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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1921, p. 4

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Sole Agents Opposite Post Office Bowmnnville INVESTMENTS, FOR MAY FUNDS For those who have funds available for investment we suggest one of the following: PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 6 PER CENT BONDS Due 1936 At 99½/ and interest CITY 0F TORONTO 6 PER CENT BONDS Due 1928-1.937 Price: to vied ....................6 per cent CITY 0F REGINA 6'/2 PER CENT BONDS jDue 1931 and 1951 Price: to yiel........................6½/2per cent PROVINCE 0F ALBERTA 6 PER CENT BONDS Due lSth January 1936 Price: to yield...... .***........... 6¼ per cent Full particulars- on request. JOS. PATTINSON Bowmanville Telephone 257J. Ontario I DURING'MAYMONTHri We are offering ail lines of bpholstered Furnîture at Sacrifice Prices To enable those contemplating the purchase, of a Chesterfield Suite, a pair of Easy Chairs, or a Couch, or any other pieceof Upholstered Fur- niture to buy now. See our Window display showing a Chester- field with Arm Chair and Rocker for $140.00. Armi Chair and Rocker upholstered alI over in good tapestry for $50.00. We ask you to corne in and see these goods for yourselves, compare them' with any other, goods of similar quaiity and you will agree that these prices are the lowest ever. F.F.MORRISCO. Home Furnishers Directors of Funeral Service BowmIanville CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. L.orne W. Sanders, Mm, and Mrs. John Sanders and f amily desire to thank ail the friends and relatives, for their very great kindness and sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of their loved one. GARAGE AT ENNISKILLEN I wish to informn the public thatI have opened a garage at J. W jVr tue's Blacksmith Shop,, Eninisillen, and am prepared to overhaul or re- pair ail makes of autos.' Stock of Ford parts on hand, also best grades of oil. Repairing done at reason-, able rates. Gas for sale. Phones:ý Day 195-11; Night 239-41. 18-.3* E. N. BEECH. A filne showing of Ladies' Suits and Coats 'is being shown this week at Couch, Johnston & Crydernian's. AIl' lines of: FIRE,, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, âUARANTEE'BONDS, AUTOMOBILE, covering against fire, lightning, theft, property damage,, injuries to the public, collision; insure against the carelessness of the driver of the car you are meeting. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli Phone 189 Agent Bowmanville Are You Getting full Value, For Your Dollar? YOU GET IT HERE White Cooking Beans, 6 lbs. for ...........25c Finest Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. for.....1.................. 25c Tiger Catsup, large bottle .................................20c Large tin Pork & Beans, reg. 20e for .............15C Canned Corn, very special, 2 for ....................25c Canned Tomatoes ...................1...................... 15C Canned Pineapple........................................... 25c Aylmer Peaches in heavy syrup...-................. 25e Salmon, small tin, 3 for....... ............... 25c Pink Salmon, large tin, 19e or 6 for ...............$1.00 Pure Gold Cocoain bulk................................... 25c Special Black Tea, 40e lb. or 3 lbs. for ... ............ $1m0 Brunswick Sardines, 3 for ...............................25c Sunkist and Navel Oranges, dozen .............ý......25e Grape Fruit, 4 for .... 1.......i........................-.21k Pineappies ............................... 1...................3C YOUR ORDER WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION C. M. CAWKER & SON' BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE jBOWMANVILLE, MAY l2th., 1921.1 ENNISKILLEN Great excitement in Our village EPWORTH LE'AGUE OFFICERS Friday when Mr. James Bradley's MissSpago te Nw Praidnt. stable caught fromn a bon fire. Men Mis _____heNe___ det. wîth buckets and ladders extinguish- ed the flames after considerable car- Owing to the expected departure rying of water .... Mr. and Mrs. Jas. of Mr. E. W. Edmunds, 'B. A., froin Stainton are moving into Mr. O. L. town after High Sehool closes at Byers' house, forrnerly owned by the midsummer, it hecame necessarY to late W. H. Martn ... . Mr. Wesley eleet a new President and. a splen- Oke has had a phone installed to be did choice has been made by the up to date ... . League