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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1921, p. 7

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sValueto Fw'preserved, an old family resdence always I oaesses an extra valuation over and above its property value. It has something which'a oew, -I ouse Cao neve.r. daim, and the man w,ýho ja for tonate enough Io -inherit the home of is fus efathers, knows that proper'surface Protection means, uluimatelv, a much larger selling price. A comparatively smail outlay for paint ie repald many times aver iu the added value of yiour home as an investment. ENGUSHC IT l= The otstanding record of B-H " Engliih" Paint'e enviable reputation as a surface saver le ita guarantesd formolaright on the face o! every can we mnftue. These important basic ingredieuts (70% Brandram'a Genuine B. B. White Le-ad and 30% Pure White Zinc) give to B-H "Englieh' Paint its remarkable covering capacity and durability-it ensurea that your houes will be covered with a emaller qoantity of paint than you would have to use if yoo booght a paInt of lower quality." IDo flot he etravagant, therefore boy B-H "«Englih' Paint. for then you w ilt 5e sure of real ecouomy and real surface protection. FOR SALE BY MASON & DALE BowmanvilIle, Ont. MOS4Ti5aiJ. ~.e~ijFi~eC 8?,.l@54e4 ?O~O4¶O ~4OUO MaDI CI NK I4~T caoeAy ,S~5OWYON VANOWWR a Crnewoae auîYYLý-f 'lery! V; ýHAT will it be? Will you leave it to "George" to decide, or will you insure against battery bother by insisting on a i zest-O-Lite-the one best battery for your car? Prest-O-Liteé Service, founded in the dawn of, the automobile industry, has won the respect of motorists everywhere. Prest-O-Lite Ser- vice bas expanded until to-day you will find it ready to serve you wherever you drive your car. And the storage battery which warrants such a widespread service organization-is made in a full range of types and sizes for every make and model of automobile. Sec that you get it when you need it. F. W. KIRKENDALL Temperance-st., Bowmanville eiIPB q-17 W l! lý BRANDON, REGINA, SASKATOONy OALBARY, EDMONTON, PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOU VER, VICTORIA TH NATIONAL" LUEVS TORONTO 11.00 P.M. DALY 0i .1r., T. a M.0, and G.N.EY8. via Parry,,8.umd and Sudbury La»,Toronto 8.45 p.m. DaII1Y exe.Pt u4 *MfbARD TAj.O I1~TLTRAIN EQIJIPMKW1 Iie**t.sud El* ieiomtn fro e rumt Canadlau BaSeal or Oramd Truk SaJleay Ae.t. - .~ I BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 28.,1921.1 IRISH REPUBLIC AN ABSURDITY Editor Statesman- Ireland can nover achievo separation fromn Great Britain by resort to physicai force, and the aim of tho Sinn Feiners to establish a repnbic in that small island is worse tban absurd-it is downe~ght f oolishness., Tho only true solution, If any is necessary, is alon gthe lines of conciliation and the frîendship and, support of Great Britain. This is absolutely essontial to the welfare of -Ireland. Great Britain ba s done ail, and more for Ireland than can bo reason- ably expected. Tbe home mile bill is a great step toward sncb a reason- able solution. It is only an "avant propos", a preiiminary step, and tho powers it confers upon Ireiand will unquestionably be 'vastly extended whenever Ireiand sball bave compos- ed the differences and bickerings now prevalent and existing withia bier- self. Thero is no reason, wbatever, for the existing rebellions situation in Ireland or for its continuance, but for the agitation and political nelp and sympathy of the Irish Americans. This sympatby is extended on this side purely ont of a sordid bope tbat it will aid the sympathizers la catcb- ing the Irish vote. What the people of Ireland, noed most is to be given a reat from'poli- ticai agitation, and the opportunity to employ tbe energies of ber'people in productive iadustry., It surely is not the fanît of Great Britain that this opportunity is at present deniod tbem. We often boar it asserteod tbat the British statutes are encumbered to ropletion with discriminatiag laws against the Irish people. That the laws bamper the trade and commerce of Ireland, but when challenge to point out sncb iaws tber eis silence only as a reply. The fact is, that no sncb laws exist, and We do not besitate to challenge the citation of sucb a law or laws, by anyone who dlaims the affirmative of the proposi- tion. Irish advocates are extremely fond of quoting John Stewvart Mill and John Brightit laregarai to conditions that provailed in tbir day, but in rthis they are trying to confuse the issue, as botb of these mon bave been dead many decades; and neither of tbem lived to seo the remedial land legislation wbich bas transform- ed Irish peasantry from a status of pensants to proprietors of the land, whicb makes tLe Irish people the most prosperons in tbe world. John Redmond, the great champion of Irish nationaliim, testifiod in un- equivocai language to tbe fact, that the Irish peasant enjoyed la bis day, immediately prior to bis deatb a few years back, the most liberai land laws of, any country la the world, !in- measurably more generous and equit- able than those wbich even now ap- ply to othor parts of the United Kingdom. But the critic will say, Why have the Irish emigrated if that is true? IThe fact is, that Irish depopulation had notbîing t-o do wi,ýth the union, but was iargely the resuit of legisia- tion tbat was passed before the union. There is (me physical disabiiity la Ireland for' whicb no legisiation is desponsible, and which makes the island a dependant upon Great Brit- ain,1 and that is the lack of coal de- posîts, and the deartb of certain