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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1921, p. 2

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i - i 17 BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 28, 1921. WELL KNOWN CITIZEN DEAD Mr. Moses Holland, Bowmanaville. M. A. JAMES Thursday April l4th., marks the STEAMSH1P TICKETS% sudden passing to rest of Mr. Moses TO EUROPE-Canadian PbCifC, llolland in his sixty-sixth Year. White Star Dominion, Cunardi Amer- .Tlie funeral took place on Saturday Ican. Ask for information. Phonie afternoon from the f amily residence, 53, Bowmanville.__________ Liberty-st., service beîng conducted by Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A.,. LEGAL who testified in kindly terms to the ulseful, quiet and, inoffensive if e of M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. deceased. Mr, Holland was born ln 3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Bowmanville and wns the son of John -oney to loan on Farm and Town HEolland and Ann iRedmond Howel Property. Royal Bank Building, his wif e who came to this town from J3owmanville. Phone 351. the Isle of Wight about seventy - -- -- -years ago. Mr. Hlollanid lived al W. F. WARD, B. A. the years of his if e in Bowmanville,' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY in his youth learning the building Mortage oan Aiiangd. Bndstrade with Mr. Daniel White and son. fortSale Ponsea2.OfeReons- Later lie worked for many years with for ale Phoe 12. ffic, Rsi-Mr., Wm. Brock, building contractor. dence 178 J., Bleakley Block, Bo-w..M Holland had the contract for the manvile. 4-t plastering and finishing of the Town Hll and many other public and >MEDICAL private buildings of this town and 'B. . HZLEWODM. D, c M.surrounding towns and was knownas 'B. . HZLEWODM. D, C M.a highly skilled plasterer. Indeed 'Irold Medalist of Trinity Universty had f ew equals for good and fine To9ronto. Four years Attending PhY- workmanship., Mr. Holland's quiet, -ician and'Surgeon at Mt. Carmnel retiring disposition prevented hlm oaiaPittsburg, Ks. OfiRce and from taking an active part in any -l,*uidence, Wellington Street, Bow- public work of the town, but lie loved mtanville. Phone 108. 86 old 1owmanville and its people andi C. _W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., I to the last took keKen interest in read- Grauat ofTrnit Meicl Clleeing the Bowmvianville News and ln his Trdnteoformerly ofEnicakllen., quiet way did much for the 'advance- orono, ormrlyof nnikilen.ment ofthe town of his birth. H1e Offie and residence, Dr. Beith's,*as a n honest upright citizen, a mcmn- lornier residence on Church-st., Bow- ber of the Disciple Church, although ~mari-ille. Phone 259. 44-t his illness for some years prevented DR v H SORYhim from attending worship regular- "Graduate Toronto University, yearr liv. e adwas Biblesd n thsoe ~and half resident physician and sur-repues.and was ael versed on th ~geon Toronto General Hospital (six sripue. 1ewsago ubn ~rnothsBursid Maeraty) and provider and a kind indulgent mon haîf ersieMltrny Hspt.f ather. 1He leaves, besides his sor- Office: Royn ank uilding, o-al.rowing and lonely wif e to mourn bis mavie. holBn 1 uid3ngBOWloss one daughter (Irene,) Mrs. J0. W. Manille Phne 13w. 10-lr.*Shearer of Toronto,,and two sisters, Mrs. Alfred Gilîson, Toronto, and DENTAL Mrs. John Stacey, Bowmanville. The paîl bearers were Messrs. Wim. Brock, DR. G. C., BONNYÇASTLE Fred A. Haddy, Robert Bird and Mr. Honor graduate in Dentitry Toronto IRichard Tudor. Among the mafly University. Graduate of the Royal relatives and friends attending the 0College of Dental Surgeons of Ont- funeral were Mrs. Alfred Gilîson, Mr, t'Se. Office King-st., Bowmanvilîe. and Mrs. Peter Harrison, Mrs. Wm. COffice phone 40. House phone 22. Jones, Mr. J. D.. Fletcher, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. George Giîison and DR. J c. DVITTMiss Gertrude Irish nîl of Toronto; DR. 3 C. DVITTMr. and Mrs. Harry Garvin, Hamil- Graduate of Royal Dental College, ton; and Mr. George Markle, Mr. Toronto. Office, King-et East, Bow- and Mrs. Henry Rush of Port Hope. manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sunday. Phone _______ *Oa. House phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Mot complete equipment. Sunday -ad night caîls promptly attended to. ,Bowmanvi.lle phones 10 and 34. l5ranch at Orono. