g jgW'KHAT to get for din-, ~fner ?" "What to get for supper ?" To-day, to-morrow, next day, every day in the week. This is woman's problem and the source of almost endless worry. ' 1 True, there are limes when most women take a pleasure and- pride in cook- ing and baking, but, when you are not feeling up to the mark it does get on your nerves and become a real worry-a nerve-exhausting worry. Since meals are êssential to life, the old problem of "what to eat" muist endure, but need not be a worry when your nerves are set right. t is when you are tired- nerve tired - that such things become a source of worry. There is nothing like, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to combat this condition. It is because. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is such a help under these very conditions that it has corne to be relied upon by the great mai ority of Canadian women. Hlead- aches, s1eepessness,' tired. depressed feelings, lack of energy are some of the ac- companying symptoms. You can obtain Dr. Chase's Nerve Food from your dealer at 50 cenlts a box. z L REAN ST FL OUR Children love home-made bread made of Cream of the West Flour. And there is nothing else so good for them that costs so littie. GIMFCENT STEAMERS3 SEEI0BE--'CrrY:'OF ME». - -CITY OF BUFFALO» UFFLO) 1>IYloit o-2ov. 15th -CLEVELAND' Arrve rzv~,o ~ :80A. M. D1ARDnTnoe jArrive Bu'px - U:0 A. M. foonnectons et Cleveland for Cedar Po-Iit. Pt-i-Bey, Toledo, Detroit and other pionts. Rflr'oad tickets readng between Buffalo and Cleveland are good for transportation on our steamers. Ask .7o tiketagent or tourlet agency for ticket, via C & B LUne. New Tourlat Automobile Rate-. *1000 tood~rip.with 2 <aye return limit, for cars not exceeding M2 inch wheelbaese. Beantifufl7 colored Dectional-puaeIe ehart of The Great Shp"EZEtNBE' sent on receipt of 5,. cent,. Also ask for our8 2,tage pticel and de.oelivebo t free. When You reel t Coming -When that old Headache sends !ts 2ý&Tngthatyou are going to sufer- ta 0 ZU . When you feci a Cold coming on take ZUTOO. At the first sign of a pain-at the first feeling of sick- nesa--take ZUTOO. You will be ail right in 20 minutes if it's a headache, or the next morning if it is a cold. Pain ail gone, and the whole body refreshed. Doin't tvait-dondt take chances. Get ZUTOO 1Tablets to-day-and have them ready to take at the first sign of a Head- ache or cold and TAKE THEM. ,abox-at dealers or by mail postpaid PN.obinson& Co. Regd.,Coaticook,Q W CD'-)PIIOSPHODINE,- 9 The Great English Preparr4,:cn. STones andi invigo rates the whole nervous systemn. akes new Blood in.old Veins. ,Uted for Nervous DblyMental aned Brain Wrry, Desponden * Lossof Energv, Palpitation of the Heart, ailngemry. PriceS2-perbox,3&. for $5.0 Sold by ail druggisls, or mailed in plain j*g. on receipt of priçce.Nee'paniphle'tmaled (GRANUL.ES) EUINDIGESTION Tante good, do good; diszolve inatantly ontongue or in water; 'tait. asneeded. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TABLET FORM FOR TNOSE WHO PREPER THEM. MADE ]BY COTT O& DOWNE t4AKERS OF SCOTT'S EMUILS#ON1i FOR ý Itch, Smart or Burn, YOUR EVE if Sore, Irritated, Ina- MRfiamed orGiwilaed usMuinofeSothes, R. ur-'slmfafefolr Infantor Adut At ail Druggista. Write These Eternal Mea1s overitor use aftor an operatton nvolvlng an But the old man, while always car- abOhosl el phy safeivei nrou bb rying a hostile look,, was tender Vian", oonsufer. 111 hearted, and 'children loved to cimb Write us 1NOW, foruseftl hinte on into bis lap and.be fondly curressed Il uPOn request. by hm. He lived on the some plot I lý o RSI S bouse was built upon, and from whichTOQeT s0 many of Darlington's dîstinguiehled L BOW.MANVILLE, MAY l9th., 1921. sons received'their early education.1 Soon the town began to grow and1 take on a more busy hfie. Immigra-! EARLY HISTORY 0F SOLINA tion, principally fromt Englanid, brought several artisans of -no mean Some Reminiscences of Childhood caliber, to the place, and among them, Days. were hion est old Simon Lee, the wag- ________on maker, the Ruses who were ex- By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Col. pert carpentera, the Whites, secondi i-to none as' musons, the Beers, very In attempting to recall thein successful blacksmiths, Cowle the cidents tand ýscenes of 0Vý.r 5'ixtI eccentric tailor, Libby the white hair- yeurs ago, removed, as I have been, ed old cabinet muker, with his lathes, fromt the statua in qpu of my early and a f ew others, all gone to their youth, I find'it no- trivial or light reward, and I arn sorry to say it, with tux upon unaîded memory. IHad I them seems to have disappeared the remained there so as to have my re- if e and spirit of the town front collection constantly refreshed by which it has neyer been able to re- familîarity with the scenes and the pover, people of those early days, the work I ghspaoftetud ol of transcribing would not be so0 diffi- Imgtspkofhetud od cuit, hence I must ask the indulgence furmers who surrounded the town, of the reader f or errors that are atnd gave great and material help in more than likely to find