es- sentiai raw materials necessary to carry on successful manufacturing in the island. These have been the chief. factors la arresting devolop- ment, coupled with the dense ignor- ance of the peasantry, kept so for religions purposes. A certain church has nover logt sight of the dangorous maxim that "Ignorance is the mothor of do- votion", and they have worked the aphorism to'the limit in Ireland. If England 's- coal and iron rosources were to ho shut off from Ireiand, you would soon witness far worse horrors la Iroland than occurred there some 70 years ago, calied the "Irish famine". But no.Sînn Feiner, or any one else, has, or can, refuto, the con- tention, that there are no legislative obstacles at the prosent time to Ire- laad's complote commercial deveiop- mont. The homo ule bill coafers upon the two Irish parliaments it croates, every important power that can be exercised by aay state legislature in the United States, or la the provinces of Canada, and it givos to such par- liamonts absolute control over al mattors of- public and pnrely local ont hazarding a sîng1ele1f e. In short, the British.Govrament la, holding open the door for aay basis <f settiement short of iadependenco, whicb they wil nover grant. If, in the face of these bumano offors, Sinn Feliers wisb to plunge' Iroland into war by declaring an Irish Repnblic, wbîch can only result la ruin -and desolation of 'the country, the responsibility must lie entirely witb tbom. In regard te alleged ovrtaxation 1 so glibly charged, we can assoit that Irelaad bas long eajoyed preferential t'reatment la this respect over Scot- land, Wales and even England who contribute to purely overhend las- perial expenditures a much larger proportion of revenue than Ireiand does. No Irishman is subject to any tax that is not appiiiýable in the same degree to ail other citizens of the kingdom, and if there were any sncb discrimination it would certaînly weigh as heavily upon the Ulster Unionists as on the Sinn Feinor. It is a sigaificant 'fact that the community ia Ireland, which, in the last 100 years has attained the great-. est industrial development, is the one tbat lias raised the least disturbance on accouat of taxation, Ulstor pays more taxes yeariy, about three, fold, la fact, tban ail tbe rest ofi lreland, and yet sho does not com-' plain but is willing to pay for the advantagesshe enjoys from associa- tion with the great British Empire. 0f course, taxes have increased laî Ireland la the last f ew years, as they bave la England, and la Canada, and the reason is porfectly apparent and needsïno explanation. Unless the U. S. wants war with Britain, ber distinguished frlend, the American goverament onght to' sil- ence the collection of cranks, social- ists, and former pro-German traitors, who keop np this continuai caterwaul about Ireland and these continuai at- tembts to embroil ns witb Great Britain. De Valera lias been doing bere just what the U. S. goverament exportod the "Reds" for attempting> Chas. M. Bice. Denver, April 1921. METHODIST TRANSFERS Transfer Committee bas approved of these tra-nsfers: Into' Bay of Quinte Coniference: Elmer A. Belk- nap fron ~Alberta; James lloskin, Manitoba, and E. S. Howard, Mont- real; W. H. Barraciough, Prince, Ed- ward Island; J. H. MeBaîn, Hlamilton. Out of Bay of ýQuinte Conference: Capt. John' Garbutt to London; Ralpb W. Hardy to Saskatchewan; R. E. Stewart to Aiberta;î Wm. Lim- bert to Toronto; S. T. Bartlett to Toronto; E. Van Tilton to New Brunswick. Nearly ail cbildren are, subj oct to w9rms, and many are bor wth them. 'Spare them suf ering by us- ing Mother Graves!., Worm Exter-1 minator, an excellent remedy. The -Repair 4Sho11P Having installed a motor and grinding aad buifing equipment we are prepared to do ail kinds of grind- ing, bufing and polishiag. Electric Fixtures repolished and lacquered. Let us have yourlaw n mower to grind and repair., Repairing of ail kinds, ail work guaranteed and prompt service. TH REPAIR SHOP TOean e-t. owm anvil e. Why sufer from corns when they can be painlessly rooted ont by us- ing Holloway's Corn Remover. G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having secured a License for Bowmanville District I will be pleîwed te conduet your sl REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 60-t The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto Detioit Cicage UJnexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and' Parlor cars on the* principal day trains Full information froni any Grand Truink Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornlng District Passenger Agent, Toronto.ý ! hone J. H.- H. JURY, 78 m O TORS,"LIMITED l CHATHÀAMs ONTARIO Agent Unusual Value Throughout ThisCar I T seems to be generally accepted now that anyone who is interested in a motor car must consider the Gray-Dort. More and more men are coming to regard the Gray-Dort as the. best light car and the biggest value at any price. This intensely favorable attitude to the Gray- Dort is the resuit of the 'complet e value of this car-low price, gasoline and tire econ- omy, unusual good' loloks, power, speed, comfort and long trouble-free life. Not one feature is sacrificed. Naturally, such value makes it difficuit to supply the demanci. Gray-Dort dealers are able to make'early deliveries to a f ew owners. Sece your dealer now. A. W. PICKARD,9 Bowmanvi*lle, Ont. Van CAMP & SM!ITH, Blackstock, Ont, 1I 0 GiRÂAY -D OR T ail otiiers in general excellece- is enjoyed by mrillionis of devoated friendts B 829 Black, Green or Mixed Blonde. Sealed packets only,

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