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st, just opposite Canning Factory, pays bighest cash pricea for all kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or call at bis residence. .5-tff. NOTICE TO PUBLIC -1 have taken out a license ini Bow- iaanville to buy ahI kinds of Junk and Poultry., Will pay the highest price. App]j by phone 289 or caîl on Mr. Pike Ontarîo-st. FI TË ý9t1,son's home treatment for epilepsy. 'Twenty years' success. Thousands of Itestim<)nlals. No case should be consid- ered hopeiess. Free booket. Wm, Stin- son Remedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr MERCHANTS CASUALTV COMP ANY. Speclaliste in Health andi Aceluent Insurance. P lIcles Ilberal and uinrestrlcted. Over $1,000,000 pald hIn osses. Exceptionai opportunîtles for local agents. 904 Royal B3ank Bidg. Toronto, Ont. 6-50 CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OSHAWA. Our wlnter terrm commences January 3. Sookkeepîng, Shorthand, Typewrlting, Compiete Commercial and Complete ,Stenographic courses. KIng Street Chambers, Oshawa. Pýione 917 1-tf ELIIPr Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto IS WELL KNOWN THROUGH- OUT CANADA FOR HIGH GRADE WORK. Accountancy, stenography, typewritting and general improvenient courses; much personal attention given to students; graduates readily obtain emiployment; open all year; write to-day for prospectus; enter any time. W. J. ELLJOTT, Principal. Insure YOur 'Electric Motors un-ader breakdowns due ýto breaking of joints orparts burning out due to over- load, lightning, failure of i'nsulatio-n, beit tension, or other causes necessitating immediate stoppage for îrêpairs. Iroad and Hb- eral coverage. Ms.Edith V. Scobeli Agent pbhone i8lçBomnle HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mr. W. B. Coucb bas received a contribution to the Memorial Fund from Miss Maud Broughall of Tor- onto. Enster exan4iuation results-stu- dents obtaining 60 per cent of ag- gregate marks or over: Form IV-Mildred Lawrie 60. Forai 111-12 subjects: Viola Sbortt 77, Mary Found 74, Aileenï Parker 68, Ross Tilley 67, Herb God- dard 65, Leone Wallace 64, Rutb Grigg 63., 8 subjects: Ilazel Bar- rie 82, Marjorie Collacott 65, Irma Power 64, Rosie Shortt. 63, Hazel Hodgýon 63. Form 11-13 subjects: Helen Mc- Gregor 85, Ross Pooley 75, Doris McConnell 75, Ethel Wehher 73, Alex. McGregor 73, Winnifred Cry-1 derman 73, Doris Foster 70, Beatrice Bigelow 70, Ralpb Carruthers 68, Annie Laird 61, Edua Swallow 60. il subjects: Edsall Oliver 86, Bud, Pethick 83, Albert Anderson 80, Fred Goddard 71, Arthur Found 67, Ronald Courtice 61, Walter Brancb 61. 10 subjects: Oliver Hanna 73. Forn 1-15 subj ects: Marian Ward- er 93, Albert Allia 89, Myailand Gould 88, Stanley Osborne 79, Tbol- mn Gilders 78, Stanford Symons 70, Marian Pickard 69, Blanche Cryder- man. 68, Stuart James 64, Mildred Soucb 62, Florence Morris 62, Reva McGill 62, Iva Gilbank 62, Cordon1 Asbton 62, Ross Lane' 60. 14 sub- jects: Ruby Cltworthy 67, Aileen Jeffery 62, iMildred Piach 60.' 13 subjects: Clemens Percy 61. 111 during exauinations: Form Il -Alan McKessock. Form I--Jack Reynolds, Odos Metcalf, Reid Pean. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL I bave been delighted to rend the letters of West Durham Boy re Ty- roue. 1 woulId like to 'know the writer's anme, as ho, speaks of bar- ing known me. Hi.s mcmory Ws good, and I judge ho is tolerahly cor- rect, tbough some of the eveats re- cordod are beyond my tecollection. "Rev. Fossett's anme was Rer. Michael Fawcett wbo was stationed la Bowmanville for oneyear only-- viz 1849, and the "Rev. Geo. Cos- ford", was Thomas Cosford-station- ed la Bowmanville froni Jane 1854- 57. 