wearlsome, variety vgorous. Deatlr is characterized by monot- ony, 1f e hy variety. Henry Ward Beecher said, "Men love variety when they are alive,"1, whenover there is variety, energy, animation, vigor and spirit exist also. It is the characteristic expression of naturainess. It is neyer associ- ated with artificiality, affectation or exaggeration. The normal man ap- proves naturalness. He detests unnaturaîness. Variety in public speaking, then, froni the very, nature of the cause, will stimulate an audience to if e, that is, to alert at- tention. How shahl we avoid montony ? We are so apt "to go star-gazing and step on a giow worm!", to look for some wonderful remedy and miss the reai one, close at hand. Whlen, in the communication of ideas, are we. quite natural ? In conversation, Genuug says, "If (conversation) is the crowning excellence of skilled expression." 1 have shown before, that such expression possesses var- iety; i. e. frequent pauses, changing emphases, varying degrees of pitch I and iengthis of inflection. Then, to avoid monotony or to secure variety the public speaker must adopt the direct, natural, or conversational at- titude toward his audience. Mnny speakers attempt to secure varigty by artificial means, e. g., by "reaÏsing the voice to express joy, lowering it tg express sorrow", and like absurdities. Avoid these af- fectations, as you would the plagus. Others, again, seek to relieve mon- otony hy loudness. Shouthng more- ly confuses. It does not possess the basis of real variety. It is purely physical. If physical force is to be used, to arouse the attention of hearers, it wouid he more effective to adopt means similar to those used by a certain spirited divine. It, is told of hlm, that upon one occasion, when a member of bis congregation feul asleep during the delivery of the sermon, hie hurlcd a book at the de- linquont, saying, as hie did so, that if hie wouldn't listen to the gospel, 'le would feel it. Hlowever, I only suggest this means of arousing hear-~ ers out of their drowsiness. I do not prescribe it. (Next Article: "Carrying Power of the Voice".) WILL PÀY 9 TO 10 PER CENT INTEREST. Somne farmers in this district reeuire amal bans te btter equltp their farmas and are prepared to paLy from 9 to 10 per cent per annum. Parties having money to invest on glît edge security will do welto communicate direct with us or see Mr. T. H. Ever,%on, Oshiawa, for further Information. Buchanan & Buchanan, sillciîtors etc., Larnont, Alberta. 14-t ý the trivial rounu,,btle commun tacir or work in the Master's vineyard wili be performed with the same cheerýfuiness and fidelity which has characterized your 1f e while living in Bowmanville. In s0 doing we know ere long, you will become a valued member of the community in which you live, thus making our loss the, gain of others. We remind you that warm hearts will always keep you in remembrance and so we ask you to nccept this Lamp as a small token of our regard, and assure you that it is the sincere wish of ail that the change which you cortemplate making may prove a pleasant and an agreeable one, and that you may always be guided by the unerring hand of a tender loving Father. May the Peace of God that passeth ail understanding keep your heart and mindthrough Jesus Christ. Then when the toils of if e are ended and the angel reapers corne may the joys of Heaven and earth be blended in the grèat eternal home gathering in the presence of God, where there is fullness of joy and at His right hand pleasures forevermore. Mrs. McCready presented Mrs. Coombe with an electric reading lamp accompanied with the good wishes of ail present. Mrs. Coombe made a very suitable reply thanking ail for their good wishes and beautiful gîft after which short speeches were made by Revs. E. A. Tonkin and W. Il. Spargo and Messrs. J. A. Holgate and W. W. Dickinson. Piano duets wrere contributed by Misses Viola Brown and Sybil Burk and Misses Marion Pickard and Muriel Dech; solos by Mrs. W. J. Morrison and Mrs, C. F. Rice. A social time was afterwards enjoyed, refreshments were served and ail joined heartily 4in wîshing Mrs. Coombe a pleasant time in her future home. She has been a very earnest and faithful worker in ail departments of the Methodist Church and Sunday School and good w7ishes follow her to Exeter, Ontario, 'where she wi11 make her home with her aunt. MANY MEN WANTED "Men wanted who are willing to ac- cept positions paying from $6'to $10 per day. Men wlio are tired of laboring for an existence, thie je your one good chance We are training men for positions as farm tractio 'neers, garage meelianics, truckdrivers, salesmen, vulcamizerà, weld- ers, battery experts etc., or will lielp you start garage business -n your own. if you are out of employmnf or dlissats. fied with your present poor pay>inig job, cliA or.write jmmedlatcly for fuil par- ticulars regardlng our speccal plan to next few men enrollng. Day and evenlng cl,.ases. Applyý HemphilI Auto & Gas Tracter School, 163 King-iFt., W., Tor. [onto. 16-4. which said scliedule is fiereby ceclared te be and form part of this By-1taw. The 5. lApon the execufiqn 0f this agree- said Debentures shall be payable at tlie ment by the Corporation the Corpora- local Brandi of the Eýank of Montreal, in tion shahl proceed forthwith te submt a the Town of Bewmanville. by-law to autli,.riz,, and approve of this 3. Te Maor 0 thoCorpratin s a greement and to provîde for tlie carry- andTe issueo the deorentrand al ing out of the came and upon the said signadisetedeetrs n h by-iaw being approved by tlie rate pay- came and the interest coupons attachedI ers the council of the Corporation shal thereto shah aisoelie sigued liy tlie finally pass the cameand take necessary Treasurer of the Corporation, and the~ steps for its confirmation. debentures shahli e sealed witl tlie seal of the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said 4. Duriug the tweaty years, thec cur- Company lias hereunto affixed its corpor- rency of the debentures, the sumn of ate ceai andi set the lianfis of its Presi- $1,743.69, shal libe raisefi aunually for dent and Secretary duly authorîzefi In the paymeut of delit and lnfercst by a that liehlaf, and tlie said Corporation lias spocial rate sufficient therefor over andi affixed its corporate seal andi set the aliove ail oflier rates on ail the rateable bands of ifs Mayor and Clerk duly au.tli- property In tlie Municipallty. at tlie same orized in fliat behlaf. time, and in tlie same manner as oflier rates. 