The Price of Wall Paper is Coming Down CONSEQUENTLY WE ARE MAKING GREAT REDUCTIONS IN WALL PAPER PRICES 25c Paper Now i12c Roli Hangings, cei lings with borders to match, that orginaliy soid for 25c -Now 12c per roll. LESS THAN HALF PRICE Good quality paper, st4jtable patterns for., ~Living Rooms, Dining RoomùsHlls or Dens, Wall, Ceiling and Borders to m~atch less than ½/ price-15c per roll. HEAVY PAPER AT 25c ROLLý Heavy stock paper, goodý patterns, suitable for any room in the bouse, in Creams, Tan,Green or Fawn shades, Walls, Ceilîigs and Borders to match. 2$c per roil. N, REMNANTS 5c ROLL IRemnants of from 4 to 8 rolîs clearing at 5c per roll. As some lines are limited eariy buy- ing is advisabie. W. T. ALLEN Big 20, Bookstore Bowmanille The Shop That Leads What Decides a Man to Buya Suit The obvious quai- N ity of f abrie and trimmings that î guarantees faithful service. Its srnart style skilled work- manship as shown by such details as buttons well sewn Jon. Art Clothes Ck .. "Mfor men pass every RT LTIItest of the careful j Young MenXs Latest Dernand The low collar in var- ious shapes. This is only one of many II FRONTItfIN. BACK ' N style and widths. ýl Corne in and see for yourself. Also the new narrow .-Cravats in a host of pleasing colors and stripes that tie into those tight littie knots. Store Your Furs, in Safety The beauty of your furs lies in the luxurious appearance and glossy sheen'-they possess. To retain them at their best it is imperative that they be properly stored during the bot weather. Our stor age vauts-besides affording abso- lute protection- against furs' greatest enemy, moths-are designed to keep the furs in the best condition possible. And if repairs are needed, or you wish your furs re-styled into atthoritative styles for the corning season the Thurston reputation assuhes you the veryfinest of design and workmanship BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 28, 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mms. J. N. LeRoy, Oshawa,,bas been visiting Miss Carnie Martyn. 1Railway time tables change on Sun- day. Watch f or new time table. Mms. F. H. Bounsaîl is visiting her sister, Mrs. Angus Mackay, Lindsay. Miss Jean Calder, Thorntoni's Corn- ers, recently visited friends at Bethes- da, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer and children, Toronto, are visiting rela- tives here. Couch Johnston & Cryderman are showing a wonderful display of voiles1 this week.1 Mr. and Mrs. V. Mitchell, Oshawa,1 spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. < R. H. Westaway. Mrs. A. A. MeMurtry, Toronto, is visiting her cousins, theMisses Step- hiens, and other friends here. Mms. (Dr.) Robt. Armstrong and babe have returaed to their home at Kirkland Lake, New Ontarioi. Our prices on Brass andý Iron Beils are back to pre-war price-see our1 iron bed at $6.50. Williams & Cann. Mr. Arthur Frise has returned £rom a business trip to Akron, Ohio, la the interest of the Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hloskin and children, Gwen and Jack, St. Cathar- ines, visited her mother, Mrs. C. Wickett. Mrs. H. B. Beid has returned home after a pleasant visit with her brother Mr. Morley Varcoe, and other friends in Toronto. Miss Mabel Barrie and Miss Lulu McMullin have accepted situations in The Arcade, Oshawa's leading dry goodsstore. Col. Gillespie will inspect the High School Cadet Corps on Tuesday, May. 3, at 3 p. m., on H. S.' grounds. Public invited. Mrs. (Bey.) W. Higgs, Madoc, form- erly of Tyrone, was presented wîth a life membership in W. M. Sby ,Madoc auxiliary. ,Misses Florence Clarkson, Ethel Black, Ora Bottreil and Hida Bot- treli, Toronto, visited Miss Agnes Maynard over the week-end. Mr. A. L.- Hagerman of the Bank of Montreal, has purchased the house, corner Concession and Liberty-sts., occupied by Mr. F. H. Joness. 1 Mr. B. N. Bassett, Whitby's popu- lar jeweller, has sold his business to Mr. J. M. Hicks of Regina, Sask., the transfer to take place in September. Mr. E. W. Edmunds, B. A., at- tended a Y. M. C. A. banquet of the Tuxis Squares of Oshawa and dis- trict at the Club Booms on Saturday evenîng in that town. Mr. Paul Trebilcock, Mrs. Fred W. Trebilcock, Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Hamley, Peterboro, motored here and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -P. C. Trebilcock and other friends. Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold the regular meeting at the home of Mrs. T. C. Jewell on Friday afternoon next. Every member make an effort to be present. 