Wednesday Leaguers. evening was in charge of lst Vice At its annual election of May 2y President Miss Margaret Stewart. these officers were elected for this The topie was ably denît, with by termi: Miss E. Denike of Haydon. Read- President-Miss Vesta Spargo ings were given by Misses May Werry lst Vice do-Mr. Win. Pointon and Winnîe Oke, solo by Miss Helena 2nd Vice do-Miss Mari 'on Morris Werry, duet by Maude Ashton and 3rd Vice do-Miss Lola Souch Luella Stevens. Roll Caîl. League 4th ýVice do-Mm. Gordon Morris closed with Mizpah Benediction.... Recording Secretary-Mis9 Alma Rev. G. T. McKenzie preached a very Stevens interesting, impressive and practical Coresponding do-Miss Edith Allin1 sermon on Sunday evening, 'his theme Treasurer-Mr. Lorne Plummer being "Mothema". Miss Winnie Pianist-Miss Marion Pickamd Ashton, sang a very beautiful solo Flower Convener-Miss Gertrude also 'the inale quartet gave a fine Morris selection. Visitors: Miss Elsie and Mr. Clar- GIRLS' MORNING HOUR' ence Ferguson, Uxbridge, with their brother, Dr. H. Ferguson; Mr. and Pleasant Evening's Entertainnient. Mir5.,WOlstr Virtue and family, Hampton, Mr. John Virtue and Miss A very pleasant evening was fur- Mary Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. nished at the League service Monday Virtue's; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spry ini the Methodist Church when the and family,, Toronto, at Mr. John members of the Girls' Morning Hour Spry's; Miss Winnifred Ashton, MiÀs gave the progran. 'Mr. E. W. Ed- Elsie Ellis, Toronto, at Mr. Elias munds, B.A., president of the League, Ashton's; Mr. and Mrs., Fred Hed- presided and the off ering for th don and family, CJolumbus, at Mr. evening was given to the cause of John Orchard's; Mrs. Nathan Byers Foreign Missions.. The openng' with hier niece, Mrs. James Ashton, hymn "Will you be a Volunteer?" Columbus; Mrs. Edith Smart and heartily sung by the audienîce and Son, Sutton, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; prayer by Pastor Moore introduced Mr- William Hoskin and son Walter, the progrmi which consisted of chor- visi~e i ohr r.AneHs uses by the Morning Hour-"He I-lin.,km Pleased to see Mrs. W. H. Moore cluded Me" and "Juat when 1 need out again after hier operation. Thee". The recitation of the Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, "Apostles' Creed and the Beautitudes Mr.E9mr n snEnsSto was nicely done by the young mein- West, at Mr. James A. Werry's, bers. The opening address was Swain Farm. given by Marjorie Moore; piano duet, Anniversary services in connectioni Marion -Pickard and Muriel. Dech; with Enniskillen Sunday School willi vocal trio, Lorraine and Evelyn be held as follows-1 Pickard and Leone Gibson; an exer-> On Sunday, May 22 services will be cise by five girls with Phyllis Darch held at 2.30 and 7 p. m. when Rev. as leader; piano solos, Helen Argue, W. E. Milîson, Toronto, will preach.1 Ruby SeweIl and Marjorie Moore; Singing by the school. Collectionsý vocal solos, Marguerite Joness And in aid of school funds. On Tuesday, Janey Mason; recitations by Ione May 24 Victoria Day, a Central On-ý Quýinn, Agnes Vanstone, Leone Gib- tario Football gaine will be played at! son, Doris Jamieson, and1 Marion 3. p. mn., Bowmanville vs. Enniskillen. Roach; dialogue, Thelma Green- Tea served at 4 p. mn. At 8 p. m. away and Iene Shortridge; an exer- first-class talent' fromn Toronto will cise, "Bird Nesting" by six girls; and entertain. Miss Lenore Hurd, musi- another by seven girls entitled, "A cal entertainer and elocutionist Bunch of Flowers", and ,a patiotic graduate pupil of Owen A. Smily. exercise "Our Colors so True", Miss Mr. E. M. Sheldrick, soloist of High Ada Webber leading. Park Methodist church, and other mu- This pleasing prograin closed with sic. Adnlsson-Adut.T'ea and a chorus by the ex-members of Concert 75c; Tea or concert 50c. "The Hour" entitled "Somebody Children Tea and concert 50c; Teça Needs You". or concert 25c. All services in large The accompanists were Misses tent. Come andhelp. Enjoy your- Ruth Grigg and Marion Pickard. selves and do hono r to the: dhy. 1The program was very interesting, G. T. McKenzie, Pastor, J. A. Werry, excellently given and was a decided Supt, Howamd Pye, Secretary. credit to the little people and their __________________ leader, Miss Young, who takessuch a deep and kindly interest in the work of hier young girls. The Miz- SU R N C pah Benediction was a fitting con- A clusion to the splendid program. 