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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1921, p. 8

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BOWMANvILLE;, APRIL 28, 1921. COURTICE Mrs. Jas. Reid is sick. Miss Alta Pickeli is visiting in Osh- awa. Miss Laura Rorke spent a few days In Port Hope. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Miss Bell, Toronto, spent theweek- end with Miss Stella Penfound. Mrs. -S. S. Brooks is visiting ber Àdaughter, Mrs. M. S. Soules, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Warden Brown, Osh- awa, visited Mr. JohnWalter on Sun- day. Mýr. and Mvfrs. Herbert Nichols spen)t Sunday with Mr. W. H1. Halfacre, Tyrone. 1Our Epworth Leaguers visited Oshi- awa King-st., League on Monday ,evening and were royally entertaîned. A fine showing of Ladies' Suits and Coats is being shown this week at ,Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. HAMPTON Miss Iyn Avery spent Sunday at býer home in Burket on. Mr. Chas. Burrows,,Osbawa, Sun- dayed with his father, Mr. J. H. Bur- T0Ws. Miss Hazel Clarke, Osbawa, visit- .d ber grandparents, Mr. and Mis. John Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enocb Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edger and daugbter, Oshawa, visited ber sister, Mrs. H. Wilcox, Jr.t1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Virtue, visit-i ed ber sister, Mrs. Lorne Robbins, Ieskard, on Sunday. Mrs. John Clarke was called to Rochester, N. Y., owing to the ili- xess of her daughter. Quarterly Sacramental service will be conducted by Rev. J. O. Totton on Sunday next at 110.30 a. m. A number from bere attended the Oddfellows Anni'çfersary service in St. Paul's Cburcb, Bownanville, on Sunday morning. Mrs. H .J. Hoidge, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crydermnan, Bow- inanville, recently visited their sis- ,terý, Miss Hilda Cryderman. 1Grand display of bousecleaning ~Imelps-scrims, nets, madras, chintz, iinoleums, etc., at Couch, Johnston & kGryderman s. CHANGE 0F BUSINESS llaving purchased the Granite andf iMarbie Works carried on by my late ~brother, E. R .Bounsall, Bowmanville, ,amn prepared to, continue doing -monumental work in its varlous branches. ,Phone 241 F. H. Bounsal.' a w a h To ne ho hi hi, cai Mý Ba vis ori chi kai aw I r. N ornýan James, nowmanvilne, visited at Mr. IN. E. Wrigbt's recent- ly-Mrs. Levi Arnot is doing niceiy MAPLE GROVE after bier opera tion at Bowmanville Maple Grove U. F. O. Club beld its Hospital. Mrs, Silas Williams was annual social evening on Monday. ,Witb bier for a couple of days. There was a capacity audience pre- New Epwortb League officers are: sent wbicb goes to show the great President-E. R. Taylor amount of interest taken in the U. F. lst Vice-Miss Edna Taylor. O. movement here. After the us- 2nd do-Miss ýMari ory Annis ual business had been dealt with, a 3rd do-W. R. Westlake splendid programi was rendered by the 4tb do-Harold A. Pascoe f ollowing artists: Miss Margaret Secretary-Miss Edna Reynolds Abernetby, piano solos; Mrs. J. B. Treasurer-Mrs. W. T. Baker Neale, soloist; Capt. J. B. Neale, Tbey decided to close for the summer conjurer; Messrs. L. Power and Otis rnont*s. Worden cello and moutb organ music. H1o4se Furnishings-scrims, nets Mrs. A. Trimble and Miss M. Aber- chintz; linoleums, special to-day a't nethy acted as accornpanists. Eacb Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderrnan's. one was beartily encored and acquit- ted themnselves witb distinetion. Mr. R. J. McKessock of Solina, gave a -' capital address on the "Education Get your fixtures polisihed and Association its Airns and Objects". laquered at The Repair Sbop. He ernphasized the need and value If you have an article or animal for of an education, wbicb was very mucb sale, place ý% small advt in The States-, appreciated by the large audience. man. Advertisers are baving spien- After the program a social time was did results. Watch the advt coîumn. spent and ail went borne feeling tbey Successful Poultry Raising dep endsI bad a very enjoyable and profitable very largely upon the start. Blatch-levening. Mr. Alan> Camnpbell, Presi- f ord's Milk Masb is tbe Ideal Start for dent, maderan excellent,.cbairrnan. Little Cbicks, and you sbould ,se U5Mr.oJ.nakers and Mr. A. b. Pascoe, at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u onc an seurea uppy. c- he spoke briefiy. atlelland Co.Lreda. ami Me henaines of Mr. Mark Blackburn Clelan &Co.Limied.17-ýandMr. J. Abernetby who rendered Men, don't order your suit until you good service on tihe Rýferendum bave seen our special values at $25. jCornmittee at the Base bine were un- Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. 