VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE, YETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght 'Cails Promptly Attended To.ý Offce, King-st.,'W., Stateuman Blpck, 'Bowmanville. Phono 243., M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian PFlce, Eh1te Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- int Ask for information. Phoune Z3, Bowmanviile. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL-D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to 7,flW on Farm. and Town rroperty. Royal Bank Building, ý-owManville. Phone 851. W. F. WARD, &P A. BARRISTER, SOLICI3R'ýfOTARY Mortgage Loans Ariranged.\, Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Resi- dence 178 J., Bleakley Block, Bow- mnanville. 45-t MEDICAL 'B. J. HAZLE WOOD, M. D., C. M. G-old Medalist 'of Trinity University TZoronto. Four years Attending Phy- ulcian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel mbzpital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Rtesidence, Wellington 'Street, Bow- manaville. Phone 108. 36 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., Graduate of Trinity Medical College, 'Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- niýanvill!e. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREY 'Graduate Toronto University, year and haif resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital six months Burnside Maternity) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building,/ Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10-1vr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 1¶-onor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal C4',ollege of Dental Surgeons of Ont- maria. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. mi. to e M.~. daily except Sunday. 'Phone 90a. House phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. M'fost complete equipment. Sunday adnight calîs promptly attended te. B-ownianville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNk-A. Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning Factory, Pays highest cash prices for ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or cal at bis residence. 5-tff. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Ihave taken out a license in Bow- manville to buy ail kinds of Junk and Poultry. WilI pay the highest price. Apply by phone 289 or caîl on Mr. Pike, Ontario-et. FI TS 'itlnson's home treatment for epilepsy. 'Twenty Years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No case should be consid- ,ered hopeless. Free bookiet. Wm. Stin-1 son Remedy CO., of Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario.- 6-lyr MERCHANTS CASUALTY COMPANY. Specialists In Health and Acclaent Insurance. Pollcles liberal and unrestrlcted. Over $1,0OO,OOO pald in 105505. Exceptional opportunities for local agents. 904 Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto, ont. 6-50 CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OSHAWA. 'Our wlnter term commences January S. 'Sokkeeplng, Shorthand, Typewrltlng, Complete Commercial and Complote Stenographic courses. King 'Street Chambers, Oshawa. Pihone 917 1-tf MANY MEN WANTED "Men wanted who are willing to ac- j W J.LLOTT,VRi&. Wornis sap the streongth and under- mne thevi i Dio! Clildren. Srengthen thlie, ly psing Mother ,out the parasites.' rt wv tCOMES WELL RECOMMENDED iWhitby Gazette Speaks WeII of Mi-. Wilson, anager Thomaon Textile Co. Many o! aur roaders may not bei 1aware that it was the original in-! 1tention of the Thomson Knitting Ca.J -of Toronto, to locato in Whitby.1 Satisfactory arr~angements not being made in Wbitby tbis' company bas now decided to come to Bowmnnville, and wîll likely occupy the foundryl building.- The f ollowing article froin the WhiLby Gazette of May 5th bearing on this subi oct will be of particular interest ta our citizons: "In the face of the'announcoment1 made last week by officiais of the company that the site for the new hosiery factory bad been purcbased, a decision was reacbed aday or two later to cease negotiationis bore and ta accept the off erof the Chamber of Commerce of Bowmanville ta locate in that tow-n. It was stated that a factory building already available there can be altered ta suit the, coin- pany's purpases at camparatively smiall oxpense, and that it bad been offered ta the company for $20,000 sproad over a period of yoars. Mr. R. E. Wilson stated last week that lho bad no desire ta beave Whitby and stated if oven a reasonable amount of additional stock could be dispased of , ho would net concludo negotiations bore. However. it was net faund possible ta increase the amount already subscribed for in Wbitby, and as saine definite action in regard ta the Toronto bu ,siness bad ta be takeni at once,, Mr. 