a place in their patronage of Solina artisans but I fear I have, already trespassed this narrative. beyond the space'allptted to me ahd I have read, with intense interest, shaîl only remark tht the fine f armn the very excellent reviews of early mansiona generaîîy of cut atone days that have recently appeared in uround the village, attest the super- The Statesm«n, fromt the pen of sucb iority of Solina's workmnen, and the eminent writers as 11ev. D. Rogers, liberality of the patronage that the Mr. Geo. E. Gibbard and miy old and farmers extended to them. esteemed friend and playmute, "Jim" Denver, Colo. May 1Oth., 1921. Hughes, men who have kept in touch more or less witb the people, scenes (To be continued.) and incidenta they relate, and Who, ________ unlike mysel f, have not totally sever- ed connection, by emigrating to far It Testifies for Itself.-Dr. Thom- distant lands. as' Eclectric 011 needs no testimonial Whenever I go back on memory's of its powera other than itself. Who- wings to the'old days, the scenes of ever tries it for coughs or colds, for mny youth and fellowsbip witb the cuts or cont*usio*ns,, for aprains or boys and 'girls of the long ugo, i burns, f or pains in the lîmba or body, confesa to a feeling very akin to well kn ow that the medicine proves hom siknes, r wat he octrsitself and needs no guarantee. This came stalgia f or wbîch there seema shows why this 0OÙ is in general use. to be no adequate remedy except to immediately return. So far, the reviewa ,in The States- man have dealt mainly with the so- called successful or distinguisbed D N persons which their respective neighborhoods have had the honor of producing. Let us recaîl a few names of men who lay no dlaimis to M S distinction, but who have doue their part in building up the grand com- mon-wealths of the Dominion. One of the earliest characters that impressed my youthful and wonder- ing, mmd, was old "Jimmy" Toole, LEONARD who owned the farm whereon Solina is mainly built. Inded, Solina for a E, R O'D'I1L long time was called- "Toole's Corn- RELIEVIS DEAFNESS and ers", then came thut most remark- STOPS H AD NOISES. gimply able and eccentric personage, "Kit"y Rub it Buck of the Ears and Mitchell, who facetiously nick-named Insert in Nostrils. Proof of suc- the little berg, "Pilchardtoýwn", as s wjîî be given by the druggist. Mr. Rogers has stated. This naine MADÊ IN CANADA the town derisively bore for many ARTHUR SALES CG.. Sales Ageaftts, TCrente ~ years to the chagrin, and discomfeit- L. 0. Leenard, lac.. mire., 70 o B Ave., M. Y. City ure of' its Cornish inhabitants, until finally the government or the achool For Sale in Bowmanville by teacher gave it its present saline JURY & LOVELL name! _______ I distinctly remember Mr. Toole, becus le ws lmstalways drunk,Tmu i and of wbom I could not help huving bis mania for strong drink, migbt take. But'be was a bparmless though a deluded old Irishman, and hie had a B C A H son by the name of "Hugb'", who evidently inberited bis father's thirat Removed by Lydia E. Pink- for'lhquor. But the son was much ,yý more violent1 in bis disposition, ham's VegetableCompouncL wbich was not improved when "uMifodnOn.-1 took Lydia B. his cuips". Mam'a Vegta. eCmon o But he married a very beautîful Pbackache, ale upod Iafo woman, whose maiden naine I cannot bud afeme dale wak recaîl if I ever heard it, as she was nea. a fealt dizzy not from Durlington, so far as I anes I ervousz,n know. It was not long bef ore was without energy. Hugh and bis wîf e began to disagree I bad Wo force myseif and quarrel, and one evening just to do my work, and at dusk, people were aroused by the a alystrd loud report of a big shot gua uand wasw ays tirem d- the terrifie screams of the wife. It vertisement which seems to me I can'heur the loud re-iduemeWtk port of that old gun yet, sucb wasithde Vege te the impression I got with the uc- theundead m-c copnment of the wife's cries of --gradually stopped distresa.achin n I feit ighter in apirits. I Tbe neigbbors, of course, 'son am recommending the Vegetable Corn- rusbed into tbeÏyard where Hugb pound withà pleasure W ail I meet who was about to take another shot at bis complain as I did. '-MILDRED BRooK, spouse--seized himt and dragged him Meaford, Ont. into the rond, and ail but stripp-ed, Woman's Preejous Gift the lothing from bis body, and I re- 1 The one whicb she should most zeal- member that such was the excitement ously guard is bier health, but she otten tbat old Mr. Shortridge jumped on neglecta to do so in season until some bisprostrate nakedbody and stamped ailment peculiar Wo her sex ha fastened him almnost to death wîtb bis beavy itself upon bier. ,Wben so affected boots. 