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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1921, p. 8

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BOWMANVILE, MAY 192th., 1921. HAMPTON / Visitors:, Mr. and Mis. T. Salter spent the week-end with relatives at, Port Perry; Miss Lillian Williamson and Miss Wilrna Leachi with friends at Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Williams, Oshawa, at.A. Peters'; Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker, Toronto, Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawaý, at Mr. J. H. Burrows'; Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood and childien, Orono, at L. Johns'; Mrs. H. Fursier, Oshawa, at T. Wil- cox's; Mrs, E. Holtby and children, Manchester, with lier father, Mr. L. Williamson; Mrs. Jno. Rantoni, Tor- onto, with hier daughter, Mis. W. J. Virtue; W. M. S. Convention onj Tuesday of last week was largely at- tended. Sessions interestiilg and profitable. See balance ofreport on' another page.. ..Pastor Totton preached a good sermon on Sunday evening on the "Parable of the Tal- ents". A reception service was h eld nand a large number were received into church membership. ... Wedding beils are îinging. ENFIELD ~Recent visitoîs: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe and Mr. Walton Pascoe, Tfaunton, Mr. and Mis. Harry T. James, Columbus, Mr. and Mis. Floyd Page, Cartwiight, Mr. W. Alexander, Oshawa, Mrs. J. Mehaffy,1 ' Oshawa, Mrs. E. Truil, Harmony,i Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown, Lindsay, Mr.1 and Mis. M. Cochrane, Geneva, Mi. MacLean, Scotland, at his daughter's, Mis. Geo. Glbet.;, Mr. Clare Nid-1 dery has purchased a car .... Messrs. John Hobbs and L. C. Pascoe have each lost a valuable horse recentiy ..No chuîch service here next Sun-1 day, being Enniskillen Anniversaiy( ý SundaYý School officers elected1 Bible Class Teacher-Rev. G. T. Mc-1 IKenzie; Assistant do-Fred L. Bray; Secretaîy-Harold Ormiston; Treas-1 nier-Miss Myrtie Ormiston; Teach- ' er Girls' Class-M. Hobbs; Piimary1 Class-Miss V. Hobbs; Assistant do1 -Mis. Frank Gilbet; Organist-1 Miss Dorothy Pascoe; Assistant do-i Mis. W. Aehton. HAYDON. Recent visitors: Mis. A. Wright, Belleville, at hier son's, Mi. Jno. Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broad and son Maurice, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Fred Smth and Master Frank, Enfield, at Mi. Sulas Trewin's; Mi. Lorenzo and Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestleton Station, at Mi. Thos. Slenion's; Mi. Theron Mountjoy vis- ited friends in Toronto recently. Tuesday . evening a number of neighbors met at the home of Mi. and Mis. Jno. Wright, Jr., to say fare- well ere they leave for their new home in New Ontarlo., When the1 ,company was called to order an ad- dîess was read by Miss Vera Siemon and at the proper time Mi. Sulas Trewin presented them with a puise of money. Both Mi. and Mis. Wright made suitable and apprecia- tive replies. Ater a numbi of speeches expîessing regret overte departure of Mi. and Mis. Wrigit, refreshments were served and at a 1Jdte hour the company ýdispeîsed to thei different homes. _. A fine baby girl has arrived at Mr. and Mis. Les- lie Graham's. Congratulations!.. Ynstor Wickett conducted service hlere on Sunclay afternoon In his 'usual- efficient manner.... League service last week was in charge of oui Missionary Vice-President, Miss Vera Mountjoy. Rev. G. T. Mc- _Keazie of Enniskillen, was present1 and gave an ,excellent discourse which was apprecîated by ail. Other numbers were also given. League this week is in charge of oui Social and Liteîaîy Vice-President, Mi. R. Cîossman. We extend a cordial in- vitation to ahl. . .. Glad to welcorne oui Jr. S. S. scholaîs back again after their pîolonged attack of whooping cough .... Ail roads lead to Ennîskillen and Tyrone this coming .Sunday to their S.,S Anniversary. TYRONE -Visitors: Mi. and Mis. W. A. Wright visîted his mother, Mis. Thirza Wright, Blackstock, who has been very ili; Miss