'Wilson re- luctantly concluded tbat the Bowllan- ville*offer would have ta take preced- ence. During bis stay in Whitby Mr. Wil- son has made many friends. He bas at ahl times proved bimsoîf to be ab- salutely bonest and frank in bis deal- ings, and bas created a most favor- able impression. It is greatly ta ho regretted that hoe is net ta be a per- manent residont 6f the tawn, as many boped hoe wauld. In loaving for Bow- manville ,ho goos witb the goadwillaof evoryane ýwitb wbom lho bas been assaciated bore. In bringing teaa close -the activities o! tbe company bore lbe bas won the estooni and re- spect of ail." FRIENDS MAKE PARTîNG GIFT "ýTycas-Fellowship- the bouse or- gan o! the Taylor Instrument Coni- panies of Rochester, N. Y., contains, the f ollowing, write-up o! one o! its popular empli yees, Mr. Wm. H. Cal- ver, son of Mrs. Gea. Barton, Liber-: ty-st, l3owmanville: If ever there was a surprised boy. it was "Bill" Calver, Wednosday, noan, when lie was presented a beaut- iful watcb and chain witb Masonic cham, a traveling bag, and a box a! cigars, givon as a token of friendship' £rom bis !ellow workers wbo knew hum mare intîmately, Bill bas been given the respansi 1b- ility a! the Tycos branch in Montreal, Canada. Ta say that hoe will bo mîssed puts it mildly. If over there was an extra job jýo ho dane for the Company or for the Club, Bill was always on band ta take care of it,,and as president of the Club hoe bas been an untiring worker. Our best wisbes go with bum in bis new work. The !ollowîng petition was circu- lated among bis friends in the or- ganization and. 260 contributed ta- ward the romembrances that wore presented: "With Mr. W. H. Calver's decision ta accept anothor post off or- od hum'by this coinpany, cornes the, reflectian that the 'parent body' o! this organization is, about ta part witb one of its most gonial personalities. Always actuated by the spirit of ser- vice, lio bas won for binsel! a hast of !riends bath bore and abroad. As President of the Tycos ýFollowsbip Club, lho simply f ound another appor- tunity for expression of these most admirable qualities.'l Here's wishing you, Bill, God speed and the best o! luck! In the sporting page o! the saine magazine we clip a further reference to M1r.'Calver:' "We have lost une o! aur best sports, and ho is sure going ta be.nîissed. No one person in this' organization bas taken. a deoper in- terest in sports than "Bihl." Ho bas 5been back o! aur basebaîl teains an overy occasion, and as a bard warker sots an example that is bard ta fol'- low. Ho bas played on tbe office tonin, and bowled witb the Office League. and always put the best thore was ,in hlm in the gainte, whatever it was. Al-ays cheerful, and alwaysq £-air. a goed lsenoýver abn s For International Trade rANADA'S imparts in the fiscal year of igig-2o amnounted to $i,o64,5i6,16p and its eXports te $1,286,658,709, a total trade of $2C 51,17478- In financîng the many. transac- tions that go to make Up such a volume of busi- ness, banking experience and resources are of paramounit importance. The Bank of Montreal has been assisting the merchants of Canada in import ad export trade for, over ioa years. It lia built Uùp an inter- national banking organization that offers excep- tionai facilities to those doing business with outside countries. The Manager of any Branch of this Bank will be glad to have you discuss banking faciities with himn or yau may consuit on any problem connected with international trade direct with the. Foreign Departiment at the Head Office iii n~~1 where complete statistical and' other information is kept on file, Canadien irms engaged in Foreign Trade who contem- plate sending representatives to Great Bntain, Fi-e,,c« South ,lfrica, h,àia, .4ust7alasia, Chin, ,Japan, oi -4' WestIndies, nu lfind it to their avnteto corn municate with the Foregn Deparnent et ithe Head Office i-n Montre-al, BANK OF MONTREAL Paid-up Capital $22,000,000 Rost $22,000,000 Total Assets-ln Ezcoss of $500,000,000 'I When You Buy Tod 's Bread' you always get UNCHANGING QUALITY FINE FLAVOR HIGH FOOD VALUE WHOLESOME BREAD~ Delivered direct to your home fresh daily THOMAS TODi Baker and Confectioner Bowm-anville Money in Hogs WTH lower feed prices prevailing, the farmoe who increases bis hog productioni gets big re. turns on his outlay of nmoney and labor.If, yon want to reap the benefit of this opportunity to inûl. your profits, discuss financing thé projoct out local Manager STND(1 TRVG-UoEraaPrns STAor jANAND( M TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Bowmanville.Brançh-Geo. L. Hal, Maagor Boçk*oc1n B-Et AX Preston, Manager. Ïv~ r BOWMANVILLE, -MAY l2th.,.1921. DURHAM'S BIG MAJORITY A Yes Majority in Every Munîcipality The official count of the voting on April 18 in the Referendum in Dur- ham county is reported by R. J. Rowe, Officiai Scrutineer to be as follows: NO YES MAJ. YES Bowmanvîlle 324 1025 701 Cavan