N ' ~od Old Par( '<Good Old Paroid" - th wha.t they cal1 the best roll roof evemade. SOLE AGENTS BOWMA O"-RDERb APPLE BOXES BERRY BOXES BERRY CRATES' at PRE-WAR PRICES 'Write.or phione z. SHERMAN CO( COBOURG, ONT. PHONES 256 and 514 'IP jr e P. 0. ThislIs Marshall Mo Whicli means tliat ail Marshall M- being sold this month only at great prcs Thiey are taking this means igtiir already well-known regular' so to introduce several new and specka they have put on tlie market. THE MARSHALL SANITARY M -PAT. SEPT.. 1900. If you have not seen these new M~ tresses corne in and see wliere they from ail others. An d learn wliy, riglit now at this you can procure a good mattress of make at the price of an ordinary one. BRASS AND MRON BE We have a splendid line of Brass a steads and ail makes of Bed Sprin, duced in pricefor this montli. BABY CARRIAGES AND G( We have our new line of Baby C Go-Carts tlie most beautiful, strongeý fôrtable and most reasonable in priý CARPET SWEEPERS AND CLEANERS, We have Carpet Sweepers, Ha Sweepers and Electrie Vacuum Cleaný Brushes to help make Spring cleaniir WINDOW SH ADES, CURTAIN See our window sh.ades, ahl colo also brass curtain rods, wood curtair moulding, furniture polishes all reliai F. F. MORRmIS Furniture Dealers Phione 10 Directors of Fu Service at 2 o'cloek Mthl nealCydraa's Store Flouse R. Mithel&-Co. Bowmaniville (South of Percy's Blacksith Shop) DRGITAOPOMRSTcUT -MARK MUNDAY, BOWMANVILLE ONT. PHONE8 ________ oWMANVILLE, APRIL 28, 1921. ARTICLES FOR SALE TO LET FOR SALE-Quantity of Turnips. Ap- TO RENT-Gard,,n Ground lu any size CAMAIG ECOES ply te J.ý K. Valleau, Base Line Bowman- plots. Apply toH. L. QuInn, Liberty-st., CAMPAGN EHOES ville. Phone 311. 15-tf Bowmanville, phone 73-w. 15-tf 10 young pige, fit to wean. Apply to APARTMENT TO LET-4 rooms, withý No longer Toronto the Good. A. H. Clemens, lot 14, con. 4, Darlington, electric light and water conveniences over- R. R. 6, Bownilanville, Phone 237-r3 17-tf Statesman Office. Apply te Norman S. London the Good it must beflOW. itsPmra dg uewi~N B. James. Pi V Poerin dg, pre hBU. Y Durham County did hiandsomely. reasonableý offer refused. Apply to Mrs. HOLJSE TO RENT-¾/ý mile west 0fi J YesOntrtoshies a te dy bit.Chenery, 31 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. Bowinanville on Kingston Road. Apply te De, narli o hies i the duniciplt e rsey Cow, just renewed, with calf by R. R. Stevjens, R. R. 3, Bowmianviïle,, Darlngtn hads he uniipaitie lir sde.Apply to George Charlton, con- phone 175-r 2. t SurethisProvnce e aginstcession-st., near Nursery Corners, Bo-tf whiskey., FOR SALE.-2 bron camp cots with HELP WANTED Thirteen Ontario cities knocked mattresses, 1 tent 16 -, 16, flooring for the Wet~. tent dressedl, 1 gents' bicycle. Apply WANTED-Young girl t sitwt Onajowllnw ae daneRoyal Theatre, Bowiilanville,. 16-t light housework, smiall family. Mrs Ontaio wll nw hae âdanCe FOR SALE-A numibeir ofbaby chlcks' Victor H. Fisher, Hastings, Ont. 16-2;; Easifirst,1 legisiation. eb mixed Leghorn and White Oynotsfo aal ma or girl Eaiirt vle, poe29r.1-w oteElgin-at., Bowmanville. 1-t] a higher plane. COW FOR SALE-Durham Cow, 6 WANTED-A good reliable woman at aifst1 Mr. Meighen, now corne across with years old, to renew May lSth., good milk- once as companion and hielp. Good, Pure Lard, your legisiation er. Apply teR. J.Hobbs, Manvers Rd., home. Apply toMrs. W. H. WiiLard, on.R. . 5 Bwmavile.17-t Liberty-st., Bowmanville. 172j PureLad More cities voter a Dry mrajority FOR SALE-Popula.r Garland_ Range, than Wet, thanka be. good condition., Very cheap for quick Pr ad Wha a ran ac itwasforthesale, aso rugs, bedroom furniture. Mrs. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pr ad Wata gandactit as or heC. H. Anderson, Queen-st. Bowmanville, ______rd boys of this Province! phone 180. 