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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1921, p. 3

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DH4NER SETS GREA TL Y RED UCED For the next ten dlays we offer these special offerings in our China Dept:1 WEDGEWOOD DINIMER SET This is a stock pattern with very attractive design, 96 pieces, regular price $55, Sale Price $45.00 BLUE WILLOW DINNER SET, Another pretty set of 96 pieces and sold reg- ularly for $45, Sale Price $35.0,0 DECORATED 'DINNER SET This set is a beautiful rose design of 96 pieces which is specially priced for this sale at only $35.00 We always have a large stock of Limoges and Nippon China at reasonable prices. LOOK THRU OUR CHINA SHO? AROHIE TAIT PHIONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. When 'You Buy you always get UNCHANGING QUALITY, FIN E FLAVOR HIGH FOOD VALUE WHOLESOME BREAD Deîivered direct to your home fresh daily THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Business Exceptionally Brisk We are very much pleased and gratified with, the large business we did during Baster week, and'wish to express our thanks for the continued patronage of our many customers in town and country. We try to please., Send us your meat or- ders and they will receive our personal atten- tion. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 2,25 Hbuse 272 Bowmanville What's a >Guarantee?. Our idea of a guaraatee is that the mnanufacturer who gives one-which hasn't any tags and loopholes-believes îa lis preduct. So nuch so that he stands ready to make good any loss suffered by the purchaser through defective material or workman- ship. It's mainly because of the guarantee that goes with them that w. are selling and recommending Ames Holden "Auto- 0f course, we know they give the cheapest mile- age too-that thcy are dependabie tires for any make of car, anywhere. But it's the guarantee that we talk about most. It's the straight anad clean-cut, without time or mileage lirits. It shifts our responsibiity on to the manufacturer and he lives up to every letter of it. Corne in and let us tell you about the guarantee that goes with AMESHOLDEN "AUTO-kSHOL-e Cord and Fabric Tires in ahi Standard SIze J. HATELY Temperance-st., 'Bowmnanviîîe Phone 44 and 114 f- I BIOWMAINViLLE, APRIL 28, 1921. SCHOOL DAYS AT TYRONE jMrs. Geo. A. Watts, Hamilton. NUMBER TWO It was during Mr. Albert Barbeîr's termn as Principal of Tyrone Public School that the writer was promoted to the lower room-always a proud and eventful day. The first amaze- ment that struck one was, however, the teacher managed to make hîmself heard with the continual beda oir head1 Slamming sîntes, scuffling of smali naldfeet on the well-worn floor, tramp, tramp, tramping of someone always up and down, and unnecessar- ily, Ioud sbouting of lessons ia uni- son-thalt's how it sounded as soon as on. were out of it. Mr. Barber was a painstakîng teacher, quick-tempered, but soon over it, appreciative of the ambitious pupil and well-intentioned in al bis methods-drastic or otherwise. One of these nmight strike you as unique. There were a f ew big boys in the school out for a good -time, as Most ordinary boys are, and generaily at the teacher's ex.penise. Mschief îs 1very dear to the average boy's heart, and what better time to practise it than when the teacher is busy with a lass at the front to safeguard ob- servation. But let not such an one think he had detraeted Mr. Barber's attention. At the rate of a mile a minute would corne hurtling through the air a twelve inicb ebony ruler, landing neatly and safely by the side of the punil "carrying on". No need to speak of the electrifying effcect or the dead silence which followed, during' which at a word of command from the teacher the misreant soberly carried thie ruler back- to its proper resting- place amid the smnothered giggles of the ýýjuniors. *There was mutinious rebellion on the boyish face and the red blbod of murder swelled ia bis veins-but lie gave no sign. Of course, had that ebony missie defiected by ever s0 slight a -margin, the result more than once would have spelled disaster. But the aîm was so accurate that no one was ever hurt. Kids in that day were not even supposed to have any nerves. W!lhat we did most wîckedly wish for was retaliation, but our boys were made of that stuf wbich later made military discipline an easy matter for their sons. How- ever, boylike, they did a lot of bluff- ing on the playground iter. What they would not do to the tencher Iwhen they became men and in their imagination the' poor feilow was a cringing creature praying for mercy of bis stalwart combatants, while, of course, none was granted, ind an ad- miring circle of small fryt ok every- thing in dead earnest, and beheld the cruel oppressor as good as siain be- fore their eyes. W. aIl know bow quickly such in- cidents seemn to fade from the child mind, but long, long years after the imprint is discovered as distinct as ever, only with this difference--that what we sincerely believed to be tragedy develops Iter into comedy. At that time we could