May Gardiner -with fiiends in Ebenezer; Miss Hazel Werry visiting lier aunt. Mrs. H. Cook, Giimsby; Nuise McGixýeny, Toronto, at Mi. Talmage Henry's; Mi. and Mis. 1Sîd T. Hoar and family and Miss Ferguson Sundayed at Mi. Will Buckley's; Miss Edith Smith, town, is with hier motherMs. V Smith; Miss E. Irene WgeriOsh -awa, at Mr. M. J. Weîry's;, Mi. and vstdat Mi. Wallace Miller's. Anniveîsary services -in connection with Tyrone Sunday School wîll be held on Sunday, May 22nd when Rev. Ji. F. Chapman, B. A., Peherboro, will preach ah 10.30 a. m. and 7-p. m. Singing by the school. Offerixig in aid of school funds. A INDLY DEED Through l 'e kindness of thepeopie Of Couitice and suîunig 'district and also'of the conitiachor Mi. Stacey who îeduced his bill by a considerabie ,sum, enough mioney was îaised to hielp Mi. Geo. Penberthy remove the entire debt on their lithle home recently built. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The summer series of Womien's' Ia- stitute meetings ho be held ia Wesh uhmwill be addîessed by Mis. C. K. BILuett, London, as follows: Orono, Councfl.Chamber, Wedaesday, June lst., 1921; Starkville, S. S. Room, Kendal, Thursday, June 2; Newhon- ville, Methodist S. S. Room, Monday, June 6; Bowmanville, Council Room, Tuesday, June 7; Blackstock, Town Hall, Wednesday, June 8. Annual District meeting will be held ah Solina, Tuesday, June 141h., ah 2 p. m. Miss E. Reynolds, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, District President. Dis. Sec.-Treas. 20-2w SOLINA Receat visitoîs: Rev. E. W. Tink nnd sonFletcher, and Mi. John Pen- warden, Newtonville, ah Mi. H. E. Tink's; Mr. and Mis. H. F. Werry, Harold and Misses Bernice and Vi- mn, Kedron, ah Mi. S. E. Weîîy's; Mi. H. Jose and Miss Louise Cry- derman, Newcastle, ah Mi. W. J. Cîydeîmaa's; Mi. and Mis. Thos.1 Pascoe and Miss Margaret, Ham~pton, ah Mi. A. J. Reynolds'; Mi.. ad Mis. A. Milîson and family et Orono; Mi. Russell Smith at Belleville; Mr. Frank and Misses Elva and Ada Pas- coe at Mi. Irwia Ormishon's, Raglan; Mis. Yehowlees at her son's, Mi. Poaald Yelowees; Mis. Hlands and Miss Lauràannd Mis. Bent, Scarboro, ah Mi. A. J. Reynolds'; Mi. and Mis. Nelson Reynolds and Miss Bes sie, Toronto, and Miss May Reynolds and Mi. an'd Mis. Meek and family, Sand- ford, ah Mi. Jao. Reyaolds'; There has been a general outbreak of mumps here the ast f ew days.... Oui football team played a good lively game wihh the Brooklîn boys Sturdny and were defeated by 2-0. Eldnd S. S«. will hold the anaiver- snîy on Sunday, May 29hh.,' when Rev. C. W. Barreht, lgenelon Falls, will preach at 2 p. m., and 7.30 p. m. Music wil be provided by the sehool and choir under hhe leadership of Mis. J. Baker ý A Thaak--off ering will he taken ah both services. On Mon- day aighh, May 3th., a grand concert will bc given by Mis. Jas. Dyer, Toi- onto, elocutionish and render, and Mi. Dyeî,, soloish, and a fiîsh-lass or- chestra from Oshawa. Admission 40e and 20c. All servicesla the big shed. We soict your patron- age to aid the school. W. T. Taylor, Superinhendeat, Rev. J. O. Totton, Pastor, Alan McKessock, -Secîetary.4 20-2w RAILWAY TIME TABLE!5 FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk -RaiIwaý. Goiag Eash. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pnss'ngr 4.22 a.m.! Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a.m. Pass'agr 1.14 p.m.* Local 9.57 n.m* Pass'ngi, 3.14 p.m.* Local 1.56-p.m.* Local 6.49 p.m* 'Pass'agî 7.17 p.m.* Local 7.21 p.m.* Pass'ngi 8.16 p.m., Mail 9.58 p.m. *Daily, except Suaday. 1 Flagged. Canadian Pacific Railway Going East Going West Express 10.20 à.m. Express 5.50 a.m. Express 1.50 p.m.* Local 8.20 a.m.* Local 10.16 p.m.* Express 4.31 p.m. Express 12.20 a.m. Express 6.53 p.m.* *Daily except Suaday. ,ýC. B. Kent, Town Agent. t aadian N'ttîiaI Railw 1ay. 