1 fortunately omitted last week. f I TENDERS FOR CEMENT Sealed Tenders for Cernent to be delivered as foliows will be received addressed to The Superintendent of County Ronds, Cobourg, up to May lOtb., 300 barrels delivered at Nest- leton Station, and 150 barrpls at Or- ono, 150 barrels at C. N. R. Station, B owmanville. George Greer, Superintendent. Cobourg, April 25th., 1921, 1 SOLINA' TYRONE Miss Ellen J. James bas been quite Miss Lillîcrap is visiting bier sister, 1. Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mr. H. G. Pascoe was recently at Mrs. James Oke vîsited bier sister, loronito. - Mrs. Harry Pye, Bowmanville. Mrs. Frank Westlake bas been un- Mr. ýand Mrs. T. Finlay, Unionville, er medical care.-, were guests at Mr. E. Virtue's. Mumps have broken out in the Miss Greta Oke, Bowmanville, eighbborood again. spent Sunday at bier home here., C. N. R. train service will be. one Rev.. W. E. Milîson, bondon was en-i our earlier after Sunday. tertained a t Mr. Peter Werry's dur- 'Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright visited ing bis stay bere. .s mothei, at Blackstock wbo is iil., Glad to see Miss Ethel Skinner, Mr. Chas. Sbiortridge is beautifying Toronto, who visited lber, parents, s bouse with an up-to-date vëran- Mrnanid Mrs. Lv Skiner, ah. mr, and M£rs, James Curtis, Hamip- Mr. Richard Bentharn shipped ai toni,I. and Mrs. B. Courtice, Eben- rload of potatoes from the station'ezer, were guests at Mr. A. E. Clem-1 M.and iMrs. Leslie Sniowden Mi. Harry and Misses Ethel and aple G1rove, visited at Mr. T: Edith Smith, Bowmanville, visited on aker's.> Sunday tbeir mother, Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. R. ,J. Luke, Kedron, Smith. isited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's on Sun- "Meditate and Serve" 1 Tim. 4:15, ay last. wvere dealt witb by Rev. W. T. Wick- Miss Lena Taylor, borne from Tor-, ett on Sunday rnorning. A full choir ato, sang a solo very nicely at assisted greatly at the service. lurcb on Sunday. Ail were sorry to bear of the iii- Mr. and Mrs, AlfredDewell, Les- ness of Mrs. Geo. A. Watts, Hamil- ard, and Miss Kva Cooledge, Osb-, ton, whose School Sketches are be- va, came back to vote.i ing read with intense interest by the Mr. Norman Yellowlees sold a good old bpys and girls of the 1school. [oky black team to Mr. Thomas Surely a rare treat was given to ckson and son, Bowmanville. those wbo beard Rev. W. E. Mill- Mrs. Julia VanNest, wbo bas been son, Field Secretary of Social Ser- siting bier daughter, Mrs. N. E vice and Evangelisrn on Friday even- righ, bs reurnd toTornto ing last on bis lecture "Two suminers Editor and Mrs. M. A. James and eprecsi h odMtrWrs Detrot. Phone 36 Bowmanville THIS IS Ready Roofing Week Big Stock This is roofing our large stock and have the best: -Great Values time so drop in and inspect get, our attractive prices. We ASPHALT ROOFING ASPHALT ROOFING, GALVANIZED IRON Don't put off buying your roofing. now. ROOFING Do it HE-ADQUARTERS Masoil, & DaIe's Hardware The Store with the Big Hardware Stock Phone 145 Bowmanville Dr. ScboII's Foot Eazer enses thse feet and 'ivem.n se Iat rlief. Suepportrs thse archs pringily. Light andi comfortable. May bc worn in Po=r regular ahoes. T1ifs is Dr. Scholl's Foot Coinfort Store, and xwe want to prove to you that you need suifer no long,,er with any sort of foot trouble., Walking may be a torture to you and no shocs can be comfortable if your feet are flot in condition. If such is the case corne to our store and let Our Foot Expert Advise You He is a rnan speciaily trained in Dr. Scholl's Method of Foot Correction and can instantly recognize your foot troubles and demonstrate to you how Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort App1iances wilL give 'OU quick relief and permanentcorrection. Genuine Foot Comfort in neat fitting, stylish shoes that wîll. make walking a' Pleasure can be had at týiis store. Our genial assistant Mr. Claudle W. Ives is a graduat 1e practipi- dist and is baving great success in correcting f oot troubles.