11e was mucb nearer dead womenÀrmuy rely upon Lydia E. Pink- than alive by the time tbe augry hum's Vegetable Compound, a remedy ueighb ors got throughi with their pua-; that bas been wonderfully successful in ishment. But it seemed'to have hbad restoring health to suffering women. a good effeet on Hugli for I neyer )If you have the slîghtest doubt thut heard any more of bis abuse of bis Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- defenseless wife. pound will help you, write Wo Lydia E. I shall neyer forget the little can-1 Pinkbam Medicine Co. '(confidential), dy store Hugb started in a small Lynu, Mass., for advice. Your letter frame bouse between bis own and will be opened, read and answered by a "Sam" Coles blacksmithý shop-aftçr-' womnn and beld'in strict confidence. wards the shop of Mr. W. Beer. A bulls-eye and a stick of candy la those days, were mucb more than1 a curiositY to My youtbful fancy and' IN THÉE EDITOR'S MAIL 'A letter reached us Wednesday morning from New York written by ian English lady just arrived in Got- ham from Boston, Mass., who found a copy of last week's Statesinan, in the office. where she was and being im- 1pressed by Mr. Bice's article on the rIrish situation she wrote the editor as follows: Hurrah for Mr. Chas. M. Bice's views on "The Irish Republic an Ab- surdity". It is the best, declaration ton the situation that I have read any- where. When in England I knew no 1difference between the nationalities of the Boitish Isles, but here in America I find it simply impossible to be even tolerant of the Irish agi- tators. Every chance 1 get I tell Americans of the wonderful land laws in Ireland as referred to by Mr. Bice. Rheumatism No.uitit, Sciatica, Neuralgia&. Texnpleton'a Rheumnatie Capsules A healthful* Mon -evîng remedy, vel knowa fo 9=1.nycars, pro- aibed b> doctors, oold by drug- t1êta, 81-00 a box. .Ask out agent. or write. for a free tia1pckage. Teémpletons. 142 iXig W,Tret Local Agents, Jury & Lovell's Drug Store. G, A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having secured a Licenue for Bownmville District 1 will be pleamed to- conduet, your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 50-t ahÎ_ The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto. Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on the principal day trains Pull information from, any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or'C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. IL H. JURY, Agent phone 78 Bowmanyiim Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustmei.te) Remove the -Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- lopractors have remarkable nue. cess in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame BackCnstipation, Piles, Fernale Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many formns respond readily to Chiro- practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. iu itter frequent attacks of indi- gestion, biliousness, liver trouble, sick headaches, and constipation. Take a few doses of Beecham's Pis which cleanse and stimulate digestive and elimi- native organs, and tone and invigorate the Take entire system. Bseecham 's Pis Sold everywhere in Canada. I Boxes, 25c., 50c. Largest Sale of Any Medicine inj the World, LEHIGH'VALLEY COAL Money invested in our coal is cash conscient- iously expended. Here you will get your mnoney'S worth of coal. Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service. John, A. Holgate& Son Queen and Division Sts. Bowmanviiie You cannot be too particular about the insurance you choose. The 40 com- panies we represent will stand the acid test of investigation. Firs> Losses deait with very liberally and pai up with as littie delay as possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE, WITH J. JMA SON 8&k O0N Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville C -àream Wanteid Prices of Cream are high.> We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. Wie MWant Yours If we fail to cali on you we wouid' appreciate a phone cati or write us.' Orono Creamery Co., ORONO T hat Brisk, Rich Flavour found in every cup of the genuine is the true flavour of the perfectly preserved leaf, This unique f lavour has won for Salada the 'largest sale of any te.. la America. 55 'I k Cornes to you and the children if you have ýDr. Pîerce's Golden Medical Discovery ini the bouse, For "tteo'c and 1"grown- lips" this old fashioned vegetable toniec'and blood-maker'is still used by the million bottles every year. It was flrst used by'every- body 50 years ugo and is stili safe and sane because it contains re alcohol or xiarcotip. It is made up of Blood root, Oregon Grape root, Queen's ro.Dt, Stone root. Cherry~ Bark -without alcohol. Make vouLr 'kood redder and your health betterby g-oing to your ncarest druggist -and ob- taining,, Dr. Piet ce's Golden Med- ical Discovery in tablet or iiquidi formn. CERIRAL, BUTT,-, S 15~~ have used Dr. Pierce*s Goldeà Medical Discoyery for a number of years, and arn pleased to recornmeud it as a blood purifier. I know it has no eqial, as 1l used it for rny boy. M\y. neighbors and friends were surprised with the îesults; lu fact, 1 do flot think be would be alive to-day bad it flot been for the 'Medical Discovery.' 1 also keep it on baud for coughs, as It differs 1o froin other cougl medicines; iastead of nipsetting the stornach. as rnost cougb syrups do, it is good for the stornach. I oîîly wish I bald &.nown about Dr. Pierce's medicines SOODer!'- Ma.PERCY WOOD. Ný Don'tff