not realize that the benefit of the teacher's neat shot wns to rouse sluggish brains and bodies to greater activity, thus tak- ing the place of the diversified rout- ine of to-day. Some of Mr. Barber' s cleverest, pupils where bis own distinguîshed childrea, Ida and llerbert,,Miss Jen- nie Eellyar, Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. Bart- lett, Miss Ida Bingham, Mrs ,John I. Bell, Arche Bingham and A. E. Man- ning, now Principal. of Strathcona School, Hamilton, the first two on the list becoming eminent doctors and the latter four successful teachers ln the neighborhood until called to larger activities. W. wonder how many of the old girls and boys recall the desktops we used to have wîth hinges on ?: Oh boy!1 Themh wuz the days! Once get the tendher busy wîth a pupil or a class or best of al bis back turned to the world, and up would go a desk-lid la searcli of some runnway text book or innyhap to straighten the contents of the desk. But what a tîme it would ýtake to do it, nnd how many snow appfles were stealthîy crunched, and how many volum 'es not strictly on the list of school books were eagerly devoured at the same time! If one became very studious, more than likely the theme was "Jane Er." or Miss Alcott's "Little est se ns. of the term. 5o far as my recollection goes, there neyer was any bint of troublel betweea teacher and pupils during the years le spent la Tyrone. With Iseniors lie was particularly success- over a word which in saner moments Would come as natural as breathing -and to stop to consider was nlways a fatal sign. Whea once the big scholars went down the tension slightiy reiaxed but was maintained pretty tîghtly until the last two wiry contestants lad won or lost their Waterloo. Inasmucb -as no on. can justly dlaim credit for being n good spelier, since it is a natural gift, no better feelings rankled againstthe winner, thougli ench trove. bard for the posi- tion. Jin. Brown was neyer too proud to enter the lists anad always graciously nccepted bis fate on the occasions when lie mispelled taking bis seat with a 1smile, and very well pleased with the experience. With the departure of Mr. Andrus welost one who was a teacher la the truest -sense of the word, and gave to more than one of bis pupils the benefit of High School education. Miss Mary Manning (now, Mrs. Amos Bond), Roland, Man., was one of bis most clever and successful pupils, and, doubtless, there are oth- ers who couid ris. to do him honor. For some time after, there did not appear to be very good work don. la the old school, probably owing to the difficulty thea as now of obtnining really first class teachers in a count- ry village. Mr. McCulîough, who hnd poor health and wbose nerves were in sncb a pitiabIe condition as to unfit hlm, for the straîn of teaching, took charge for a while, followed inter by C. K.ý Grigg. Mr. Grigg remnined' for a considerable time and was quit. suc- cessful thougb not in the degree of some of bis predecessors. Teachers and preachers are often unap iup ngainst it tbrough no particular fault of their own. L A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT 85-t EowuanvllePhono a41. Dah lias and Glczdiolus, Bullbs About 200 varieties DAHLIA RULBS 15e each or $1.'75 doz. yeur selection $1.50 doz. oiur selection Send for îist Gladiolus from 4Oc to $1.50 doz. Standard Sorts? S. J. Jackmian & Sons Florists and Growê rà Phone 80 Bowmanville I Now and Then f ui. TO0L E'S Li S T It was owing to this superiority RA SAEFRSL that Dr. James'E. Brown, thenpo- RA S TEFR AL know as"Jim, ws le to 8-roomed brick hLouse on Ontario-st., ulariy kona i" as B o 3wmanville -good lot, every convenlence. corne our school aftera lapse of Winl be soldresnal for quick sale. several years of study to begin ser- $2,000 will buy S-roomeci frame house, iouisly the preparation for his if e driving andi wood shed, cernent walk, work. Tom and Sam.Brown were bank barn with stabling underneath, goOd orchardl fine trout Stream 9 acres land also attending Tyrone school, and ýat village of Haydon, known as Gilders fine, gentlemianly fellows and good property. Possession at once, students were they, as, indeed, haveý $5000 Wl LL BUY-23 acres, 1 mile fromi been al the Brown boys it has been town, 9 roomed brick resirTence, fine out buildings. Possession givea wlthln 3o Our fortune to know. No one days. thought amiiss of "Jim" attending. -MLughlin Farrn, consisting of 150 school although a, man grown, ior !acres, joins, village of Tyrone wlth three did he ever assume a condescending stores, Blacksmlth shop, schools, chjirch air owad te yong et.and grist min ail withln baif a mile of air owad te yong The .011 Is a rich dlay ioam, there 1 l over three miles of tile drains. The, No doubt you remember, Mr., Edi-. land I. level but rolling, well fencedl, tor, the good old days in the spelling- &bout 8 acres of hardwood bush, and one match. if Mr. Peter Werry, Ty- acre of sooti cedar. Good farm house and. baras wlth stone stabling under- one's grand old man, were so inclined neath. Over twenty-four hundred bush- he could tell of famous batti'es