Township 133 554 421 Cartwright Tp. 111 515 404 Clarke Township 162 1073 911 Darlington 'Ip. 170 1378 1208 Hope Township 270 692 422 Manvers Tp. 259 713 474 Millbrook village 118 246 128 Newcastle village ,58 237 179 Port Hope 663 884 221 2248 7317 506 9 Affirmative Majority -5069 Well done, Darlington and Clarke THIS YEAR'S CHAUTAUQUA , costumed selections froin Gilbert & Sullivan's Light Opera, presenting in Gives Pr~omise ta Surpass Lait Year's full the opera 'Ruddygone." Popular Series-Dates for Bow- Dr. Frederic Poole, with wonderful manville--JuIy 13 to 20. moving pictures of the Allenby Cam- paign in Palestine. Preliminary arrangýments are Ruby Gall, and bier Old Song Sing- being made for the holding of Chau- ers, presenting a concert with unique tauqua Week in Bowmanville froin costuming, singing. the well-known July 13th to 2th inclusive. The old time songs. outline of the program wouid in- -Major A. E. Runnells of Montreal, dicate that ail previous efforts for soldier, traveler, lecturer. quality will be surpassed this year. , Ferdinand Fillion, eminent Cana- It will open with one of the strong-- dian vîolinist, with assisting artists, est musical companies ever put on a among Which will be Dr. Harvey Chautauqua programme, namely, the Robb, Toronto's brilliant pianist. Zedeler Symphonic Quintette, a five Dr. Robert Norwood, Canda's well- people organization headed by Nicolia known poet and lecturer. Zedeler. In the evening in addition Win. H. Stout, eminent educator to this organization, Herbert Leon and lecturer. Cope, heralded as "The Funniést Man Last but not least, Percival Vivian Since Bill Nye," will deliver his hum- himself, with a company of Broad- orous lecture entitled "Family Rein- way players, presenting George edies.", Cohan's greatest comedy-7'It Pays To detail the programme day by to Advertise."l day is not possible just now, but among the outstanding features ofI the six days may be mentioried the Cobourg's tax rate is ý42 milîs. following:- Cobourg wine cellars have been Pamahaskia's Pets, an animal play rifled of their various nectars. of wonderful skill; virtually an in- Apple trees are in bloom. Take a door circus. trip through the Gibson apple section Little Alice' Louis Shrode, the from Nursery Corner, Bowmanville, youngest entertainer in Chautauqua to Trickey's Corners and return via work.Kingston Road froin Newcastle or workvice versa. The orchards are a love- Gilvan Light Opera Company, in ly svht Open Savings Ac- counts'for each oue ofyour chiîdren. Insist upon regi.lar deposits frorm pocket money. Thrijt will graduaily bircome a strong trait in oach child's character. Thore is a branch of this Banik near N (u, and a Savings Depai tmeont at every Branch. et Canada R. F. Aitchison MILLIONS IN PROFITS 1 are being paid to the share- holders of Northern Ontario's Gold Mines, Are you getting your share ? The experienco gained in fif- teen Years of active connection with these mines wiII help you to participate in these Spleni- did profits, COmPlete information on Requuet HOMEIR L. GIBSON &ëo. 703-4-5 Bankc of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO PEUONE 186 ALIN, BOWMANVILLE What does a Ford Touring Car cost? (startir and electric lighting $100 extra, $675 f. o. b. Ford, Ontario 1Is it economical'of gasoline? The owner of a È914 Ford Touring Car, from careful records kept, dlaims that in driving 50,000 miles, May 8th, 1914, t oJune 15th, 1920, he averaged over 24 -miles 'per gallon. How much oil does it consume? The same owner claims over -500 miles per gallon of oul. Is it easy to operate? The special Ford planetary transmission com- bines ease of operation and smooth, sulent running qualities. Only one lesson. is usually nec essary to learn to drive a Ford Car. Has it sufficient power? Perhaps the most distinctive single feature of the Ford is its simply c-onstructed, easily operated and powerful engine. While its -four cylinders are rated to produce twenty horse- power, the Ford has actually more power per pound of car weight than any other automob~ile made. Wi>lI it pay meto buy a&Ford? Yes, millions of Ford, car owners, have proved that it is an aid to them il. busin'ess and im proves their living conditions. The Ford Car,, with its 1lw cost, quality and simplicity of design is the car for ail purposes. hike, Boys & Cryderman West End Garage Bowmanville I j p~ Points About ,a Ford You Should Know The Corner, Grocer I s Wel Prepared 7 ox Serve The Best Interests 0f His Customers At A Il Times. eodd For Ref lection Think whaty'ou gain and what you save each' wekwhen you buy your coolking at our bakery. Kvery day you will find in ourwindows a lar ge, variety of gýood things to eat. Keep the food, costs down and patronize CHRiK"ISnTIE'S BAKERY The (Cashl& Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville' IrIHA VVI r