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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1921, p. 6

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Whichever youn choose it w-111 be the BBSTr you ever tasted. BLACK EA MFEDTEA GRE1E *Rich, Sati8!yig Ijust enugkrota I A evelatioin Greea Iplavour. FroflltheI tea to m e th Tea. Pure. translucentl fiait gadeanie bJ ddellcious ado Faoy DARLINO, BABY BRIGNMIENS HOME Chldren's Laughter, a Pleasing Sound p3und iha,, don, for me. W@ lad %ix chiidren die aimait at birth. Frorn one heur te unepo teep day. is ail they have lived. Before My next on. w as her I took a dozen bot- tiesaof your Vegetabis e n- und, greatest mo>'kcne on ~~ esrth for this baby isnDOW four mnnts eWl, ada heaithier baby Yeu would net wan. Iarn "U, ngYeu a f7pitue f e. Everybody soas'Thot s a very beaithy liaoking baby.' Yeu aem consent to show tb!ese fe.w imes te anybody. "- Mn. C.W. BEm, 131 lird Avenue,, '~Altoona, Pa..- MsJanlsseu'g expe3rlence Of luterest to ohldles wlves. Miuston, Wî "i«1 want te give. yeua word of pra 1ime for your wonderfui Medicine. W. are fond of. children, and for a considerable tinte after we were viarried I feared I wouid fnt have any. I began taking Lydia E. Pink- bam s Vegetabie Compound, and it strengthened me no I now have a nice, trong hsaltby baby girl. I suffered ver y ltati. t childbir th and I giv. ail the credit te your medicine, and ohallaiways recoamend ithighly."-Mms E. H JANSSENr, Mlston Win. Bfr.4. Reid Of MarmnOtte WIe., adds her testimonial for Lydia M. Pink" m.s Vegetable (lompound. she Say@: Marinette, Wl.-" I was ia a nervous condition and Ivemy Irregular. My decer advised an operation. My huaband brought me one of your hookiets and aoked me to try-Lydia B. Pinkha' Vegetable Compound. It overcame ny weakniegssoc that 1 now have a hesithy baby girl after having been maàr- ried nias yeare. 1 amn glad te recoinmend yaur medicine, and You may use my letter as a testimonia. --Mrs, H. B. HELà, 330 Jefferson St., Marinette,Wis. Theme are mnaniy rany surihhomnes that wers once childiess, and are now biessed,wîlheaItfiy, happy cblidren biecause Lydia E. Pinkhaiim's Vegetahie Cesnpound has metored the moth2r to a strong ad healthy condition, as it aets as à antnx'a restorative for ailments as Indicated by backadie, irregu- Jarities, dispiacements, weakness and nervousuless. Women everywhere should remnember that most of the commoner ailments et women are not the surgicai ones-they are flot caused by serions dispiace- msnts or growths, aIthough the syptoms may b. the. same, qd that 1-s why ». many apparertly serlous aliments readily y141 dta Lydia E. Plnkham's Vsgetable Compound, as it atcts as a naturaf restorative. It can bce taken ith perfect safety and often prevents senlous troubles. Therefars ify ou know of an y womap who ls suffering and han been unabls te soeurs relie and is regretfiilly looking forward te a childies. .ld age, si ber te try Lydia E. Piakham'a Vep"table Gompownd, as it ha. brôught heath aîndhappineusita se many homes eue. dark.ned by Wilnessanmd despair. Peliar ta Women I llR be sent te d'ou fr4ee upon request. Write to The Lydiýûa E. Plnkrham Medicne (Jo., Lynma MssaChusetti. Whia book contains valuable informstion3. Beecham's Pis after a fair trial. Those praise Ioudest who have used thern long- est. The great merit of Beecham's Pis lias been proved ail over the world. There is nothing but, praise everywhere for Soid everywhere in Canada. C lu boxes, 25c.. 50c. Do as Mr. Gard (Tablets or Granules) F-orINDIGESTION Wlth oor withcut Water; pleasant to take.. QUICK RELIEF! Price, 25-50-75ý MADE 13Y SCOTT & BOWNE MAFýÉRS 0F SCOTT'S EMULSION il W.OD'S PHOSPHODINE!" Tuje Great English Preparation. .e Tories and invigorates the whole pervous system., makes, ne-w Blood in aidi Veins. Used for Nervoas ï DJebilty, Mental anzd Brain Worry, Despontdenc ,Loss of EnergY, Palpitation of the I'Iart, Vailing Memory. Price $2 De.' boxe for $5. ' Sold by ail druggists, or maied in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamplult màailed Mn. Ansona A. Gard, the well known feTIEWOMDIRIE CO,..TORO-NlOONT. Littérateur of Ottawa, called 'the Wan- claine 'Yankee, sýtys la an uasolicited tegtbonial for ZUTOO Tablets: "Zutoo Tablets Stop my heod- aQlhes go completely that 1 do not f/File L mmnd having them any im-ore." . -eiAyncs ril No need for any one to sufomrfrom hcad..