1-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-From our Finest Bre, You ouldspotthewetsnextday $75.00, Pony, Buggy and H1arness, a beavylaying atrain of barred rocks $1.50 You oul spt te wts extdaysaddle ,also aged mare good tri work per setting. Thos. Bottreil, cor dhurch )id by ffieir long angry faces. goife driver and has been uised to & Liberty-sts., Bowmranville, phone 2 I Fns r Alpaannowk aeJakwrk $4000. A. L.Canfield,Higbi-st., 13-tf 1 HOMIEM-A ainmblland nuirks akce Jck wmanville. l-ýV ~t' anumskll ndnuiane.FOR. SALE-Choice Shortborn Bull, EGGS FOR HATCHING-FYrm Utility HOMEMA Toronto the Good, why did you fol- roan in color. good Scotch breeding. White Leghorns, large heavy laying nglow Ottawa's wicked Iead splendid individual. Price very reason- strain, $2.00 and $3.00 for 15. Ail un- 1fý only fools and fanatics voted Bowmanville, phone 136-12. 16-tf Courtice, 14-5wSuly, Yes, Ontario is full of them. FOR SALE-i mare 1300 lba., sound and eâ Thehydahededgood to work $75 cash; 2 generalpurpose EGGS FOR HATCHING-Whlte Wyan Th hdahaddmonster got at colts, rising 4 years, would make good dettes, somethlng better every year, eggsl real knock out blow on Aprit-,18. drivers or work double. Apply toArthur fromn choice stock, some of it direct from iOn ) Beliman, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 139- the best trapnestgd and pedigreed layingi n No more short circuiting when the r12. 15-tf pene of one of the largest breeders in Phonec 21 Sandy Bill geta officiai sanction. FOR SALE-A limited number of Outh- America My pullets made a hlgh re- LNVILE wen oun gav a andsme ry ert asperrycans at$3.0 pe hud-cord for the three wlinter'months. $200 .NVLLEOwe Sond avea landomeD~yber Rapbery ane at$3.0 pr hnd-per settîng. White Leghorns, Clarke mai Tieshav chngd, h? red or 20 dollars per thousind, also Sena- strain, $200 per setting. W. H. Car- ma.Tmshv h'gd h tor Dunlop Stdawberry Plants at one dol- *resRR.1Bwmnlephe382 St. Thomas led the dry cities b lasr per hundred or eight dollars par rtesR..1,BwavlepO 8-2 _____,__.__________Tmmy.y__ usand. Sydney Brown, R. 'R. 6, Bow- 18-tf ________________ ver3,60. ell one Tomy. manville, lot 13, con. 3, Darlington. 15-3w' Aren't you proud to have helped make Ontario Dry ? Should be. Towns and rural communities join.- ed hands with temperance forces. E-STIMATES ON PAVING KING ST. Ottawa must be full of suckers-M MR.I qL 9 ~~its Wet majority exceeded 6,000 P. F. Newhquge, Town Engineer, M 1%MR 1%ýe W Our people are against the traffic. Presents Figures te, CounciL Thé sluice gates will be closed At a recent special meeting of now. Town Gouncil the que stion of paving Weatherman seems to ha« with the King-st., from Scugog-st., to the Fair wets lately. He's an old soaker ap- Grounds at St. George-St., came up parently. for. discussion. It was decided to1R ELS Whio wants to be in a class with circulate a petition among the pro- Windsor centre of bootleggers and perty owners on King-st., and if aR ILS illicit traders ? sufficient niumber of signatures was 1Congrats to Ontario Br.anch of secured favoring paving the work Dominion Alliance that did the1 pion- would be proceeded with under the J eer temperance education. local improvement plan. Tob h--r 111 71 irlàTorontoians bad behavior at pbi The followîng estimates, prepared T a e U i ) PEIR.. meetings it is thought made tos by Mr. Newhouse, Town Engineer, s l c e e t m ands of dry votes. Noise is no were submitted: argument. Scugog to, Geoge-45 f t. wide, ________633 yds................ $37,980.00 0 BOX 836 Governmentig ......... $È&,128.00, t o EN~NISKILLEN Owner's share.......... 19.496.4~~' o t a v r Towns sare ..........8,355.60 Miss Laverne Griffa, t-w, is at Owner's share per ft. frontage for ua ttes re ln t d home. pavement and storm sewer. ....58ec u n i ie r îm tP. Mrs. Phylina Mountjoy visited rel- George to Ontario-.-36 f t. wideL atives ta, Toronto recently. 171 yds .............. .. $828.00 p r ia e Mr. Geo. Gow, Cavanville, was re- Government's Share...*...2,736.00P newing acquaintances here recently. Owner's Share........... 