1 1Mrs. Arthur Jones and daughiter of Newport, Monmouth, Walgs, and Miss Olive Fry arrived in town Thursday1 crossing the ,Atlantic on the Melita. They are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cil. We are selling lots of furniture because our prices are away down. We did not buy a heavy stock when prices were ligher. Our stock is new and selling at newpricýes. Wil- liams & Cann. Mrs. W. Hamar Greenwood and hier daughter, Miss Charlotte Greenwood, who have been living in London, Eng- land, for the past year, are visitîng hier mother, Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn, Dunbar Rond, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rickard, New- castle, Ontario, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Eva Maud, to Mr, George Jamieson of Newcastle, the marriage to take place very quietly the latter part of May. Ladies, if your husband is a mem- ber of the Chamber of Commerce don't let him hike off to the banquet alone on the eyening of April 29. It's "ladies night" when an 'electri- cally cooked meal will be served. Sensational!Values1 in, Mattresses MATTRESSES will be the big f eature of our business for balance of April. Buying a Mattress you are forced to rely on your dealer's recommend, as he knows the quality of the filling. In prîcing a mattress it isn't how low a price Mattress we can show you, but how good a Mattress we can give you for the money. LOW PRICE FELT, MATTRESSES, ARE DEAR AT ANY PRICE For the quality isn't in them. Felt Mattresses which we suggest to you are made by firms which we have been selling their make for many years, and which the -home wife, when requiring an extra Mattress, looks up of the last one purchased. Seagrass Mattresses, with felt both sides ................ $4i90 Felt Mattresses, comfortably, for not constant use... . -$10.75 Feit Mattresses, the lasting kind ..................... $14.90 Marshall and Fejt Extra............................ $21.50 Ostermioor................... .... .... .........$24.00 Kap Ox Maittresses,*'100 per cent pure Kap Ox, labelled.$25.00 LET US SHOW YOU THESE MATTRESSES WILLIAMS & CANN1 Furniture Dealers Phone 58 or 159 Funeral Directors Bowmanville ai i v Get your lawin mower sharpened now at The>Repair Shiop. Men's made-to-order suits $25 at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Kitchen Chairs, special tÊis week only at 90e each. Williams -&Cann. Mrs. W. H. Williamis who, has been spending the winter with hier daugh- ter, Mrs. J. C. Truli, has returned home. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli has purchas- ed the Ives'ý Block now occupied by Dingman & Edmondstone, Milliners, and will take possession on July 15. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Hinkson have taken up their residence at Rochester, N. Y., for the purpose of promoting the education of their littie son at the Batavia Institute for the Blind., Children's Singing Class iS conduet- ed every Monday afternoon at 4 n'clock, at the Methodist Sunday Sehool Boomn, by Mr. D. Nicholson. Parents should see that their child- ren attend promptly. Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, who has been manager of the Oshawa Branch of the Standard Bank of'Canada for the last two and a haîf years, will move to his former residence in Port Perry. Mr. Hodgîns, of the Head Office In- spectors' staff, has been appointed Manager at Oshawa. Mr. F. H, Morris, Montreal, form- erly of this town, who represents the Dominion 0artr4dge Conýpany, has been making another record for him- self ut the Grand Trunk-Riverside Gun Club where hie made a long mun of 115 without a miss. He took part in several events making'high points in each. The Young Ladies' Bible Class of' the Methodist Sunday School has elected the following officers for the ensuingyear: President-Miss Ad- die Cawker; Vice do-Miss Grace V. Trewin; Secretary-Miss Alma 'Stevens; Assistant Secretary-Miss Elva B. Bragg; Treasurer-Miss Rilda Gi Siemon; Conveners: Mis- sionary and Temperance-Miss Annie Allin; Visiting-Miss Viola Brown; Social-Miss Allie L. Bragg; Look- out-Miss Minnie Webber. Mm. Edith V. Scobei, Insurance Agent, has betn appointed by the NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INS. CO. LTD., and the WELLING- TON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO., to re- present them in the place of their late'agent, Mr. W. F. Allen.- Mrs. Scobeil tenders the services of hier office to ail the old policyholders in' these companies, and hopes for con- tinuation of the old policies through hier agencies. Undoubtedly the finest display of voiles ever shown is now on sale at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. His many friends in Darlington will congratulate Rev. H. S. Cobb, a former junior. pastor of Tyrone Cir- cuit, on obtaining his B. A. degree fromi Victoria University, also on winning first prize for public speak-' ing. Rev. A. McLauchlin, B. A., Pontypool, received the degree of Bacheýlor of Divinity. Rev. Samuel W. Fallis, Book Steward, of the Methodist Book and -P-blishing House, will now be addressed as Rev. Dr. Fallis, hie having had the Degree of Doctor of Divinity confe'red on him by Victoria. FOR SALE Tudhope Buggy, also a Motorcycle side car fit, H. D. or 'Excelsior, in good condition. Roiy Atdsworth, 4 miles west and 11/4 miles north. P. O. Oshawa. 17-1w. