CELEBRATED DOMINION PIANOS, ORGANS ANDPHONOGRAPHS ANNOUNCEMENT MR. F. J. MITCHELL ha8 been appointed Sales, Agent for The Dominion Organ &* Piano Co., for the counties of Victoria Ontario, Northumberland and Durham. THE DOMINION ORGAN &PIANO CO. LIMITED Bowmanviîîe, Ontario Sensible Summer Shoes For The Kiddies- Round and round the yard, in and out the bouse, up and down the beach, oh, the - thousands of steps the littie f eet are, taking these suni- mer days. How Essential It Is That They Shouîd Be Shod, With Perfect Fitting Footwear Light, -Cool and Comfortabîe. We niake a specialty of buying childien's Shoes that fit and weai well and are particular to see they fit propeîly. Running Shoes L.ow or Fiigh hIn colorn W1Mte, Black and Brown. 4 to 10. .$1.20-$1,50, 2 to 6. .$1.90-$2.50 Slîppeirs For Baref oot Diess-Up Day Soft Patent beather S daS Brown and"Wie Sarid l 2 to 5. .$1.25-$2.75 5 to 7%.$1.50-50 $35to $1.65 8 to 10%.$1.75-3-00 il to 2. .$2.00-$4.00 Bring along the feet- we do the rest . FRED R. FOLEY More Specials At-,Dudley' s You can't afford to miss these spécial values for this week:'1 Choice Smoked Picnic Hams ..............23c lb Pick led Picnic Hams ...........................20c lb Best Corned Beef ................................18C lb Pork Sausages, special ...........................20c 1lb Home Rendered tard, 5 lb pail ...........$1.00 Wi*lbertJ. Dudley llorsey Block Phonle 225 House 272' Bowmanville B3eauty & ervice are not always found in perfect combination, but when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a co mbination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Caland see this material before you cover your new building or renew your olciroof -i "On the Sunnyside Bowmanville". BOWMANVILLE, MAY 26th., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Eva Corden visited fiiends in Toronto. Mi. W. E. Pethick, Toronto, was in town last week. SMiss Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mi. John Palier, Toronto, spent tË"Y~eek-end at home. Mis. Frank Williams recently visit- ed, friends in Toronto. Mi.ý Leon Dumas, Oshawa, spent the week-end at home. Mr. Norman Bottreli, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mi. Geo. V. Dumas, Boston, Mass., ia visiting his brother, Mi. R. Dumas. 1Miss bila Cole, Grimsby, spent the week-end with ber mother, Mis. W. R. Cole.1f Mis. Robt. Moore'spent the holi- day with ber sister, Mis. S. \Tanstone, Whitby. Mi. and Mrs. Rd. Clarke and fam- ily, Oshawa, 'misited at Mri. Geo. Dickinson's. Mi. and Mis. Rd. Snowden, Osh- awa, were recent guests of the Misses Brimacombe. Mi. D. Galbraith, Wbitby, îecently visited bis sisters, the Misses Gal- braith, Queeni-st. Mi. and Mrs. Peter Laing, Orono, were guests of her aunt, Mis. Louise Paterson on Sunday. Corne and see a play in a setting of 50 years ago at St. Paul's Chuîch on Fîiday, May 27tb. Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent Sunday with hier parents, Mi. and Mis. F. A. baddy. RZev. 'E. W. Tink, B. A., B. D., Newtonville, was guest of Rer. and Mis. W. b. Spargo on Sunday. Miss Mary McDougall and Mis.' Pearce, Oshawa, were guests of Mis. J .N. McDougall over Sunday. Mi. and Mis. T. A. Davidson, Co- bourg, weîe recent guests of Mi. and Mis. G. A. Gillispie, bibeity-st Mi. Glbert Jones and Miss Winnie Davies, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mis. C. Robinson. Mi. Aithur and Miss Mary Dun- nett, Brighton, visîted with Mi. W. W. Dickinson and other relatives. Misses Ethel and, Marion VanNest, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Geo. W. James, biberty Place. Mi. and Mis. W. W Dickinson vis- ited their daughteî, Mis. Andrew Devitt, Blackstock, over the week- end. Mis. Wm. A. Mathews, Oshawa, was in town last Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Miss Annie 1. Muir. Mi. and Mis. Alex. Elliot and sons Douglas and Ted,, Oshawa, weîe re- cent guests of Mi. and Mis. Jas. Mc- Dougaîl. We are pleased to kniow Iis. b. B. Foster who undeiwent an oper- ation foi goitre at Bowmanville Hos- pital is doing nicely. Mi. and Mis. Milford Wilkins andi Mi. and Mis. Frank O. James, Osh-j awa, were guests of Mi. and Mis. R. H. Hamley on Satuîday Elbeit bubbard suiely gave the young rngn some real advice when hie said "Woîk as though you owned the place and perhaps some day you will." John Raper, Millbiook's second old- est resident, died on Saturday, April 3th. be f oimerly ian a wagon sbop at Betbany later conducting a hotel in Millbrook. Men, don't order your suit until you ihave seen oui special values at $25. Coueh, Johnston & Cryderman. Mr.George barris who bas been visiting ber sister, Mis. A. b. Can- field, bigb-st., bas îetuîned to ber home in Quebec, taking- ber niece, Miss Dorotby Canfield, with bier. Mi.