1 N SU are soid by Harry Aluin Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE The Price of WalI Paper is Coming Down CONSEQUENTLY WE ARE ýMAKING GREAT REDUCTIONS HAMPTON Visitors: Mrs. D. Mcflride, Balti- more, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smale and children, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Smale's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Gunn, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Clarke's; 'Mr. and Mrs, N. Edgar, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Truil, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Truil and other rela- tives in the village; Miss Lillian Wil-i liainson, Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs. E. Horn and son, Mr. and Mrs, L .Trull visited friends at Orono on Sunday. Miss Sadie Virtue returned to Tor-' onto, on Saturday aîter recuperating' at home .... Mr. J. Devitt and Miss' Verna, Mrs. S. Bates and daughters motored to Barrie and visited rela-i ti.e...... Mr. Vernon Welsh, Toronto,1 spent Sunday at home ... . Mr. T. Salter, Mimico, recently visited rela- tives here ... Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephens, Oshawa, at Mrs. Geo. Stephens' ..,.. Mr. John Challis and daughter, Bowmanville, visited at H. Wilcox, Jr's. A very interesting Mother's Day program was given in, the Sunday School on Sunday afternoon, several taking part. Grand display of housecleaning1 helps-.-scrims, nets, madras, chintz, linoleums,,etc., at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. 25c Paper Now i12c Rol Hangings, ceiiings with. borders to 'match, that orginally sold for 25e -Now 12c per roll. LESS THAN HALF PRICE Good quality paper, suitable patterns for Living Rooms, Dining Rooms, Halls or Dens, Wall, Ceiling and Borders to match iess than ½/ price-ISe, per roll. Hea vy stock paper, good patterns, suitabie for any room in the house, in Creams, Tan,Green or Fawn shades, Wails, Ceilings and Borders to match. 25c per roîl Remnants of from 4 to 8 rolîs clearing at 5e per roll.; As some lines are limited eariy buy- ing is advisable. Big 20, Bookstore Bowmanvilie 1~' q McMURTR&Co. You can save many dollars by'ý taking advantage of our Special 01f er- ings, it will pay you to take time to read our advertisements every week, read the following Iist. LACE AND SCRIM CURTAINS REDUCED $6.50 $3.50 $2.85 $2.19 Curtains reduced . Curtains redueedl Curtains reduced Curtains reduced $4,95 $2.69i $1.95 $1 .48 59c for Children's Wash Dresses to fit girls age 2 to 6 years, in plaids and neat checks, made of good quai- ity print, regular price 85c, To. Clear 59c 98c for Overail Aprons made of good quality f ast colored print, neat stripçks and checks, good full sizes, regu- lai' price $1.35, Special at 98c 85c per pair for Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves (Victor Brand), colors black, white- chamois, regular price $ 1.25 To Clear at 85c pr RUG BARGAIN $2.0for a good' Tapestry, Siug, neat floral design, 2½/ x 3 yds, the regular price is $32.50, To Clear at $23.50 25c apair for Men's Sox, dark grey union mixture, or blacý lisie medium weight, ail sizes, 40e quality, Very Special 25c Pr 39c per pr for Ladies' Lisle Hose, regular and outsize, black only, f ast, colors, al sizes, regular price 60c, To Clear 39c a pr RUG BARGAIN $1 7.50 buys a good, quality Axminster Rug, colors tan,, and rose pink, size 54 x 78 inches, regular price $25.00, To Clear $17.50 $2.19 for Men's Overalîs and Smocks, excellent quai- ity, well made, full sizes, in black, blue, stripes, etc., reg- ular price $3.25, Special Price $2.19 75c per sq yd for Floor Oil- cloth, flrst quaiity, big range of neat patterns, ail widths from 18 inch to 90 inch, $1.00 quality, To Clear at 75c sq _yd $1.15- for Children's Dresses, made of good quality plain Chambray trimm~ed with,, plaid gingham, to fitý girls from 6 to 12, regular prie $1.715 To Cl-ear at $1.15 SEED CORN We are prepared to quote you very close pices on the following varieties of, Seed Corn: Wîsconsin No. 7 Golden Nugget Silo King White Cap Yelléw Improved Leaming Golden Glow Pride of Nishua Comptons Early - I ~ s ________________________________________________ I I - M IN, WALL PAPER PRICES HEAVY PAPER AT 25c REMNANTS 5c ROLL Big 20, Bookstore Bowmanville ROLL

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