'West Bound East Bound *449 a.m. *8.15 a. m. *5.04 p. m. *Dailyexcept Sunday. TOWNSHI1, 0F DARLINGTON COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL._ Notice is hereby given that the First sittings of the Court of Revision for the Township of Darlington will be held et the Town Hall. in the Village of Hamnp- ton, on Saturday, May 2th., 1921, et the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to hear and de- termine the several complaints and omis- sions in the Assessment Rol for the said Municipality for the year ï1921. Mi!l are meeting.j IMrs. Edith V. Scobei 1~ Phone 189 Ag.ent Bowmanville Miss, Kgte Ephingham, Scaiboro, is visiting hrfiaMiss Hazel Muir; Miss Lyla Osborne, 1Toronito, speat the. week-end at home; Mi. John C. Grills, Winona, is guest of his daughteî, Mis. M. G. Gay; Miss Agnes SLioit, Hlamilton, is at home nursing her brother, Carl, -who -4s quite il], Miss 'Mae Gardin~er, Ty- rone, is guest at MiNl. Robeit Court- ice's; M1r. Chas. Nichoîs was ia Tor- onto on bhusirýess rcnl....Ms Aura Brooks is ia Bo-wmaville Hos- pital whiere she bas underfgone an operation for appendicitis and is do- ing nicely. .. Miss Ethel Brooks spent the past week at home .... Mr. A. F. Rundie is building an addition to bis home. . .'*Mi. Blake Courtice is renwdelling his property on King- st ... . A splendid delegation fîom here attendedi W. M. S. Convention at Hampton, May lOth. ...Sunday services were well attended, Pastor Boyce la pulpit and choir îendered good music. An interesting session at S. S. Miss Anale Parsoas, con- tributed a solo, Mis. H. F. Osborne a îeading la connection with the les- son. HORS£ ROUTES Importe>d Draft Belgian Stallion '0 LANCIER DE PErT 61 (44430) Will make the season of 1921, as fol- lows: Monday, leaves his own stable Orono, May 23rd., -to Orienllal Httel, New- castle noon; W. S. Bragg, Kingston Road, night. Tuesday, Milton Samis, Maple Grove, noon; John Henderson, Con. 6, Darlington, night. Wednesday, Rtoy Trull, lot 25, broken front, Darlington, noon; James Siemon, Oshawa, night. Thursday, M. Perriman, E., Whitby, noon; L D. Simpsonlot 26, con 8, Dar- lington, night. Friday, Albert Oke, En- niskillen noon; Nornjan Woodley,-Tyrone, night. Saturday, John W'erry, Bethesda, noon'- own stable night. TERMS-To insure a foal $U5,if pald be- fore March lst, 1922, $2.00 oi whlch is to be paid before close ofseon G. M. SOPER, Proprietor. Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion BLACK MORDEL (16880) Property W. J. Ormiston, Entdeld, will rnake, season 1921 as foillos: Monday ýafternoon, May, 23rd., will leave his own stable, Enfleld, and proceed to Jas. Crossman's, Haydon, night. Tuesday noon to Harvey Curtis', Ty- rune; night at John Colwill's, Hampton. 1 Wednesday noon at Frank Hockadhýy's, Solina, night at Bert Glaspelî's, Taunt- Thursday noon at Gordon Scott's, Per- riman School; night at bis own stable. Friday noon at Alex. McKenzie's, East ain there tilI following Monday noon. TERMlS-$lll to insure foal; $1.00 to 1e paid at time of service, and balance on February 1, 1922. 20-2. W. J. ORMISTON, Manager. ICC.M. Bicycles are sold by' Harry Allun Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE Sunshine Axnid the Clouds On eac), anniversary of the great events o! her lif e' her tirthday, hei betrothal, their wedding, lie had given her some trinket, incresing ini Iuxury with bis increasing prosperty. WVhen sorrow saddened their heats these jewels tumed so bright fainies who chased aw4y their grief with memories .of brighter days. He had given her Gits l7at Lat Nin perfecly matched pia !translucent sheformiug a clustre, and on ie i de tapen er-bpdatmiof! iushed gl Iulina och! ideal beauty. ,Price $25 Ellilot Bros. Jewelerî; Oshawal SOONER or later you -are boun'd to equip your car with ESSENKÇAY, the remarkable suh stitute for air in automobile tires. Why z tozv,,:very day without itmneans addition- aiexpease.%%erysnd ioss of Urne and pleasure. ESSENKA.Y rides like air on smooth surf aCeS-ersier than air oves' rouzh roads. It UvosiivelYdoenawaty with punctures and "Ilow- outs.",those costy and annoying incidlents of pneumatic tires. Caves la!yofrtlre expense. doubles the tife of rouir casings; an investment I ~no q exeue-hejrs estof ESSENKAY i3 th-_ lst con,.as it is indestru~ctible and ea lie transferred from ue set of casinga t another indefinlteïy. Look ito A1No WEST'DURHAM DISTRIBUTOR A.