-and Mis. T. C. Bragg, Mi. and Mis. T. H Cýernence and family, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Clemence and famîly, Mr. and Mis. W. C. Ashton and fani- ily, Mis W. E. Jewell and Mabel motoîed out to Mi. J. b, Carnpbell's, Enfield, and spent May 24th. The editor bas received an invi- tation fîom the Founders and Faculty of the College of Missions at Indian- apolis, Indiana, to attend the 1 lth annual Commencement'Exercises on Wednesday, June Sth. The charge to the- g-duating class is to be de- liveîed by Dr. Charles T. Paul, Presi- dent of the College, who will also con- fer the degrees and present ceitifi- cates. The acdiress of the day is to be deliveîed by Rev. Charles E. Jef- ferson, D. D., b.b. D., Minister of BrawyTabernacle, New Yoîk, Mi. and Mis J. M. Peikins, mis- sionaries on furlough froni biberia, West Africa wbo are visiting bis cousin, Mis. N. S. Plumier and other relatives here, attended the Method- ist Sunday Scbool on Sunday after- noon when Mis. Perkins gave a veîy LOÇAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. James, Oshawa, weîe in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. J. E. Elliott visited friends at Cadmus over the week-end. Mi. Meynell Newlove, Toronto, visited Mi. Bert Jewell over the holi- day. Misses Ileen and, Yvonne Hazle- wood, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mi. and Mrs. W. S. Peicy, Toronto, weîeý guesta of the Misses Perey over the week-end. Mi. and Mis. Geo. W. James and son William George visited relatives in Toronto last week. Mi. and Mis. Lorne. Davis and son, Toronto, weîe recent gueste of Mi. and Mrs. H. Jamnieson. Mi. and Mis. Geo. E. Puîdy spent the week-end with their daughteî, Mis. E. R. Freeman, Whitby. On Wednesday morning, June lst a special sale of House Dresses will be offeîed 'fiom $1.25 to $4.00 at S. W. Mason & Son's. Miss Ruth McDoiiald of Teeswater, and Miss Mollie Simipson both of St. Mildîed's College Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. D. B. Simpson. 1Rev. H. S Cobb, B. A., Toibnto, w*ill conduct anniveisaiy -services at iProvidence on Sunday ,June 5th., afternoon and evening. Mis. Booth and Mr. Archie Booth and Mi. and Mis. J. Bowles,,Inger- soîl weîe gueets of Mr., and, Mis. J. G. Manning over the week-end. Mis. Donald S. Lynden, Toronto, who was here attending the funeral of the late Mis. Elizabeth Jeffery on Tuesday_ was the guest of Mr. and Mis., Win. Tiewin. Mi. M. H. Biggings, -Seattle Oie., whio has been vîsiting bis sister Mis.r L. B. Davidson, Newcastle, gave us a fîiendly caîl this' week. Mr. Big- ging's father was one of the pioneer settiers of Bowmanville. HOLIDAY VISITORS Mi. Will 'Veale, Toronto_ at home. Miss Nellie Gould, Kingston, at home. Miss Olive Mutton, Torlonto, at home. Miss Elva Andrus, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mis. Eber Knapp, Toir. onto, at Mi. C. L. Biown's. Mx. P. G. Pozier, Inspector Bank of Montreal, with fîiends here. -M. Harold B, Mollon, Hamilton, ,spent the week-end at home.-, Miss MacKay, Lindsay, has retuin- ed fîom visit.ing friencls in Bnxvman- ville and Whitby. Dr. and Mis. M. B. Annis and daughtei and Mis. Aînott, Lindsay, at Mis. A. E. McCîeady's. Mi. and Mis. H. T. Humby, Port Credit, and Mi. W. Roenigk, Toi- onto, at Mi. Jule Roenigk's. Mr. and Mis. A. Kee and son Arthur, Mi, Will Candler and Miss Wkod, Toronto, at Mr. S. Candlei's.1 Mi and Mis, R J. Dilworth and f amily' Toronto, weîe recent guests of Mi. and Mis. Frank M. Crydeiman. AUCTION SALES 1Saturday, June 4th.,-The Execut- i-ix of'the estate of the late Major King, will off eî for sale the whole of the 'household effeets, including piano, parlor, dinîng rooni, bed- rooni and kitchen furnîture, garden tools, etc. Sale at 1 p. mi. L -A. W.Tole, Auctioneer. Tuesday, ae t.-The thro-bîed Jre'herd of the late L. B. 1 Davidson, will be sold at his late residene Newcastle. gale at 1 o'clock. George-Jackson, Auction- eer. PIANO FOR SALE Heintzman & Co. Square Grand Piano Com pact size. In per- fect working order. Good practice Piano or instru- ment for summer home. Special price $75. ,Period- ical payments planned F. J. MITCHELL, Bowmanville. 