-lclycx:2 ache if tbcy do as Mmr. Gard doca ItJLIR E Y Sad mýrg 91 -"U od% Bep yeurvyesCIsn, Clear and Reaitliy. and take LU01" BOWMANVILLE, MJAY 12th., 1921. of credentials, signed by R. H. Coats,I Dominion statistican. This card which xnay be demanded by any per- ENUMERATORS BE GIN son approached has the words under- ON CENSUS JUNE IST lined. "Ail information committed to ________him (the enumerator) will be held to Arrangements are steadily going be strict]y confidential". forward, under the direction o the 'There will also be two cards to Dominion Government preparing the cover "absentee families" and "closed way for the officiai census of the lieuses", so that people gone on holi- wlyoie of Canada immediately after days may be checked up. These wiil June 1stý In order that our reeders be sent to Ottawa by the census comn- may have some idea of what to be missioners for clearance. prepared for in the way of que stions we have summarized the following in, formation to think over in the mean- HISTORY 0F SOLINA time. yRvD.RgrS.ToaOt The enunMeration, will begin ~by Rv .RgrS.ToaOt finding out exactly every man, woman 1 find that 1 have written six short and chiid in the Dominion at the se hour of midnight when May 3àlst sketches of the places, and people giving place to June lst. The cen- with whom 1 was familiar in boy- sus is te be taken "as of June lst" hood days. Your request thatsome btthe hour fixed is realiy the hour one shoiild write up Solina, bas caus- but éigh. d me to refresh my memory of that of mdniht.littie town. It was earîy named A tiny Canadian citizen who draws "Pilchardtown" (though perhaps not the first breath of 11f e in the last officialiy.) -A pilchard is a fish re- minute of May 31st, wili figure in sembhing the herring, found on che the total millions. An, aged nman who coast of Cornwall and Devon, and I goes out with the dawn on June 18t conclude ýnow that a number of the wili count in the total that will stand early settleÎs were from those. parts. as Canada's officiai population for Just when it recoeived'its3 present ten years. namne I do net know. It matters, But this is net ail.- If you have littie, for it's the people who make a patcb of garden no bigger than a the place, ;and tbey allI appeared te me man's hand that grows one currant as good pe 'ople, The Beer's, Allun, bush capable of producing one quart Lee, Cowle, White, Washington, Bice, of beirries, that quart will sweil the Baker, Pascoe,, Werry, Reynolds, total., If you have a brood of the Hogarth and others, stand out cle 1arl y Imost tiny cbickens so will they. For as I write. Mr. Beer and bis son, neot oniy must the fanmer make coin- John P, were the biack-smiths of the plete returais of almost, every blade village, and Wmn. Charles Beer, the, of grass, but so must the town folks of scbool-teacher, and afterwords the the products of their. gardens and minister for 50 yeàrs, J2ohn Cowie their lien bouses. and bis sons, William S and John, The Durham enumenat9rs have ne- carried on a tailoring business until ceived implicit instructions fromn Ot- thein nemovai to Enniskillen, Wmn. tawa about taking the census. There and Daniel- White the faithful and are realiy four f orms to be fhiled in hard-working stone-masons, Parmen- as foliows: us Allin, generai store, and last but (1) Covering the ordinary house- net ieast, my good old friend Simon hold or place of permanent residence. Lee, the wagon-maker. He put bis conscience into bis. work, used the (2) Covening deaf mutes and best matenial and the product was blind people. These are entered enduring., on the regular form, but the enumer- Mr. Lee was a member of the ators must make supplementary lists. church at Eldad, and aiways impress- (3) Covering business firms, giving ed me as being a devout and godiy the class of business (wbolesale, re- man, and the memory of bis prayens tail of manufacturing) and the kind in the home lingers with me. We or nature of the' business. Finan- can recaîl the images of oun friends cial agents, banks, insurance compan- and make them live before the eye les, commodity brokers, and business of a ioving memory. We hear their agents who do not keep stocks in band cheering voices and feel the contact are not to be thus enumerated. of their loving hands. Mrs. Lee was Neither Are doctors, lawyers, nor a good cook, very hospitable and other professions.l much attacbed to ber famiiy, often (4) Covering pnoducts other than referring toe lier son, Daniel, whio those grown on farms. So that Bow- bad gone te reside in Boston, Mass.' manville people wili have to supply Among the young men details- as to the number of horses, who became prominent and useful in mules, cattleý, poultry, bees, thorougb- inter years, I recali Mark Bice and bned animais, animai, products, gar- Nelson Washington, as ;physicians; dens, and bot houses, fruit trees and Charles M. Bice, a inwyer; Arthur J. fruit. They will have to tell of the Reynolds, and W. S. Cowle, as teach- number of apple, plum, pear and ers; Win. C. Beer, Robert McCuiloch cherry trees that flourished in their and C. W. Reynolds as ministers. back yards during 1920, and the ton- Not far distant, was bora in* 1846, nage of each fruit tree harvested, ai- Edwin S. Washington. I heard bis se how many quarts or boxes of small first efforts as a local preacher, and fruit sucb as grapes, strawberries and distinctly remember bis appearance, raspberries they gathered in. manner, texts, tone of voice and gea- The Dtail Requred. eral demeanor.. He, was indeed, a The etals Rquied. promisinïg young man, and a bnight future was predicted for hlm. In The ordinary form (No. 1) which 1869 hie graduaed, (B. A.) at the enumerator wili f111 in at eveny Cobourg Coliege, and then spent home la the town bas some 34 details three years as junior pastor at Graft- to be filled in as follows: on, Wbitby and Markbam. The sad S 1-5-Names of each person in the accident which terminated bis career, bouse,,street, town.- July 2nd, 1872, will be remembered 6 Is the bouse owned or rented. by the olden f olk., lus brother, Wmn. 7 If rented, what rent. C. 'Washington, M. A., is weli known 8 Class of bouses. in the bome-town where lie bas ne- 9 Materials of construction. sided for some years. James Gra- 10 Rooms occupied by family. ham, father of Rev'. J. W. Graham, il Relationship to head.of family. D. D., of Toronto, was the junior 12 Sex. preacher on the Bowmanville Circuit 13 Single or mamnied. in 1861-1862, and hie boarded at 14 Age last birtbday. Mr.,Geo. Washingtons Solina. His 15 Where person born. Irish humor, keen intellect and great lâVihere father born. ability as a preacher made hlm, a un- 1'-Were motber bora. iversal favorite. The local preachers 18 If born outside of Canada,-year of the community were, as far as I of immigration. can rec-ali, Peter Werry, P. Allia, Jas. 19 If bora a foreigner, year of Reynolds, Geo. Washington. natunalization. Reference bas been recently made 20 Nationality. to the "Sons of Temperance" Society 21 Racial >or tribal -origin. of the village. For a short period 22 Can speak English. I was a member of it. The late Soi- 23 Can speak French. omon J.- Williams; whom I have well 24 Can speak any other languaige. and favorably known from ipy youth, 25 Religous denomiZnati»Dn1 was one of its most active and gîfted 26 Can read'. members, often contributing to the 27 Can write., "good of the Order" wltb a speech 28 Months at scbool since Septem- and debate. Other members and ber 1920 (children).> contributers were A. J. Reynolds, J. 29 Chief, occupation o'r trade. C. Groat, W. S. Cowle and several 30 Employer, employee workiag young women of the familles of Ho- on own account. garth, Washington and Reynolds. 31 Total earnings la past 12 Eidad Cburch was the cen- months. tre of the social and religlous'if e of 32 If out of work on June lst., the people, wbitber they we'nt in 1921. large numbers. It'was not my privi- 33 Number of weeks unemployed lege te attend its services, because of in the past twelve, montbs. distance, but many of its members 34 Number of weeks unemployed and preachers I knew very well, and fro9- une1s., 190 bcus f-«r Iifer - from . ocaîs1-I-see la the Stats - Oath of Secs.ecy. I JsSuIwiuut The enumerators indtividually have RAZ-MAH Ilj.uariznteed or allow axiyone to inspect theni. En- hah¶t-forninng dn.