late T. N. Rickard) sncb schools. Under certain condit- ions it'is a good thing but it is not the best solution everywhere althdugh, it may be cousidered as one. The Goverument pays the large grant of $9000 for %he building, $3000 bonus if begun before the end of 1922. If an Auditorium is added $2000 more, makin.g a total stum of $14,000. iu addition $100 to, encl teacher on the staff and $1000 to- wards eqaipment. Is the system now perfectly com- plete? Did our forefathers expect ns to stand still. Eighity-five years ago the small school-secti.on remaineéd the same. Only one teacher while education became more complex. The curriculum was enlarged and still the smail school witha one teacher remained, sickle, cradie, oxcart and log barns have passed away politically and commercially people have broad- ened ont but the school section re- mains -where it was. Is it in the general interests of the people? Why inadequate? Now,ý there are from thirteen te fifteen subjects ou the curriculum and no teacher no mat- ter how skilfnl can teach s0 many. Iu this way we cannot -give the children higher education lin the country, but'ail the children ini the country are entîtled to it. Thus it is necessary to go to, city and town but the children leave home rural- minded and come back urban- inded. Is not this a moral loàss? A great de- Some economic advantages are: Supplies, fuel, janitor for the one scbool cost less than for the indlvid- ual small schools. Better resaîts for the mouey you spend. Better buildings, entirely up to the mark. Fewer classes lu a room. More attention given to slow pup- ils. Rural environment in a graded school. Scholars graduate 11/2 years earlier Agriculture taught as it should be taught. Create a co-operative spirit and co-operation breeds trust. E ngland spends more money on sport than oni anything else. That bas made ber -a great nation. Play grounds large. liigh School training with expense saved. Farmiers shoald have more edacation because agriculture is the culmination of aIl sciences. Less change of teachers-80 per cent of teachers are on the, move. In Denmark some teachiers spend their lives in only two schools., In fact one teacher apologized for bav- ing remaiued only 19 years lu one scbool! (To be continaed) AUTO FOR HIRE BABY GRAND 'CHEVROLET Available 'afterno ons and nlghts W. H. FAIRHEA D Phone 44, BownaavilIe, Hately Garage. EXA MINE YOUR TIRES If your tires need atten- tion now is the time to, have theml repaired by us before the Spring rush. You will save money and add to the life of your tires by having us ,repair them. Ail work done by ex- perts and we guarantee satisfaction. Tire Repair Experts Jamlieson Bros. BOWMdANVILLE: OSHAWA: Statesman Blockc Jackson Garage automo ie cannot affod p ~~'THAT'S it, 4iTright there on that bicyrcle. "It's'as simple as A. B. C. "éBut it means as much to a cycle as the whole alpha bet oes to the English lIanguage." "How's that, Ed?" "Just this way-- "The crank hanger is the power plant of your bicycle. "If your crank hanger turns just -i little stîff or hard, that meails more effort for you. "If the hanger develops those mean 'tight and loose' spots, it means more friction and less power. "But the 'Triplex' was, de- signed and is buiît to overcome those faults. "It is made of such fine steel and to such close limits of ac- curacy that it always runs smoothly. It makes your bi- c ycle run so easily you'd think you were riding down grade. "ht takes a lot more time and T EtEare cwer 1,000 tion in Camadai arirying genaifle C. C. M. parts andf giving C. C. M. servime Look for the above aiga. better workmanship to con- struct such an accurate han- I I "Well, wel 11 neyer thought a crank kanger was so import- ant I sec now that it is really just as im- portant to have a good crank hanger on a bicycle as a good engine in a car, 4"That's right The 'Triplex' is sure some power plant., "Were you thinking of buy'. ing a new bike, Charlie?" MYes, I was thinking some- thing about it, Ed. You know I bouglit a cheap one against your advice last year and I'm sick of pushing the old cart along. Besides, it's always wanting repaira.» "What you ýneed is one of those new C. C. M. Bicycles. They're built to stay out of the repair shop. I know of many C. C. M.'s that are giving good service after ten to, fifteen years riding over aIl kinds of roads." CLEVEL-D -COL UMBIA, "ThEBicycles with Ihe Cc- C.lM.Triplex Han ger"9 CaaaCycle & Motor Ce., Limited MonireaI, loSoto, WESTON, ONT., Winn4peg, Vancouu lu SRED BIRD and COLUMBIA' are sold in Bowmanville at HARRY ALLIN'S REPAIR SHOP Just West of Royal Theatre on the Sunny Side The only Exclusive Bicycle Shop in townwhere you get 100 per I cent Bicycle service ~ Several Re-Buit Bicycles For Sale PERFECT - M3ASSE Y - RED BIRw bi