21-t MAN IS WHAT HE EATS It is an ancient proveîb that the Teuton oft repeats, (It's not a pun, in Englisb) that a (rnan is what be eats". 1 ian across it yesterday, and said, said 1 to me, "Why this explains wby many pedple are just wbat theybe"., "I know why Thonipson is a pig and Smith a piece of cheese- It's just because their favorite food are articles like these, Iknow why Jobaston is a crab and Jenkins is a prune, And 1 shall have each man I know accounted for rigbt 8001 1 I tbougbt the wbole list over, and 1 figured ail and eac- Why Dollie was a lemo nd ru nnla v O fa neach MARRIÂQES dc N ElL-G RA HA M-At the Parsonage, Necslby Rev. IH1 S. Spence, Miss M. Graham, daughter of Mr. Robt. Gra- ham. ,ý,te Russel McNeil, ail of Clarke. 1 JAM\IESON-RICKARD 1 At the homei of the bride'S parents, Newcastle, oDn Weýdnesday, May 1Sth., by Rev. H. S Spence, Eva Maud, edest dauKhter of Saýmuel Riekard Esq., and Mr G :eorge! jamjieson, Postmaster, Newcastle. WILBUR-CRYDERMAN-At, the Methodist Par-sonage, Hampton, May 18, by Rev. J. O. Totton, Mr. William] Wilbur and Miss Hilda, daughtei of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cryder- man, Hampton. DEAT1Sý GLENNY-in Mahvers, Mxg i6b. Thomýas Glenny, aged 79 years. RANTON-In Toronto, May 20th., Walter Ranton, aged 38 yeers, 3 months. Interred at Hampton. J EFFERV-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs, Thos. E. Hardy, Whitby, Elizabeth -Hoo;per, widow of the laté Henry Jeffery of Dariington. WHITE-At Oshawa Hospital on' May 24th., JosephWhite, Clerk and Treasuier of Whitby town, in his 77th yeaî. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-The handsome and com- modlous residence lately occupîed by Major 'W. C. King, deceased. Price right. Âppiy to Mrs. Edlth V. Scobeli, insurance Agent, Bowmanvllle. 20-3w FOR SALE OR TO RENT-Pramne house, 5 rooms and kitchen, lY4 acres dlay lpam, 30 appie trees, cherry, plum, pear, raspberry and strawberry. Apply te Mrs. Edîth V. Scobeil, Insurance Agent, Bowrnanville. 20-aw FOR SALE-To close an estate: House, Stable and 14 acre lot, in Bowmanville on the north-west corner of Churcb and Division Streets opposite the Metbodist Cburch. For particulars apply to John Lyle, Town Hall, Bowmanvllle, Ontario. il-tf LOST LOST-In Bowmianviiieý, some weeks ago, a pearl sunburst. Reward for retuin to The Statesmnan Office, Bowmanville. LOST-A Mink Neck Piece, head and tbree tails, on Silver or Welling- ton-sts., Bowmanville, on May 24tb. Reward for retuin to Statesman Office., 21-1* St. Thomas Hlorticultural Society, in its annual report says: "War is Grand display of housecleaning being waged upon the b ilîboard. nui- helps--scrhns, nets, mnadras, chintz, sance and tacking of cardls and signs linoleums, etc., at Ccuch, Johniston & upon fences and othier places without Cryderman's. permission of thieone" 1 - -P a î' The Shop That Leads " Straw Hat Time New 'Styles and Shapes now Warm Weather showîng for the IN PANAMAS, SAILORS Reason abîy Priced. FROM $3.00 to $4.25 If your Straw Flats want CLEANING, BLOCK- ING, BLEACHING, NEW SWEAT BAND, OR OUTSIDE BAND WE DO IT, AND DO ITýRIGHT Go, N. TH uRSTON I IBowmanvjlle&s Up-to-date llaberdashery I and Fur Shop. MO"%REr ATTRNAC"TIVE VALUES FOR THE LADIES THIS WEEK. Read over this list of special values and then corne to our store and see the goodsý where you will better appreciate the big values being off ered. SILK REMNANTS Remnants of Silks suitable for Waists or Skirts, while they last at exactly HALF PRICE CURTAIN MATERIALS Large assortment of CurtainMaterials in ail the newest de- signS, specially priced for this week per. yd. from 35e to $1 .50. SUITS AND, COATS AT COST Only a few coats and Suîts--left. Get yours while they last at COST PRICE Special Sale of CORSETS. Ilere's a line of special corsets Canadian Lady" which regularly seli for ,$2.75 and $3.00, ail sizes, this week only you can buy them for $1.75. WEDNESDAY MORN~ING SPECIAL IN LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES. This is a genuine bargain that every woman should not f ail to grasp-Wednesday morning we are placing on sale an attractive Uine of bouse Dresses -all sizes and mâany patterns, clearing from $1.25 to $4.00. FINE DISPLAY NEW DRESSES Just arrived this week-a wonderful assortme nt of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses in Silks, Satins, Tricolettes, Organdies and Voiles. Ma ke your selections early- OTHER GOODS WHICH ARE NEW. AND STYLISH We cannot begin to describe the many new materials forSpring