3,830.40 Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy and Town's Share ............ 1,641.60 family visited at Mrs. James Mount- Owner's share per. ft. frontage forFL TC R AN OD joy's. pavement and storm sewer .... 45ecL TC R ANR D Mr. Wallace Stainton, Miss Brown, Ontar~io to St. George-24 f t. wide Toronto, are visitiag his parents and 616 yds.. ý............. $19,712.00 Empire fiat rods-tlie origin- othpr relatives. Governmient's 'Share. ......9,856.00P Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, is home OWner's Share .......... .6,899.20 al-no sag-velvet brass, WalerOk, hoisina vrycrti One'sshare per. ft. frontage for a 0 Mr. Gordon Werry has completed Estimate- on stormi sewer from attresses are his course ,at O. A. C.Guelph, and ils uo to Ontario, 2412 ft. i5Seia rc 3eec ýty reduced Mr. Henry J. Werry, who is qut l. $8,949.43 and town's share $3,835.4'7. sof advertis- We welcome to our village Mr. Governinent does not bear any ex -___________________ unesa~ndal- Ajex. Marshall from Solnnp pense ofstorm sewers. lines andhew of Mrs, Win. Wallace, a black- Gost of pavement estimated at al lnes which it h o isdoj1n55Mr. Wallaces $65,900.O and storm sewer 412,784- DRAPERY DAMASK workdurng is llnss. 1, r ttalcos-of$78,784.91 of Newly elected League Executive which the government agrees to pay L A ae G MKnze$22,720.0 0, leaving the town's share 40 inch satin finish drapery 1A T E 5 oPresident-RieG.T.Meeni We are infornied hy Mayor Quinn daÉask, brown and green lst Vice do-Margaret Stewart that if King-st., is to be--paved this ,stripe, suitable for coucli and 2nd Vice do-May Werry year it will lbe necessary for petition Ich r cveng, uais 3rd Vice do-Dr. Ferguson requesting samne to be presented at $1i cvrig ,50tais 4th Vice do-Gordon Werry Council meetin on odynih etc., f ormer price$15 SthVice do-Lena Smith next. n Secre a y s rienlton _____________Special Price, 95c per yd Organit-adsSino Assistant do-Myrtle Brunt Adult Bible lass Officers are: Teacher-Mrs. T. McGill Assistant do-W. H. Moore1OU e r President-Mrs. T. MeGilPL O C T N E IA Vice President-Mrs. Wm. Oke arshall M t Assistant do-John Orchard G et A nopther Plain Piilow Cottons, nice are different Auditors-Theo. Siemon, Mms. Wm. fine even weave, medium seaonow r~fln~ad t~h .12S P ir f ye weight, a good cotton for Crydrmans. -I40 inch very special at 49ce-Ad LAUNDRY PRICES DROP 42 incli very special at 53c y DS ~~Take cdre of tliem. 4 nhvr pca t5eyd On aad aftr Monday,4pril 25th. 10 qing for April we have ohich we are going to attractive price., The 80, don't, delay your SILK SPECIAL 36 inch Taffet a or Messafline weight ful une of shades, Silk, nice lustrous finish, good regular price $3.00 Very Special at $2.39 yd DRESS GINGHAM SPECIAL MILL ENDS 1500 yds fine dress Ging- hams, fine quality for hard wear checks and stripes, sptendid for Women's and children's dresses, easily worth 40e yd Special Price 29c per yd STAIR OILCLOTH 22 inch, block design, color- îngs green and tan, excellent, to wear, regular 55c To Clear 35e per yd GRASTEX RUGS 9 x 12 size suitable for bed- roomrs, dining-rooms, porch- es, etc., $13.50 To Clear $9.50 WOMEN'S IGeorgette, Voiles, H,, Pink, nav3 white, ve guarantee( values to 1values to values to values to Y WAIST SPECIAL Crept de cliene, 'abutai," etc,, colors ', grey, tan, black, ery newest styles, ,d to fit and wear, $5.50 Special, $3.50 $6.50 Special $4.50 $7.50 Special $5,50 $3.95 Special $2.95 PHONE 83 r NO W AND SAVE MONEY 1lb. print ....................1..........-4 3lb. 'pail ........... .42c 10 lb. pail ....................-....... $1.40 i, lb. print............................. 22C .3 lb. pail ................................60C 15 lb. pail ............................-1.00 120 lb. pail,..................>....... .$4.00 aakfast, Bacon by piece............ .-40c ýakfast Bacon, sliced ..............45e ýDE HEAD CHEESE, LB ..........15C DE JELLIED VEAL, LB .........35c A. Edmondstone, edoor east of F. F. Morris Go. Bowmanville Il 1 1 'RY &Co., 1