1 We Hîavea as-tSe.cured Agencyrfor teat ight. 92 COURTICE Mrs, A. Owens and farnily, Osh- awa, visting at her father's, Mr. Fred Nichols; Mrs. Acy Penfound is with friends in Toronto for a f ew _rys; Mr. Roy Nicliols, Toronto, set the week-end at home; Mr. -ï,1d Mrs. Thos. Sanderson, East Tor- into, Sundayed with Mrs. W. R. Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. A. Patte, Margaret and Dean, Oshawa, M.and Mrs. borne Truli, Toronto, visîted at Mr. Ira Trull's; Mrs. John Watris visiting relatives in Peter- boro and Keene .... Two autos load- ed with a merry crowd motored from A d i r here to Port Hope on Tuesday, May -3 i Jrd., and attended the concert inthe Methodist Churcli given by Peterboro Male Voice Choir. having SOLINA Mr.' R. J. McKessock visited bis înaother at Massey, Ont., who is quite ill. No school on Monday .... The F -rrent of Mr. R. J. McKessock and Mr. PRoy bangmaid as captain bas organ- iadand play their first garne at Ia Brookln, Saturday at 5 p.r. Mr. John Kelly bas a bad attack of erysipelas .... Mrs. A. b. Pascoe re-] cently visited ber aunt Tiza-Mrs.I T. A. Wrigt-îin Cartwrigbtwbo is~ M ... . Mrs. b. Arnot is doing nicely at Bowmanville Hospital and rnay corneborne this week ... . Mr. and Mrs. M. A .James and Mr, Norman James, Bowrnanvilie, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, recently vis-, ft.ed at Mr. A. b. Pascoe's .... Mr. .Eirnest barmer, Blackstock, and Mr. Austin barmer, Burketon, and Mrs. J. 'W. Brooks, Bowrnanville', visited at. Mr. S. Edgar Werrys... . Messrs. A. and C. McFarland, Fenelon Falls, 'sited at Mv. J. T.-Rundie's. .. .Mr. liù Mrs. b. C. Snowden, Mapie Grove, visited at Reeve Baker's.... Miss Vera Baker has returned to Nichoiis iHospital, Peterboro, after four weeks' vacation at home.... Mrs. John Baker is training the young voices and some of the older ones for the coring anniversary. . - The concert at Eldad on Tuesday nîight last week given by the Women's Institute of Hampton andtbe, Ep- -wortb beague was specialiy worthy ,of cornrendatiun. The two piays w t -were weli given, showing careful wt training. The piano instrumental duets given by Mesdames Tottonsend Kerslake and Mrs. Kersiake and Miss 0 Hemn were rnucb appreciated. Mrs. Knox gave a Scotch reading and -Miss Mary Niddery a recitation nice- ly. Mrs. John Baker sang sorne selections very sweetly. 1ev. J. O. 'Totton presided. Pvoceeds $50. < louse Furnisings-scrims, nets, chintz, linoleurna, speciai to-day at Tî potnt Couch, Johnston & Crydevman's, hs.potnt rare one indeed. Rer TYRONE off ered only on these' Recent Visitors: Miss Elrna Gard- Clothes. You have t6i mýîer and Misg M. Pbillîps, Peterbovo Norrnal, at Mr. B. F. Gavdiner's; Mv. as the Suit or of au*y otl Otto Sanders, Winnipeg, and Mv.1 -Howard Sanders, Ottawa, deigbted You also get a pair of1 a number of tbeiv friends witb a cali vr vroatyj,, last week; Mrs. >C. P. May, Misses eeyO eca o o Editb and Dorotby, Windsor, at Mv. Chas. Hoope's; Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Hlooper bave retuvned to tbeir horne af£ter spending the winter in Tor- onto; Mrs. 'M. Pollard and Mrs. hadne ave returned to their h1ome; Mr. and Mvs. T. Hodgson and family, Mv.r. LPbiip, bindsay, ,ith friends bore; Mr. Wilcox, Mrs. ernon and Miss bernon, Oshawa,l at Mr. Wm. Biette's on Sunday; Mr. atnd Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie, Grace and Jean, Bowmanville, at Mv. W. H. -Moor-e's; IMr, and Mrs. James Souch, B,owmanviile, witb friends here; Mis- ses Ethel and Editb Srith, Bowrnan- vil1le, at Mrs. T. Smit's on Sunday; Mss Elva, Virtue, Bowrnanville, at ______________ lier mother's, Mvs. J. W. Virtue; Mr.,1- and Mrs. F. b. Byarn and baby Dor- ,een and Miss billicrap spesit Sunday ýat Cannington; Mr. Peteiý Werry at bhis son's, Mv. H. J. Weri-e, Ennis- Coucb Jobnston & Cryderrnan are killen, wbo is stilli ii. ,... Two littie showing a wonderful display of voiles v chidren of Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry this week. C have been sufering frorn diphtberia Englisb and Scotch binoleums,ý 2, 3 but we ave glad to report progress and 4 yds. wide at Coucb, Jobaston &w and hope of recovery .... Devotionai Cryderman's. exoercises at beague weve conducted M________ by the new President, Miss Mary Richards. Mr. A. A. HuIs, lst Vice PROVIDENCE U. F. O. MEETING President, gave a very interesting ad- dress on "Sabbatb Observance", foi- The regular meeting of Providence lowed by a reading by bola Ricb- Farmers' Club will bo held in Shaws' ards, a piano solo by Fred Goodrnan School House, on Tuesday, May 17 at and a solo by Miss Evelyn Brent.... 