'He gives the date ns abott 1S50. I will follow the narrative witb keen interest to its close. I was amazed that ho recalled the incident re Rer. McDonagh's tirade against the old churcb building, in Tyrone. Ia that ho was correct. It occurred in fahl of '67 or winter of '68. The report of it lu btter souded to me mach ike what Mr. Geo. E. Gibbard (my cousinu) of Toronto, would write. Theop-ncient history of Tyrone bas elicited wide-spread interest. D. Rogers. St. Thomas, Aprîl l3th., 1921. Mr, Thonipson R. James' hardware store, Cambray, was barglarized re- cently; also the store of Mr. Hewie, Cameron. Tho thieres'mado awa ln a stolen auto. For Rheuniatic Painis.-Tho pains and aches of Sciatica and Rheuma-1 tiani should be treated with Dr., Thomas 'Ecectric Oil. The sooth- ing and healing proporties of this famious remedy have been demon- strated for fifty years. Use it a1so for inf1amnuatory pains, cuts, scratch- es, braises and sprains, either in huinan beings or the lower animais. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TICHE 'YETERINARY SURGEON. Day or ýNgh a Promptly Attonded To. Ofie, King-et., W.,-Statesman Block, Bowmianvifle.' Phone 243. FRIENDS 0F EDUCATION Any church that hopes to succeed for the future m ust have a welh edu- cated ministry. We'believe that it is the task of the churches to make the mind and character of the world according to the mind of Christ. Canadians must -possess or' be given a rigbt conception of the sanlity, value and urgency of teaching of the right character la the schools and colleges and therefore it is the imperative duty of every cburch to f ormulate, support and carry on a sane, progres- sive and practical educational polîcy if their ministers are to be effective and successful leaders. If the mind of the nation is to be right the teacb- ing must be along hunes of Christian education. These tboughits have forced theni- selves upon us while looking over the 36th Annual Report of the Edu- cational Society of the Methodist Cburch in Canada, ln the reports of the givings lu the several churches we are pleased to observe that Bow- manville District heads the 12 dis- tricts in the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence to the Educational Society and with the single exception of the wealtby Cambridge Methodist Church Lindsay, our own Bowmanville churcb holds an enviable position. This ex- presses the conviction that:the people of this district have the correct con- ception of a cburch's duty and are generously supporting their belief lu education by their contributions. 1The statements given berewitb will be rend witb intorest by our rendors: Subscriptions of Tweîve Larger Churches in Bay of Quinte Con- feronce. ILindsay, Cambridgz-st..$569.28 Bowuianville........215.00 Peterboro, Trinity ......... 200.00 Petorbboro, George-st...... 190.00 Napanee, Trinity........... 163 45 Picton.... ý................130.50 Oshawa, Simcoe-st .......112.40 Witby ....................75.00 Cnmpbellf ord ...............70.00 Cobourg...................50.00 being to prevent fires by removing the cause and thus save our homes. WEDDING Scott-Macmillan A. quiet wedding took place at Jarvis-st., Baptist Church, Toronto, on Wednesday, April 2th., Rev. Dr. T. T, Shields officiating, when Mar- garet Thompson MacMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmidt, 19 River- dale avenue, was united lu marriage, to Ernest W. Scott of Toronto. The J bride looked very charming in a checked taidor-made suit with small French hat and gloves to match, with corsage bouquet of sweetbeart roses and wearmng the gift of thiç g"rom, a brown Isabella fox fur. The onl attendant was littie Ihobel MacMillan in a frock of white organdie and1 carrying a basket of pink sweet peas. Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple left for Chicago, stop- ping en route atSarnia, Detroit, and Battie Creek. On their retura they will talce up their residence at 53 The Maàples, Bain'Avenue, Toronto. Port Hope................ 50.00 Belleville, Bridge-st., no report., Notice To Credh ors IN THE MATTER of the Estate ofý Cobourg Hlorse Show wilh be beld SOLOMON JAMES WILLIAMS, deceased.1 in August as usual. Senator Beith NOTICE is hereby givea that al uer- and . J BrggM. . A, ae Hn- onsha-v5ng any claims or demarids Pii .J rsidents . ,re hast a"glainst the late Solomon James Williams, orary wrsdns Rcit ataho died on or -about the 23rd day of year reached nearly $18,000, a bal- March, 192. at the Townsllip of Dar- ance of $140 being ou baud after lington, in the Province of Ontario, are liabiities were met. required to send by post prepaid or de- liver te the undersigned, Solicitor for Time bas Tested it-Dr. Tbomas' Nancy Peters, Executrxudrtead Electric Olbsbe ntemîe will, or to the si Nancy Peters at OÙ hs ben oî te maketHampton Ontario, their names 'and ad- upward Of fifty years and in that time dresses and fou parti-olars in writing of it bas proved a blessing to tbousands. their dlaimos and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the sceurities, It is la bigh favor tbrougbout Canada if any, held hy rhem. and its excellence bas carried its AND TAKýE NOTICE that after the fame beyond tbe seas. If it were first day of june 1921, the said Nancy doube te piceit oul bc chap letrs illproeeed to distrihute assets dle timientt.ouodbe tchep P tiý] icesd.among the persons liniment.entitled thereto having regard only to The deatb occurred lu Coîborne the Utaimsofwhr she salsl then have of eo M.Peble. e-had no 11a) t'4te said Nancy Friday o Go M Pele. e Ptrs rthe said as- ceased bas been 111 for some timne and sets or >tbtVt any person underwent several operations, He of wïiose amsu la1 not thon have beld the office of District Deputy of re,,i,,dnoie tbe Masonic Lodge 'and Grand Sup- Slciofrth M. G. V. GOULD, erintendent of the Masonic Chapter Soitrfrth said Nancy Peters, andbasvistedthelodes a tis DATED AT BOWMANVILLE, this, district on numorous occasions. 16h-a3w'Arl,191 The Corneër Grocer 'Is Wfell Prepared 7 Serve The Best Interests 0f His Customers At Ail Times. HARRV ALLIN PFIONE 186 BOWMANVILLE was iso proud 'ef her first cake. It was so Ji ght 80 ternpting! But ber young bro- fhers had an, eye onit too, and You've simply got to bide the cakes and bread when they ,re made from Cream of the West Flour. Mdaple Leaf MillIing Co, Limited Totonto, Waie &udo, aifa Miller's Worm Powders prove their value. They do not cause any violent disturbances in the stomach, and pain or griping, but do their work quietly and painlessly, so that the destruction of the worms is im- >perceptible. Yet they are thorough 1and £rom the first dose there is im- provement in thé condition of the suf- _ferer and a cessation of manif esta- ,tions of internaI trouble. Orono people nover d otbings by halves. Tbe other evening they or- ganized an Hlorticultural Society and insîde of a f ew hours had signed Up 78 memnbers. Rev. J. W. Rae is Pros- Mdent, Rev. Alox. K. Edmison,, B. A. and Mrs. A. J. Knox Vice do. "Orono the Beautiful" is their motto and the Carnation their Society fiower. Mrs. O. W. Rolfe is Secr4e- tary. Night of Agony cornes in the of asthma. The victim canne- down and sleep is driven fro- braîn. What grateful relief-is mediate effect of Dr. J. D. Kelfo Asthma Reinedy. It banishes frightful conditions, clears the pass- ages, and enables the afficted one to, again sleep as soundly and restfully as a child. Insist on the gentiine at your 'nearby druggist. THE EDITOR TALKS Four out of every five fires "!hic occur in the homes of Canadians are or were preventable. Carelessness is the chie£ cause. We are p]eased to see, therefore, that the Ontario Fire Preveution League, la affiliation with the Fire- Marshal Departmnent,' bas inaugurated a Province-widE. pub-, licity campaign f or the purpose of conserving our homes as woll as oui Lives from destruction by fire. The boys and girls of the Province will be caledý upon to assist in this most desirable and patriotic movement. fbirough the principals and teachers of our scbools, tbe League wîll dis- tribute 250,0001 copies of a "Home Inspection Blank" so that the pupils witb the help of their parents, may aaswer the questions. The primary object is to cleanup attics, cellars, back yards and remove bazardous conditions. The und<erlyïnog thought MART[NýeSE'NOUR

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