5. That tlie Corporation grants to tlie BOWMANVILLE. FOUNDRY COMPANY, saifi Company as provided blivtlie agree- LIMITED, 1 ment referred te as seliedue "B" liereto CHiRISTIAN REHDER, annexed for ten years from tlie first of January, 1922, a fixed assessment of (SEAL) President. $20 000.00 excepf scliool rates and local, S. S. EDSALL, improvements upon ail sucli land, liuild- Secretary-Trejisurer. ings, andi manufacfuriug acceseories as may lie usefi for manufacturing purposes CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN only liy lie said referrefi te Company, 0F BOWMANVILLE, but net otlierwise. 6. Tliat tlie Agreement dafefi the lilih H. L. QUINN, day of April, 1921, a copy of whlcl Iis (SEAL) Mayor. hereto anuexed as scliedule "B" is liere- JOHN LYLE, by approved and tlie exocution of thie Clerk. came iy flie Mayor and Clerk under thie ceci of tlie Corporation, Is liereliy rati-. fiefi and confirmed subjece th le approvalNTC of flic Eloctors. OTC 7. Tliis By-law shall fake effecf on flic TAKE NOTICE fliat flic foregoing ie a day of final paccina fliereof. ti ue copy of a prpoe BIy-Law of flic Read a first fime April lîfli, 1921. Corporation of flic Town of Bowmanville Read a second time April l2fli., 1921. toelie sulimitted toeflic vote of the electors Read a tliird fime and pasced the on. Eleventli day of May A. D. 1921, be- day of 1921.I tween the hours of Nine o'clock in flic ferenoon andi Five o'clock in flie affer- SOHEDULE "A" lteferred otehficBy-law hereunfo au- nexed sliowing thie amount rai.eed au- nually by special rate as provided in fli said By-law. Interet Principal Total annual -rmu amount ,200.00 $5439 $174.69 1,167.38 576.31 1,743M6 1,132.80 41l0.89 1,743.69 1 096.15 647.54 1,743.69 1,057.29 686.40 1,743,69 1,016.11 727.58 1,748.69 972.45 771.24 1,743.69 926.18 817.51 "1,743.69 877.13 866,56 1,743M6 825.13 918.56 1,741.69 770.02 973.67 1,743.69 711.60 1032.09, 1,743.69 649.68 1094.01 1,743.69 584.04 1159,65 1,743.69 514.46 1229.23 1,743.69 440.70 1202.99 1,743.69 362.52 1381.17 1,743.69 279.65 1464.04 1,743.69 191.81 1551.88 1 743.69 98.70 1644.99 1,743.69 SCHEDULE "B" AGREEMENT made la duplicate this Elevenfli day of April, 1921 13ETWEEN THE BOWMANVILLE F'OUNDRY Co., LIMITED (licreinaffer called flic Company), 0F THE PIRST PA.RT,] andi THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNI 0F BOWMANVILLE (hereinaffer caled the Corporation), - ' 'OFTHE SECOND PART., namely: -West Ward-Council Cliamber. Northi Ward-Pumping Station, North aide of Cliurcli Street. Southi Ward-Besement of Public Scliool on Victoria Street. And that the Fourtli day of May, 1921,1 at flie hour off cheveu 'clock in tfliolre- 1100e, af flic Council Cliamber, Bowmau- ville, lias lieen fixefi for tlie appointmentý of peÎrsenc fo attend cf flic aforesaid polling places andi af flic'final summiug Up of votes liy the Clerk, ang fliat if tlie accent of flic electors le oltained te flic said proposed by-law, if wihhliebcfaken into ceusiderafion by flic Municipal ('ouncil of flic said Corporation at a meet- ing thereof f0 lie leld affer flic expira- tion of oee monfli frem flic date of flic first publication of flils notice and fliat sucli first publication was- made on flic Fourtcenth day of April, 1921. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a'ten- ant wlio desires to vote upon flic said proposed by-law muet deliver te flic Clerk, nef laf er flian flic tenfli day lie- fore flic day appoinfefi for taking flic votes a <eclration under THE CANADA EVIDENCE ACT, fliat leIc s a tenant whosc lease extenfis for flic time for wliicli flicdebf or liahlity le te lie creat- cd or in whicli fli moncy te bie ralsed by fthc proposed by-law is payable or for at lcasf twenfy-one years, and' that lie bas, liy the lease, covcnantcd te pay al municipal taxes la respect of flic property of whlihhelce tenant other than local improvement rates. JOHN LYLEM, Clerk of tlic Municlpallty of the Town of Bowmanville. 15-3w. The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirtY-one National Red Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide Crusade for The improvement of health The prevention of disease The mtgto of suffçring. This movement is endorsed by The Governments of Thirty-one Nations; The League of Nations; Medical and Public Health Experts Meet- ing in International Conference at Cannes, France,, April, 1919. The Crusade is being inaugurated by a World-Wide Enhrolment of Members ONTARIO ENROLLMENT May ,22-28 As the outward and visible sign of your personal shar. in tii movement for good health; To help create public opinion'in favour of sound health m.asur.m- You may 'enroll with your'Local Red Cross Branch or Enroilment Oo.i-ý mittee or, if there is no organization in your cornrunity wuthTI ONTARIO PROVINCIAL DIVISION, 410 SHERBOURNE ST., TGRONM C.anadian Red -Cross Socioety Ontario Di'visioa.C 1 --,- -