8 p. rn. Mv. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., iRev. W. T. Wickett paid a beautiful will address the meeting on the do-' tribute to Mothers on Sunday mora- ings of the Ontario begislatuve dur- ing, into:spersed by a recitation by îng its recent session. badies are Hazeýl UHMgson w-itb "Neairer My God corAlhy învitepd.119-1wà O3Fi""TrO k)N OTO( ,ler to properly introduce' these famous Suits and Overcoats we are an expert corne to our store from the Head Office in Toront o on PLÂUI ONLYw wheri we wiil give a pair of, h every order for Suit r ercoat made-to-measure for onl7y to' save money on your summer outfit is a Wh 'heR gntTiLr r ýmember that the pair of FREE PANTS Th eetTalr r neo h edigtioi TWO DAYS in order to introduce RegentTh eetTiosaenefteladgtiorn he FREE PANTS made of the samne materiaî in Canada. They import materials direct from the maý thermateialof eualvalu you ma chose.make them uùp in their own, tailoring shops at,86-88 R liermatria ofequl vlueyoumaychose.Street, West, Toronto., There are no middlemen's profits P 'ANTS FREE, madeto your measure, with you buy Regent Clothes you really get the WHOLESALE rder. The values are unquestionably the greatest in Canada. EVERY CARMENT IS GUARANTEED TO BE SATISFACTORY OR YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE IT. Be sure to corne on Friday or Saturday of this week. An: immense range of fine suitinga and'Qvercoatings will be here frorn which you can make selection. You cannot afford to miss this great opportunity. g houses ikers and .ichmond S. When EPRICE. _______ Bowna~viIIe Undoubtedly the finest display of voiles ever shown is now on saÉe at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. James Rose's flaxmill, Pickering, vas burned Thursday last wle the men were at work in it, boss about $5000. SOONER or later you are boand te equip your éar with ESSENKAY, the remarkable sub stituteforair in automobile tires. Why not ",W? Every day without it means addition- ai expense. worry and loss of Urne and pleasure. ESSENKAY rides like air on smooth surfaces--eask:rtban air over roughb roads. li positivelydoesaway witb puncturesand "blow- outs," those costly and annoying incidents of Pneurnatic tires. Saves bal! your tire expense. doubles the lite of yonl. casings; an inivestment '-,ot an exîpenss-thefirst cost of ESSENKAY la the last cost as itis indestructible ani can. b. transferred frain one set of casiage te another Indefitel?. Lo aoti-ou WEST DURHAM DISTRIBUTORP, A. W. PINCH 18-t Newcastle Giet Fuil use: of Yýou4OÙil Stove, BUY NOW There, may be better Oil Stoves made than the PERFECTION and FLORENCE AUTOMATIC but we have yet to hear of them. Corne in and see these wonderful Oil Stoves, Buy now and get full sumimer's use. They're'not so expensive, as youi might think for thework they are eapable of doing. Mason & Dale's Hlardware The Store with the Big Hardware Stock. Phone 145 Bowmyanville w, 'q SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO, BE TRUE FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER 35c lb Every Pound Guaranteed FINEST SMOKED PICNIC-HAMS .......25c lb PICKLED PICNIC HAMS ......................25cklb SMOKED BREAKFAST BA CON, Sliced.-. ..45c lb G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phonoe 21 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, MAY l2th., 1921.1 BASE bINE S. S. ANNIVERSARYl The Base bine Sunday Sehool An-t riversary will be held on Sunday, Mal:-y 22nd., at;, 2,30 o'clock in the, afternoon and at 7.,30 o'clock ati ight.. In the eyening Rev. D.' W *l Best, B. A., Bowrnanville, will speak ýandc at night Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B. A., B. D., of Ebenezer. There will lie musie by the sehool at both ser- vices, also music by Mrs. J. B. Neale