fought el. of grain threshed on it thisyear. and won.' But, alas ! those who The frst tenant on this farm made .enough money la five years to purchase stood side by side with hlm or hbis a farm for hlmself.' This ls one of the opponents have grown pitifUlly f eW. béat bargains in the County and must b. sold to wlnd 'up Estate. in the later days of which I speak, *20,000 wifl purchase the Borner. farrn, we did not. go from school to school coataining 150 acres, just outslde the cor- tüo wiage warf are but we did have poration of the Town of Bowmanville, on one precious hour or so a week prefer coiiaty roati, on whlch are erected an ably Friday afternoon, the last thing 8-roomed brick houe, commodjous out- on the time table.' It was an excit-. buildings, atone stabllng for 40 head of ing time When all and singular would cattle; the so11 la a rich day main, weil b. ranged ibeside theîýr respective fencefi and watered; this ia conasdered captains, and one which tested the one of the beat !arnos in the county. mettle most severely. On. Must Terms to suit the purchaser. If sold by neyer give way to nerves, lest lie or March lot., possession will be givea Âpril she would be sure to slip and fall st., 1921. Bowmanvâle Branch: Geo. L Hall, Manager.. Rush ForS pring Work We would advise people in town and country requiring our services for PLUMBING, TINSMITHING OR STEAMFITTING to place their orders early, as already many of our customers have made appointmênts for work in our line they wish to have done this Spring. So many people tell us our prices are so reason- able-and we do work promptly, too. Greenawa-y & Elliott Consuîting Engineers Phone 18 day or night' Bowmanville I MADAM-The tire as core for your decision. Go to the nearest Marshall dealer to-day and leave your order for a clean, new, sanitary Marshall Mattress, to be delivered immfediately or as soon as housecleaning is over. You will neyer regret it. The Marshall, Mattress is the most cornfortable Mattress made, and will last a lifetime. We guarantcee i for five years. Should the springs break, becomie misplaced or w'ear through -the ticking, we will re-place or repair any mattress - the springs of which are damaged from ordinary wear-at any time ýVithin five years after purchase, free of ail cost to you. Marshall Matresss aSpecial Pices .We have neyer listened to any proposai to reduce prices on Marshall Mattresses before. We do so now in hamony with the general business tendency towards a season of lower price levels, and to make a special dernon- stration in co-operation with the dealers who bande our goods. Fous.rStyles-One We More-Order Now l and 2. The Marshall Ventilated Mattires In two styles-Hair Top and Cotton Top The most resilient, yielding and responsive niattress made. Conforms to every pressure of the body, giving the absolutely uniform support of a water rnattress with greater comfort, because softer. 'Two inches of curied hair or fine cotton feit overiays a bed of about 1,000 fine steel wire coil spri-ngs, each sewn into an individual cot-. ton pocket . Valves at the ends ailow free circulation of air through hair or felt and springs, keeping the mattress constantiy aired. Tied with tape to avoid collecting dust umder tuft buttons. Fitted with convenient handies at each side. 3. The "Marshaldown" Layer after layer of pure white cotton down, corn- pressed ito a soft, resilient felt. Row of Marshall wire coil springs sewn into cotton pockets and ernbedded in the f elt ail around the sides, forming firm, square, outer -walls, to prevent mattress spreading and to give increased re- siliency. Ericlosed in fine, quality ticking. Finished with a firm, strong roll edge ail round to keep mattress taut. 4. The "Marshalfelt" Same construction as "Marshaidowru," with a grey quality of cotton feit and lighter quaiity of ticking. Coiled spring walls same as -in "Marshaidown>' and same style of strong, roll edge ail 'round, to beip keep mattreêsa inI tant shape. Sit on the edge of the "Marshaifelt" or any Marshall mattress and it springs back into original shape the instant your weight is removed. The springs prevent spreading or sagging while increasing resiliency. Tufted by hand. Guaranteed pure feit and free from dust and dirt. Soid at a price iess than the best known, so- called bigli grade feitmattresses, The Marshall Mattress, is guaranteed for five years of ordinary wear. Marshall V entilated Mattress Co., Limited To ronto . m Ontario Makers of the Celebrated Marshall Ventilated Mattresses and Shock A bsorbing Automobile Cushiozas PROTECT VOUR VALUABLES, If kept in your home, fire or thieves myrob you of them. Or Managers will be pleased to tel a ý1r1YDF'P0SIT BOX. THRYABNK0 ÀC DA THÉE will be an adaed zest to your éniojyrnent to-day i at the same time you are establihn financial baçking for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what oid age will need. Open a savings account with this Bank now. THE >STAN DARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS 1 - UESPR , - "wo -eQ> This is MARSIý àl

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