*.ayudrng- umeatos cnno tr too an in- Miot'a; Trial freent quragencleâ or"rt umeiator*cannot trlte obtai142 King W, Toeoata formation about mattens not on the scbedule.1 Local Agents Jury & Lovell's Drug Evéry enumnenator will carry a card Store. Having, secured a License for Bowmanville District 1 wlll b. pleased te, conduct your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write j for date. 50-t The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto Detroit tlnexcelled dinlng car service. Sleeping cars on night trains andI Parlor cars on the principal day trains Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. HL H. JURY, Agent Phone 78 Bownsanvulie Chiropmractic (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease- without Medicine or Knif e. Chir- opractors havýe remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafnems, Asthnia, Rheumatiani, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervensness in many forms respond eadfily ta Chine- practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simco. St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. Thv ougLte Youth, with its Vitality, for ei yo un g Mother's health an fr mnaternal expericnces \~\~ bring a dif- Ie~'ett ~ he eare of a fari~ multiplied houschqld duties, and very often the n-eakness caused by womanly diseuse, tend to prolong the sufffeM~ng and to me ke conva- lescence a slow and weary prgcess. Many -woinen-perhaps your own. ncighbors-have had beneficiai experience with Dr. Pierce's Fa- voritePrcscr.ption,ý which prepares the prospective, mother. Sond 10 cents to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' HEotel in -Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package of tablets. HAMILTON, ONT.-e« I WaS advised by a practicai nurse to, take Dr. IPierce's Favorite Prescription as a tonic during expectancy, and I have bad every rea- son to be grateful for ber advice, ho- cause it kept mue in perfect heaith and 1 had practicaliy no sifferixig. The 'Pres cri pti on' not onilyvbeneýfits the mnothler, but 1J&Mrn poitive the chiid is benefited, too. I would not besitate' to reconmend this 'Prescription'1 ta every expectant moýther."-Mas. C. SFIKE, 46 HIess Street, N. ' A ToU are not epei oren L M lng Pwlh e n usneDr. E Chuse s Oint- ment for Eezema and Skin I rtý tons. It relieves at once and gi adu- ally heals the skin. Sasaple box Dr. Chase's Ointent Iree Il you mention this pprnd send 2c. stanip forpot e. 600, a box -all dealers or Edmansen, Bs les & Co., Limlted. Toronto. .4 afe s~Zfaieregatg mdce. oId l. tree de.. grees ut srengt-'o.i, s$1 No.ô $3 o 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail drugeists, or sent read on receipt of prie. Fre pamphlet. Addres: '-THE COOK MWEDICINE CO. TORONTO. ONT. (Fsns&ly Windur.> ÏN THEEDITOR'S MAIL Vancouver, April 25tb., 1921. Dear Mr. James,-,The account in The Statesman given by Mrs. W. C. White of Dariîagford, Man., about ber visit to the Capilano River and Canyon here is very ententainiag, de- finite and true. It 19 witty as well, for she said she did not weigh the saimon aithougli they had "scaies on their backs". F. Taiiing. EXA MINE YO&R(jK»%,TIRESn If your tires heecl atten- tion now is the time to have them repairedby us before the Spring rush. You will save money and add to the life of your tires by having us repair them. Al w'ork-done by ex- perts and we guarantee satisfaction. Tire Repair Experts 1Jami1 eson Bros- BOWMAN VIL LE: OSHAWA. Statesman Block Jackson Garage Phone 18 day ornight Bowmanville LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Money invested in our coal ks cash conscient- iously expended. Here you will get your money's worth of coal. Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service. John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts. I.. l3owmanviiie - ~ P A-iTICUL(IR ,You cannot be too piticuar~ about the insu.rance, you choose. The 40- com- panies we represent will stand, the acid test of investigation. Firp Losses deaIt with very liberally and pai j up with% as littie delay as possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J. MASON & S)"ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phonq 50 Bowmanville Cre-ýam Wanted! Prices of Cream are higli. We pay Good Pricesfor Good Cream, We. Want Yours If we fait to cati on you' We WOUId appreciate a phone cati or Write us. Oronlo Creamery C 0OKONO Rush orSpring Work We would advise people in town and country- requiring our services for PLUMBING, TINSMITHING OR STEAMFITTING »o place their orders.early, as already many'of our customers have made appointments for work in our line they wish to have done this Spring. So many people tell us our prices are so reason- able-eandwe do work promptly, too. Greenaway -& Elliott Consulting Engineers G. A.BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT

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