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-To close an estate: flouse, Stable and 1/4,acre lot in Bowmanville on the north-west corner of Church and Division Streets opposite the Methodist Church. For particulars apply to John Lyle, Town Hall. Bowmanvilie, Ontario. il- tf FOR SALE PLAYER PIANO Dominion, funl 88 note," Otto Higel" ail metal action with automatic expression device, case 61 Mission Ofk in attract- îvý design, standard steel, player bench and good assortment of rolls included. Piano bas been in use about one year and is in splendid condition ,this is un- questionably a bargain at the price asked." Terms can be arranged. L. J. Clayton, box 390 Bowmianville, Ont. Notices of Birthis 50 conts; Marriases 50 cents; Deathe 50 cents, eadi in- sertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office. insertion f ree. BIRTHS IRVINE-In Bowmnanville, April 2lst., to Mr. and Mrs. W .J. Irvine, a daughter. WOOD~WARD-In Bowmanvilýe, April 25th., to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jas. Woodward, a son. CURTIS-In Clarke, March .14th., to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Curtis, a daughter, (Elsie Grace). DUSTAN-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Friday, April 22, ýto Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dustan, a son. MARRIAGES SLEEMAN-MILLER-At King- st., Methodist Parsonage, Oshawa, April 23rd., by Rev. A. M. Irwin, Harold Sleeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sleeman, Oshaw17ýa, and Violet Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Miller, Hamilton. SCOTT-MacMILLAN-At Jarvis Street, Baptist Church, Toronto, on April 2th., by Rev. Dr. T. T.-Shields, Mr. Ernest W. Scott and Margaret Thompson MacMillIan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmidt, 19 River- dale Ave., Toronto. l GIBSON-BOWEN-At Method-' ist Parsonage, Bowmnanville, on Wed- nesday, April 20, by Bey. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Miss Ida May Bowen, daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bowen, and Mr. Alvin Gibson, ail of Clarke. DEATHS EMERSON-At Port Perry, April 19th., Robert Hilton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Emerson (nee Florence Annis.) McMULLEN-In Clarke, April 18, Thomas Noble MeMullen, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. David McMullen, aged 2 years and 10 months. COX-At the residence of his son, John Gox, Botha', Alta., Aprilý 14, William Cox, formerly of Solina. Brother of Mr. Chris Cox, Bowman- ville, BROAD-At the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Samuel Jeffery, Port Perry, April 24th., Elizabeth Mason, widow of the late John Broad, form- erly of Little Britain. JAMES-At the residence, of his son,, Mr. Wilson James, Cambray, April 26th., Richard James, in his 8'7th year. Uncle of the Senior Editor of The Statesman. THOMPSON-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William Martin, Hamilton, April 24th., Fliza Libby, widow of Daniel Thompson, Oshawa, and daughter of the late Mr. Libby of Solina, aged 80 years. THIS IS HOW. THE GOOD NEWS TRA VELS "Is it possiBle you are still paying the high prices for your groceries? Be thrifty and economical and deal at our store where rock-bottom prices prevail: CANNED CORN, very speciai 2 for.....c............... 25c Canned Peas ............................. *****...... ........15C Canned Tomatoes ........................................... 15C Canneçl Pineapple........4................................... 25c BLUE ROSE RICE, 3 lbsfor ..............................25c New Dates, 2 lbs for ............... ....................... 25c Sunkist Oranges, per dozen .................................25c. PEANUT BUTTER, Clarks, 16 oz. tin..............28c. Grape Fruit 4 f or .......... ..............................25e Pure Gold Cocoa, in bulk, per lb................ 25r. NEW MAPLE SYRUP, best quality gai tin .......$2.75 For Friday and Saturday we will have a choice lot of Pineapples, also new cabbagesl. CHOICE CUTS AT CAWKER'S When placing your grocery order bear in mind that we can also serve you best in our meat dept. Highest quality meats of ail kinds. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE- C. M. CA W KERS&SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE ,New SpringGoodsll That You Will Find Unusually Interesting LADIES' AND MISSES' DRESSES, SKIRTS, UNDERSKIRTS AND MlDDlES They are not only new but possess the most becoming lines. SUITS AT REMARKABLE VALUES We are sbowîng a very fine assortment of Ladies'"and Mis- ses' Suits at remarkable values. Prices are lower now than they have been for years. NEW CURTAIN MATERIALS Don't fail to see our new Curtain Materiais in White, Cream, and Colored Madras-Marquisette-Nets and Scrims-from 20e to $2.25 per. yd.. NEW FLOOR COVERINGS This is the time of year when you need a new covering for the floors. We have them-Linoleums, Floor Oilclo.ýhs and Congoleum Rugs., SPECIAL IN LINEN TOWELLING 250 yards Linen Towelling, Miil Ends, regular 45e and 50c values, Sale Price 30c yd. $2.75 CORSETS FOR $1.98 D. & A. Corsets, -oniy 4 dozen, *medium low bust, best quai- ity coutil ,heavily boned, sizes 20 to 29, regular $2.75, Sale Price $1.98. BARGAIN IN AXMINSTER RUG 1. oniy Axminster Rug, 3yds. x 3½/ yds.t regular value $60, Sale -Price $35.00. IOUR AIM SERVICE S.W.Mason & Son Opposite the Standard Bank, Bowmanville pton-ê 106 YOU SAVE MONEY AT CAWKER'S It certainly pays to advertise. Customers in the counitry are cutting our advts out of the paper and mailing their grocery, orders to' us. Others have been telling their neighbors that our prices 'are lower than others. G4. Ne TURST>i'4ON' Bowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery I and Fur ýShop.