-W. PINCHI 18-tNewcastle. CARD 0F THANKS Mi. and -Mis. * -eorge Penberhhy desire ho thank' their many kind fiiends for their gýiierosity la enab- liag them h o coietely pay-for their home. NE WTON VILLE Anîversary services la coanechion with Neýwtonvihle Mehhodish Church w;ihl he held under the auspices of hhe Ladies' Aid on Sunday, May 22ad. Seýrvices will belheld ah 2.30 and 7.3.0 p). m, when Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B.DBowmaavilhe, will preach, ah B.D.,evies Victoria Day, Tues- day, May 241h., tea served fromn 5.30 to 8 o'clock. 'Basebaîl matchr dur- ing the ýafheraoon. Ah 8 p. m. a good programn will be given by the f.olhowiag artishs fîom Bowmanville: IMis. Caph. J. B. Neale, Soloish;,Mis. Munroe Neal, Celish:, Capt. J. B. Neahe, Magie and Mystery; Mr. Fred R. Fohey, Entertainer, and ohhers. Admission 60c, childien 30e. BASE LUNE S. S. ANNIVERSARY -The Base Lin@ Suaday School An- aiversary <wilh be hehd on Sunday~ May 22nd., ah 2,30 o'chock ia the afheîaoonanad ah -7.30- o'crock ah nighh. Ia the evening Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., Bowmaavihle, wihl speak and ah nighh Rev. W. S. P. ýBoyee, B. A., B. D., of Ebenezer. There wilh be music by the sehoo1 ah bothb ser- vices, also music by Mis. J. B. Neahe la the afteraoon aad the Bragg Quai- tet, ah aight, 19-2w GARAGE AT ENNISKILLEN I wish ho inform the public that 1 have opened a garage ah J. W. Vii- tue's Blacksmith Shop, Enaiskilhen, and am pîepared ho oveihaul or re- pair ail makes of autos. Stock of Ford parts on haad, also best grades of oil. Repairiag done ah reason- able rates. Gas for sale. Phones: Day 195-11; Night 239-41. 18-3* E. N. BEECH., Another Knock At High Prices We are always in the lead when-it cornes to giving best quality groceries at lowest prices. Here's another list of rnoney-savers for this week: New Brazil Nuts, per lb ...................................2&c Mixed Nuts, per lb........................................ 25c Chocolates, reg. 60e lb. for ..1......................44c Choice Prunes, 3 lbs. for................................... 25c White Cooking Beans, 6 lbs. for .........................25c Finest Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs, for ....................25C Large tin Pork &,Beans, reg. 20e for ..............15c Canned Corn, very special, 2 for .................. .......25c Canned Tomatoes........................................... 15c Canned Pineapple .............. .................. 25e Pink Salmon, large tin, 19e or 9for ............ ....$1.00 Pure Gold Cocoa in bulk.................................... 25c Sunkist and Navel Oranges, dozen..................... 25c Grapeë Fruit, 4 for ................................. ...... 25c Pineapples .......................... 1...... ..... .....30c to 40c YGLJR OFiIER WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION C. M. CAWKERw & SO'N BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLEI Kitchen Cabinet Bargain ~~1M-1 This Week Rîtchen Cabinet Regular $58.00 for $50.00 1 Barnet Kitchen Cabinet, white enamel, same as illustration, regu- lar $90 for $82M0 Wu.ILLIAMS & CANN Furniture Dealers Funeral Directors Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville liL 1 Before you buy a tire, ask these questions about its maker. Is he stifl in business? lias he been in business ten years? Or even five years? Why don't the manufacturers of1 "cheap" tires stay ini business longer? -e' Because their- mrarket is sbon exhausted.- The maker of cheap tires' soon covers the entire list-and then hie must quit, N"EW -WALL PAPERS We have received this week a further supply of new ,designs in Wall Papers. Theprices are very reasonable for the good quality of paper. If you intend decorating it will be in your see them. W. T ALE Big 20, Bookstore Bowma'i [ville

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