- FRED R. %,FOLEY Footfitter ON THE SUNNY SIDE BOWMANVILLE fI That's W hat we want--Pices away dow at Webserstre. EtXTRA PANTS FREE = at Webster's =Friday a Saturday April 29 and 30. Suits $304 at $30 SUITS -ý.EXTRA PANTS FREE-430 SUITS MEN'S TAILORED SUITS Tailored by Tailors who know hôw, Webster's 3 F. Brand-Prices $30.00 to $60.00. materials as suit. Extra Pants samel Satisfaction Guaranteed or moneyý r efunded. MEN'S SUITS Lot 1-Plain Greys and Fancy Blues, etc Must be sold $16.85 BIG SPECIAL Young men and men that want to look lot Suits and Spring Coats young, assortedý To Clear $19.50J TWEED TOP COKES, Suitable for Spring Coat or Raincoat, Greys, Browns, ,etc.., single and double texture To Clear $10.§5 to,$22.50 WEBSTER'S- Where You Always Get Most Value For Your $ a a -- a T i MEN'S COLLARS 22c each or 5 f or $1.00 BOYS' SHIRTS Sizes il to 13½/. To Clear 2 for $1 .00 MEN'S SOX Light or heavy weight- 3 for $1.'00 MEN'S SOX Black and other colors in the lot Out, they go 39c Blaçk, WorstedHose for men 59C Heavy work sox a llttle better value 69C MEN'S SUSPENDERS 59-79-98 Before the Days of FORSYTH IN OLDEN, DAYS& man's shirt usually was a horne-made aff air. It was serviceable all rîght but sadly lacking In appearance.- Nowadays nmen takep ridt e thi shirts and a ForsythShirt is surely soaaething ta be proud of. Specialîy designed materials made up sýcica-, tfficaIly by highly skilled operators tive you inaa, Forsyth Shirt ail that youcoa desire. You wilI firad&aFor.. sytP Shirt taoyouw lkiag ln this stor. A neo *hiri for con. hatfa;il. SHIRT WAR $1.95 sizes 14-17-$1.95 We are in the shirt ,war same as Toronto, Web- lower, $1.95 one diff erence ster's price is LOT 2 Forsyth Guaranteed Shirts, To Clear $2.45 Buy your shirts for the next year now. B ECONOMICAL B at Webster's great sale Saturday SAVE$$$ CAPS Big selection t o choose from ail prices includ- ed, To Clear 49c ,Webster bas engaged se rvices of an. expert to a.ssist in this Sale. Free Pressing for six months with every suit sold during this great Sale. M EN'S SUITS ýAnother big bargain, 'orne in and look them over. other suit in the store up to $60.00 value To Clear $39-50, KING HATS The best Canadian Hat, were $7.00' and $8, brand new stock To Clear $4.95 MEN'S HAT $J.95 A few King's included in lot Real Bargain $3.95 29c AND 69c 2 lots of stockings, children's MUST BE SOLD $1.95 OVERALLS $1.95 Barglaifn now. fewlft Just a Any BALBRIGGAN Summer Underwear 2 piece. To clear at 95c Garment SUMMER COMBINATIONS Balbriggan white mesh, athletic, To Clear $1.95 SuIit Cashmere Mixture combination under- wear, fine for chilly days, reg. $5.00 and" $6.00 values, To Clear $3.95' OVERALLS Exclusive agency for Brotherhood, blue stripe, black -Must be Sold $269 WEBSTER'S Where You ýAIways Get Mott Value For Your- ~'a1~jqdpeSlr 1 U. F. 0. MEETING' Providence Farmers' Club will hold a social evening at Providence Churcb, on Tuesday, May 3rd., at 8 p. ni. Good), program wîll be given, during which Professor Squair of Toronto, wil gîve an adeson Ec onornic. Ladies are cordially in- vited and requested to bring baskets. Corne andL enjoy a treat. Special Values at Knowles' Grocery Salmon, small, 3 for .... ....... ...25c Salmon> tail, -2 for ................... ..............25e Sal11Mon , tali................................... ......1C 4 lb. p)k. Pearline ........ . -....-............. 35c GooQ Cooking Rice, 3. lbs. for ..............25c Very best Ricep, per. lb ................... ........12ç. Juicy Prunes, 2 lbs. for ............................25c Corn Starch, 2 ýbs. for..........25c Raisins, per. lb.................. 28c Pork & Beans, 6 for ............ Pork & Beans, 10 fo........$1.00 WE WANT,'MORE FARM PRODUCE Flower and Garden Seeds in Packages or BU&k MILES KNOWLES Grocer

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